• Published 13th Nov 2019
  • 4,079 Views, 85 Comments

Gryphon Six - Sunsong

New place? Used to it. Pip-Boy not working? Strange. But a new body? That's new.

  • ...

Second Chance

Far away from Equestrian borders, in the highlands of Gryphon territory. A lone campfire burns amidst a small camp. Inside Gryphons were partying, they had just raided a large Equestrian shipment full of Alcohol, food, and medicinal goods. The shipment had been heading to one of the more neglected parts of Gryphonia, where disease and hunger ran rampant. Equestria had sent a relief shipment out packed with medicine, alcohol, and food. Only for a tribe of Gryphon raiders to hijack the caravan and take the ponies hostage.

They were the Jackals, greedy, hungry, powerful… and stupid. Sunset put down her binoculars when she caught sight of a Gryphon having his way with a mare hostage. She turned and nudged me, “Were going to kill them, right?” I could see the disgust in her eyes. Not at the thought of killing, but at the thought of leaving them alive.

She had come a long way, from a scared pony who would hesitate to kill a spider to a full fledged Ranger. While not as good as a vet, or even close to me, she would definitely have given the Patrol Rangers back in Vegas a run for their money. I hefted up my Brush Gun, modified with a silencer, to my shoulder and gestured Sunset to do the same. She picked up her silenced Anti-Material Rifle in her magic and aimed for one of the Raiders outside the camp.

I lined up a shot with a Raider in a makeshift guardpost and fired. Two Raiders fell and no one knew. We picked off the other wanderers, and then walked down the hill. Sunset slung her Rifle across her back and drew her Submachine gun, a Broadsword strapped to her barrel alongside a bandoleer of grenades. She was wearing combat armor under a black trenchcoat, with some parts of the armor going over the trench, in a fashion resembling my own armor. But instead of a helmet she wore a bandanna at her neck, covering a nasty scar from when she was hung, and a cowboy hat.

I dropped my Brush Gun back into my Pip-Boy, and drew my Sequoia. Sunset hid behind a barrel and aimed and a group of drunken Gryphons. She opened fire, the burst of automatic fire causing the Gryphons to duck into cover and grab weapons. Gryphons started yelling and ponies were crying. I took to the air on my Wings and shot down a couple of Gryphons who thought to fly away.

I drew my katana and folded my wings. Causing me to fall blade first on a Raider. Blood splattered my trench coat and armor. I swung the blade again, slitting the throat of a Raider who tried to draw a pistol and shoot me. I shot two more Gryphons in the back as they tried to ambush Sunset. Who was pinning down a large group of Raiders behind a large shipping crate. She grabbed a grenade in her hoof as she used her magic to shoot her gun, and threw it behind the large crate. She mowed down the Gryphons that tried to flee the blast radius.

I jumped on another fleeing Gryphon and plunged my blade into her throat. Behind me, another pair of Gryphons walked out of a tent, but these two had machine guns and were dressed in thick metal armor. I ducked behind a metal crate as they opened fire on the two of us. I put away my katana and Sequoia, and then took out an EMP (Electric Magical Pulse grenade, handle with care and keep out of the reach of children. Unless they have demo expert perks, then let them go ham!) from my Pip-Boy and threw it at the couple. The magical lightning shorted out there brains as it ran threw their armor. Sunset quickly put two rounds into their metal clad skulls with her Anti-Material Rifle before they could get up.

After cleaning out the camp of loot and setting the hostages loose. We guarded their newly reassembled caravan to the town of Catsglade, where we gave the local hospital the medicine and leftover alcohol. Then went to work on handing out the food with the rest of the workers.

A short while later found Sunset and I laying under the shade of a tree on the edge of town. Comfortable on the green grass, I pulled out Benny’s former lighter and started flicking it open and back off. Sunset looked at me from under the shade of her Cowboy hat, “Not that I'm against it, but why did we help them? We weren't asked to, and there was no reward. I’m glad your the type of person to do that kind of stuff, but still, why?”

I stopped playing with my lighter, and looked at her, helmet off. “When I heard about that caravan going missing, I knew something happened, and I couldn't stop thinking about it. I knew that I had to do something. Plus we had been cooped up too long in that other town, Feathercliff for too long.”

Sunset rolled her eyes at my answer, “We were there for four days!” She said exasperatedly,

I let out a muffled grown, “That's three days too long. I don't like staying in one place too long.”

“Unless it has a casino?”

“Unless it has casinos. Plural.”

We both laughed and got up a bit later, just as the sun was setting. Sunset was looked at the falling sun and glanced down, knowing what she was thinking about, I walked up to her and wrapped her in my wings. Ignoring her protests, I tripped her with my spotted tail, causing the two of us to fall and go rolling down the hill. When we hit the bottom Sunset tried to push me off. I didn't let her, “What's wrong Sunset?”

“Nothing Gavin, everything's alright.” I poked her with a wing,

“I don’t believe you Sunset, just tell me whats wrong.”

She sighed and sat up, ignoring my wing still on her back, “I was just wondering about Celestia, and if she’s worried about me. Or if she even misses me.”

“Why wouldn't she?”

“Because she has a new student, one she made into an Alicorn. I worked all my life trying to reach that level of power, yet it was never enough for her. Never good enough, I was never good enough.”

I slapped her with a wing, “Gavin! What the fuc…!” Then wrapped her up in both of them and puller her into a hug. She tucked her head into the crook of my neck and then I spoke, “Not good enough my ass, your a great pony Sunset.”

I felt a couple of tears hit my shoulder, “Even if you think your not good enough, you are. Your good enough for me, even better than I deserve with all the shit I’ve done in my life. And if that's not good enough, then Celestia can go sit on the sun and take it up her ass.”

We sat like that for a couple of hours until Sunset finally fell asleep. I got here out of her armor and put her into our sleeping bag, with her trench coat keeping the Highland winds off of her as she slept. Then I started to clean all our weapons and armor from the days work, clearing off the blood, gore, dirt, rocks, and grit. And when that was all said and done, I pulled my own trench coat on tighter and crawled in with Sunset. Don’t you fucking look at me like that! We didn't do anything, and we only carry one sleeping bag to make room for more food and supplies. I trusted my natural senses, and unnatural implants to warn me if we were being spied on or attacked.

I looked up at the starry night sky and smiled. Ever since Luna returned from the moon, the night skies had gotten so much more vibrant and alive. A falling star flew in from the side, leaving a trail through the sky. I focused on the meteor and whispered under my breath so that Sunset wouldn't wake up,

“Star light, Star bright,

The first star I see tonight,

I wish I may, I wish I might,

Have the wish I wish tonight,

We’ll make a wish, and do as dreamers do,

And all our wishes,

Will come true,

Please, let Sunset find peace from her torment.”

I looked away from the star and back at Sunset, I held her closer and could have sworn I heard a voice say something, as if responding to my prayer,

Star light, Star bright,

The first wish I’ve heard tonight,

Wish you did, O’ wish you did,

You shall have your wish tonight,

You made your wish, as dreamers did,

And your wish,

Shall come true,

She shall find peace, by my honor as the Moon.

I closed my eyes and slept, unknowing of the powers at play tonight.

Author's Note:

Sorry if it lacks quality or content, I'm currently sick. I can't talk because when I do I cough and tear up my throat. It's sore, I've got a headache, can barely eat and drink. But still good enough to publish this. I'm currently popping cough drops like candy to stop myself from coughing up a lung. I've got another chapter for Sunsong in the works and a couple new stories coming out soon too. (Due to my lack of concept of time, soon is relative. Relative to what, no one knows. See you all soon.)