• Member Since 1st Apr, 2018
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago

Doug Graves

Comments ( 19 )

Well I guess magic really is a good help. So will we be getting to see the scenes of the other two conceptions?

Plan at the moment is to go through each year, finding the areas that imply (or outright state) that some sort of act happened. Probably won't do a lot of repeat sections, but we'll see. Might even take requests, though those sections that happen later would have to wait, as I'm probably going to do it chronologically, and keeping in theme with the main story.

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You know I don't think I have ever read a description of this but given as it's just a thing they do for each other this seems right.

"I love you too, Doug," she easily replies,

...to the creature she's known for less than a day.

That profile pic is just the perfect complement to your comment... about the freakishly not reacting to public nudity human and his instant "romance".

What, Doug?! I had to get absolute Word of God confirmation about his pants from somewhere!! Not like the main story was providing it.

And thus the lying begins.
Or is it hope? Wishful thinking? The power of positive thinking?

Oddly enough no Pinkie Pie here... It is interesting seeing how the others are catered too individually like in the main story though.

Well that looks nice. I hope Doug is ready for all the foals in the next year. Personally I think Starlight is going to give him twins.

Well Rainbow wasn't completely thinking clearly but I hope she will be ready for foal number 2!

Well I hope when it is Twilight's turn she can have a colt. With only two colts, one of which is on the way, in the heard I think her having a son, who could be an alicorn would be fun.

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Actually... I kinda want to see Spike try his claws at driving

Oh please tell me this ain't the end of the story 😁😁😁

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