• Published 2nd Aug 2013
  • 116,914 Views, 9,637 Comments

The Bridge: A Godzilla-MLP Crossover - Tarbtano

A devastating battle in the Kaiju universe transports a small group of them, heroric, villainous, and otherwise to Equestria. New bodies, new world, new society. But what happens when something even Kaiju are afraid of follows them?

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Valentine's Day Special: There Will be No Romance Chapter

Author's Note:

IMPORTANTE: Publishing early for the holiday, artwork will come later, please be patient

Proof reading by Skylark and Faith-Wolff
Artwork by Faith-Wolff

I also wanted to give a special thank you to all our TVTropers to your continued work on "The Bridge's" article. I would like to ask however, that if your TVtropes name is different from your FimFiction name (like ZimFan), that you say who you are in the comments so I can recognize all of you for your great work! Lance, Vampy, Vi, and the others, you have all done fantastic!

A full on battle royale breaks out in the empire, Nightmares closing in; and puppet master makes himself known...

Please do check out the Reading List by Lance Omikron to navigate the Amalgam Universe most clearly :raritywink:

The Bridge: Valentine's Day Special

What happens when you try to write a comedic chapter with Kaiju and Ponies


In an isolated alleyway on the edge of the city, the air chilled and swirled. A large, oval projection of dark purple energy, akin to a wall mirror, opened up on the side of a building and three beings dropped out from it. One of them, a young woman in a white jacket, skillfully rolled across the ground and got to her feet. Her two cohorts had less success. While one did manage to nimbly land on his feet, the other, larger young man crashed into him midfall and toppled both of them.

Irys only needed a brief glance at how small she was in relation to the buildings and the inability to feel her wings to figure out she'd gotten turned into a human again. And much to her surprise, she wasn't the only one. Irys quickly turned around to help her still recognizable comrades up, unable to brush aside the huge amount of déjà-vu she was feeling. The one she quickly figured out had once been Gigan was the leaner of the two, looking about X's age. His hair was medium cut and silvery gray, his bangs noticeably jutting forward. She couldn't tell his eye color due to they and a good portion of his face being obscured by broad sunglasses. His attire, like those of X and Irys, matched his body colors for the most part and was largely gray and dark blue with bits of red. He wore a large long sleeve shirt with a flat jacket over the top, dark colored camouflage pants, a large belt knife; and steel plated boots finished the look. Dog tags wrapped around his neck shimmered in the noon day light. When Irys held his arm to hold the delirious kaiju turned human, she instantly felt something off. True, Zenith was far from the warmest place but his forearm felt incredibly cold to the touch. Glancing down, she got her answer.

Gigan didn't have an arm from the elbow down, least not one made of flesh and bone. Instead the entire lower half of his upper appendages were a pair of mechanical arms and hands. Right down to the digits poking out of his fingerless gloves. It took a moment for Gigan's vision to clear, but getting one look at his hand made him freeze up. That and the fact he couldn't feel his tail.

"Hey, Gigan, you with us?"


"-human... ish... Side effect of the realm jumping, remember X and I's outing?"

"I... yes... It's just..."

He raised up his free hand and looked at it with a halfway bewildered and halfway disgusted expression, wiggling his fingers. This felt beyond weird.


"Well you'll have to get used to it while we're here. Guess the boss couldn't expend extra power to maintain our full forms."

Gigan balled a fist, fidgeting with the internal mechanics of his arm. To his delight, the hand cocked back slightly and a foot long blade resembling his old scythe sprung out of the top of his wrist. The sunglasses wearing cyborg smirked, welcoming back familiarity.

"A sound conjecture, though looks like some things don't change."

Irys couldn't help but feel a bit jealous. She'd lost her flight, beam, and shield. All she had left was a few diminished fangs in her mouth.

"Well I wouldn't keep the cutlery out any longer than needed. Being able to blend in will help in speeding things along."

"True. Personally I'd prefer to get back as fast as possible."

"Why's that?"

"....Let's just say some things that occurred last time need not be repeated."

A third voice broke the conversation.

"Hey guys, little help?"

Turning around Irys and Gigan spotted what had to be Megalon. Or at least Megalon's legs sticking out of a clothes bin. Taking one limb each, Irys and Gigan managed to yank him out. It took awhile because the third member of their party was ridiculously heavy. Soon as he was up and standing next to Gigan, Irys had to keep herself from laughing at the irony of Megalon calling the older cyborg 'big' brother. Gigan's build was fairly lean, a bit thinner than X had been but about the same height. Megalon was built like a block, broad all around and a bit bulky.

The younger cyborg's hair was shorter, but messy enough to the point Irys couldn't tell if the brown was natural or stained from the dirt that caked itself all over him. He had eyewear as well, but only in the form of dust coated goggles wrung around his neck. His attire was fairly simple. A light brown long sleeve shirt that tucked into elbow length work gloves, tan pants who's mud caked pattern resembled the cyborg's now missing wing shields; and pad covered mining boots. Megalon looked at his now fingered hand in mild facination as Gigan glanced around at their surroundings.

Taking notice of the mud caking his sibling unit, Gigan rolled his eyes and spoke with a grumble.

"I thought I told you to wipe that filth off in your down time or it'll get in your circuitry."

"You call it filth, I call it a healthy coating of minerals."


"Do you two just want to head back to base? If these bodies are too odd for you I can handle this myself if needed."

Gigan rolled his eyes, still feeling a bit odd that organ was now plural, as he wiped off some dirt Megalon's leg had stuck to him.

"We'll be fine, but where are we anyways?"

The portal back to Zenith had closed and the trio's attention shifted to the world outside of the alley. It looked like a decent sized city, though thankfully not heavily populated aside from about a dozen or so citizens walking between shops and a few cars in the streets. There wasn't a crowd in sight. Odd considering how many skyscrapers were there, which would make one think the city was packed. Megalon nudged Irys.

"Hey, you and Mr. X went to that one realm with humans. Think we're there again?"

Irys studied the sights she could see for familiar landmarks. Truth be told she couldn't stop herself from trying to spy a head of curly red and yellow hair. Unfortunately, she saw neither on both accounts. The settlement she was at last barely even had any buildings over five stories, let alone fifty.

"No, this doesn't look familiar. Besides the master said this was a new realm remember?"

She noticed Gigan looked intently at a billboard plastered to a street light bordering the park.

"Something up Gigan?"

His voice was noticeably sullen, though she couldn't tell if the gloom was from dread or annoyance.

"I think I know where we are..."


"Weee're back in a realm I checked out, or at least somewhere similar."

For one reason or another the elder cyborg had refused to talk much about what exactly occurred on his endeavor. Still, Irys remembered how surprised he looked upon noticing recent changes. Surprise like that means it couldn't have happened before.

"But you didn't change last time did you?"

"No, no I didn't. Just shrunk a bit. There wasn't any humans here either. It was all equines like back in loony land."

"Loony land?"

"The main realm, the one with ponies."

Bad memories were quickly swallowed back. Irys kept her voice quiet, but calm.

"Oh... Well, if this 'Equestrian Realm' has multiple side realms attached to it; maybe some of the smaller realms also link together?"

"Like the world you went to seemed like a human version of Equestria proper. If there is a human version of the other side realms-"

"Then we're in a human version of the realm you went to."

"Explains why the city's name is the same. You'd think they'd stop the equine puns if they were humans though."

"Meh, don't question it too much... Getting back to business though, I take it this is another search and claim mission?"

Gigan put his hand to the side of his head. Thankfully, some more things didn't change. Learning from experience he was careful only to turn on one vision setting at a time. After a few options he got something with results, smirking.

"That it is, picking up two odd energy signatures in the city limits."

Irys cocked an eyebrow and looked over.

"How are you-"

Gigan took off his sunglasses. Though he had two now, the eyes behind his eyelids were just as artificial as they always were, somewhat resembling camera lenses. Irys rolled her eyes, the Nebulan creation only chuckled.

"Right, cyborg. Keep forgetting."

He put his glasses back on, the world always looking better to him through a reddish filter anyways. He stepped out onto the sidewalk and pointed.

"First target is about a kilometer directly that way, in some building's first floor-"

He motioned to the large central park across the street from them.

"And picking up something else similar distance this way, probably in the center of the park."

"Well then, since you seem so eager to get back to base let's split up. I'll take the one down the street, you handle the park."

"Works for me, take Megalon with you."

"Anything I should know about him on the job?"

Gigan was about to answer her when he saw something behind them that made him hold in place with a slight frown. Raising an eyebrow, Irys looked behind them and followed his point of view. Megalon was still behind them, leaning over the edge of a trash bin and giving a hissing alley cat a fascinated look. Tilting his head, Megalon reached forward for the feline; whom promptly reacted by shrilling and tackling his head. Megalon jumped up and flailed, falling over onto his back as the cat jumped off and bolted away. Gigan was nonchalant about it all, but felt a bead of sweat drop from his face.

"Yeeeeaaaaaaaaah try to make sure he has direction or he gets sidetracked... a lot. Don't leave him unattended, ever."

Irys rubbed the back of her head, nodding.

"Ehehe, okay noted."

"Alright then, I'm off."

Gigan turned around and ran forward two steps. He leaped up into the air... and acquainted his face with the sidewalk. His voice was muffled, but still clearly annoyed. Of all the cybernetic systems he could lose in the transformation, it seemed his thrusters didn't survive the transfer...

"I... HATE... this body..."

Canterlot Castle, Lunar Wing

Godzilla Junior turned a bit in bed, tiredness ebbing away every millisecond as he started to wake up and open his eyes. Judging from how the sun beams trickled in from the window he'd slept in until about noon. Then again at Celestia's request he was to get as much sleep as possible to speed up his recovery. Seemed like a pleasant day nonetheless, quite like a few back at the institute he called his birthplace actually. Sun was shining through the curtains and windows, he could hear some birds outside, low rumble of many footsteps going about their business in the building around him, something was chewing on his tail; and-

Junior's eyes opened a bit more at that last thought.

There was a gentle back and forth tugging on his tail's hairs, akin to slight chewing. Craning his head up to look to the source, Junior reassigned the thought of "this day is like at the institute" to "this day is like one on Infant Island". Mothra Lea, guardian of all mortals, defender of the planet, and wisest kaiju Junior knew was harmlessly teething on his tail, looking up at him with a smile. He rolled his eyes and chuckled. Business as usual.

"...Really? Not even waiting until I'm awake?"

She let go of his tail's hairs and lightly booped his cheek with her hoof.

"Awww but this new body makes you look so adorable when you snooze!~"


She put her hooves up defensively, dramatically rolling her eyes. It was good to be able to loosen up again with someone besides Twilight. She was amongst her oldest friend and could afford it. Helped that their new situation had some perks to it. Not only were they more on the same level now, but in the body of a unicorn, Junior's appearance didn't cause certain nightmares to resurface. There were no bad flashbacks, only laughter.

"Kiiiiiiiiiiiiidding... ish... Anyways I was just popping in. Was waiting for you to wake up."

"Funny way of doing it."

"Hey I've been doing it since we met, you never minded."

"Except that first time you drew blood."

"Hey I thought you were an enemy! To be fair I only bit down on it because you swatted me with that thing."

"Mistakes were made, sue me."

Lea smiled, leaning forward and nuzzling her best friend lightly.

"Just wanted to see if you were alright Goji."

Rain or shine, sleet or snow; Lea wasn't just one of the smartest souls Junior knew, but she was also always one of the kindest. He returned the nuzzle with a smile.

"Never change Lele."

Lea pulled back and ground a hoof against Junior's scalp, ruffling his mane.

"Not until I can get someone else to keep an eye out for a numbskull like you."

A small laugh was shared and Junior rolled himself out of bed. Stretching himself back out, having still not fully gotten used to sleeping on a mattress, he checked over his limbs. Most of his scars had vanished entirely, those remaining being only a thin line or two across his limbs and presumably face. He felt so much stronger than the day before, the trickling power he felt from the sunlight seeping into him only making it better.

"Think I'm almost back to full strength."

Lea trotted over to the unicorn, tugging open the window shades a bit more to help out.

"Excellent. Think some sun might cap it off?"


"Then, why not a walkabout? Can't imagine you've fancied being bed ridden for the past few days."

"I'd take on two Orgas and an alien invasion over it had you or others not kept dropping in... Walk sounds good though. Captain Frost gave me extended leave from duty anyways."

He glanced over to the changeling.

"Pardon the curiosity though, but what have you been up to all this time in Canterlot?"

"Oh? Mostly going through the royal archives with Twilight for my studies. I did research some things about this world though."


"Apparently my new species are shape shifters."

Junior's eyebrows raised in a bemused manner. Shape shifting, least by means outside of the natural lifecycle; was incredibly rare back home. Lea with her aquatic form and division ability was the only being he knew personally who could do it. And he could count other examples he knew of like Destroyah or Hedorah with one hand. The idea that Lea could now have even more of this ability had his interest. After all it was shape shifting magic that got him into this predicament to begin with.

"Any limitations?"

"Apparently only to something of similar size, mass, and gender."

"... Can you do it?"

Lea backed up a bit, and rubbed her chin. She'd read all the pages, memorized the notes, and knew all the details; but hadn't attempted to pull it off fully just yet. She concentrated, squinting her eyes as her horn began to glimmer with enchanted light.

"Well... lemme just try toooo-"

For a split second Lea's entire body looked like it was ignited with white and green flames, nearly causing Junior to lurch forward to try and extinguish them. Before he could move an inch however, the changeling was replaced with a familiar purple alicorn. Standing before him was a replica of Twilight Sparkle. Or at least how Twilight Sparkle might look in seven years or so given the taller frame and different build. 'Twilight' lifted up her hoof and gasped, glee spreading over her face.

"Oh?! Wow it actually worked!"

The voice was pretty close to the one Junior heard in the slide show, though it was a smidge deeper like one would associate with aging. Still, rest of the look was pretty well done. If he didn't know it was her, Junior wouldn't have recognized a hair on Lea's head.

"Looks so, though I don't remember Miss Sparkle being about my height. She must be too small for your body mass. Maybe try someone taller?"

'Twilight' nodded, her horn glowing once again as she concentrated.

"Okay, just give me a moment..."

Same greenish fire, different equine. This time, the solar princess made an entrance. 'Celestia' fanned her wings and looked them over, running a hoof through her eternal mane. She grinned, very uncharacteristically wagging her tail like an excited puppy. Junior had to refrain from laughing at the sight of someone he'd seen so unfailingly regal act so chipper. Lea always did get excited about new spells.

"Looks about right, nice work Lea."

"Thanks, let me try a few mooore."

Another flare, another alicorn. Now Princess Luna was standing once again in her chamber. 'Luna' looked herself over, once again fanning her wings and feeling her ethereal mane with a hoof. Junior gave an amused nod, circling her a bit to give the new form a once over.

"Hm... pretty close, could definitely pass as her from a distance; but your posing is a bit off. She holds herself a bit taller, doesn't relax her wings as much."

'Luna' drew a smirk with a raised eyebrow.

"Spoken like someone of experience. Someone been spending a lot of time with the night princess? What have you been up too Gooojii?~"

She leaned in close to him, cracking a goofy grin. Junior narrowed his eyes and gently nudged her muzzle away with a hoof.

"She's dropped by a few times at night to keep me company and kill time. Besides I fought her, tend to notice some things."

'Luna' snickered, before disappearing into another flare of harmless flames. What emerged from the flames however was not anyone Junior had ever seen. Or rather, he'd never seen not looking at a mirror.

It was himself. Same crooked horn, same charcoal gray fur, the same spiky ivory hued mane. Only the body was a bit leaner built and the eyelashes noticeably longer. 'Junior' and Junior looked at each other. The latter stayed seated with a tad wide eyed expression, the former cracked a grin very uncharacteristic of Godzilla.

"Well... Now I know what I look like if my egg had been a bit colder when it was laid. You do that on purpose?"

'Junior' flushed a bit in the face, rubbing the back of her head in embarrassment.

"Whoops! Was curious what would happen if I tried to disguise as a stallion. Welp, now we know."

"Well it's a nice trick nonetheless."

'Junior' nodded before biting her lip. She looked out into the city below, remembering something that had been on her mind. Now with the shape shifting spell down, might as well give it a whirl.

"Stand back a second, gonna try something."


"Make an original design from the others."

Junior backed up as requested as 'Junior's horn sparked and glimmered with a rainbow of magical light. Green and white flames appeared over her body at first, but soon took the multi-hue colors of her magical aura. It was a stunning sight to behold, as was the end result.

Lea was back, except she wasn't. The same sky blue-emerald green eyes were present, but compacted into a gradient across the iris. Body color was the same, abet now it was a coating of short fur as opposed to smooth chitin. Her tall frame was still very much present, but now capped off with a spiraling, conical horn that was no longer jagged. Small fangs and butterfly wings however? Completely gone. Not a tooth poked out from the lip line and now her wings more closely resembled a dove's than any insect. Godzilla Junior was looking at Equestria's newest alicorn.

Lea looked herself over best she could, walking in circles to try and get a better view of her wings and tail. She'd come up with this design by combining her changeling body with that of Princess Celestia. However, having formed it via a mental picture rather than a memory, she was a bit unsure. And given what she had planned for such a form, nervous.

"Now... this is important, so no bias ok?.... How do I look? Any issues? Flaws? Magic errors?"

Junior only smiled, bowing his head slightly for a few moments before looking up at her.

"Well I'd say you look stunning Lele."

Before he could react however, the new alicorn lurched forward and yanked him into a very strong, very unladylike bear hug. Lea beamed.

"Awwww thank you Goji! You can be a real softy when you feel like it."

The unicorn grumbled a bit, but couldn't help but return the gesture for a moment before breaking off.

"Don't get too used to it.

"I've seen 'it' for seventeen years Junior, it's not new.

The unicorn growled slightly, but opted to get back to business and address a question at hand... or was it hoof now?

"You mentioned it was important, why?"

"Well, turns out this city hasn't had the best history with changeling queens. They were attacked awhile ago and many still vividly remember it. And Twilight having to hide me if we go out in public has been a bit of a inconvenience."

"Beeecaaause you worried if you were seen, someone might get déjà-vu and panic. Right?"

"Precisely. And, inevitably the populace is going to have to meet us one way or another. If I could find a form that wouldn't scare them as much, I'd call it a good day."

"Well I'd say you have it fairly well set. If anyone panics at you right now I think they need their eyes checked."

Lea smiled for a moment before her face flinched and twitched in memory of something.

"Ooooooooh that... reminds me.... Goji, whatever you do.. Do.not.leave.the castle..."

Junior growled slightly, rolling his eyes as he looked at the city below. He didn't really want to go wandering in it much, but he'd been informed about the situation by Luna. By now he really should be used to such reception. Wasn't like he could go strolling up next to L.A. back on Terra and not cause a panic.

"Oye, I take it the ponies are still up in arms?"

"Divided right down the middle, and still debating. And unlike the others who can still hide, the papers got a clear as day picture of you. Step out the gates and everyone would recognize you."

Junior shrugged as Lea stooped beside him, stretching a wing over his shoulders.

"True, some of them are rallying in your support. Their defense of you is quite admirable. But, the other half is either running scared or calling you out. Country is split right down the middle. You showed a peaceful generation bloodshed for the first time. They, just don't know how to react to it I suppose... The princesses and I are working out some plans to help smooth things over, but they'll need some time."

Junior shrugged slightly, but rubbed his shoulder up against Lea some. Typical of an alicorn, her fur felt soft as velvet. He smiled slightly.

"Well from the sound of it, the city would be much more trouble than it's worth. Lord Tanaka knows I prefer peace and quiet. Besides, the royal gardens look nice enough from up here. Think I'll just stick to them and find something to do. Don't worry with me."

Lea playfully bapped him on the back of his head with her wing before turning to walk out of the chamber.

"I'm a clingy, eccentric, orphan with a mothering complex. Of course I'm going to worry."

Junior's smile diminished considerably and he walked after her. Catching up to the alicorn, he gave her the bear hug this time. Didn't matter it was a tad awkward due to her height. He said only that which was needed, in a tone only a handful of souls had ever heard. There was only one group who he'd let all his baggage and guards down around. His surviving family. And Junior had adopted a sister long ago.

"I'll try not to give you a heart attack Lea."

The new alicorn beamed as warmth flew over her.

"What spurred this Junior?"

"I'd lost count. But let's start with not letting me fall flat on my face after de-morphing."

She curled a wing and hoof around him.

"You always could be a sweetie when giving a 'thank you'."

Her words did ponder a question though as he let go.

"Anything else before I get back to the library? Twilight's probably fallen asleep on a tome pile by now."

"Well, not to keep you much longer, but there is one thing..."


Thoughts trailed back to how morbidly bored he'd been while stuck in this chamber for several days. Or at least how dull it would have been without some outside help.

"Princess Luna, I feel a bit indebted to her."

"Oh? So you two are getting along well after all? I can hear the castle repair bills singing from here."

"Veeery funny. But I have been sleeping in her bed for the past few days, and as mentioned before she's dropped in a few times to chat. I probably would have put my head through a wall had she not... So, any idea how to return a favor? I know I don't do well without something to do."

Lea walked alongside him as they tread down a hall, turning more than a couple of heads.

"Hm... Well I did converse with a lot of different humans back home. Different cultures have different ways of exchanging formal thanks. As a royal she might take offense to a bear hug."

She glanced out the window to the gardens below, spying some of the relaxing castle staff amongst the shrubs, ponds, and trees.

"Maybe watch some of the locals while on your walkabout? See what they do."

"Couldn't hurt."

The two came to the fork in the halls, Junior going one way and Lea going another.

"That's the spirit! I'll probably be in the library for hours to come. Drop in if you need me."

Maretropolis Central Park

Gigan could only be thankful for a few things. For one his unique mixture of mechanical and biological parts transferred over well to his new body and he didn't end up horribly mutilated. And secondly, much as he missed flying or teleporting, walking still worked about the same. And thankfully the park was fairly empty.

The central park itself was fairly large, consisting of large fields, a few clusters of small forest, a couple ponds; and a large circular ring in the core bordered by hedge walls. Forgetting about his missing warp drive or thrusters, he focused on the systems he still hard working. He swept his visual scanners to and fro, following the energy radiation along its trail. The energy seemed to be a type he'd only seen a few times over the span of his tours. One that instantly made him grumble upon recognizing it. Magic. Unpredictable, unstudied, unstable; magic. In his mind such a thing only existed to annoy the intelligence trying to understand it. Regardless of personal views, he followed the pulses of magic to the park's interior ring like a bloodhound and soon found himself standing before the source.

A three meter tall granite statue of a woman riding on a horse, resting on a two meter square pedestal stood before him. Aside from the invisible energy pulses, nothing really seemed out of the ordinary about the figure. Aside from how the woman's hair and mare's mane curiously looked very similar.

-Huh... well taking this back might be a hassle-

The statue, or more directly one of the sides of the pedestal surged with power. Gigan tried to back up as the energy readings began to skyrocket. Purple and pink energy danced across the side facing him. He didn't have time to get out of the way before a large figure came flying out of it and accidentally tackled him. Gigan slid across the ground and hit his head on a metal park bench, briefly dazing him. The figure laying on top of him was in a similar state, putting a hand on her wobbling head to try and stop the cukoo birds from flying around her dazed cranium.

Both of their vision cleared at the same time. Sitting on Gigan's stomach was a tall framed woman with royal purple skin. Her hair was a contrasting lime and leaf green, with the bangs being cut noticeably shorter than the back, which was easily Rapunzel lengths. Only a fretting glance at her gray and purple suit and crazed, green and red eyes were needed to recognize her. Sadly, wearing a pair of oakleys didn't hide Gigan from her memory for long.

Mane-iac's face lit up like a roman candle.

"My beloved Barberous Barber! You've come back to me!"

She made a lunge at his now beak and mandible less face. Gigan was a state of the art killer cyborg. He was an employed mercenary been involved in more ventures and covertures than he hoped to count. He'd slashed enemies to ribbons, set them ablaze with plasma fire; and then teleport away before they could even react. All while trudging through enemy fire with a forearm blown off and half his sails burnt away. He'd fought giant dragons, cosmic monstrosities, giant war machines; and mutated dinosaurs.

But this, this terrified him.

The noise that came out of his mouth as he threw his arms up to try and shove Mane-iac away could be favorably compared to a screaming sheep.

Canterlot Royal Gardens

Junior looked up at the gleaming sun above the waterline, as the nipping cold slithered past him. He'd have killed for more calmer moments like this back home. He never could quite get a good grasp on any lasting peace with all the fighting. Life was busy. Busy traveling, busy pitting himself up against the newest name to the list of monstrosities trying to threaten the humans, busy healing up from the fight; busy doing it all over again. The quieter times with Lea or the others on Solgell were probably the one thing that kept him sane over the decades. He'd effectively been at war for seventeen years straight, and he'd craved lasting peace since the first year.

Judging from what he'd been told, this world could almost be a paradise then. Still had its conflicts, certainly. But for his little adventure to have scared so many by the merit of being their first taste of lethal combat, something certainly needed be said about the peacefulness they lived in. Some may call it naivety. He called it untaintedness. If Terra could be a place like this, he'd die happy.

Junior grumbled, bubbles leaking out of his lips, as he shrugged. Many of the pleasant thoughts were brushed aside. He couldn't harp on that which he wasn't going to get. Heroes were those inspired others around them. They were cheered for. Lea got cheers, the human mecha pilots got cheers; he was fairly certain this world's leaders and Element bearers were cheered for by the masses. They were heroes and heroines, they deserved it. Monsters like just terrified those masses. Always have, always will. Just like he since the day he was tall.

-This isn't for you Godzilla, don't grow too attached to this place's peace. Peace is for heroes and the unburdened. It never lasts long around monsters. It'll only hurt more if you hold out for it...-

He frowned and shifted, halfway swimming and halfway walking back to the surface. Crawling out of the pond he'd been meditating under, Junior shook himself dry and wandered off. He didn't even give some onlooking and confused staff a glance.

He'd seen much in his years. When he hatched into this world, he knew what it felt like to be small. To be vulnerable as a human, like his mother. It meant being terrified of those mightier than yourself, who'd just walk over you solely because they had the power to do it. He knew what it felt like to be powerless. And when the young prince was forced to be a king, he knew what it felt like to have gained great power. To suddenly both figuratively and literally tower over almost any other. Still, he remembered and wouldn't let his new height make him trample the small ones underfoot. He wouldn't do it, nor would he permit anyone to.

-From one who has been entrusted with much, much more will then be asked from them. You've been given great power Junior, more than almost anyone else. It's your job to use it for those who don't have that power...-

He walked between some small shrubs, disguised behind their stalks as he looked at some of the garden goers beyond them. He didn't want to think about what it might have been like for them had the gyaos gotten inside. Mortals deserve to have their lives guided by themselves and the heroes around them, not to be snuffed out by monsters.

-They have the luxury of normalcy. There are threats they can't face, but I can. Thus, I am responsible for their safety. That's why I stopped the flock, because I couldn't let them perish to monsters...-

It was incredibly easy to mentally overlay the ponies with humans. While not similar in looks, they were near identical in role. Normal lives who deserved to live unmolested. It only confirmed his argument. Peace was not for him. He had his burden.

-This is what I fight for. This is what I scar for. This is what I wait in recovery for. And the reward, I have to do it all over again until the day I kill over. That is my responsibility to them. If I sought out anything lasting for my own gain it would only be selfish. I have my health, my friends; my life. That'll have to be enough...-

The sigh he exerted could have vented smoke. Remembering Lea's advice, his mind shifted gears best it could. He still had that debt to work off. Moving surprisingly silently despite his large form, Junior trod along behind the foliage and watched the park goers. They were a varied lot. Some faces he recalled from the barracks, being off duty guards. Others were exterior staff hard at work trimming the grasses and foliage. Others appeared to be interior staff coming out to relax, such as a maid having a picnic with her family near the pond. If Lea suggested he mimic what the ponies do, there certainly was a lot of interactions to remember.

He frowned slightly, biting his lip.

-Too many... Maybe I should focus on a pair?-

Right on cue, he spotted a bat winged pegasus stallion and unicorn mare walking fairly close to one another. They were saying something, but he couldn't quite make it out. Whatever was spoken, she sat down under a tree with her eyes closed not far from Junior's location and the stallion ran around a corner in the opposite direction. Curious, Junior increased his pace and got to a point he could see. The stallion half ran and half glided over to a large flower cart. The exact process of buying and selling was a human concept Junior admittedly still didn't fully understand. But this exchange in particular was a bit eyebrow raising.

It appeared the stallion bought a rose from the cart owner, and seemed quite happy about it. Junior meanwhile was more confused at why he'd waste time buying a flower. They were in a garden surrounded by flora and flowers, including roses.

-Why not just pick one out of a bush or out of the ground? Seems like less trouble than finding a cart-

Still, he watched on and saw the stallion very eagerly run back to the waiting mare. The stallion said something, though this time Junior did pick up a "Thank you for-" in the sentence before a chirping bird cut his hearing's focus off. Whatever he said being important or not, the green mare looked happy enough upon opening her eyes and seeing the flower. She took the rose with a large smile and hugged her companion. They'd just begun rubbing necks when Junior walked off even more confused than he started.

-Sooo ponies give each other flowers, to show thanks?... Huh?-

He'd seen humans give each other flowers before. Years ago, some human male kept giving his adoptive mother Dr. Gojo roses during Junior's days back at the institute, but he never really understood the meaning. Still it was a nice man, even gave the then infant Junior some donuts or hamburger to chew on, and Junior's mother seemed happy enough to see the man so Junior never took it as anything big. He knew signs of affection well enough, be it pats on the head, hugging, or in his case letting Lea chew on his tail. But this did leave him groping for answers.

-Well, ponies and humans are herbivores and omnivores. Maybe it's like showing thanks by giving a friend a snack? Maybe Mum ate all those roses she kept getting?-

He walked over to a part of the garden littered with a vast assortment of flowers, both on the shrubs, in the trees; and floating on the ponds. Orange blossoms, dandelions, sun flowers, lotuses, you name it, it was there. Junior tried and failed to look at this like food. Even if he munched on a few herbs and petals as a baby, this seemed too weird.

-Odd choice... Eh, maybe they taste different to them? Who knows...-

Remembering the type the stallion got and not wanting to deviate from what he saw, Junior trotted over to a small rose bush. Still wondering who'd bother to purchase any from a cart when they were literally all right here, he bit down on the bush's thornless base and virtually uprooted the entire thing. Shaking his head a bit to get the dirt out of the roots, Junior hoisted it onto his back and made his way for the exit. Oblivious to several baffled onlookers, Godzilla Junior stepped into the castle.

-This should do the trick.-

Downtown Maretropolis

It didn't take long for Irys and Megalon to track down a promising artifact. Nestled inside what appeared to be an abandoned laboratory was a basketball sized sphere of condensed electrical energy, similar to the one Gigan had brought with him on his outing. Fortunately the owner of the lab seemed to have been away when they entered and exited, though Megalon was pondering the serious question of who'd build a cannon shaped like a Terran hair dryer. Irys was smiling slightly as she held the orb under her arm. Making good due on Sunset's words, she'd attempted to recruit the cyborg into her growing flock and was having good success. Megalon was much more outgoing than his 'sibling' or X, and was ever gleeful regarding just about anything. No matter if it was talking to others or ripping a steel door off its hinges. Granted, she did have to calm the spastic cyborg's eagerness to call her 'Miss Irys Gyaos Ma'am'. True, his attitude could be a bit annoying at times; but it didn't seem intentional.

And one could find the situation with the insectoid alien humorous. Judging from what she'd seen and heard, Megalon was easily physically stronger than his predecessor and packing even more onboard weaponry. In theory, this would have made him a far more dangerous fighter than Gigan. In practice, the younger cyborgs goofball attitude must have held back his destructive potential and seemed to require someone else to reign him in for there to be any focus on the job. Irys had lost count how many times Megalon had stopped and attempted to pick up something while on their way to the warehouses, be it a shiny coin or a stray cat.

"Alright, that was easy. Let's find Gigan and head back."

"On it Miss Irys ma'am!"

Irys rolled her eyes but chuckled lightly as she kicked an overturned garbage can out of her way.

"Just, Irys please. Can you tell how far he is from us since he decided to go lone wolf and wander off?"

Megalon's cybernetics were a bit reduced in this new body, making him feel a bit funny. Heck, everything about this new body felt funny. Kinda tickled. Nevertheless, the same old mental compass pointed true as it had since he was first put online. Megalon pointed with the hand not currently holding a domestic shorthair.

"About a kilometer thatt'a way."

"Good, we should make it back on tim-... Megalon you need to put down the cat."

"But he likes me!"

Irys didn't need to be any animal expert to tell the last statement was either an outright lie or hopelessly naive. Said 'cat' looked more like a scraggily raccoon and was curiously showing affection by trying in vain to gnaw off Megalon's robotic finger as it had his glove. The noises coming out of it were a mixture of growls and very angry sounding shrieks, and was quickly wearing on the former gyaos's nerves as it did her eardrums. Praises were to be held that this human body didn't have echolocation sensitive ears.

Just as she was about to choose between options to save her ear drums, a new sound ripped through the air and silenced human and feline alike. It was shrill, loud, and very distinctive. Sounded almost like a human scream mixed with some kind of barnyard animal. It lasted several seconds before abruptly cutting off. Several moments passed in silence.

"...What was that? Sounds like some girl screaming."

Meglon perked up, almost dropping the cat. His eyes were wide and voice hyper.

"That sounds like big brother!"

Irys raised an eyebrow at the cyborg's alertness. True, Gigan's voice wasn't exactly baritone, but it didn't sound that high pitched, usually.

"But, that sounded more shrill. Almost like some kind of animal actually."

Megalon waited several seconds to acknowledge Irys's statement... And promptly repeated himself with honesty and absolutely no change in his tone.

"Like big brother! Hold the kitty!"

Irys could barely get out a-


-before four and a half kilograms of fur covered, possibly rabies carrying feline was practically hurled at her. It just managed to scratch up the sleeve it landed on before she grabbed it by the scruff and threw it into the trash bin Megalon had yanked it out of. Irys looked up to see Megalon break into a full sprint with his hands in the air across a busy street, going far faster than one would think his bulky frame could move, before disappearing from sight. She let out a hard, long sigh before jogging after him.

It took Megalon about a five minutes, due to stopping to pick up up shiny coins on the way, to reach Gigan. When he did, the younger cyborg found his sibling rolling across the empty park's ground with a woman. A women who's hair appeared to be bear hugging him quite literally as much as her own arms were. She seemed busy planting lipstick-covered kisses across his cheek, while he was busy trying to get his arm free. To Gigan's alternating disgust and delight, both succeeded. Machinery inside the prosthetic limb revved up and a foot long blade popped out from his forearm just above the top of the wrist. Robotic eyes gleaming, Gigan swung his scythe right at Mane-iac's neck and got ready for blood.

He only felt the blade bounce off something without a trickle of warm liquid. His brow raised. True, he couldn't see her neck due to the angle of her head in relation to his point of view, but he was sure he'd hit it. He tried again to the same result. Switching plans and growing desperate as a line of lip locks to his cheek began to reach his mouth, he swung his arm hard as he could in a slashing motion across the side of her stomach. But instead of flying intestines and a kidney, the Nebulan alloy that could slash a skyscraper in two barely cut the seams of her costume. He quickly tried again whilst still attempting to wrestle the whacko off him. But all his efforts just bounced off without so much as an acknowledgement by Mane-iac. In a crowning moment of desperation he pointed the tip directly at her side, angled up to impale her heart, lungs, and stomach and swung with all his mechanical and biological might.

The blade broke off and went flying off into parts unknown.

A marvel of Nebulan and Xilien co-ventures into engineering with metallurgy and alloy experimentation snapped in two like a wooden toothpick. It didn't slice Mane-iac's internals to pieces. It didn't spill her blood all across the pavement. It only seemed to tickle. The villainess giggled like a hyena, running a hand along Gigan's flabbergasted cheek.

"Awwwww still trying to kill me deary? You're so thoughtful, but we can't do it here with the rating you know~"

Gigan's attention was pried away from the shattered remnants of his short sword as Mane-iac pointed up at the sky. What he saw gave he nor Megalon anymore clarity as to what was going on.

Hovering about fifteen feet above them was a giant, two dimensional black and white box with a large 'A' written in it. Gigan was slacked jawed as Megalon approached, rubbing his chin.

"What.... is.... THAT?!"

"A rating, part of a popular rating system in the United States and Canada. This one means the content in the comic book is appropriate for All Ages."

"Megalon, what the Daiei are you saying?!"

"Means the comic is alright for younger children and has no blood, gore, extreme violence, or sexual themes; or they are extremely censored."

Gigan's world was beginning to spiral more than when he found out the crazed witch on top of him could break physics.

"Wait a cycle... are you saying this realm is a-a BOOK of some sort?!"

Megalon shrugged, merely pointing to the big logo and doing absolutely nothing to help his sibling out of his predicament.

"Well, you explain the floaty logo thingy!"

The older cyborg brother was about to snap. If he still could, he'd probably be shooting optic blasts every single direction right about now. Mane-iac looked him in the eye, wiggling her eyebrows as she smirked. Her voice was quiet and sly.

"I can see if I can find us a spot to fix that last censor~"

And with that Gigan was about 50% done with this situation, 25% willing to murder; and 25% panicking to the likes of which he never had before. Mane-iac's smiling face drawing closer made that last 25% begin to skyrocket.

"GRAK! Never mind the d*** rating! Get this insane psycho off of me!"

Mane-iac never could read an insult very well. She took it as a declaration of adoration. The pounding in her chest exceeded a bass drum.

"Awwwwwwwwwwww! You give me the sweetest nicknames my love!~"

Gigan's eyes were glowing like the flames of hell.


He was cut off with his airflow. Gigan's body was smothered by mane and his mouth by lips. Mane-iac's face had turned cherry red as she gave her first big crush a smooch, her world turning to scented shampoos and flowers.

Gigan was going into systems overload, desperately ripping out the knife strapped to his belt and stabbing the woman in the back to about as much success as he previous had. She was blushing and cooing, he was beginning to short circuit. After several seconds of a literal spark-flying kiss, Megalon beamed happily and held his hands together.

"Awwwwww! Big brother you didn't tell me you had a wrestling buddy!"

Mane-iac cocked an eyebrow and snapped out of a blissful dream, looking up at the odd looking young man standing a few yards away from them. Just when she was about to send several strands after them to smack them into the next century for 'daring' to interrupt her time with her barbarous barber; the second and third word in Megalon's sentence registered with her. She broke the smooch and whipped her head around as Gigan lay fidgeting on the pavement, still trying to stab her with the remains of his knife.

"Come again? Who are you?"

Megalon pointed down at the sparking cyborg.

"I'm Megalon, I'm his little brother."

Mane-iac stood still and blinked, looking the cyborg over and glancing back to her soon to be fiancé.

-Huh... Absolutely no family resemblance...-

Megalon just gave off a stupid happy smile and waved.

-Like that matters!-

Mane-iac's expression warmed up and she giggled gleefully, reaching out and shaking Megalon's hand as she kept her other arm hooked around the spasming Gigan's neck.

"Oh aren't you just a darling! I am Mane-iac, soon to be your sister in law!~"

Megalon's face brightened up into a giddy gasp as he put his free hand on the side of his head.

"AAAAAAW! Big Brother you never told me you had a LAAAADY friend!"

"He never told you? We met last week."

"Well he told me nothin'."

Some sane minds question if a supposed loved one hasn't told their relation about them. Insane minds however...

Mane-iac smiled sweetly at her 'fiancé', nuzzling Gigan affectionately and partially nestling her head in the crook of his neck. At this point Gigan was debating the finer points of ripping his own power core out. He was stuck in an ugly human body, being targeted by a love struck maniac who was named exactly that, in a world he couldn't kill her; and at this point it sounded like his brother was about to volunteer to be the best man at the wedding rather than help him. The pros to the ripping out of said cores were really beginning to look appealing.

"Awwwwww he wanted to keep our romance a secret? Probably for fear of a no-name like him embarrassing my vile name. Such a sweeeetie!"

"Um... actually he's not a low life. Bro's blown up like a bunch of buildings."

She sprang up from his statement, eyes wide and grin even wider.

"A mad demolitionist?! Hot D*** I Know how to pick 'em! We'll have the wedding this evening!"

She swung her free arm in front of her and snapped her finger. For only having digits for about twenty minutes, she got the hang of them quite fast. Megalon jumped up joyfully.

"So soon?! I can't wait!"

Gigan barely managed to stay conscious, his voice more than desperate as she struggled beneath Mane-iac amongst half his systems going bonkers.


"But you can't get cold feet now big brother! I wanna catch the flowers! Ooh ooh! Can I be the best man?! Er, no, Mr. X probably be suited more for that. I know! The flower girl!"

Mane-iac only heard Megalon's part of the conversation.

"I know a store we can blow up for dresses! We'll rob a bank and kidnap a judge, kick some puppies, and be married in a salon by sundown!"

Gigan's cybernetics finally gave out.

-I'm surrounded by idiots....-

He sparked rapidly, fidgeting like he was having a seizure after his hands tore free from a shocked Mane-iac's hair. Just before he could wrap his hands around her neck however, he stopped. Or rather, froze would be the more accurate term. The cyborg's body went stiff as a well cut board and stayed like that. Seconds passed without movement. At this point he looked more like a fallen statue. Mane-iac crept back onto him, waving her gloved hand in front of his eyes with obvious worry staining her face. She put her hand to the side of his head when she got no response, shaking a bit with gradually increasing vigor.

"Barber?... Barber?... Barber!?"

Megalon walked up to them, nonchalant about the whole matter.

"Actually his name is Gigan, G-I-G-A-N."

Mane-iac took a moment to think the spelling over in her head. What was spelled and what was said didn't match.


"Nah, GAI-Gan, first part like Gaia. It's pronounced 'Guy'. They took the 'a' out in the English spelling."

"Why would they do that, but keep the pronunciation?"

"I dunno!"

Megalon shrugged audibly as he crouched down next to the couple. His brother still hadn't budged. Megalon titled his head and pondered for a moment. A stray thought crossed his head as he smacked the side of it.

"Ahp! I know the problemo."

He reached down and removed the sunglasses that stood in for his brother's optical visor. Gigan's robotic, camera-like eyes were fully visible now. Their small screens however bore no artificial pupil. Instead they were sky blue panels with little white text on them.

-A systems problem has been detected in yo-...-

Mane-iac had no clue what she was looking at, her eyes beginning to water.

"What's wrong with him?!"

Megalon just chuckled and patted her shoulder.

"Oooooooooooh he's fine. You just shocked his systems, was all! This happens sometimes if something caused his internal gizmos to stop. Basically you gave him a heart attack so strong he's knocked out. I haven't seen him have it this bad since that time his head got blown off!"

Mane-iac's eyes widened for a moment as a thin line of liquid streamed down from one.

"A-a.. h-heart attack?... A... HEART attack?!..."


The insane mind is truly a wonder to behold at times. Mane-iac's mood instantly lifted as she clung to her would be hubby, burying his frozen face into her collar and neck after snaking her arms like pythons around his head and neck. Her eyes were practically sparkling stars.

"Heart?! IT IS TRUE LOVE! Onto the Mane event!"

Neither Mane-iac nor Megalon saw the Electro-Orb flying at them until it smacked into the back of Mane-iac's head.


Mane-iac snarled and swung her head around with a feral growl, glaring at the pale woman standing at the park entrance. Megalon only chirped.

"Oh! Hello Lady Miss Ma'am!"

Irys only leered at the woman with the most bizarre hairdo she'd ever seen. Given her last outing, that was an accomplishment in itself.

"Hands off the jackass!"

Mane-iac finally let go of Gigan, who still was frozen stiff, and shot Irys a look that could shatter bricks. Her tendril-like hairs snaked across the ground to support her as others snapped at Irys like whips. She didn't even notice it was her prized orb that had just been chucked at her and was currently rolling across the pavement. She didn't care. Megalon wisely backed up.

"And WHOM are you supposed to be?!"

Irys narrowed her eyes, punching a fist into a palm. She may not be able to shoot a sonic ray that could slice through steel like butter right now, but the look on her face made it clear how much she cared about that. Mutant, human, or not. She was a gyaos. And a gyaos is never a meek creature when hungry. And she was ravenous.

"Irys, and that is my flockmate you were constricting..."

Upon hearing a very specific word in the albino's sentence, a window Inside Mane-iac's mind cracked. The supervillainess reeled back a bit, her hateful sneer shifting into shock. Her jaw quivered.

"M-M-MATE?!.. Y-Your his mate?!"

Irys held her fists up but her mouth dropped into a look of utter disgust. Some things about other species always sounded gross to the asexual reproducer. And considering what Gigan looked like, Irys was quickly wishing she could unseen some mental images.


Mane-iac either didn't hear or didn't understand what Irys said, it probably didn't make sense one way or another all things considered. Her eyes were beginning to drown in tears as her face scrunched up. And then she took one look at the still offline Gigan and all sadness flushed away. Tears broiled off in rage. She grabbed Gigan by the shoulders with her hands, surprisingly able to lift his still frozen form up and shaking him. He was still stiffened and unresponsive. Didn't matter.


Irys and Megalon sidestepped over to one another, eyebrows raised as they just watched one of the oddest sights they had ever seen and didn't quite know how to react.

"Should we stop her?"

"No no, don't touch her she might be contagious..."

"-OF FOLLICLE VILLAINY!... Come to think of it I already do that... BUT NONE THE LESS!"

With surprising strength she lobbed Gigan at the other two. Megalon held his arms up and open, jumping up and down a bit to try and catch his brother.


The angle however was off, and the unconscious Gigan crashed head first into a hedge bush. He still was frozen in posing and hadn't budged. Megalon snapped his fingers, turning to try and pull his sibling free of the shrubbery.

"Don't got him..."

Mane-iac meanwhile was still monologuing, as her hair walked her back towards the large statue's base. She put her hand on the base and a faint, purplish pink oval formed across the surface. Mane-iac looked back at the group with a sneer.

"Unfarewell my barberous barber Gee-gan-"

"It's GUY-Gan!"

"-Whatever! Next we meet it shall not be a grand day! I shall be whom leaves YOU with something broken!"

And with that she somehow managed to jump into the statute and disappear with the glow. In the span of less than a day Maretropolis' greatest villainess had just confessed her loved, locked lips with said love, planned a highly destructive wedding, and then ended up bailing. In other words, typical weekend. Meanwhile back in sanity, Irys just stood there as the Electro-Orb rolled against her shoe, wondering what on Terra just happened. Shrugging it off, she scooped the ball up and turned to the two brothers.

Gigan was still frozen in pose and unresponsive, Megalon tapping on the side of his head.

"He gonna be alright?"

"Yeah don't worry, he's had worse. It's kinda a shock induced coma. He'll come back later, just gotta boot back up slowly."

Noises that could be favorably compared to a dial-up phone line began to seep out of the frozen cyborg's mouth. Irys put her hands on her ears, cringing.

"How long will that take?"

"Few hours."

"Fine but you're carrying him. Just think he's a giant cat or something."

"Anything else?"

"We got what we need. Let's go grab that corndog stand on our way out..."

Canterlot Castle

The afternoon sun cast its waning beams into an open window and seeped into the room through the swaying curtains. A stray breeze managed to shift one curtain slightly, just enough for an unfiltered ray of light to catch a sleeping alicorn directly on the eye. Eyelids quivered briefly before sapphire blue orbs looked out into the world around them. Princess Luna rose up from her bedding, cracking her neck to help ebb away tiredness quicker. Quick stretching of her wings to pop the joints and she was out of bed. Her temporary quarters may not have been quite what she was used to, but after some time on the moon and Discord's reign; she could handle it just fine. Her room was occupied by someone who needed it more.

Slipping on her crown and regalia, still never knowing how Celestia managed to sleep in such attire; she looked herself over in the mirror. Her mane was still a dark blue to baby blue gradient, but the telltale, star-like twinkle was indicative that her full power was rapidly returning. She was just about to head out when there was a knock on the door. Grasping the handle with an aura of magic, she opened it. Considering the only residents in the castle, save one alicorn, were shorter than her; Luna had a habit of looking down when opening a door to someone. So at first she just saw a blob of gray fur before looking up at red and yellow eyes. Godzilla Junior stood in her doorway with a blank expression, blinking occasionally.

"Ah, salutations Sir Godzilla. I see that you seem to be back on your hooves."

"More or less."

There was a brief, awkward silence. Luna was wondering what he had to say. Junior was, for reasons beyond himself, having a hard time spitting it out. His tongue felt twisted up at random.

"Is, there something you need discussed? How is your recovery now that you are up and moving?"

Finally he managed to snap out of any momentary trance or mental fumble he'd stumbled into.

"Yes actually. I am more or less fully recovered and will be going back to my quarters. Your chamber is your's once again. I wanted to thank you for your assistance, with everything."

"Well, we are most gratefu-"

She was cut off by him pulling something out from the wall and holding it out with a hoof. A whole rose bush. She should have been asking why he was carrying around an entire shrub or why he was giving it to her. Unfortunately she couldn't pry her eyes off the batteries of red flowers. Her wings flared out and stuck straight up.

"W-ell... this was unexpected.... But, thank....y-ou....?"

"Was for the accommodations and nightly visits. Was quite kind of you."

She levitated the bush over to her, her face growing a bit hotter by the second. Junior only looked at the changes with a perplexed glance.

-Never saw her face flare up that much, is she sick?-

"You are m-ost welcome Godzilla."

"You can refer to me as Junior if you wish... By the way, are you feeling alright? Your face is turning red as a cherry."

Luna flinched, raising up the shrub like she was getting a closer look. In truth she was hiding her face behind it.

"Feeling fine!.... Thank.. you Junior, the flowers are lovely..."

Junior turned and started down the hall, his work done. True, Luna did react a bit odd, but he'd guess that was just normal for these ponies and opted not to prod.

"Hope they taste good. I'll leave you to your business then Princess."

He walked down the hall and turned the corner to move out of sight. Princess Luna mentally kicked herself in the flank to get her mind working again. She lowered her wings back down and looked down at the roses with a tilted head.

-What in the world did he mean 'taste'? Does he even know what these are for?-

Luna sighed, inspecting each of the flowers. A lot of things had changed since that dolt crashed through the castle roof. Back then she only saw the thorns on him. Over the past few days though, it was nice to see he wasn't all burning fires and sharpened fangs. It was good to see he had some flowers to him besides the thorns. She nuzzled one of the soft petals, a small smile creeping onto her lips regardless of the odd situation. Wasn't every decade she got something like this from a kindly stallion.

There was a soft chuckle not belonging to herself.

"Am I interrupting something Lulu?~"

Luna's eyes snapped back open and her mind back to reality. Swinging her head up, she saw the smirking face of Celestia standing in her doorway looking right at her. And her present. Luna the red faced alicorn made her grand return to the world, tossing the flowers behind the door.


Celestia smiled, her still pink and golden hued mane only slightly flowing beside her; not quite having fully grown back to its full power. The elder alicorn giggled lightly, putting a hoof on her frazzled sibling's shoulder.

"I just came to wake you up for your shift. Judging from your mane I'd say we're both making progress getting back to full strength. Can you handle the moon alone?"

Luna's voice was slightly rushed as she tried to push past her sister. Her trying to talk in her royal lexicon didn't help much at all.

"Y-Yes we are feeling quite well, we shall lift the moon thyself tonight!"

Celestia smirked, stopping her and putting a hoof on her baby sister's cheek.

"Are you sure Lulu? You seem to be flushing red in the face and feel a tad warm. Do you have a fever?"

Luna's eyebrow twitched and briefly both alicorns were cloaked in a white aura of energy. They disappeared in a flash and reappeared in the hallway. Luna pulled away from Celestia and stomped down the hall, slamming the door to her chamber shut as she passed.

"NO! No! We are feeling quite well dear sister! GoingToRaiseTheMoonNow-"


Celestia motioned to the hall behind her, rubbing the back of her head.

"You're heading to the guard chambers, your tower is that way."

Luna stood frozen in place for a few seconds before teleporting herself behind Celestia and marching down the hall to her tower. Celestia couldn't help but smirk with a wandering eye. She levitated a fallen rose petal to her face, looking at it with a honest smile.

-Was wondering what he was doing with that bush!... Hehe, haven't seen her smile like that in awhile... Note to self, see to Captain Frost getting Sir Godzilla transfered to the Night Guard as soon as possible...-

Canterlot High School, Equestria Girls Realm

Rainbow Dash held her comic away from herself as mixing feelings of curiosity and sheer confusion washed over her. She'd read through the captions, learned about some characters she'd never seen before, and saw them leave the comic on a panel with a purple wormhole but she could hardly make heads or tails about what just happened. It seemed like a normal issue of Power Ponies when she picked it up, but the weirdness dial cranked up for no clear reason. And given this series that was saying something. Befuddled, she skimmed back through the pages.

-Space cyborgs and giant bats turned into humans and fighting Mane-iac as she crushes on one of them... What in the world were the writers thinking? This stuff never happened in the series. Is it some kinda weird crossover? I don't even recognize these characters!-

She shifted to her left at the lunch table and held open the last page of the comic, the one where this 'Irys' and 'Megalon' characters were having to lift the frozen 'Gigan' through a purple portal.

"Hey Sunset, you seen these guys before? They just popped up randomly in the comic."

Sunset Shimmer looked to her right as she was sipping some of her soda. Upon seeing snow white hair with a purple streak going through a portal however, she ended up spitting out her Colta-Cola out like a sprinkler head.


Rodan sat back on his perch, wolfing down a fried trout. Night had fallen, but the town was still very much alive. Good reason too, they were celebrating. Appleloosa was a town of settlers. Experienced and hard working folk by nature; a type the bison herd shared. Between the two groups, the town was patched back up in no time at all. Add Applejack and the aid workers, and the recovery was done in record time. Wasn't to say he hadn't played a part either. Someone had to hold up the support beams in the air as they were nailed into place. It felt good to put something together without fear of accidentally blowing it down with a wing beat.

True, some of the buildings were still in need of repairs, but everyone's homes were back in order. And apparently this was cause for a hoedown filled jamboree to spring up as the sun sunk down. It was a wild and pleasant festival, full of live music, bonfires, food; and township. Ponies dancing with ponies, bison dancing with bison, both with each other; everyone had been getting in on it. Granted Rodan flopped around like a beached squid at times, but everyone had a laugh. Food was good too, even though he found some fried fish from the river more palatable than the apple pies ol' Thunderhooves was scarfing down. Plants and herbs were more Anguirus' shtick anyways.

Rodan sighed from a full belly and leaned back on the support beam. True, while he was panicking beyond belief upon the gyaos scare, seemed like 'Chief put the final nail in that coffin alongside Lea. He'd still be on guard if any more funny business happened, but for now, he could relax a bit. However before he could attempt a nap, he felt a tapping on the beam he was leaning against. Looking down, Rodan spotted the smirking face of Applejack, surrounded by a small pack of fillies, colts, and calves.

The Element of Honesty chuckled, patting the head of one calf that hid behind her slightly; despite looking up at the gryphon with a wide eyed look of fascination.

"First time many of them seen a gryphon 'round these parts, let alone a big friendly one who helped put a town back together. Why don't ye' come on down and give them a closer look?"

An older, more serious, or more reserved kaiju might have objected. Grumpy folks Rodan called them. He was none of the above. The gryphon shifted his seating, spread his wings and glided down a short distance from the group. If the kids were skittish of him at a distance, they weren't shy about up close. Soon they were all over him, eagerly feeling his wings, tapping at his claws, playing with his tail; and everything in between.

Despite being quickly surrounded, the young kaiju only burst into a laugh and shifted, rolling on his back to play around with the group. He earned an uproar of youthful laughter, and was soon the base of a dog pile. Applejack leaned on the beam with a smile, shaking her head as she chuckled at the silly sight. She had have read about some issues back at Canterlot, and she couldn't lie and say the revelation on just how big their new guests were didn't spread some worry at first. It was one thing to hear about it from Rainbow and Twilight. It was another thing to see a picture of a forty story reptile in the newspapers. Still, she was a judge of actions, not origins. And this gryphon's actions would make him more than welcome around these parts. When Rodan arrived on the train, he said she and the others were part of his group now, his flock. Looks like the door swung both ways.

-Welcome to the herd Ro'...-


One thing I'm really honored to have done is to help inspire some of you guys. And because I never like not bragging about how awesome you guy and gals are, be it you lot's hilarious comments, reactions, or your own great creativity; here's a special spot to shout out to you all.

By BlueFireDragon
(Hazzah for the spin off!)

(oh look, there's a whole story attached to this thing! Maybe you should go and read it)

By PonyBytes and Omega-Wing
(Such a gentlecolt~)

By FallenAngel5414
(just showing 1 as not to make the page Xbox huge)
1. 2. 3.

By Issacholt
(And now we know what would have happened if Megalon and Irys didn't show up)

By Pyrus-Leonidas
(ditto. Man if put in all the timeline pictures, I'm fairly certain FimFiction would explode)


by BlackSunEcplised
(Looks like a romance novel cover)

By Johng117
(This guy also did his own story 'The Arrogance of Man', read it)

By Akumuchann and IceStormy
(You know your readers ship a couple when:_______ )

By Golllum123
(Me thinks me can guesses what some of the favorite character designs are)

Short story by Sideswipe217
(Let's get ready to rumblllllle!)
Godzilla Jr. vs. Yonggary

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