
Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results

Of Smoke, Mirrors, and Motivation at the Bottom of a Bottle · 8:25pm May 26th, 2022

Hey all. So real quick, I want to apologize. If you don't care why my story hasn't updated in a while, skip to the next paragraph. But yeah. I'm sorry. I haven't forgotten about the story, I've just been far more busy and tired than usual, since I've been moving countries, dealing with the VA (ugh), leaving the military, and trying to adapt to normal life while also trying to find my own place, and job, and this and that and all this other shit you don't care about. The story will update. I am

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Report Jinzou · 408 views ·

Delay, Indefinitely. · 3:13am Jul 13th, 2021

So my upload schedule is shit. Has been. I'm also currently on a month long training op and trying to deal with the loss of a loved one who I just found killed himself.

I know I would upload every week, but right now I just... can't.

I'm sorry for failing to meet my word.

The story will pick back up, but I'm not sure when. Probably within a month, but right now I just can't promise anything.

Report Jinzou · 322 views ·

So... I screwed up. · 12:42pm Jun 5th, 2021

So here's the issue. I try to pride myself on adding as much realism to my stories as possible, so if I write a character with a condition or disorder, I try my best to make it realisitic. That being said, the main character of All Smoke, No Mirrors has a certain condition I don't want to spoil.

I've been doing a lot of research on it, and the person who's been helping me, who knows a lot about this certain thing, has basically let me know some of the things I assumed were completely wrong.

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Report Jinzou · 487 views ·
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