
Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 results

I did it. · 10:13pm Nov 7th, 2022

Well, I wrote the new chapter. I like it more than the original. However, there's a link in the AN that will allow you to read the original if you'd like.

Report BronyWriter · 553 views ·

Scene change · 7:00pm Nov 4th, 2022

So it's no secret that probably the worst scene in Secret Life of Rarity is the "Kill Bill" bit where she kills almost 20 diamond dogs with a katana. It's ridiculous, it's tonally off, and it basically has no redeeming qualities other than people who like it ironically.

But I thought of a better way. A better scene. Much, much better. Night and day. I'm considering changing the story, then putting the original chapter on a GDoc for the people who would still want to read it. Thoughts?

Report BronyWriter · 395 views ·

Secret Life of Rarity book · 2:03am May 3rd, 2021

I just released a print version of A Shadow Hangs Overhead, but I really want to make print copies of Secret/Public/Blossom, but they're all just... so bad. People have been begging me for print copies for the better part of a decade (has it been that long?) but on top of some dumb scenes (the Diamond Dog scene, but I know exactly how I'd fix that) the prose and mechanics are absolute garbage. It's obvious that it's the third thing I ever wrote on this site. Looking at it versus

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Report BronyWriter · 428 views ·

Secret Life of Rarity print book · 9:40pm Aug 27th, 2018

I want to do this. After doing TD the Alicorn Princess, I want to actually get The Secret Life of Rarity good enough for a print copy, and then the other two, because why not? People have been asking for them for years.

So, I need editors. Lots of them. The story is 90% of the way there, but the prose, tech stuff, show vs tell, etc, is about 50-60% of where I want it to be. That goes for Secret, Public, Blossom, Word. Getting all 4 ready for print would rock.

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Report BronyWriter · 475 views ·

Secret Life of Rarity Tumblr! · 6:11pm Apr 2nd, 2018

The gentleman, scholar, and all around awesome guy globug100 has created a tumblr for The Secret Life of Rarity that is both a comic adaptation of the story, but also an ask blog! You ever wanted to ask Killer Rarity something? Well now you can! So far it's going to be updated every Monday until the ball gets rolling a little more, but just from the pages and concept art he's shown me, it going to be awesome. Check it out and follow

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Report BronyWriter · 709 views ·
Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 results