
Viewing 1 - 8 of 8 results

I, Monster - The Sketchbook · 10:47pm Jul 9th, 2023

Okay, this is it. The big reveal. The final answers at the end of the road.

TI, Monster
Trixie gets a second chance. What will she do with that? And what will be the cost?
Magenta Cat · 16k words  ·  165  7 · 3.1k views

Tomorrow I mark my tenth year on this site and fandom. I started watching the series and reading the fics a bit before the date, but joining here marks a nice date to remember anyways.

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Report Magenta Cat · 850 views ·

Okay, this one actually hurt · 9:02pm Feb 12th, 2022

I mean, yeah, it's not inaccurate.

Report Magenta Cat · 240 views ·

How do I get back at writing? Or: Ranting at the void at 2 AM because I can't sleep · 6:19am Jun 16th, 2020

Okay, cards on the table. My writer's block is not going anywhere. Otherwise, I wouldn't have used that godawful tittle up there. But, it's still there, as well as my extremely limited spare time thanks to my job (which I'm actually thankful to till have), my country going through three-to-five socioeconomic crisis and, of course, the COVID-19 outbreak (worsened by a whole bunch of assholes who swear it's not a big deal while thousands of people die).

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Report Magenta Cat · 230 views ·

In regards of my recent activities (or total lack of thereof...) · 7:38pm May 21st, 2019

This is not gonna be an easy post to write. In fact, I lost count of how many false-starts I got deleted before I decided to just write it raw and post it as such. So, forewarning for bad structure. Anywhoo, let me say the hardest part sio the rest won't hurt as much:

A writer's block that's close to hitting the two years is not something to ignore, and I've yet to see any visible end to it.

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Report Magenta Cat · 1,170 views ·

I, Monster: Slight delay. Q&A Session · 6:05am Sep 2nd, 2017

Well, that. I don't know how much else to say beyond that. Due to (maybe) unforeseen stuff (forgot the word that goes here). Very sorry, guys, please don't be mad... beyond the reasonable.

So, in order to compensate the legion of people that was surely staying awake, waiting for chapter five (all three of you), I'll hold a Q&A session in real time (probably).

So, ask away, and you shall receive answers (yeah, sure).

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I, Monster - Editorial: New design no one seemed to notice · 12:57am Aug 12th, 2017

It was bigger than a pony, almost as big as one of the Princesses. Its skin was jet black, sans four white stripes crossing its chest like a ‘V’. The featureless face only sported two red eyes, surrounded by white markings, like the ones of a killer whale. There were also wings over the monster’s back, folded over it and covering most of its sides, but letting its forelegs out. The limbs were slightly red, ending in what looked like claws to Trixie. That’s when she noticed the chains

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Actually, I'm Dead and I, Monster: How dark can they be? · 11:55am Aug 8th, 2017

Recently, a comment appeared in both of Nightwalker's and mine stories, Actually, I'm Dead and I, Monster.

Before I read this, what is the Dark tag for ?
And how bad does it get ?

At first, I didn't pay them too much attention. However, after reconsidering it, I decided to answer it with the following, which I want to share with you, my faithful reader, in order to give you a clearer view of this strange look into the abyss that is our story.

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We did it again! Holy fff-- · 5:52pm Aug 5th, 2017


I can't believe it! Thank you all, guys and gals, for this effort was for and because of you. Readers, fellow writers, friends, even enemies. Thank you.

Viewing 1 - 8 of 8 results