
Viewing 1041 - 1060 of 1,104 results

Five Years of Horsewords and Human-Horsewords! · 11:15pm Jul 23rd, 2017

Half a decade now. Five years ago, I made an account here on Fimfiction to indulge in reading horsewords and trying a feeble attempt at writing them.

Now it's become quite the opposite. Here to write and feebly attempt to read.

My, how things have changed. Below the break, find one of the two times of the year where I freely talk about what I accomplish when I'm not being lazy. I've learned and discovered so mush in these years, it's hard to imagine sometimes.

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NaNoWriMo Week 3: I Never Claimed to be Sane · 6:33am Nov 23rd, 2017


In the Dark, Dark, Dark (For Ixu) · 4:26pm Aug 4th, 2017

In the dark, dark, dark
Can't see
In the dark, dark, dark
Can you see me?

In the dark, dark, dark
Hear something
In the dark, dark, dark
Something's coming

In the dark, dark, dark
A light
In the dark, dark, dark
It's so bright

Not so dark, dark, dark
Take your hand
Not so dark, dark, dark
Helping me stand

No longer dark, dark, dark
See your face
No longer dark, dark, dark
Your beautiful face

No longer dark, dark, dark
Dare to try

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Read It Now Reviews #112 – Fifty Shades of Toast, Numbers, Why Do We Have Guards?, As Long As You Both Shall Live, Iron Rider Rangelkai · 12:41am Oct 27th, 2017

Sometimes I feel like the journey of a thousand miles doesn’t start so much with a single step as with rolling a rock over the top of a hill; it is hard to get it to the top of the hill, but it starts getting easier to push it once you get over the crest and it really gets rolling down the other side.

It would certainly explain a thing or two about me.

Today’s stories:

Fifty Shades of Toast by Estee
Numbers by The 24th Pegasus

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I Finally Found A Film I Hate (Part 4) · 10:44pm Aug 17th, 2020

It's about time I came back to this.
Sorry, things get a bit hectic with one thing or another. I shouldn’t have to tell anyone that but I don’t even have a social life even without lockdown so I don’t have an excuse.

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i'm running off at most 5 hours of sleep · 1:32pm Aug 23rd, 2017

like i can't even remember what i was dreaming about i just woke up with my heart racing

so i read til like 7:30 and then tried to sleep til i needed to get up and do school


The Pre-Jinglemas Revival · 10:08pm Dec 21st, 2015

Note to self: don't have the Cap post a teaser when we aren't even ready to be undead yet.

So. Holidays are right around the corner. And we've been busy. Quite busy. Busily busy, one could even say. So now, consequently, we've got a good string of updates for you guys, with only more to come. Consider that our kinda-sorta Jinglemas gift to you, our followers. Gotta promote that love, sharing, and peace on Earth deal, right?

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Ok Fimfic... · 1:27am Oct 2nd, 2015

Who thought it was a cute idea to make those tags? Of all the 3 years I've spent on this site... I don't even.

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Should be getting my first of many (hopefully) Unique posters tomorrow. · 2:12am Oct 5th, 2015

I just hope it looks good. I paid extra moneys to have it made with a professional material finish to keep it from wearing and fading away. Like a plastic wallet basement nerds put their super-duper-ultra-mega-hyper rare limited edition superhero comics in.

If anyone reading this is one of such people who do that, we (that's Unique and I, by the way) would like to apologize to those people who were offended by that comment.

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Badfic Slaughterhouse #26 · 5:48pm Dec 10th, 2015

The doors of the Badfic Slaughterhouse have opened once more, and six stories now stand in front of the Badfic Grinder 3000™ (revision 6). Continue reading to find out which ones should go onto your reading lists and which will be thrown into the grinder for your twisted amusement.

Also, an important (to me, at least) message is waiting at the end.

In this edition of Badfic Slaughterhouse:
—Celestia OP. Nerf plz.
—An action scene is re-envisioned with creepy groping.

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So you decided to sabotage your career: a pro as fuck guide to longfics · 8:16am Apr 16th, 2016

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted a blog. Mainly because I’ve been trying to finish the TLS sequel. Guess what?

It’s done now.

Bad news: Done doesn’t mean finished. This thing is going to need editing and prereading to make sure it’s up to snuff to publish (my apologies into the poor saps that agreed on reading this. But look on the bright side: eventually it ends)

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Story Updates · 1:47am Mar 12th, 2016

Hello ponies! I missed uploading a chapter of anything yesterday because I was having trouble with the flow of the scenes for Frozen Shadows and since I have two ongoing stories and teased a new one in my blog last week here, I'm gonna put them in an easier to comprehend update here with the order of priority on my list:

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So what does Nyx look like anyways? · 12:08am Mar 19th, 2016

I had an hour this morning before work to do some writing. I could get something done in that small space of time, yeah. Then my stomach had to go and get nauseated so I can't even get breakfast down, let alone write. Yeah, thanks stomach for that. Thanks a heap.

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Oh, pooh. :( · 8:06pm Aug 15th, 2015

I'm sorry to say that I've been very ill in the past few days and I haven't been able to write any more of my story. I apologise to the non-existent people looking forward to the story but it may be delayed. Hopefully, I will get better soon and will be able to finish my story in time, so let's pray God, Jesus, Allah, Ganesh, Shiva or whatever deity or being you worship that I get better from my illness. Sorry if I did not mention your religion. I mean no offense.


NaNoWriMo Week 1: For the the Alliance! · 7:19pm Nov 8th, 2017


NaNoWriMo Week 2: Tired Twilight is Tired · 7:26am Nov 16th, 2017


So... Cloptopia · 8:55am Oct 12th, 2015

[1:26:11 AM | Edited 1:28:55 AM] KittyKat Noote: it's come to the point where i own a super productive town that can
[1:26:24 AM] KittyKat Noote: - bribe off any changeling invasion away with the sheer amount of bits
[1:26:47 AM | Edited 1:40:43 AM] KittyKat Noote: - my townsfolk are rolling in so much food and bits that they donate a lot of surplus food and bits to me and spend most of their day having sex

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Signal Boost: 16 · 2:44am Jan 20th, 2020

Probably most of y’all who read these things know about Business Trip and Mr. Jones Goes to Equestria, and if you were waiting for another installment about the ponies of the Mareiott, good news!

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Ponyfest 4.0! This Saturday, 7 PM EST! Be there or... be somewhere else! · 5:44am Sep 17th, 2020

That's right lads, ladettes, and general non-binary lad-like folks, your favorite fimficcer is doing another Ponyfest Panel!

Yep, Monochromatic is back baby!

And I will also be there!

We will be going over:
- Some broad psychological vectors on which relationships form and function

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If am bein honest · 7:45am Jun 22nd, 2019

I've been with this community since 2014 and just made an account a little while ago and just made a blog now that just shows how absolutely god dam lazy I am. Buut I like talking about fallout equestria so if y'all wanna talk about it I'm down

Viewing 1041 - 1060 of 1,104 results