
Viewing 61 - 80 of 815 results

A Shameless Plug for my New Novel · 4:47pm Feb 5th, 2016

Hi, everypony! So, a few days ago, I finally finished my second novel, Mektar: Reflection, and it's now available for your reading pleasure (or displeasure, but hopefully not). In terms of genre, Mektar is a science fiction thriller with a minor romantic subplot, and is over 150,000 words in length. Also notable is the fact that there are two

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An update | Almost done! · 3:43am Jul 15th, 2016


Update · 11:24am May 31st, 2016

Hey everyone!

Someone pointed out that I've not written a blog post in a while, so I thought I'd come on and do a little update as to what I'm up to!

Pony stuff:

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Are they still Fanfictions? · 3:38pm Oct 2nd, 2015

How's it going everyone.

My brother and I recently did a vlog on our opinions about writing and reading, but one part in particular applies to this very site. That subject regarded fanfictions, more specifically, whether or not original characters should be used.

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The Original Stargazing Together · 1:47am Apr 8th, 2018

So I was looking through my google docs recently, and found the entirety of the original Stargazing Together. In no way is it my best work, but it was well loved. I wanted to ask if people were interested in reading it. More specifically, how I should post it.

Obviously I could ask the admins to undelete the original story and have it back up. I'm not sure how I feel about that.

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Dead? Maybe. Writing? Maybe. · 9:47am Dec 3rd, 2015

I've got a couple stories that I'm working on intermittently. Whether they ever reach the light of day remains to be seen.

The Clothes Make the Stallion - Shining Armor plays dress up with magical clothing. Transformation happens.
Statuesque - Flash Sentry drinks a potion that promises to mold his body in the shape of a classical sculpture. It's more literal than he thought. Muscle growth, cock growth, bishie-to-bara, and petrification.


Coming up soon: Posting the story that started it all. · 12:00am Sep 2nd, 2019


I mentioned before that I really only originally came to the site to practice writing because my original story at the time (that I then considered to be the best thing ever™) was feeling a little lackluster.

Thing is, nobody, save for a few close friends and family, has ever seen this thing. The first story I posted was supposedly a crossover between MLP and this original story, but for the most part, nearly everything save for the characters were changed.

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Beast Mode Autumn Moon Werepony form · 5:23pm Jul 2nd, 2020


That drone strike in Afghanistan... · 5:14pm Sep 26th, 2021

After the withdrawal from Afghanistan, and in particular after the drone strike that killed an aid worker and several family members, a few people reached out to ask about I story I wrote several years ago for the Writeoff original fiction contest. It was, in fact, the first original fiction piece I'd written in years, and it dealt with the (fictional) aftermath of drone strike that went wrong. I had removed it from the Writeoff site, but since enough people have inquired about it, I've decided

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Tamago: Character Check, Part 1 · 3:32pm Feb 28th, 2020

So, LyraAlluse was interested in the characters of my characters of my original Story, so here I am. Keep in mind that I will not hold the spoilers, except it's something really big.

Let's start with whom I consider the main character, the young punk girl with the long purple pony tail from Salem, Massachusetts ,

Murasaki Kabuto.

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New Hyper Futa Original Fiction! · 2:03am Jan 16th, 2022

Surprise, I have a new story out! Very NSFW, obviously, hence why I have a mature fic tagged. As it's not MLP related, you can read it here. Offprint is still in alpha, so if you want to comment and don't feel like making an account yet, just pop back in here and let me know what you think!


Just written an original one-shot on Offprint · 12:37am Jan 8th, 2021

A Random Guy Got High And Stopped The Apocalypse

While it would have been wiser to have done it long after its alpha phase is over and done with, you know what they about the early bird getting the worm. :twilightsmile:

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OC contributors! · 5:17pm Jan 16th, 2021

The fic, Dearly Beloved, has arrived! Hope NotaPonyPerson and I did a decent job with every OC submitted. More chapters to come eventually, sadly my laptop has been glitchy lately so I haven't been able to produce much.


Sonic 31st Anniversary Stream - Sonic Origins · 10:23pm Jun 23rd, 2022

Figured I'd take a bit of a break from writing tonight and stream some Sonic Origins. Is this a good collection, or a $40 bet banking on the modding community eventually doing what Sega doesn't?

Twitch: milesprower06 - Sonic Origins


Cumgirls Chapter 3 is done! · 3:49pm May 1st, 2022

You can read it here. Again, mature fic tagged, and you can share your thoughts on this blog since Offprint is still in alpha.


HER. (A Poem) · 7:53pm Nov 2nd, 2023

I find myself alone in the forest.
The trees close in on me, darker and darker still.
The creaking wind blasts the creatures around me,
Killing them softly.

I mourn for their losses
And their sadness and wails.
I wish I could help.
They seem so lost and afraid.

But from the shadows, 
Something wicked this way comes.
Is it wicked?
I cannot tell, it’s too dark.

Where’s my flashlight?
It’s gone, the thing whispers.
Can the darkness ever truly cover you?

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Characters as Mitski Songs ✨ · 1:04am Sep 5th, 2022

So I won’t explain why these songs (2 each) suit each character as of yet mainly because 1 it’s a lot of typing 🥲 and 2 I don’t wanna give too many spoilers away so here’s just the songs and u can try to guess how/why these suit whichever character I put it with

Ume: Me and My Husband + Lonesome Love

Jasmine: Jobless Monday + Goodbye, My Danish Sweetheart

Popillia: Eric + Door

Tsubaki: I Bet on Losing Dogs + Shame

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Random Question, Regarding Original Pony Fiction. · 11:09am Feb 26th, 2017

If I tell you I have several different races of magical talking horse, and they are named:


What would you think they are and why? Is it obvious what the naming convention is and the connotations for them or not?


A Proposal · 2:15am Jan 25th, 2018

Hey, all!

I mentioned in my last blog that I've had to face some things about myself lately. One thing is that I've closed off some parts of myself, one of which being my love for my stories and characters and my desire to talk about them. I've had some chances to nerd out over these things lately, and it felt so good and really therapeutic to talk about them again.

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Crossing Over OCs · 6:46am Jun 2nd, 2016

I've been wondering, I know there are a lot of stories where authors collaborate on making stories with famous OCs. But what if someone made stories that had famous OCs such as Nyx and Snowdrop of their respective stories with a random stories like Friendship is Out of This World?

Not saying I'd do something like that, I'm not that lucky, but I'm curious to know; if anyone out there would

Viewing 61 - 80 of 815 results