
Viewing 61 - 80 of 235 results

Update Complete · 6:25pm Nov 21st, 2019

Alright, after god knows how long of me beating my head against the wall, I've finally updated Chapter 50 of Hero Souls: Awakening, so go ahead and give that a look and let me know how it fits.

I tried to keep the entire exchange in Rarity's perspective, as well as have Celestia be more subtle and open regarding answering questions Rarity has. Hopefully you guys like this.


Finding an old opening and you can't help but sing along to it. · 3:52am Nov 21st, 2018

Wanted to find an old ep of this, opening starts it off and I am flooded with memories of watching this. How about you guys? What do you remember as your favorite opening to sing along to back in your kid days?

Report Primus · 235 views · #Memories #Songs #Openings #Anime #5Ds

The Stories of Bronycon · 10:55pm Jul 16th, 2016

So, thanks to the con, I earned a handful more followers, pushing me all the way to 300. So, Mazel Tov.

That out of the way; Bronycon was an experience. What made it so great really was the people. Guests, panelists, everyone.

Of course, where people gather, things happen, and the following are some of what I feel are the more funny/interesting things I experienced at the convention. I hope you all enjoy.

Nyronus and the Bad Bad Terrible Awful Trip To Bronycon

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Highlights from BronyCon 2019: Not So Fast! (Part 1) · 12:57am Sep 9th, 2019

Condensed Version

Highlights from BronyCon 2019: Not So Fast! (Part 1)

In which son_of_heaven176 sees a sight unlike the one that greeted him in 2018 on the way to Baltimore, and experiences a less-than-stellar light-rail ride.

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Bronies NYC · 12:41am Oct 28th, 2019

Bronies NYC

In which son_of_heaven176 watches the MLP series finale, meets friends, and introduces more people to Danmaku.

Saturday, October 12, 2019: Two Months and Change after the Final BronyCon

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Announcements! · 4:44am Aug 1st, 2015

So, two things!

One, the fifth, and final chapter, of Memories of Midnight has been written. I hope it weighs up to all your expectations, as it was an experience to write.

There will be one more 'chapter' after this, but it'll be more like an epilogue rather than an actual chapter, and will take place -after- part 3 of PtH. As such I am going to put the story into Hiatus mode after I post Chapter 5, and wait for Calm's story to progress a bit more.

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The Finale is here... Now what? · 2:01am Oct 14th, 2019

I'm still behind the series and still on S7 E2, haven't watched any of the Equestria Girl shorts/episodes after the fourth movie, haven't seen the MLP Movie, and so on.

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Another contest, another story · 8:26pm Jul 1st, 2017

A story I've been working on sporadically for over a year is finally complete and published. Jake the Army Guy lit a fire under my chair with his  Jake The Army Guy's Horse Words Extravaganza contest. The theme is obscure shipping, and this is not the usual Twilight/human ship, but the contest did not rule out non-romantic ships, so here we go with a different take on the meaning of friendship:

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Debunking "Debunking Tanks for the Memories (Concept of Death)" · 12:29pm Mar 19th, 2021

Everyone knows how Tanks for the Memories is about dealing with death, right? No? Well, you're right, it's not about dealing with death. But what is it about Mykan that makes him insist that an episode of MLP is sending a different message than it actually is? As I rip off Rationality Rules' intro, this is Debunking "Debunking Tanks

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It's weird the things you remember. (Concerning Adam West) · 6:51pm Jun 10th, 2017

When I was very little, probably five, I would run home every day to watch Adam West's batman on public TV. I didn't have cable when I was very very little, but Batman was something I never missed. Every time, it would sign off: "Same bat time, same bat channel." I was incredibly and obsessively involved with this show, to the point where I would shout at the screen to try to help Batman or warn him of things. Oddly enough, from all my memories from that age, one sticks out in my mind

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People of Bronycon 2018: It's About Friendship, Stupid! · 1:02am Aug 8th, 2018

Bronycon, perhaps obviously, is about friendship. About meeting new people, reconnecting with old ones. The first year I went I made a post like this, but last year I ran out of energy before I really could put it together and then it just took too long. I did not want to make that mistake this year; you guys, all of you that I met and chatted with, are what make Bronycon what it is, and I want to make sure to acknowledge this. So, here’s to all of you wonderful bastards for being there, and

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Highlights from BronyCon 2019: #finnabuse and Wonderful Eliyora · 1:22am Aug 19th, 2019

A/N: I did not expect to publish a Highlight out of order yet again this year, much less have the out-of-order Highlight be the first one published! However, circumstances on the Brony D&D Discord server led me to decide to publish this one first. Either way, enjoy!

In addition, my thanks to Discord user “rillegas08” for his notes; they helped me a bit in plugging in details about the D&D prequel that would have slipped my memory.

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Lyrics for an Unus Annus Memorial Chant? · 10:00pm Nov 14th, 2020

I started typing up something, and so here it is, in English and in Latin:

One year.

Remember death.

Death comes for us all.

We cannot stop
the clock.

Remember death.

One year.

Let us rejoice in the loss of life, completing the circle of our miserable lives.

One year.

Remember death.

Remember yourself.

Remember us.

Remember life.

Remember justice.

Remember our sacrifice to the world.

One year.

Remember death.

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Weekly Blog I: Dinosaurs Ahoy! · 4:36am Jun 15th, 2015

I had the coolest day ever! Yah wanna know why? I just saw Jurassic World and I was so happy!

Here let me spoil the ending for you. I would definitely say it was a really good movie, had me hiding in my jacket at certain moments because of all the tension filled events. Woo! The action was amazing, CGI was definitely cool and I would also like to mention all the references to the first movie. Man it was so awesome!

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Highlights from BronyCon 2019: Back to the Vendor Hall · 9:55pm Nov 24th, 2019

Previous Highlight: Opening Ceremonies and the Close of the Day

Highlights from BronyCon 2019: Back to the Vendor Hall

In which son_of_heaven176 prepares for later autographs.

Friday, August 2, 2019: The Second Day of the Final BronyCon

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9/11 · 5:50am Sep 11th, 2016

I live in the Mountain Time region of the US. With it being 11:50 here as I write this, that means that in ten minutes, it'll be September 11, 2016. Fifteen years after the attacks.

In commemoration of said attacks, I shall publish Equestria Forever, a story modeled after bringing forth world peace and tolerance, in a world where both have been wiped from existence.

And remember:



Stories of Bronycon 2018: Going Quietly Into That Good Night · 1:01am Aug 8th, 2018

So, as per tradition I spent way too long writing way too much about all the misadventures I had on a hot weekend in Baltimore. There were laughs, there were tears, there was a lot of good memories. So, in the wise words of a great man; let’s just jump right into it!

Nyronus and the Mostly Okay But Still Not Perfect Trip In

What Bronycon retrospective would it be if I didn’t start off discussing the absolute shitpocalypse that was my attempt to get to the con?

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Living with your head (And the voices in it) · 3:09am Jun 12th, 2019

Ugh!! Voices in my head, nothing but voices in my head.

No, it's not schizophrenia, that's entirely different. (I have Autism, not schizophrenia,)

The voices I hear in my head are replays of old bad memories as far back as I can remember since I was 3...

-Every adult who ever yelled at me
-Every bully who ever picked on me
-Everyone who ever hit me (Bully/Family alike) Heck my first tooth came loose because a bully pushed me into a stone pillar in the school yard when I was 6.

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The Cost of Freedom · 8:01pm May 27th, 2019

Ours is a world of consequences. Whether we are aware of it or not, there is no action, thought, or word which passes without consequence, for good or for ill. It is the nature of things. In order to respond to these consequences and change a course that has been set in motion, answering actions must be taken, with their own corresponding consequences. When a great many evils are done, the number of possible responses which may change the course of that evil dwindle.

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Highlights from BronyCon 2019: History and More History · 10:11pm Dec 27th, 2020

Previous Highlight: The Tale of Silver Coronet

Highlights from BronyCon 2019: History and More History

In which the story of the final BronyCon comes to a close.

Sunday, August 4, 2019: The Final Day of the Final BronyCon

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Viewing 61 - 80 of 235 results