
Viewing 461 - 480 of 485 results

About that sequel... · 3:57pm Feb 1st, 2016

Hey folks,

First I want to say thanks again for enjoying A Whole New Responsibility, the love you've all given it really has made the entire process worthwhile, and I wouldn't trade it for the world, however... I've read a lot of comments and several PMs in regards to the last chapter, and a fair amount of them are talking about a sequel, well I think I should tell you right here and right now.

It's not happening.

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FINALS... · 2:51am Dec 6th, 2015

My final for my online psychology class is (due) tomorrow, and my other online classes have their finals due next week, too, so after that, NO MORE COLLEGE WORK... For the rest of the year.

That, and I have high school finals literally the week after.

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Regarding the series finale · 2:16pm Aug 26th, 2019

So, the show is officially over. Its time has come. I'll definitely say this:

I can't believe they reformed Starlight. What a battle!


4 Day Emergency $50 Loan? · 9:38am Jul 1st, 2019

I thought I had enough money in my account to buy underwear and groceries at Target. I did not. Now, ten dollars, that's not too much. I'm sure I could find someone to sell a couple grams of God's green herb to to make that up. But then I forgot that Planet Fitness (the place I shower at since I live in my music studio) charges a $40 "Maintenance Fee" or whatever every July, rather than, you know, making their monthly rate like 3.5 bucks higher. So now I'm $49 in the red, and if I can't solve

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Why Am I Doing This I'm Not a Real Reviewer (Part 1) · 7:45pm Jul 9th, 2017

Okay, so this is a thing that I figured I'd do because why not. I'm not a reviewer, but I'm a reader and a writer, so I thought I'd give a try and write a commentary/review on a story when I'm not working on my own. Because reasons. Because I can.

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Summer Writing Plans, Part 1 · 7:03pm Jun 1st, 2020

Hi y'all. I hope that where all of you are, everyone is doing okay. Or, at least as okay as we can all be with all the awful stuff that's been intensifying. This is the blog I wanted to share regarding the summer writing plans for all my stories. I'll be sure to touch on the status of each one and offer some details about its completion. I would also like to take a moment to show off something other neat things I've found and mention very briefly how all the rioting will impact my presence on

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Hell's Belles: It's like Charlie's Angels meets National Treasure, only somehow worse! · 11:32pm Aug 17th, 2020

Remember how I said that I had a great big project that I'd been working really hard on, and have been for a long time?

Yeah, this isn't it. But it's still a fun little story that's absolutely batshit. Will try to update... once every couple of weeks, I want to say? I've got classes starting this Thursday, so we'll see. Still, come and check out Hell's Belles if you like ridiculous stories, or pancakes.

THell's Belles
Sweetie Belle and Sugar Belle go on a whirlwind heist. It goes exactly as well as you'd expect.
Silent Whisper · 5.9k words  ·  37  1 · 380 views

Before I forget · 7:26pm Apr 1st, 2018

I preread another thing a bit ago. (But wasn't listed as one?)

Luna, newly returned from her exile, takes Twilight along on a pilgrimage into her own past.
Cynewulf · 26k words  ·  282  9 · 3.3k views

It's good but I'm really tied and can't think of nice things to say right now, but if you like worldbuilding, adventures, and Luna, this story awaits you.

To Lunangrad!


you ever miss old friends · 10:47am Jul 2nd, 2020

even ones you're not friends w anymore?

hate that feeling

there's also another friend but like
idek if we're still actually friends we barely talk and i was going through her old blog posts and found our old drama and that shit hurted
and it kinda
makes me wonder whether we were friends again in the first place
like the only people i still frequently talk to that i met here are my girlfriend, two of my exes, and like, one of my all time best friends

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ΛSK░MΞ░ΛNYTHING! · 11:20pm Oct 27th, 2018

I haven't done an AMA in a while. This blog is meant to rectify that. Go on and ask me something in the comments! However many questions you want, I guess. I don't care. Though, don't ask me about story updates. Those are in progress! Please don't ask me to spoil my stories either. If there's some sort of lore that you're interested in that is a spoiler you really wanna know about, PM me.

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48 hours of mostly painkillers, Stephen King, and weird sleep patterns is something else · 7:46am Jul 27th, 2019

Surgery happened. I lived, bitch. Woo. I slept most of the those 48 hours afterward because holy fuck there was pretty much nothing else I could do. Also, The Shining is an absolute mess of a book. Don't touch it; it's not good, I promise. (I could spend like six hours saying why, but I won't; that's not the painkillers talking either.)

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New fic out! · 11:18pm Oct 11th, 2021

do YOU like Strawberry Sunrise? do YOU like changelings? do YOU like that weird sort of fic that I write where I can't adequately summarize? do YOU like clickbait summaries because pls pay attention to this fic, I'm very proud of it? If you answered yes to none or more of the above, come check out this fanfic I wrote!

TThe Many Lives of Strawberry Sunrise
Most new ponies feel alone when they first come to Ponyville, but Strawberry Sunrise is far less alone than she thought.
Silent Whisper · 8.4k words  ·  91  2 · 845 views

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UniqueSKD TRIES to get back into writing, decides to do new chapter to Earning Their Trust. · 1:32am Aug 3rd, 2017

Thorax stepped out of his new room, his best smile on his face. However, no sooner had he stepped through the door did his hoof slip on something soft, and he found himself getting close and personal with the hard wooden flooring, face first and with a loud thud. He groaned as he lifted his head, a slight daze enveloping his mind. There were sounds of muffled childish giggles close by. Shaking his head as he stood back up on to all fours, Thorax turned to his side and was met with the

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Oops... · 7:11pm May 4th, 2018

Okay, so if anyone has a better memory than me, they'll remember that I had a contest going on... that still hasn't been judged. I'm terribly sorry about this. Yes, it's basically either my fault, or my life's fault. So, I guess I have a bit of explaining to do?

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OH MY GOD · 5:22am Dec 20th, 2015


Sequel to Symbiosis out! · 9:59pm Aug 22nd, 2021

TSol Invictus
Just keep digging. As long as we break through soon, we'll stay alive. Just keep digging.
Seer · 4.1k words  ·  148  5 · 2.2k views

Hello dear readers!

Do you remember Symbiosis? That wonderfully dark fic about Rarity in a spaceship, walking eternally while merged with a plant?

I have splendid news! There's an absolutely incredible sequel, written by a dear friend of mine. If you liked Symbiosis, this one will absolutely blow your mind!

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MLP Wigs Suggestions (Part One?) · 7:16pm Feb 19th, 2016


BACKSTREET'S BACK · 1:51am Dec 31st, 2015


ok so im officially back from vacation!
feel free to PM me, chat, comment, whatever

i know a few of you requested some art but i dont really remember what, so if u could send me a PM with "art request" as the subject/ title, that'd be great

anyways I what did you guys do for the holidays?[b


Celestial Advice, various thoughts · 6:33pm Apr 15th, 2017

It's finally here, this new season! Now I can get my weekly fix of ponies. :heart: Twilight Sparkle has come a long way since she was a student, and now, she's even taken on a student of her own in a field she'd never imagined she'd spend her life pursuing. Of course, it's time to present her student with a path of her own. Interestingly, this is is a set of two independent episodes. I wonder what's up with that? I figure there's something else the writers were working on, like

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tl;dr - Hillary can go choke to death on Kissinger's cock · 8:33am Nov 7th, 2016

I'll spare you the wall of text by linking you a google doc that has said wall of text.

But basically it's unbelievable that after this whole year of being desensitized to this circus parade of a presidential election, this is what fucking sends me reeling. Unforgivable.

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Viewing 461 - 480 of 485 results