
Viewing 21 - 40 of 109 results

I have officially seen EQG9. · 5:08pm Jul 8th, 2019

...I suddenly have a lot to do by the 27th.



The realization that I likely made a (story related) mistake... · 10:50am Sep 23rd, 2022

Well... I'm not very happy that it happened... but as the post's title conveys, I've been thinking about it, and I've realized that I likely made a story-related mistake with one of my fics.

Namely, with the idea of making the revamp of the first Equestria Girls movie that is part of Chapters of a Revamped Tome.

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Pardon My Musings · 8:49pm Sep 14th, 2023

I'm often tired. When I get like this, my thoughts and feelings tend towards the negative.

I've tried to do a lot of different things in my life. I created a ton of OCs as a kid, and the list only grew as I got older. I often dreamed that I would create my own comics or video games with those characters. At this point, counting the ones I've created for my works here on this site, the exact number is easily in the hundreds.

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Habits and their Consequences · 7:15am Mar 2nd, 2016

I have a problem. I'm a very imaginative, artistic person, however everything that catches my attention can completely throw me off what I was working on. I must have eight stories that never grew past the first two pages, all of which could have been good works of fiction if I could just have focused better. Even now, I've considered writing a story simply by playing a card game and hearing a good song, yet probably won't due to my record of abandoning projects that barely even start.

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Odd Windows Discovery · 10:45pm Jul 24th, 2017

Did you know that Windows doesn't always run the program you tell it to run? You can double-click on an executable and some other executable might be run instead.

I've learned recently that Microsoft intends to discontinue MSPaint for some inexplicable reason. It doesn't require any maintenance to keep; they could easily have abandoned all future development and left it as a relic amongst all the other relics cluttering up the code base. It would've gone on working for many years to come.

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Report Veylon · 373 views · #windows #legacy code #musing

New readings are finally uploaded! · 3:15am Apr 2nd, 2020

First things first thanks to weird alicorn for letting me read his amazing fic, prism and a princess. Heres the link for chapter 2:
If your interested I'm also currently reading, your anon the oblivious human equestrian guy by Melodic muse. You can find all the stories I've read on my channel here:

If you want me to read a story please comment the name and the author.


Is this what we call ironic? · 6:05am Feb 24th, 2021

I spend the better part of four months stumped on how I want to approach the current scene in chapter four of "Paranoid Pink".

Then tonight I just take another look at the chapter, and find myself writing more than I've done with the story in nearly the past six months.

But I won't complain, though. Progress is progress, and some is better than none at all.


The Lady in Lavender · 8:24pm Jun 21st, 2021


I didn't really expect it to blow up like this. I'm very happy that it did - for I thrive off attention, obviously. Funnily enough - it was actually Freedom's unRule that won the poll initially - but the Lady in Lavender was significantly more popular.

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Unexpectedly early entry... · 6:28pm Feb 20th, 2022

So... just yesterday, I posted how I expected to have something ready for posting in the next few days.

Well... there was a slight change of plans there, as I decided that the idea I chose to work on would be better divided in two parts... but a good side of it is that what since became the first part, which is now mostly finished and only needs a bit of polishing, should be up tomorrow, assuming it meets approval.

Again, I can only hope all who read it enjoy it. :)


The issue with a well-defined timeline... · 11:28pm Feb 7th, 2022

Well... to make one thing clear given this post's title, I will not say that I think there are no issues with the show's timeline. I think that they exist, and I certainly feel the show's staff didn't do the best of jobs at keeping track of the show's timeline at times.

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Thoughts on Moana · 3:00am Jul 7th, 2017

Recently, Netflix added Moana to it's library, and this past monday, I finally found the time to watch it. Not surprisingly, it was a pretty good movie, but I found myself a bit baffled by the overall plot of it.

Spoilers below.

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Newsies #35 NEW CHAPTER IS UP! · 1:37pm Nov 11th, 2020

So, some of you might have noticed, I've published a new chapter on Derpy-verse! Things are gonna change in the story, henceforth. I was bored to death of the plotline I had originally thought up, and needed to get my interest back, so, in the proud tradition of pulling things out of my ass that I came up with back in Pony Plots, I decided to just . . . Flip things on their head and be as absolutely random as I could be. :pinkiehappy:

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Brain virus · 7:10pm Jan 23rd, 2022

Whatever you do, don't read the new daily chapter.

TBad Dragon's Short Stories
Got a minute? It will take you even less to read one of these unrelated short stories designed for instant reader’s gratification.
Bad Dragon · 11k words  ·  35  39 · 1.1k views

You have been warned.


The source of my problem... · 7:58pm Jul 16th, 2021

Contrary to the lack of updates, I have been actively wrestling with getting out the next chapter of "Rules for Bodyguards" almost every day, and I keep trashing what I have and starting over, or revising it down to a few pages and starting over. More recently, I've been trying to understand why I'm struggling, and I realized that the reason is because I am trying to write a transitional chapter. This is the first time we will actually see Roam and Roaman culture, and at the same time I

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Placed in the monster pen · 3:32pm Sep 23rd, 2019

A popular setting for horror anything is the haunted asylum. See, it was filled with crazy people. Crazy people are all sociopathic professional serial killers, and when they die they all turn into ghosts with have an insatiable drive to kill stupid teenagers. Nevermind that the inmates of asyla generally had even fewer rights and protections than even regular prisoners for a ridiculously long time, and the mentally "normal" staff would visit unspeakable torment on them, or allow others to do

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Change of plans regarding future updates... · 12:37am Feb 25th, 2022

Well... I'm sorry I need to do this, but as it turns out, I think I will need to do something that I was not looking forward to do, for more reasons than one.

As you may recall, on my last update announcement before I first posted Chapters of a Revamped Tome, I said that what was originally meant to be the first entry was divided into two parts, and what I posted is what was initially the first part.

Unfortunately... I have some bad news on that one.

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The Weight of a Generosity; Measuring Morality · 1:40am Mar 1st, 2023

There was a subject I didn't get to broach in O' Selfless Child due to how the story was written, but it's something that's been on my mind for a while. I can't stop thinking about it, like a song stuck in your head in a constant loop. It's a question that's been with me throughout my life for everything that I do.

And that's the weight of generosity. The weight of our actions, and how we measure morality.

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Among Gods Postmortem - Musings on the Multiverse · 5:34pm Jul 4th, 2015

Fantastic tribute to a fantastic cover! Kudos to the artist who made this!

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Happy Thanksgiving! Musings, Wishing Wells, and Philosophizing. · 9:28am Nov 24th, 2022

Let me start by saying, Happy Thanksgiving everyone! It’s my favorite holiday. The food is great, the reasons to celebrate and come together are great, and I love the overall decor and theme of this season. It’s a time for unity and hearty meals. It is a time to count our blessings and give thanks for what we forget to be thankful for throughout the rest of the year.

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Sorry to disappoint everyone. · 5:47am Mar 17th, 2018

This is going to get shared across all of my stories, but I figure everyone who decided to follow me deserves to hear it first.

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 109 results