
Viewing 21 - 40 of 101 results

Got my first Vaccine · 11:20pm Feb 22nd, 2021

Aside from being trapped in a gym for the past 15 minutes, it wasn't that bad.

Now I gotta wait 21 days for a second dose and this nightmare can be over!!


My First Story In 5 To 6 Months · 3:43am Apr 23rd, 2021

Behind Stone Walls

Starlight tires to run the whole School Of Friendship by herself even during quarantine.

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Rejected Covid-19 Idea · 1:22am Apr 19th, 2021

If your wondering, no, I'm still not interested into writing with my limited ideas but I did had one idea involving Covid-19. The idea represents what I'm feeling right now since I'm on lockdown with no job. The story would either take place in MLP or Equestria Girls, it's mainly how the character can't take the stress of being in lockdown by not going to school or work.

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2021's been about a year... · 1:37am Mar 12th, 2021

The nation had to shut down.
Schools were in the process of switching to online.
We all had to stay at home/limit how often we left the house for supplies.
Toilet paper became the stock pile obsession.
Zoom became our best used tool.
Streaming services became members of the family at that point.
Election stress...
Mental health/self-care increase...

It's been 12 months of Hell....yet for the most part...we survived.

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Covid-19: Aftermath · 12:36pm Feb 13th, 2021

Three months.

Three months since I had been diagnosed with the infamous Covid-19, two weeks later I would be released on the premise that "studies show that after two weeks of having the illness and the symptoms greatly improve" I am no longer contagious; therefore, I count as recovered.

Despite this, the doctor recommended me that, once I get released, I shall stay isolated at home for another week just to be safe.

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As if life couldn't get worse. · 8:00pm Nov 19th, 2021

My sister earlier this week had contracted Covid from going to a concert (I didn't even know she was going to one or that they were even allowed now, that and apparently, it was highly unregulated according to my sister) or she got it from school/work. And now everyone in my family, myself included have Covid, my dad hasn't taken the test yet but it's a safe bet that he has it. We've all had our shots except for the booster shot so that's something. But with my mother recovering from Breast

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COVID-19 Pandemic · 4:07am Mar 13th, 2020

Seriously, where did all the toilet paper go?

((My graduate training is in epidemiology and public health, and I'd like to think I know whereof I speak. This will be off-topic—possibly a more inane blog post than I've ever made here. You know what it's about.))

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COVID-19 Pandemic · 6:35pm Mar 12th, 2020

As I’m sure you have all heard, there is a new coronavirus that has originated in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2019. SARS-CoV-2, as the virus is called, causes a respiratory disease termed COVID-19 that somewhat resembles influenza (the flu). It may be more or less asymptomatic in healthy and moderately young individuals, but it still poses a significant risk for those afflicted with chronic diseases and the elderly, oftentimes resulting in severe pneumonia.

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Back in Business · 7:40pm May 26th, 2020

While things have not entirely gone back to normal yet, I've decided I am not going to wait any longer and have begun seeking out means to help me find environments suited for creative writing. The next chapter is finally in development and I hope to have it out before long.


Winter's Prime (I hate it!!) · 5:12am Feb 17th, 2021

After Groundhog's day, the remaining six weeks of Natural Winter... I call it "WINTER'S PRIME"

I call it that because, for some increasingly insane reason, at this time of year it snows the hardest and is the absolute coldest it can possibly get all season! And for the past few years, Springtime has been horribly delayed (In 2018, Spring practically never came)

We called that SPRINTER, (It's supposed to be Springtime, but it's still freezing and snowing when it SHOULDN'T BE) UGH!!!

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To Whom It May Concern… · 3:04pm Feb 1st, 2022

If anyone is wondering why I haven’t responded much on here, comments, PM’s, etc., it’s because…

I’ve caught COVID-19 over a week ago.

Don’t worry, most of the symptoms are gone, but not all of them, I’m still pretty sick, so please bare with me.

Have a good day and stay brony, my friends


Wuhan Virus/Coronavirus/COVID-19: State of the Author (and an Updated Schedule on Immdiate Future Stories) · 4:06pm Mar 21st, 2020

Let's make this short.

I'm okay. For now. If I get a fever, I'll update you with another blog post.

Now here's a quick rundown on what's happening over here:

  • Classes have been suspended until at least mid-April.
  • Currently locked down in my local area for a number of days. At least that's how I think it's going.
  • Livestreaming church services is a go.

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Halloween 2020 (Sucks) · 7:11pm Oct 31st, 2020

Well, this is sure turning into an Oct 31 I'll never forget.

first I find Sean Connery is dead (RIP best James Bond)

and now I find out Playduim is closing up because they wen't bankrupt due to Covid!

and Trick or Treating is not advisable either, I understand why, but... UGH!! I'm the neighborhood Block King: Deemed best spooky decorated house on the block, and combined with my props and acting...

Last year, people saw me setting and said "Hey, there's our block king."

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Problems Interpreting the Covid-19 Data · 2:09am Mar 29th, 2020


We've seen a lot of graphs like this, showing the total number of Covid-19 cases worldwide, like this graph from

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Report Bad Horse · 1,265 views · #coronavirus #Covid-19 #virus #math

I retract the main points of my blog post on covid-19 · 6:26am Mar 30th, 2020

Thanks to everyone who criticized my post on covid-19. I still think the analysis I made was well-justified, but it certainly wasn't clear, and didn't adequately deal with death rates.

I was rewriting the article to be more balanced and less conclusive when I was flummoxed by something no one pointed out, which should have been obvious from the beginning: The number of positive cases and deaths is already greater than predicted by the models.

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What was the last film you saw in a movie theater? · 8:17am Dec 22nd, 2020

For me, it was Pixar's Onward on March 6.


Tara Strong has COVID?!!! · 8:32pm Apr 15th, 2022

I don't believe it... but there it is...

At least she says she feels okay (She obviously was vaccinated)

And this is also a good eye-opener not to take things lightly. COVID IS NOT OVER, and just because you're vaxxed doesn't make you immune (But at least you can still fight it)

According to my mom, my Sister-in-law's sister's had it 4 times!

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Australia does exactly what you expect. · 10:49am Apr 20th, 2020

When it comes to memes about Australia, there are two broad categories of the way we respond. We either gently correct the misconception, or we steer into it at full throttle.

25 years of quietly telling the internet that kangaroos do not bound down the streets of our major cities. COVID-19 hits and this happens in Adelaide.

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2020, would you please leave us alone? · 9:17pm Oct 2nd, 2020

So I wake up and then get absolutely bodied with a flood of news. We've had enough October Surprises to last several election cycles already and it's barely even October! What comes next? What is the world coming to? Politics have gotten so insane that we have just had enough news for several weeks compressed into a single day. There is so much important stuff going on and so much bullshit that's it's really difficult to keep up with all this chaos! I deeply dread what awaits all of us

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One Thing After The Other. · 3:08pm Apr 13th, 2020

Viewing 21 - 40 of 101 results