
Viewing 21 - 40 of 95 results

Angry Review Recovery Group Promotion. · 5:05pm Sep 8th, 2015

Many people have been reviewed, and haven't been happy with how harsh the Reviewer was. Want to feel better, or have another review that won't be harsh?


Join the group and people will help through the process of a bad review and how to bounce back. They will even review your stories with a more gentle approach.

Don't be shy. Join today.


My pet bird has a bit of a temper · 2:41pm Dec 20th, 2019

So, my bird, Lucky, has a bit of a temper when it comes to having humans being too close to her or with her swing. She'll bite and snarl at her swing and try to get the bell knocker inside while she growls at it and knocks it about. If you've never heard a bird growl before, here's your chance.

Report Ribe_FireRain · 167 views · #Pets #bird #angry bird

Fuccccccccckkkkkkk · 11:01pm Nov 4th, 2023

So I accidentally deleted the Elemental Equestrian and not the rewrite in progress. Dammit I hate myself right now all that work gone dammit... dammit. Sigh... I'll try again and put my full attention into it. I'm sorry.....🤬🤬😥😥😥

Report Slicknick17 · 82 views · #Hate #sad #angry

So this happened today. · 4:38pm June 1st

Woke up this morning to a comment on facebook calling me a pedophile because of the drawing below. Turns out it was apparently a meme? An inside joke? Who the fuck memes about something so serious? It's fucked up, man.

Report MellowSoul · 28 views · #angry #rant #pissed

A thing happened. · 7:49pm Apr 11th, 2016

I had a new experience today. I'm not sure if its good or bad, but I want to write it down, so here I am.

It was a weird thing. I felt angry at someone before I heard them say anything. No, more than that. I felt angry at someone who was trying to be nice. Angry is not usually a thing that I feel; especially under those circumstances. I need to explain two things before I can explain what made me angry and why.

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Update #3 - I'm Back, For Now... · 2:03am Dec 14th, 2015

Hello my subjects.

Let me begin by apologizing for my long hiatus. I decided to get off my lazy butt and write a story. Or should I say, itty-bitty-ficlet-that-will-break-my-writer's-block. I should have it finished by tomorrow, but due to having to get it approved, it is ultimately up to the mods on when my story will be released to the grand public.

~King Hatred~

Report King Hatred · 302 views · #I'm #Back #And #Angry #At #The #Color #Pink

Nightmare Last Night · 8:16pm Jul 28th, 2017

I had the most terrifying dream last night that Trump has made a motion to shut down MLP and all the fandom, including banning anything online such as FiMfiction.

What's worse, I told my mother about it, and she says what no fan would wish to hear:

"If he does do such a thing, I would fully support it, regardless of being a democrat."

I stayed emotionless as to not be disrespectful, but inside I was boiling.

I do hope it remains a dream and nothing more.


Ghostbusters 2016 or: How to not write a comedy · 6:18am Jul 21st, 2016

I just went to see this movie, though, with Mad Magazine's Harry Gold, and since I am an award winning comedic screenwriter[1] and he is a professional satirist[2], and I thought you guys would like our educated opinions.

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I look at all my words and I cannot add to them · 8:42pm Jun 7th, 2018



All I want to do is write.

I can hear the wife in the other room, pounding away at her keyboard like there's no tomorrow. She's probably writing the great swedish novel, or some sort of Scandinavian epic poem. What am I doing? Watching dumb videos on youtube and getting stressed about work.

A writer that doesn't write is a liar.

Sorry. I guess I'm just in a bad mood, and this seemed like as good a place as any to spray about my ire.

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"An Apology to My College Roommate" · 12:09pm Apr 22nd, 2016

My reading of my retaliation against my roommate Jacob and some other things.

Works on FimFiction I've Proofread/Edited for (From most recent to first)
The Shipping Boat by Hoopsy

The Smiling Stallion (ongoing) by Robipony

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Computer crashed while I was working · 5:54pm Apr 8th, 2020

And corrupted the file I was working on. More than six hours of work lost. I don't have to start completely from scratch with cutting everything out, but I have to completely remake the entire scene so I can work with it.
Excuse me while I flip out over there for the next few minutes.

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What the hack · 5:42am Aug 25th, 2016

I was playing Minecraft and I got accused of hacking:flutterrage::twilightangry2:


I would never hack:fluttercry::flutterrage:

Edit: Ok i didn't get banned yay


Traffic is a b*tch. · 3:36pm March 8th

Just been involved in my first traffic accident. Some f*cker decided to swing into my car as I waited for green light!...


Help Wanted: reviewers, review readers, and counselors · 4:13pm Sep 5th, 2015

We at the Angry Review Recovery Group hope to change the face of reviews on FIMfiction. It seems as though readers, writers and critics believe that there are only two kinds of reviews: harsh, cruel and unforgiving kinds that deter and discourage growth, and overly nice, "pat-on-the-head" kinds that ignore the author's mistakes. We wish to meet in the middle, and provide honest reviews that point out flaws, provide advice on how to fix them, highlight the positives, and encourage growth,

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I've Had It With People Not Respecting My Boundaries · 6:52am Mar 24th, 2019

If I am not ready to do something, I am not going to do it. That's it. People need to respect that instead of trying to keep pushing me to change my mind. Odds are, I have already tried to push that boundary myself, but found I could not. So stop. Stop trying to change me, stop trying to force me to be something I am not, and stop trying to impose what you want, like it matters more than my self respect. Fucking show some fucking courtesy for the feelings of others and respect where they are at

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Annoyed · 10:13pm Feb 17th, 2019

I'm not even sure how I'm supposed to feel right now. Incest and rape stories are totally okay, but when I try something different by having a character overcome a sibling complex through martial arts, I'm going too far?

This is bullshit, man.


All Good Things… The Value Of A Life. · 1:06am Jun 18th, 2020

#Blog #Bloggerstribe #AllGoodThings…

17th June 2020

Hello, Chaps and Chapettes,

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Mini Rant · 8:19am Oct 21st, 2015

OKAY, so, I feel the need to vent a little, and here it is. SCREW OFF (insert a specific admin's name here), you act so cold and rude even after I delete the update chapter, and before you even send me a message telling me to. I have seen DOZENS of stories, many which have been on the site for longer then a couple days like mine. And guess what? All their update chapters were left alone, no issues, just fine and dandy, their authors keeping the readers up to date, with no ill intentions.

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Something I feel I must say · 11:08am Jul 21st, 2016

I am NOT accepting OC submissions for my currently ongoing stories, such as Waking Nightmares and its related spinoffs. If someone else’s OC appears in the story, then it’s because they’ve done a major favor for me and have earned a cameo appearance.

And that is ALL it will be. A CAMEO. No backstory, no history, just a brief mention and description, a few lines, that’s it.

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Asnwer to the new thing now · 12:55pm Jun 18th, 2015

I may be not that popular but there HAS. BEEN. NO. RESPONSE to any of my new stuff that I post!:twilightangry2:

Why isn't anypony responding to any of my new stuff????

I'm so ticked off that I wanna scream!

So please please PLEASE respond to any of my new stuff.


Viewing 21 - 40 of 95 results