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5035326 breath mint has two... words?

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We aren't picky.

5158555 Oh, okay.

I'll claim a prompt later...

Comment posted by BronyWriter186 deleted Jul 11th, 2018
Comment posted by BronyWriter186 deleted Jul 11th, 2018


Prompt: Breathmint

One day in Ponyville, the newly announced couple Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash, are going to the Ponyville orphanage to adopt a foal together.

“So Dashie should we get a young colt or a filly?” Twilight asked RD.

“I was thinking a filly would be the better choice. Since we already are raising Spike in a sense,” RD answered.

“If you think that’s the best choice then a filly we will get, but would it be a better idea to get a colt since we already know what to expect?” Twilight questioned.

“You do have point. But let’s decide when we get there?” RD answered.

After They Got to the Orphanage

“Welcome you two! Are you here to adopt a foal?” the headmistress asked.

“Yes, we are,” Twilight answered.

“So, do you have any preferences?” the headmistress asked.

“We would prefer a pegasus. As for colt or filly it does matter to us,” RD answered.

“Well we don’t have many pegasi but I can lead you to them all,” the headmistress answered. “Would you like to see the colts or fillies first?”

“Fillies,” Twilight answered.

“Fine,” RD mumbled under her breath.

Twilight glared at her.

“Come this way,” the headmistress instructed.

After They Got to the Pegasus Fillies.

“So, is there any that you think you want?” The headmistress asked.

“What about this one Twi?” RD asked Twilight, while pointing toward a young filly with her hoof.

“She is cute,” Twilight answered. “What is your name little filly?” Twilight asked the young filly.

“Peppermint Swirl,” Peppermint Swirl mumbled in a shy tone.

“Don’t be scared, you know what, you remind me of a friend of mine named Fluttershy,” Twilight said gently.

Peppermint Swirl perked up curiously, obviously showing some interest.

“What do you think Dashie, do you want to adopt her?” Twilight asked

“Yes,” RD answered quickly.

“We would like to adopt Peppermint Swirl,” Twilight said to the headmistress.

After they returned to The Castle of Friendship

“Well this is your new home,” Twilight said to Peppermint gently.

“Could a call you mom?” Peppermint asked Twilight.

“If it is what you want you can call both of us mom,” RD said to Peppermint Swirl.

“Okay!” Peppermint said, cheerfully.

“Hey mom, do you know when I’ll get my cutie mark?” Peppermint asked Twilight.

“Can’t say for sure, but I do know some young fillies a little older then you who may be able to help you, but don’t you want to see your bedroom first?” Twilight answered, in a motherly tone.

“Yeah!” Peppermint screamed. “I still can’t believe my new mom is Princess, though.”

After Twilight showed Peppermint her new bedroom.

“So, I remember you say I reminded you of someone can I meet her?” Peppermint asked Twilight.

“Sure, but first do you want to meet your brother?” Twilight questioned.

“Do you mean Spike? We are already friends, we met one day while I was at SugarCube Corner selling some mints to Pinkie Pie for Gummy,” Peppermint answered.

“Is that Peppermint Swirl that I hear?” a male voice asked from within the room next door. Only a minute or two later Spike came into the room to investigate his suspicions. “It is you Peppermint, I didn’t you would be my new sister,” Spike said, happily.

“Spike, it sure has been awhile, hasn’t it?” Peppermint said.

The Next Day at The CMC Clubhouse

“So, Peppermint Swirl, do have any hobbies that can keep you busy from time to time?” Sweetie Belle asked.

Peppermint thought for a good three minutes before mentioning her “job” selling mints to Pinkie Pie for her alligator Gummy.

“Well, is there anything else?” Scootaloo asked Peppermint Swirl.

“Not that I can think of,” Peppermint said calmly.

30 minutes later

“Have yah maybe thought that your talent is making mints?” Applebloom suggested.

“Yeah, but I always thought that multiple ponies couldn’t have the same-,” Peppermint stated, before noticing that all 3 ponies in front of her all had the exact same talent.

“Lots of ponies share similar talents Peppermint Swirl, but it isn’t usually the exact same,” Sweetie “The Dictionary” Belle answered.

“Okay, so do you think I should try to make more mints or what?” Peppermint asked confused.

“It’s usually not that easy but it’s a start,” Scootaloo answered.

“Okay,” Peppermint said, cheerfully.

Five minutes later

“I can’t believe that my special talent was right under my nose!” Peppermint exclaimed, in udder joy.

“It usually is but we never see until we have outside help,” Sweetie Belle said.

Peppermint bounced away like Pinkie Pie usually does when she’s planning a party.

Ten minutes later at The Castle of Friendship

“Mom guess what!” Peppermint screamed.

“What Peppermint?” RD and Twilight both asked.

“Look I got my cutie mark,” Peppermint exclaimed.

“Congratulations, sweetie!” RD and Twilight congratulated.

“See it’s a spiral of peppermint swirls with a lime mint swirl in the middle,” Peppermint said.

The End


Wow... I am beyond late... but

claimed? :twilightsheepish:

Prompt: Internet

Rainbow Dash glared at the sky through the window. Dark clouds loomed over the horizon, a sign for the stormy evening that was sure to come. She wished that the storm wasn't scheduled for today, since she quickly realised that she didn't have much to do. She sighed. There wouldn't be much point in going for a fly. Especially since she had to reread the entire Daring Do series. Even though she already did so twenty-three times in the morning.

Okay, so maybe no more rereading. She could nap some more. Even though she literally just woke up from a nap.

No more napping either, then.

Dash got up from the window and wandered around her cloudominium, still running through her options for doing something. She could always visit her friends. Except for the fact that Rarity and Applejack had left for a trip to Manehatten, Fluttershy went to watch the Butterfly Migration and Pinkie left to visit her family. Dash had been invited to go on all three of the trips, but she declined because she thought she would be busy.

It was a major misconception on her part.

After wandering through each room of her cloud-home, she found herself back in her bedroom. She had to admit it to herself. She was bored. Really really really bored. Which was also really uncool. She groaned until her eyes fell on the laptop that was kept on her bedside table.
With a grunt, she lifted the laptop and set it onto the bed, scrolling and typing until she reached her destination. Pinkie had sent her a message, it seemed.

Hey, Dashie! Before you ask, I'm doing fantasterrific!

Rainbow rolled her eyes with a smirk and began typing her reply.
thats great hope mauds doing great!

To her surprise, she recieved an immediate response.
She is doing great! And so am I! Do you know why? Do you!? Do you!? DO YOU!?

"Geez, Pinkie," Rainbow muttered to herself with another roll of her eyes "Whatever you guys are doing must be really fantasterrific, huh." She crossed her hooves, "Definitely much more fun."
no i don't whats up spill

Maud's Maud Sense was acting up! And it was so weird too! Then MY PINKIE SENSE started acting up! Eye flutter, knee wobble, twitchy tail, belly ache! I've never had that combination before!

what does it mean


"True love...?"
Before Rainbow could ask any further, Pinkie disappeared, forever offline until she decided to become online again. So not only was she back to being bored. She was back to being bored and said boredom was almost allowing her to question Pinkie's antics.
She was saved by the friend request.
Dash didn't know why, but she felt her heart skip a beat when she saw it.

Twilight Sparkle sent you a friend request.

Reluctantly, she accepted the request.


Hello! It's Twilight. I don't know if you remember me. I came to Ponyville a few years ago.

oh i remember you had lunch with us right

Yeah, that was me. It's nice to hear from you again.

Rainbow grinned. Looks like she wouldn't be so bored today after all.

so what else do you like to do other than reading

I like writing.

writing is cool but i meant non-eggheady stuff

Writing is not eggheady!

prove it


write a totally cool story

Oh, it is on.

that wasnt actually half bad. it was very awesome and breathtaking and stunning and astounding and astonishing. the protagonist was very awe-inspiring.

Rainbow, you're the protagonist. And did you get a thesaurus for that?

maybe. but yeah im the coolest protagonist. except maybe for you. i think youd make a good protagonist.

You really think so?

yeah. i think your perfect hero-material

Thanks! And it's 'you're' by the way. 'Your' would imply that... well it wouldn't really imply anything. It doesn't really make sense, but it would be something like 'you are my perfect hero-material'.

youd definitely be a hero after defeating the grammar monsters. your welcome, by the way.


The stars looks beautiful tonight, don't you think?

I know right. Its been really stormy these past few weeks so some clear starry sky is definately welcome.

And your grammar's getting better too!

Im learning from the best! I might have to go soon. havent flown in forever so itll be nice to stretch my wings and fly around for a bit.

Ah, okay. I'm pretty sure you'll be able to see the stars much better from so up high! The astronomy tower in Canterlot probably can't compare to that view.

Yeah but Im sure you can see much better from Neigh Zealand or Prance or something.

Oh. I don't leave Canterlot very often because of my studies.

Maybe you could take a week off or something sometime? I could take you?

Thanks, but I'm not sure I'll be able to travel so far anytime soon.

How bout one day Ill fly to Canterlot and fly you all the way back to Ponyville and we can watch the stars from there?

I'd like that. Just don't show up randomly one day in the middle of the night, okay?

It had been several weeks and Rainbow and Twilight were becoming close friends. They never managed to meet face to face with Twilight's priorities on her studies rather than with Rainbow. Which she found was understandable. Keeping Twilight away from her books for too long against her will would result in nothing short of chaos.

They usually conversed at the end of the day, regaling each other with stories of their day. Sometimes Dash claimed that she was too lazy to type, resulting in them having video calls that last all night. She even had all night study-sessions with Twilight, and though most of the facts, essays and flashcards went over her head, she couldn't help but stay. Every time she felt a twinge of boredom, Twilight's immense fascination with Magical Astronomy chased it away, leave a warm, fuzzy feeling inside.
It was a very unlikely friendship, but one that Rainbow wouldn't give up for the world.

Rainbow Dash typed a short message.
Hey, Egghead!

Rainbow made it a daily tradition to annoy her friend with the greeting, always taking pleasure in the indignant response Twilight usually gave. But tonight, there was no reply.
Rainbow stared at the screen. Maybe Twilight was busy? No, that couldn't be right. Even when Twilight was busy, she made sure to call so they could study together.

Rainbow's eyes widened, "What if she's hurt!? Or worse!?" She panicked, but then shook her head with a roll of her eyes, "Twilight really is rubbing off on me."
She kept thinking why the dorky mare decided to ignore her when she saw the words that were written below her message.

Message not delivered.

She blinked. Then she looked at the wifi symbol at the corner of her screen.

"Are you kidding me!?"

The internet connection is terrible today.

Message not delivered.


It was really cold.

Rainbow regretted not taking a coat or scarf with her, but she'd flown too far, and if she were to turn back it would be really late. And she wasn't sure how Twilight would feel about that.
Granted, she was randomly showing up in the middle of the night, but Twilight would understand... right?

Before long, she reached the astronomy tower where Twilight resided. It was not very hard to find with Twilight's elaborate descriptions of the place or the fact that the tower is very, very tall. Nearly as tall as the castle.
She couldn't imagine Twilight climbing up those stairs every day.

Rainbow landed in front of the door at the top of the stairs and knocked. She could hear some shuffling and a muffled "Coming!" before the door was opened.

"Hey, Egghead!" Rainbow smirked and gave a little wave.

Twilight stepped out of the questionably dark room and into the moonlight with wide eyes. Rainbow nearly gasped. With the soft glow of the moon on her face and the stars that shone in her eyes, after months of seeing her on the surface of a computer screen, she never imagined that Twilight could look so... so real.
"Rainbow? What are you doing here?"

Dash shrugged, "The internet connection died at my place and well..." She paused and lifted into the air, smiling down at her. "I wanted to finally take you flying to see the stars."

Twilight stepped back, "Um... now!?" She was met with a nod from Rainbow. "But I... " She gave her a sheepish grin, "I guess I was just waiting for you to message me..."

Rainbow gave her a dramatic gasp, "You were bored with reading!" She snickered, "And I'm so awesome, that I was your only hope to cure you of your boredom!"

Twilight rolled her eyes playfully, "Hardy har har. Now, are you taking me or what?"

"I thought you'd never ask."

"That's the Ursa Major." Twilight pointed out.

"It looks like a bicycle."

"But- Wha- HOW does it look like a bicycle!?"

"I don't know, it just... does, okay?" Rainbow crossed her hooves.

Twilight sighed, "Right... " Then she smirked, "At this rate, you'll think Monoceros looks like a pancake."

Rainbow rolled her eyes, "Yeah, yeah. Hey, that star," She pointed to a bright star in the distance, "That kinda looks like you."

Twilight raised an eyebrow, "Rainbow, that's a planet."

"Oh. But it still looks pretty."

"You think I look pretty?" Twilight gave a small amused smile.

"What!? That's not what I... Ughhh!" Rainbow's face glowed pink as she huffed.

Twilight laughed, "Thanks for all of this, Rainbow."

Rainbow's face softened, and she smiled, "Anytime, Twi. Just... don't tell anypony about what just happened, okay?"

Rainbow and Twilight gazed at the stars for the rest of the night. And though Rainbow would forever deny that she... blushed and giggled a lot in this duration of time, she couldn't deny one thing.

It may have started because of a simple Internet connection, but this night ignited the spark of a connection far stronger than either of them could ever imagine.

This was very hard. Internet as prompt is much more difficult than I had anticipated. I had to make a very weird AU where Rainbow is friends with everyone other than Twilight and electronic devices are a thing. Also don't question whatever messaging website/app is being used here. I don't know myself. Don't mind the British spelling hehe. :twilightsheepish:

Next Prompt: Speechless

Though I think this forum is kinda dead...

Lol, yeah. Kind of a surprise seeing this updated again. Just kind of died out.

Eh, it was my first time here and it looked interesting, so I couldn't help myself lol

I am happy this is starting back up I wish for this to go on forever so we always have mlp in our hearts and minds.

TwiDash especially.

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