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3722283 That was hilarious! :rainbowlaugh:

Oh and claimed, let's see how my first time writing in a month goes.


It stared her down. Every single aspect of it seemed to beckon her, draw her in and clutch her tightly like a sweet smelling pheromone. The sleek, voluptuous curves were quite pronounced, sliding down and meeting to a point. In a way it was able to envelope itself within her mind, as if she was becoming high off its essence.

For most ponies, this would describe a special someone.

In Twilight's skewed world, it described a math equation.

With a quill held in her hoof, she checked her work for the umpteenth time, going over each part with a fine toothed comb. Despite her cautiousness, there was still something wrong with what she wrote, and she was well aware of it. Yet as hard as she looked, even with an eye as critical as hers, she couldn't figure it out.

For the 10th time that day, a poor quill gave it's life for the cause.

"Grrr... stupid Starswirl the Bearded. Stupid equation," she grumbled, rubbing her temple as a headache began to mount, "Did he really have to go through all this to make an equation for..."


She looked up and turned to her front door. What once was a beautiful wood carved masterpiece now had bore the scars of battle, as if it was a shield on the front lines of the last Equestrian Civil War.

Instead it was just the outline of a pegasus.

"Come in Rainbow Dash."

The door finally gave way, splitting in two, and revealing Rainbow. She stood there wearing the poorest look of innocence anypony could possible conjure up, and Twilight just rolled her eyes before turning towards her desk.

"Hey Twi! I was doing some new tricks, but I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to grab some lunch." The cold chill of silence greeted her. "Uh Twi? Your ears are on right?" She began poking Twilight's head.

"If you're wondering, I can hear you, and yes my ears are on because you can't turn them off," she replied flatly.

"Woah, sorry. Didn't know you were getting down and dirty with, um, the math books today?" Rainbow focused in on whatever mixture of numbers and letters decided to vomit on Twilight's book. "Say, that is a math equation right?"

Twilight nodded. "It's a unsolved Starswirl the Bearded equation on the speed that magic travels in a vacuum. I found it when I was reading one of his older books, when it mentioned nopony ever solved it. So I decided to give it a shot."

"Well it doesn't look like you've solved it." Dash backed up at the deathly glare she was given. "Guess not huh?"

Twilight huffed and threw her hooves in the air. "I've tried to solve it for the past 3 days now! But I keep getting parts of it wrong, and then other parts of it are wrong, and then other parts of those parts are wrong and..." She was stopped by a hoof in her muzzle.

"Twilight, 2 plus 2 is four right?" Rainbow nearly started laughing at the dumbfounded expression Twilight gave her. "I'm serious though, it says right here, two plus two is five, which using my brilliant addition skills, is wrong."

"You're joking."

"Nope. Look where my hoof is."

Twilight obliged, focusing on the near microscopic arithmetic in the vastness of the entire equation. Sure enough, Dash's word held true, and some say Twilight's eyes grew three sizes that day.

Rainbow chuckled. "I'll see ya later Twilight, have fun with that." She flew out the empty doorframe, just as Twilight began to scribble like mad.


Rainbow Dash put her hooves up, sinking into her soft, fluffy couch as she prepared her body for a well deserved nap. Her recent tricks had taxed every single fiber of her body, and the thought of doing anything just didn't click with her right now.

"By Celestia! It's a Miracle!"

Her eyes flipped open as she recognized Twilight's voice, remembering that it had been 3 days since she had seen the alicorn. She assumed Twilight was busy doing her equation, and prior experience told her not to interrupt her.

But Twilight didn't live near her at all.

...And that voice was unmistakable.

"3... 2... 1..."


Rainbow could only snicker at the alicorn indent that just appeared in her front door.

Mines a bit shorter. Took me an hour or so (I don't write fast) :twilightsheepish:

Next up: Funk


Ooooh, I so wanna claim this, but I don't get off work for another 8 hours! D:

Hay, if you're that passionate, I'll leave it for you. :twilightsmile: My thought was a fleeting notion best ignored anyway.

3726385 Dang. Right as I clocked out, too. :P

Formerly Committed
Group Admin


Rainbow walked into the library and immediately crinkled her nose in disgust. The entire library was filled with a putrid stench. She make the mistake of breathing in through her nose and instantly gagged as her eyes filled with water. The fumes stabbed at her eyes.

“Uh...Twilight?” she choked out. It hurt to breath let alone speak.

In a blur of purple, Twilight shot through the door leading to the kitchen and slammed it behind her. She braced herself against the door, panting heavily. She looked as if she had just pulled an all-nighter. Hair frayed and bloodshot eyes--most likely from the stench.

“Rainbow! You’re early, I wasn’t expecting you for another hour!” she said between breaths, giving the biggest forced smile she could muster.

“I finished early and--” she cut herself off gagging on the stench that permeated the air. “Twi’, what is that funky smell?”

“Smell? What smell?” She grinned trying to find something for her eyes to settle on other than Rainbow.

“Seriously? It smells like somepony filled one of Fluttershy’s chicken coops with rotten eggs and old cabbage.” She wafted a hoof in front of her in a futile attempt to purge her nose.

“I, uh...I-I…” Sighing, she slid along the door to the floor in defeat. “I was trying to make you dinner, and wanted to surprise you.” She stared at down at her hooves, hoping her bangs covered her shame.

Rainbow chewed at her lower lip. She wanted to laugh. She needed to laugh. However, she knew taking in another breath of the funk that filled the library would most likely cause her to lose her lunch. She also knew that it would hurt Twilight’s feelings. Despite how horrible it turned out, her wanting to make Rainbow dinner was kind of awesome. She forced her eyes shut regaining her composure, allowing herself to take in as deep of a breath as her stomach would allow.

“Tell you what Twi’. We’ll throw out whatever funk is in the kitchen, open all the doors and windows, and then we’ll go out. Hayburger sound good?”

Twilight looked up with a sad smile and nodded.

“As long as I get to pay.”

This is not the funk you're looking for. 30 minutes. Now you know why I just edit.

Next Prompt: Package

Aww! I was looking forward to Discord/DiscoRD shenanigans.

I'm not touching this one, and for a very good reason. :twilightblush: Have fun, everypony!

I had to do it anyway. I found this idea too funny to not write.

Prompt: Funky


"Won't you take me to... Funkytown!"


"Won't you take me to... Funkytown!"

Twilight scowled at her textbook and did her best to ignore the cyan pegasus hopping around the room like Pinkie Pie after one-to-many energy drinks. She'd been like this since she got home, ripping the door open and bouncing her way inside with a smooth bobbing of her head--all while singing that infernal one-line song! Twilight didn't know who taught her marefriend the tune, but they were definitely getting a talking to before she was through. Rainbow was making her studies impossible!

Dash bounced around the room, bee-bopping on random hooves and spinning on one leg at seemingly random intervals. "Won't you take me to... Funkytown! Won't you take me to... Funkytown!"

"Ugh..." Twilight turned away from the lobby and readjusted her position on the couch. She did her best to ignore a crashing sound that echoed from behind her, and raised her book up to her nose. Every word was foggy and difficult to read, and she found herself rereading the same sentence over and over again until her ears drooped all the way down to her skull. I just wanted to study tonight... she thought miserably.

"Won't you take me to... Funkytown!"

Teeth grit, Twilight forced herself onward. Rainbow would tire herself out eventually; she always did. She just needed to be patient.

"Won't you take me to... Funkytown!"

As she reread the introductory sentence to Chapter Five for the fifteenth time, Twilight begrudgingly admitted to herself that patience was something she was quickly running out of. But... Wait... The room was quiet now... Is she done?

Twilight lowered her book from her face and shrieked when she was met with a bright cerulean face and shining magenta eyes. Her book flew into the air as Rainbow's grin flew into full force and her tail shook back and forth happily.

"Talk about it! Talk about it! Talk about it! Talk about it! O~oh, yeah!" As she sang she grew closer and closer to Twilight, her eyebrows waggled playfully up and down with every syllable. "Doot-doot-doot doot-doot! Doot doot-doot do-doot!"

"That's it!" Twilight growled. Her horn shone bright purple, and a bright white light filled the room. When the light died down, the singing was gone. And so was Rainbow. A part of her felt guilty, but she shrugged it off. Rainbow would be fine--and out of her mane!--until she finished reading.

With a contented sigh, Twilight laid back down on the couch and fetched her book with her magic. It lay open on the cushion before her, and she smiled as her eyes found the start of the chapter one last time. A contented hum escaped her lips as her eyes followed the words. "Hmm-hm-hmm-hm hm, hm hm-hm hm-hmmm..."

* * * * *

Rainbow spun through the air, flipping over and crashing onto the ground with a thunk. She sat, dazed for a while, on the red-brown sand and shook her head. Spots filled her vision, and she tried to remember just what the heck had happened to her. "Dang it, Twi..." she muttered, as visions of Twilight's horn flaring filled her mind.

When her vision cleared, Rainbow saw that she was sitting at the edge of a rock formation in the middle of a desert. The world seemed to be made out of the same reddish-brown sand color that made up the ground. She would have frowned, but a familiar tune filled her ears before she could bring herself to care about it.

There was a city in the distance. It was tall, with bright flashing lights and hundreds of pegasi dancing through the air. Dash smiled as she stood up and started walking towards it, bobbing along with the tune. She passed a sign on her way there, but paid it no mind. She knew where she was.

Welcome to Funkytown, Marizona!

Not claiming "package..." yet, at least. :rainbowwild:

3726973 You know, I didn't even think of that song when I wrote funk. Thank you for getting it stuck in my head though, because I didn't need to study tonight or anything :twilightsheepish::rainbowwild:

3726476 No, no this was not the funk I was looking for. Still quite funky though.

Someone tell me the available prompts?

There's just one. "Package"


Let's see... hrm... oh, right, package.

Rainbow Dash tapped her hoof against the desk in front of her and the pony across from her squirmed.

He had learnt very quickly that she was not a very patient pony, yet there was nothing he could do. Yes, he’d acknowledged that the mail usually took three-to-five working days to arrive from Canterlot to Ponyville, and that yes, she’d placed her order exactly five working days ago.

Sadly, she hadn’t been as pleased when he’d told her that the package was not – against all previous information – actually here yet.

As a matter of fact, none of the packages due for arrival today were. They were still waiting for todays’ mail to arrive.

“So…” Rainbow Dash said, breaking him from his reverie, “When do you usually get the mail?”

“Around 9, usually,” he replied, glancing at the clock, which had apparently decided that the world could live without 9 AM for one day and was already making significant headway towards 10.

“Maybe you could come back later?” he asked hopefully, well aware that she was driving a slight dent into his desk with her constant tapping.

“Can’t do,” she said, shaking her head and continuing to tap – tap, tap, tap – against the desk.

“Well, how about-“ – tap, tap, tap.

He groaned through his teeth. “Listen,” he said, trying not to sound angry, “Could you please stop that incessant tapping?”

Rainbow stopped tapping and gave him a dead stare. “How about this,” she replied, “I’ll stop tapping when the mail arrives.”

He met her glare and winced as he heard the tapping start up again, this time to a tune he was unfamiliar with – if such a tune could exist anyway. He forced himself to breathe in and out as she continued tapping with no apparent rhythm or rhyme.

There was a buzz that cut through the air and someone spoke over the intercom: “Mail’s here.”

After another three minutes and twelve seconds, he’d rooted through all the mail bags in order to find that dratted mare’s one package. Now that it was in front of her, she smiled at him and left the post office, humming another unfamiliar tune to herself.

Rainbow Dash glanced at the package on her back again and smiled to herself. “I wonder if Twilight’s awake yet…”

Next prompt: Alarm

To Tartarus with the flu. Claimed because yolo.


"You up, Twilight?" Spike called through the door. He'd learned not to walk in without permission when Rainbow Dash was staying over; any assistant would after having to dodge two thrown almanacs.

She'd awoken just before his first knock, as usual. Part of her felt as though she was still dreaming. Her mind was full of cotton, her limbs were heavy, and her entire body was warm. Hot, even. Sweltering. And why couldn't she move?

Slowly she turned her head to see a rainbow of color on her shoulder. Rainbow Dash was still snoring away, her wind-chapped lips just barely parted and vibrating slightly with each breath. Her eyelashes twitched as Twilight made an effort to twist her body. Twi had gotten used to the weight of her wing - more than used to it - but this was something new: Rainbow Dash had somehow managed to pull herself on top of her in the night.

Twilight lifted the wing with her free foreleg. Rainbow's head on her shoulder blocked much of the view, but her forehooves were wrapped around Twi's barrel and their hindlegs were tangled. Twi could feel the weight of Rainbow's hips upon her thigh, She tried to shift that leg to move Rainbow to a more manageable position, but it didn't respond; it must have fallen asleep as soundly as Rainbow Dash.

"Rainbow," Twi whispered softly. She pushed the wing upward with her free forehoof. "Wake up, honey."

The wing pushed back. "Rrn," Rainbow protested cutely. She hugged Twilight tighter to her chest. Her heart beat slowly in this perfect moment. "Fi' more minutes?"

"But Rainbow Dash, I have a lot of work to do today," Twi argued. The prospect didn't seem as tantalizing as it usually did. "First I have to organize the overnight returns and... well, you know by now how much work goes into opening the library, and after that there's a certain spell..."

A delicate snore cut her off.

Twilight sighed patiently, but her patience couldn't last. "Get off of me, Rainbow Dash," she complained.

Rainbow smiled in her sleep. "Love you too."

Twilight opened her mouth to repeat herself, but the words failed her. She looked down at Rainbow Dash; she was still smiling, still snoring, and still as wonderful as ever.

After a moment Twilight pulled the door open with her magic to see Spike standing diligently in the hall. "Five more minutes, Spike," she whispered. He smiled, shrugged, and wandered off. Twilight buried her free hoof in Rainbow's mane and held her close.

She breathed a sigh and let the time measure itself out in Rainbow's heartbeat.


In no time at all Spike's head appeared around the door. "That's five min--"

Rainbow reached for an almanac.

Yay, more Spike abuse. :rainbowlaugh: Come on, who here can say they haven't thrown something at their alarm clock?

This story gives me an idea... New prompt: Boundaries.

Oh god the idea I have for this....




“Your side,” Rainbow proclaimed loudly, pointing her hoof to one side of a bright yellow line of tape on the floor. “My side,” she said, taking a step back on the opposite side.

“Fine,” Twilight humphed, sticking her nose up in the air. “You stay over there as long as you like. I'm not giving in.”

Spike sighed, one claw held delicately against his forehead and a roll of yellow tape in the other. “Really?”

“Yes!” Both Rainbow Dash and Twilight snapped, giving him a quick glare. Their eyes met for just a second, sparks flying, before the both turned resolutely away.

“And I thought I was supposed to be the immature one,” Spike grumbled, shaking his head and walking away from the two defiant mares. “You two have fun down here; I'm going to bed.”

Neither mare answered his call as he climbed the stairs to the second floor of Golden Oaks library.

Peaking an eye open, Twilight smirked. “Good night, Rainbow,” she called, trotting away from the dividing line and hopping onto the couch, the upper floor having been declared out of bounds after much arguing.

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “You forget I can sleep on anything; a couch isn't going to win this battle. On the other hoof, a fridge just might,” she snickered, motioning to the kitchen behind her.

Twilight peaked over the arm of the couch, raising an eyebrow. “Neither of us are allowed to cross the line, right?”

“Not until you admit I was right,” Rainbow corrected smugly.

“As if,” Twilight scoffed, “I'm just making sure I'm not breaking any rules when I do... this.” On cue, Twilight's horn glowed a gentle purple light, as did the refrigerator, and she magically opened it, pulling out a jug of apple juice.

“Hey!” Rainbow barked, glaring daggers at the unicorn remotely pouring herself a glass of juice. “That's cheating!”

Twilight faked a thoughtful pose. “Is it?” She pondered. “The way I see it, you said that neither of us could cross the line. As you can clearly see, I'm not crossing the line.”

“That's cheating and you know it,” Rainbow growled, her steely gaze challenging Twilight's smug smile.

Twilight just shrugged as her glass of apple juice floated across the room into her hooves. “You should have made the rules more clear.”

“You know what? Fine. Two can play at that game!” Rainbow ran off into the kitchen, coming abck a few seconds with a glass of water. Taking it in her wing, she splashed the water across the line into Twilight's face.

“Rainbow!” Twilight screeched as she was drenched in cold water.

“Not crossing the line,” Rainbow taunted with a cocky grin.

Twilight opened her jaw to retort, but let it close as she humphed and turned away, lying across the couch with her back to Rainbow. Unbeknownst to the pegasus, Twilight's horn was once again glowing with magic as another glass filled itself with water in the kitchen, floating over and dumping itself on Rainbow's head.

“Not crossing the line~” Twilight sang without even turning back

Whipping the bangs out of her face, Rainbow set her face into a determined snarl “That's it,” she growled, stomping over the yellow line of tape on the floor. “Just admit I was right and this will all be over.”

“Hey!” Twilight cried, jumping of the couch and pointing an accusing hoof at Rainbow. “You're not allowed to cross the line!”

“Oh, you mean like this?” She asked as another hoof planted itself on Twilight's side.


“Too bad,” Rainbow snorted as she crossed over entirely. “What are you going to do now, huh?”

Lighting her horn, Twilight enveloped Rainbow in her magical glow and teleported rainbow back onto her own side. “That,” Twilight deadpanned.

“Oh, it's on now,” Rainbow declared, her wings flying out from her sides as she took off running, flapping her wings and launching into the air, soaring over the line. Twilight once again charged a teleport, but before she could get it off Rainbow slammed into her chest, dragging the unicorn kicking and screaming into the air.

“Rainbow!” Twilight shrieked as they came to a hover near the room of the library. “Put me down!”

“Nu-huh, not until you admit I was right.”

“Never!” Twilight declared defiantly, dangling dangerously over the dining room.

Rainbow let her grip on Twilight loosen just enough that she started sliding down.

“Alright alright!” Twilight cried, legs kicking as though trying to swim. “You were right!”

“About...?” Rainbow prompted, tightening her hold just enough so Twilight wouldn't slip any lower.

“It's pronounced February, not Febyuary! Now put me down!”

Rainbow complied, setting Twilight on the floor. “See, was that so hard?”

Twilight glared at her, before turning away indignantly and marching up the stairs. “I'm going to bed.”

“I'll be up in-”

“You're sleeping on the couch.”

The pronunciation of February really bugs me...

Also, screw 500 words; 800's the way to go. Next prompt shall be...


Group Admin


Just so ya know, your allotted four hours to complete the prompt has passed. You're more than welcome to still try and reclaim and write the prompt, but otherwise Hurry is back on the market for anyone else who wants to snag it! :pinkiesmile:

3743554 I was kicked off the computer before I could finish, just got back on.
3740134 Reclaim!

Group Admin


It kind of goes without saying that your 4 hours are up, so once again hurry is back on the market for anyone who wants it!

C'mon guys, AppleDash had to start a new prompt thread because their old one got so big and we're only on page 7. We can't let them get so far ahead of us!

Poor Timey. So much to write, and no time to write any of it.

3747292 After being forced to stop two times in a row I fave now lost all detection of where I was taking the prompt, I'm gonna have to drop this one.

Formerly Committed
Group Admin

Claimed because Tim made me

Formerly Committed
Group Admin


“Come on, Scoots! We gotta hurry!” Rainbow Dash glanced back at a struggling Scootaloo. Rainbow could tell she was on her last legs. She was proud that Scootaloo even made it this far. Flying from Ponyville to Canterlot and then back was no easy feat, even for Rainbow.

“I know. I’m--I’m going as fas--as I can,” Scootaloo shouted back between pants. Come on Scootaloo, focus on breathing. In. And out. Just like Rainbow taught you. She pushed through the pain, ignoring the screams from her exhausted wings. Her still being airborne was a true statement to her determination. Whether it was her refusal to give up, or her not wanting to get in trouble was completely different matter.

No more than a few hours ago they had been back at the library sitting quietly, reading. Or so they would claim. Maybe they shouldn’t have been building towers with books. Maybe they shouldn’t have had a ginormous pillow fight in the middle of the library. Or maybe they crossed the line with pegasus-limbo. Regardless, tables were bumped and unicorn statues were broken. So while Spike stayed behind and cleaned up feathers, Rainbow and Scootaloo took off to the only store that still had said statue. All before Twilight got back from her trip seeing the Princess. Who was due back on the next train into Ponyville, which they had yet to pass on their return journey.

“Rain--Rainbow!” Scootaloo called out. She could feel herself slowly losing altitude. She tried futilely to stop her descent, but she was destined to go down.This was it. She wasn’t gonna make it. Twilight was going to get home, see the broken statue, and ground her--and possibly Rainbow, until she moved out.

She felt a pair of hooves wrap around her barrell. “Don’t worry, squirt. I gotcha. We’re in the home-stretch and I can see the train pullin’ in.” Scootaloo closed her eyes, and let her body fall limp in Rainbow’s embrace giving her muscles the rest they demanded. Cracking an eye open, she tempted a glance towards Ponyville and true to Rainbow’s word she could see the last puffs of smoke coming from the train as it slowed in its approach into the station.

Scootaloo either dozed off or passed out from exhaustion, because the next thing she knew she was being set down right in front of the library. Luckily it was only her wings that were pushed to exhaustion and she charged through the door just a few steps in front of Rainbow. Spike who had been pacing back and forth for the past hour jumped at the sudden slamming of the door.

“Thank Celestia, you guys are back! I thought I heard the train come in,” he said sighing in relief.

“You did. Twi’s probably right behind us!” Rainbow Dash flipped open her saddlebag and using two hooves and both wings to steady it, lifted the statue up and onto the table. In a flash of blue she flew upstairs, threw her bags down and zipped back down. Side-by-side they stared at the door and waited.

Forty-five seconds later a somewhat confused Twilight walked in. “Why did somepony leave the door--” She stopped and looked suspiciously at Rainbow Dash, flanked on both sides by Scootaloo and Spike. All wearing a huge grin. She rolled her eyes and smiled. “Aww, you guys didn’t have to greet me at the door. I was only gone for the day.”

“Well we missed you. Right, guys?” exclaimed Rainbow through her forced smile. The other two nodded quickly, their smiles never wavering.

Twilight stared at each of them in turn. They would swear she was looking into their very souls. Twilight knew something was off. She just didn’t know what. She slowly moved toward the guilty trio, her gaze never leaving them. And then she saw it.

She knew what they were hiding.

In a blur of purple, Twilight ran over to Scootaloo and pulled her into a bone crushing hug.

“Rainbow! How many times have I told you...Stop pushing Scootaloo so hard when you two practice. She looks exhausted,” she said glaring daggers at Rainbow.

It took Rainbow Dash a whole second to realize what had just happened.

“Oh--OH! Yeah...sorry. You know us. We flying. Right, Scoots?” Rainbow’s smile never left her.

“Yeah! Sorry, I uh...yeah. Sorry.” Scootaloo hugged Twilight back. Did they just really get away, scot free? She almost felt bad for how easy it had been. Almost.

“Well, I hope you aren’t too tired Rainbow. I was hoping you would massage my back. You would not believe how rough it is to travel all the way to Canterlot and back in one day.”


“Not a clue.”

“But, first things first.,” she said as she lifted her saddlebag off her back with her magic. However, Twilight who was still hugging Scootaloo wasn’t paying attention. Her bag bumped the table.

Time move slow. (I had to, and I’m not sorry)

Three pairs of eyes looked on in horror, as the unicorn statue wibbled and wobbled, hoping it wouldn’t fall down. Their luck had run out. They watched as the statue lost its balance an tipped over. They looked on in shock, Rainbow holding out a hoof in a futile attempt to stop it, as it bounced half-way off the table sending it spinning on its collision course with the floor. A single tear fell away from Scootaloo’s eye as the unicorn statue, that had just cost her a month’s allowance, shattered into what seemed to be millions of pieces.

No one moved. Three sets of eyes all turned towards Twilight, waiting for they fury to come.

The first to notice something wrong was Scootaloo. She was still being held on to by the unicorn and could feel her body shaking. At first, she thought she was having some sort of seizure. A mental breakdown after the lose of her beloved statue. But then...she heard it.


Twilight threw her head back and laughed. The other three thought she had just lost her mind. Poor Scootaloo. Already in the mares clutches, she was obviously going to be the first sacrificed. But then a miracle happened. She released her hostage and continued her laughter. No one dared to move yet, and they stayed completely still until Twilight finally had control of her faculties.

“Oops,” she smiled sheepishly wiping a tear from her eye. “Sorry, I’ll clean that up in a minute.”

The three looked at each other, blinked, and looked back at Twilight as she made her way up the stairs.

“Honestly, that thing was kind of hideous.”

Weebles wobble but they don't fall down. And to hell with word limits.

Prompt: Fire

I'm horrible at giving prompts...

Group Admin


Nicely done! I didn't know you were actually going to write a thing up, so I went ahead and wrote one for Hurry as well.

“C’mon, Twi!” Rainbow shouted up the stairs before resuming her pacing around the sofa. “We were supposed to be gone like ten minutes ago!” She huffed and fell to her haunches, casting a wary glance at the clock. Swallowing, Rainbow began tapping on the floor just to give her hooves something to do.

“Okay, okay,” Twilight said as she trotted down into the living room. A hairbrush floated beside her, caught in a lavender glow. The hairbrush settled on Twilight’s desk as Twilight leaned in to nuzzle Rainbow. “I’m all set to go!”

Rolling her eyes, Rainbow returned the nuzzle before springing to her hooves. “Finally!” In an instant Rainbow darted to the door, her saddlebags strapped around her sides. “What took you so long, anyways? You’re normally ready like fifteen minutes before we go anywhere.”

“Can’t a mare have one late day every now and then?” Twilight levitated her own saddlebags over her shoulders. She smiled coyly at Rainbow. “Besides, we still have plenty of time.”

“Yeah, but this is big, Twi! Like, really really big!” Rainbow practically danced on her hooves, her eyes flickering between Twilight and the door. “Now can we go? Please? I want to get a good spot in line!”

“It’s not that big a deal. I mean, we can probably just send Yearling a letter and get a signed copy.” Rainbow bit her lip as Twilight sluggishly walked over to her. Her wings twitched, itching to take off into the sky, and Rainbow resisted that urge with each slow step Twilight took. Twilight craned her neck to look out the window. “Ugh, it’s so late. We wouldn’t have to be setting up a tent in the middle of Ponyville if we did this my way, you know.”

“That isn’t the point!” Rainbow couldn’t wait any longer and with a flap of her wings propelled herself into the air. “It’s a Daring Do book release, Twi! How can you not be pumped?!” Rainbow asked, waving her forelegs for emphasis.

Twilight giggled, and Rainbow scowled. “I’m sorry, it’s been a busy day and I’m just a little tired.”

“Well, get un-tired!”

“Okay, okay, I’ll try.” Twilight gave a small smile as Rainbow fluttered down to the ground. Rainbow sighed through her nose as she felt Twilight’s wing wrap around her. “I knew you liked Daring Do, but I had no idea the release was such a big deal to you. I mean, we go to them all the time, and you’ve never been this antsy.”

“But that’s just it, Twilight,” Rainbow mumbled. She pawed the ground with a hoof a let out a sigh through her nose. Speaking more to the ground than to Twilight, she said, “This’ll be the first Daring Do release we’ve camped out at together. Y’know, since we started dating.”

Twilight’s wing tightened around Rainbow, drawing her in closer. “Is that why this is so important to you?”

Rainbow nodded, feeling a heat creep into her cheeks she had grown accustomed to in Twilight’s presence. Her eyes widened when a pair of soft lips pressed against her cheek, pulling away with a small pecking noise and leaving a point of warmth in their wake.

“Then let’s get going.”

I think mine's closer to the word limit, but I like yours better. :twilightsmile:

Next prompt is still Fire everyone!

Formerly Committed
Group Admin

I'll claim my own prompt...Consider this your birthday present....punk.


Out of time, I claim! Also for Tim's birthday!



Rainbow Dash stared into the crackling flames of Twilight's fireplace, shivering beneath a pile of blankets, and groaned impatiently. "Come on Twilight, how long are you gonna keep me in here? I said I wouldn't do it again."

"Rainbow, you're staying in here until the storm stops. Honestly, you're the weather manager, you should know your own schedule by now," said Twilight, walking in from the kitchen, two daisy sandwiches floating beside her.

Rainbow pulled the blankets more tightly around herself and grumbled something about eggheads.

Twilight continued, oblivious to Rainbow's annoyance, "Besides, whose idea was it to have a swim in the middle of Winter?"

"Hey, Applejack did it too. She challenged me to a race," said Rainbow defensively.

Twilight rolled her eyes and set down one of the sandwiches next to Rainbow beforelying herself down nest to her. "Yes, and I'm sure Apple Bloom is taking great care of her trying to get her nursing cutie mark. I could have left you with them instead."

Rainbow grimaced and grudgingly took the food in her hooves and took a bite out of it. "Still cold," she grumbled, her mouth filled with half chewed food.

Twilight sighed and stood up again, throwing more wood into the fireplace with her magic as she walked over to Rainbow. She stopped next to her and lifted the blankets up slightly.

Rainbow shivered again at the sudden drop rush of cold air. As she turned to look at Twilight, she suddenly felt something—or someone—warm and soft pressing against her side. "Twilight, what're you doing?"

"You said you were cold, and I don't have any more blankets," she mumbled.

Rainbow grinned and opened her mouth, about to say something. Before she could start, however, Twilight cut her off. "Rainbow, if you make a joke right now, I will throw you into the fire. I'm just trying to keep you warm, that's it."

"Well you're no fun," she groused, putting on a playful pout.

"Just... Try to warm up, and we don't have to talk about this." She pinned her ears down on her head. "At least don't tell Rarity, she'll get completely the wrong idea."

Rainbow Dash snorted, and looked back towards the fire. "Fine. I'll be all warm and dry pretty soon anyway."

Twilight didn't answer, she just lay her head down on her hooves and stared into the dancing flames

Well, it certainly is a thing anyway. Happy Birthday, Tim, and don't be expecting more for a while :heart:

Next prompt is: Music

3759509 I'm going to jump in and claim Music, if no one objects.

Here it is: Music

“Geez, Egghead, you really suck at this, you know?”

There is a saying in Equestria regarding the potential lethality of certain facial expressions, whereby one pony wishes the sheer intensity of said expressions had, for the briefest of moments, a marked physical impact on the recipient.

Twilight considered (that is to say, decided against without further study) to provide enough magical energy to remove the questionable conjunction from said idiom. However, she had been strictly counseled on her disregard of physics and the disasters that followed when she involved magic to influence the physical world solely to correct what is, or was, exclusively a matter of personal embarrassment.

This did not stop her from utilizing the more figurative aspects of the phrase in question, and with years of practice born of necessity in corralling her three unruly protégés with scarcely a sound, Twilight glared at the cyan Pegasus floating in the air before her with as much intensity as she could muster.

Mind! That is not to say that fair Rainbow’s observation lacked merit ; indeed, Twilight herself had, quite succinctly, stated Rainbow’s rather churlish thought mere minutes before, as her primary objection to engaging in such an activity in the first place.

Still, Twilight had agreed to practice with her fiancé so as not to cause too much embarrassment at their wedding some three months hence.
Thus she found herself in one of the more Spartan rooms in the fortress that was her new home, the meager furniture pushed aside, and a fresh layer of pine planks quickly secured to the crystal floor.

The speed with which such a floor had been both procured and installed simultaneously fascinated and infuriated the Princess; on one hoof, the sheer economy of movement shown by her friends (specifically that of the Apple family) brought to mind a burning desire to see exactly how much of the country’s failing infrastructure could be brought in line with modern standards should such ponies be in charge of overseeing the task.

On the other hoof, with the dance floor now completely secured, as well as a sound system mysteriously brought in by another Apple family member (though it had yet to be conclusively determined, once and for all, whether or not Pinkie Pie was indeed a distant relative of the Apples), Twilight found her list of logical arguments against participating in what would most assuredly be, at least as far as recent memory was concerned, her most embarrassing moment to date dwindling rather rapidly.

“Ahem. I believe what Rainbow is trying to say, Darling, is that perhaps this isn’t the right music for you? I think we should try something a little less esoteric. While DJ-Pon3’s music is perfectly acceptable in most nightclubs, there’s nothing like a classic for a first dance, yes? Aha! Here it is! A nice, simple waltz should do.”

“Rarity…,” moaned Rainbow. “Waltzes are boring!”

“Nonsense! The waltz is, by far, one of the most romantic and timeless dances of all time. The poise! The sophistication! The joie de vive coming from two lovers floating inches above the dance floor, lost in each other’s embrace as they breathlessly dance the night away! Their eyes lock, and for the briefest moment time stops as their love bursts forth in a sea of emotion; a crashing wave that sweeps them away from all of pony kind in unbridled passion!”

“Wow…” whispered Rainbow Dash.

“But Rarity isn’t the waltz hard? I have a difficult time with the simple moves Rainbow showed me. Can’t we just rock back and forth for a few seconds and call it good?” asked Twilight.

“Certainly not! This is going to be a Royal wedding! Everypony who’s anypony will be certain to attend, and I will not let my friends simply ‘rock back and forth’ like a pair of fillies at their first dance!” cried Rarity.

“Whoa there Sugarcube!” said Applejack, coming up the stairs. “What’s all this fussin’ about? I thought we agreed you’d simmer down, and not get so worked up over everything.”

“You’re right, Darling. It’s just that Twilight is having doubts about learning how to waltz, and I guess I got a little carried away.”

“Y’don’t know how to waltz? I thought you grew up in Canterlot?” asked Applejack, eyes narrowing.

“I did! It’s not like I don’t know what it is,” explained Twilight. “I’ve just never had an opportunity to practice with anypony.”

“Lookee here, Sugarcube. Ain’t nothin’ to it. You can count to three, right?”

“Obviously,” said Twilight.

“And you trust Dash, right?” asked Applejack.

“Of course!” said Twilight.

“Then there’s nothin’ to it.Follow her lead, and let the music move you.”

“Thanks, Applejack. I feel a lot better about this. Want to give it a shot, Rainbow?” asked Twilight.

“Sure! And don’t worry. I won’t let you down,” said Rainbow

“Never,” said Twilight, smiling as the music began to fill the room.

Here it is. I think I might have to go find others now. I did my best to keep it under my usual 1500 words.
Next prompt: Soliloquy

3767979 Haven't done this in a while, I'll take this one.


"Alright, Twilight, you can do this. Just go up there and ask her." Twilight told herself as she placed below Rainbow's cloud home.

"You can't just blurt it out like that!"

"Why not? The best way to get a direct answer is with a direct answer." She nodded smugly.

"Yeah, in a classroom. This calls for finesse! You have to lead into it."

"But that will take too long, and she'll probably get bored and run off!"

"She'll probably run off if you just go up there and ask directly too."

She sat down with a dejected sigh.

"Why is this so hard?" She said looking up at the cloud above her.

"Because good things are worth the effort it takes to get them."

“Well, she’s definitely worth the effort.” She said with a small smile. “So how are we going to do this? Direct questioning is out as well as a long conversation leading into it. What else is there?”

“Leave a note on her door!”

“No, that would take too long to get an answer back.”

She pondered this conundrum silently for a few minutes. Suddenly she sprang to her hooves, wings flared out wide.

“That’s perfect!” She exclaimed and took off into the sky.

She flew the short distance up to Rainbow’s cloud home. Landing on the fluffy surface, it took a couple of seconds to catch her balance, still not being used to standing on clouds. Once she had settled, she strolled up to the front door and knocked, a look of confidence on her face. She’d thought of the perfect plan, there was no way she could fail now.

After a moment or two, the cloud door opened, revealing a sleepy looking pegasus, still rubbing one of her eyes. The sight caused all of her plans to fall apart, her thoughts jumping ship, leaving her to face this alone. She stood there with her mouth open and a blank expression on her face.

“Oh hey, Twi.” She paused to let out an enormous yawn. “What brings you up here.” She finished, scratching her head.

Twilight continued to stare at her for a few minutes before her mouth started working of it’s own accord.

“Rainbow Dash, would you go out with me?”

Next prompt: Nightmare

Well I've never tried something like this before, but I'll give it a go. So yeah, claimed

Oh wow, just saw how old this thread is. Well might as well keep it going.

Prompt: Nightmare


The familiar voice calling her name made Twilight snap her head up despite the protests of her battered body. No! Don't! she thought seeing Rainbow Dash speeding toward her through the shattered windows of the throne room.

Chrysalis had heard the cry as well and smirked as she turned toward the windows, a wicked glint in her eyes. Desperately, Twilight struggled against the hold of the two changelings that restrained her. She couldn't watch another friend die, not her, not Rainbow! Nearly a week in captivity, a week of being starved and tortured, had taken its tole, however. Try as she might, she couldn't break free of the changelings' hold on her.

She watched in terror as Rainbow drew closer. Their eyes met, and in that moment Twilight's eyes begged her to save herself, to, just this once, leave her behind. It was something Rainbow could not do. And it was already too late.

Chrysalis stepped in front of the window, the two snakes coiled around her raising their heads to watch the approaching pegasus. Then the gem on the white snake's head glowed brightly as Chrysalis's horn glowed with the same golden light. A beam shot out, faster than any spell Twilight had ever seen. Rainbow was hit in the center of her chest. The impact reversed her momentum, throwing her back away from the castle, smoke trailing from her body and her wings whipping limply in the wind behind her; already unconscious or worse.

"RAINBOW!" Twilight cried, lacerating her already raw throat as she watched her friend fall past the edge of Canterlot, plummeting into the valley below.


"Twi, Twi! Wake up!"

Twilight's eyes shot open. Somepony had their hooves around her. For a moment she struggled against her captor.

"Twi! It's okay! It's me!"

The voice was familiar. Twilight froze and looked up. In the dim light of the air ship's cabin she could just make out locks of red yellow and orange hair above rose colored eyes that looked back into hers with love and concern.

Without a word, Twilight threw her hooves around Rainbow, and clung to her, burying her face against Rainbow's neck. She trembled as Rainbow held her, gently stroking her mane.

"It's alright, Twi; you're safe," Rainbow whispered softly. "I'm here."

Twilight couldn't stop trembling, however. She could clearly feel the scare on Rainbow's chest, reminding her all too well, that her nightmare had been far more than just a dream.

Yay, I managed to keep it less than 500 words! :twilightsmile:

Next: Forgotten

3768532 I lay claim to this new land. Well at least this prompt anyway. :twilightsmile:



Twilight merrily trotted back towards her home in the Ponyville library. Books and different parts of her current research project floated along behind her, held within her magical grasp. She had been out far longer than she had thought she would have been, as she noticed that all the lamps were already lit and there was scarcely a pony to be seen. Looking up into the sky she saw the moon just now starting its way across the sky.

A chilly wind blew through the town, ruffling her fur and feathers. She shivered at the change in temperature, and promptly increased her speed to get out of the cold faster. As she approached her tree home, however, she noticed that the downstairs light was on. Normally this would mean that Spike was still awake, but he was at a sleepover with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, so it couldn’t have been him.

Nervousness crept up inside of her, and she decided against using the front door. Instead she teleported up onto the balcony outside of her bedroom. Carefully setting her things down, she carefully opened the window that led into her loft. Her ears were at attention, swiveling around, trying to pick up on any sounds that somepony had broken into her home. At the same time, she looked around, noticing that nothing looked disturbed.

A sudden slam from further into the library caused her to jump, almost willing her to fly back out of the library and go find a guardpony to come help. After a few moments of silence, however, she regained some of her wit and moved closer to her bedroom door.

Placing an ear against the smooth wood, she listened intently for any more sounds coming from the other side. Hearing nothing, she carefully opened the door, just enough to see through the crack. The other side of the door looked just as undisturbed as her bedroom. Pulling the door opene a bit further, she noticed that the only sounds she could hear was the crackling of the fire inside the fireplace.

Creeping towards the edge of the staircase, she finally got a look at the main room of her home. Expecting to see the worst, her mood was instantly lifted by the heartwarming sight that she saw.

Her marefriend, Rainbow Dash, was asleep on the couch by the fireplace. A daring do book, which she assumed had once been held, had made its way to the floor and now lay there half open against the couch. A light snoring sound made its way to Twilight’s ears, confirming that the pegasus mare was indeed asleep.

As she made her way closer, she noticed some things on the table that didn’t belong to her. Taking a better look, she saw a bouquet of flowers and a card laying there, her name written on the front of the envelope in Rainbow’s bad mouthwriting.

Opening the envelope with her magic, she pulled the card out and began reading it. Tears worked their way into her eyes as she set the card back down on the table. She let herself openly sob a couple of times as she just stared at the simple card. A sound from beside her caused her to turn her head, seeing Rainbow get up off the couch. She stretched for a moment, before making her way over to where Twilight was now sitting. When she got within arms reach, Twilight pounced on her, crushing her in a hug as she openly started crying.

“Oh, R-Rainbow! I’m s-sorry! I- I-” She gave up trying to talk and settled for crying into her marefriend’s shoulder. She was suddenly surprised when she felt a hoof gently stroking the back of her head.

“Hey, hey. Shh. Twi, it’s ok.” Rainbow tried to sooth her, holding her tight and stroking the back of her head gently. She would have wrapped her wings around her as well, just for good measure, but they were currently pinned beneath Twilight’s forelegs.

“I’m such a bad marefriend.” Twilight muttered into Rainbow’s coat.

“Hey, no you’re not.” Rainbow said, giving her a gentle squeeze. Twilight push herself back out of Rainbow’s embrace.

“How can you say that? I forgot about our anniversary!” This caused Rainbow to smirk.

“Thats ok, that just means you get to make it up to me.” She said, leaning in and kissing Twilight. Twilight’s eyes widened at the implications of Rainbow’s statement before they slowly closed as she went along with it.

Next prompt: Playtime

3768746 Let's try this again, shall we. Claimed.

3781948 and now I'm being forced off so I'm un-claiming for now.


Next prompt: Playtime

Ah hell with it. I'll take it.

3768746 Okay, this is silly, fluffy crap. Enjoy, everyone! :derpytongue2:


Squealing, fillyish giggles rent the air of the normally placid Golden Oaks Library. Along with them came the sound of tiny, stomping hooves as a pint sized Unicorn and Pegasus chased one another around the library’s loft.

“You’ll never get me, Twi! You’re too slow!” Rainbow Dash shrieked as she galloped headlong through the room, narrowly avoiding obstacles at every turn.

Gasping between laughs, Twilight lowered her head and galloped even harder, yelling, “Yuh huh! I will too! You’ll see!”

Using her superior knowledge of the living space’s layout, Twilight slowly closed the gap between Rainbow Dash and her, until a final lunge gave her a faceful of Dash’s tail… And nothing else, as Dash flapped her little wings and shot into the air.

“Toldja! Too slow!” Rainbow crowed as she did a little circle in midair.

“Hey!” Twilight shouted, “No fair flying!”

“It ain’t against the rules!”

“It should be!”

“Nuh uh!”

“Uh huh!”

“Nuh uh times infinity!”

Stomping a hoof, Twilight glared at Rainbow Dash and fumed for a moment. Then her eyes widened and she grinned, cantering over to her writing desk and climbing up on her chair. Giving her mightiest filly leap, Twilight managed to grab the edge of a nearby bookshelf and climb slowly to the top. “Now I’m higher, so I’m winning!”

Baffled, Rainbow Dash tilted her head to one side before frowning. “What? Nuh uh, that isn’t the rules!” Putting her forehooves on her hips, Rainbow flew closer to the shelf to properly give Twilight a piece of her mind… giving Twilight the precise opportunity she was waiting for.

With a shrill, primal cry of “Gotcha!” Twilight lunged forward right off the bookshelf, hooves swinging wildly and grasping only air as Rainbow dodged with little effort. Seeing her triumph turn to ashes before her eyes, Twilight could only cry out as she hit the floor with a muffled thud, scraping one of her fetlocks in the process.

Biting her lower lip, Dash wrapped her forelegs around herself, then cackled like a loon. “Pfftahahahaha! Oh man! The look on your face was priceless, Twi!”

Meanwhile, Twilight struggled herself into a sitting position and clutched her fetlock to her chest for a moment. “Ow…” she said with a sniffle, rubbing the sore spot. After a few seconds her lip started to quiver and she burst into tears.

Rainbow Dash’s laughter cut off after a moment as she heard Twilight’s wails below her and she gasped, zipping to the ground. Wrapping her arms around Twilight, Dash held her close and rocked back and forth. “Sorry Twilight,” she said as she nuzzled into Twilight’s mane. “I didn’t mean to.”

After a few minutes, Twilight’s tears abated and she hiccoughed, squeezing back. “S’okay… It wasn’t your fault. I shouldn’t’a jumped like that.” Giggling, Twilight rested her chin on Rainbow’s shoulder. “I didn’t think we’d be this much like real foals.”

“I don’t care,” Rainbow Dash replied. “This is the awesomest spell ever.” Leaning back, Rainbow looked Twilight in the eyes and said, “so you wanna do something else now?”

Twilight’s face scrunched up as she thought about it, then she grinned, shoving Rainbow on her back and pinning her down. “Nope,” Twilight said as she wrapped Dash in an even tighter hug than before. “I think it’s nap time!”

“Hey!” Rainbow cried as she fell back, trapped. “But I’m not sleepy! Twilight!”

After a few seconds of struggle, Rainbow frowned as Twilight nestled into her neck, quickly beginning to snore. “Twiiiiii,” she whined as she let her limbs flop at her sides. With a huff, Rainbow rolled her eyes and shifted her weight under her captor.

Resigned to her fate, Rainbow Dash wrapped her arms around Twilight and snuggled up, eyelids drooping closed. Minutes later a second set of snores joined in on Twilight’s quickly building crescendo of slumber.

Next Prompt: Rockin’


Yoinking Rockin'


500 words, wut? Warning, hoomins.

Bzzzzzzt Bzzzzzzt

Twilight’s ear flicked at the buzzing noise ringing against the crystal bookshelf—it certainly had been a while since she’d heard that sound. Her human friends were growing up and settling into the sort of busy lives that the people in that dimension typically led, after all.

The glowing and buzzing book floated down to eye level, held in Twilight’s magical grasp. She flicked through the pages to find the newest message, hoping that it was just another piece of correspondence, or possibly an invitation for a social call, rather than some manner of world-ending crisis.

Hey Twi,

Need you to come through the portal ASAP. It’s important.

As she read the note, her conclusions were anything but concrete.

On the one hand—her brain was already thinking in human terms again—Rainbow Dash had always made the greatest effort to see her whenever she came to visit, and yet always seemed to be holding something back about the direction she was taking her life. This kind of terse message was just the sort of thing she’d expect out of Rainbow. Either of them, really.

But on the other hand—Twilight was already up and moving to the side room where the portal was kept safe and secure—if the world-ending crisis was bad enough, she might not have had time to write anything more.

As she slammed the book in place with her hooves, Twilight conjured a scroll and quill with a burst of magic, scribbled a hasty note, and vanished it again with a pop. Gone through the portal, might be trouble, please tell the girls. In the back of her mind, Twilight imagined she could hear deep rumble of Spike’s belch, even though she knew he was miles away, probably in his new cave.

As the vortex of the portal swirled around her, the thought finally passed through her mind that if there really was trouble, Rainbow wouldn’t have taken the time to draw her cutie mark—or whatever humans called their symbols. Her palm crashed into her forehead as she flailed her legs and tried not to fall.

“There you are, darling. We have to hurry and get going. I’m afraid that someone’s lack of planning left us with very little time.”

Twilight blinked, looking at her friend in the growing twilight. “Rarity? I was expecting Rainbow Dash.”

“And you shall see her, but we have to get moving quickly.” Rarity had already circled around Twilight and was propelling her bodily toward her sleek purple sports car parked near by.

One frantic car trip later, Twilight and Rarity stood together in the front row of the large amphitheater, staring up at the empty—but soon not to be—stage. The crowd whooped and cheered deafeningly behind them as the band they were in attendance to see strutted out onto the stage.

Twilight only recognized one member of the band—it was hard not to in her skin-tight, rainbow-striped outfit—but the cheers that began to erupt from her throat were louder than any others in the crowd. During all of her visits and all of the catching up she did with all of her human friends, never once had any of them mentioned Rainbow Dash continuing her impromptu musical career.

As the band started in on the cold opening of their set, Rainbow caught Twilight’s eye and gave her a wink. The momentary fluttering Twilight felt in her stomach was quickly drowned out by an updated rendition of ‘Rainbow Rocks’ blasting out of the booming loudspeakers.

During the entire concert, Twilight caught Rainbow’s eye at least once, sometimes two or three times during each and every song. Even though a small part of her couldn’t help wondering why Rainbow had kept this a secret, the rest of her couldn’t help cheering until she thought she might lose her voice.

“Encore Encore Encore!”

Twilight joined in the cheering of the crowd, trying their best to coax the band back for one final song. Applause erupted as Rainbow poked her head back out through the curtain and the rest of the band followed.

“What do you say guys?” Rainbow addressed the band, but her voice came loud and clear through the sound system. “I mean it wouldn’t be right to leave without playing ‘Awesome as I Wanna to Be’.

Twilight couldn’t help a wry smile from curling her lips at the memory of Rainbow playing an early version of the song far too exuberantly during the incident with the Sirens and being tackled by Sunset Shimmer.

Nothing of the sort would be happening tonight—no danger lurked, and Rainbow was completely in her element. She’d even added some new verses.

Keep on rising, I just don’t have time to stop
Get there even if it’s lonely at the top
Can’t skimp for a minute on my loyalty
Gotta be awesome to play for royalty

Throughout the entire final verse, Rainbow locked eyes with her, and Twilight blushed. The butterflies in her stomach didn’t let up until the band had departed and she felt Rarity poking her in the shoulder. Her friend wore an almost unnerving grin.

“Come on, let’s go put these backstage passes to good use.”

After some polite words to the security crew and some weaving through cramped corridors, Rarity left Twilight in front of a dressing room adorned with a tri-colored lightning bolt while she went off to chat with some of the other members of the band. Twilight hesitated before she finally knocked softly.

“Come on in!” The voice was a bit more raspy than she remembered, but that was probably normal after so much singing. “Hey, Twi!” Rainbow waved her over, patting the sofa where she sat as Twilight cautiously opened the door.

Twilight gave a little wave and sauntered over, her heart beating hard. She couldn’t look away from Rainbow’s shining eyes. A tingle ran up her spine as she sat down and Rainbow immediately hugged her. Her own arms hugged back out of pure instinct.

A long moment of silence passed between them before Twilight finally found her voice. “Why didn’t you ever tell me you were still a musician? And a famous one at that.”

Rainbow pulled back to look Twilight in the eye, her smile slipping a little. “I said it in the song. I had to be awesome enough first.” She clasped Twilight’s hand, her smile returning. “It just took me a while to be as awesome as I needed to be.”

Twilight blushed. “You didn’t have to do that for me. I’m not that special.”

“Of course you are,” Rainbow retorted. “You’re a princess. You’re special, which means I gotta be special if I want—” She broke off. Her lips flexed as if trying to find the right words, but nothing came. Instead, Rainbow lifted Twilight’s hand to her lips and gently kissed it, a light blush coloring her cheeks. “—yeah,” she finished.

The somersault that her stomach pulled when she’d first run into Flash was nothing compared to the feeling in her gut right now. All of her visits to the human world flashed through her mind as she tried to process what was happening. Except for the very rare times when she wasn’t around, Twilight could clearly recall Rainbow’s shining eyes from each and every one, and she suddenly wondered how she’d never spotted the attraction before now.

Twilight lifted Rainbow’s chin with her free hand and gazed into her raspberry eyes, quivering with anticipation. She had an unusual method of seduction, but Twilight couldn’t deny that it was working.

Next prompt: Hooficure

I officially give up on trying to keep inside the word limit. :facehoof:


“NO!” Rainbow Dash screamed, her hooves latched firmly to the doorway of her marefriend’s bedroom.

“Come… on… Rainbow!” Twilight grunted out, struggling to pull her rainbow colored marefriend from the doorway with her telekinesis.

“No, Twilight! You know I don’t like other ponies touching my hooves!” She was beginning to lose her grip on the doorway and she was starting to panic.

“I… touch them… all… the time!” Twilight argued back, still attempting to dislodge Rainbow from her doorway.

“That’s because you’re special!” Her muscles were beginning to burn under the strain. She knew that she wouldn’t be able to hold out against Twilight’s magic for much longer.

Twilight growled in anger, releasing her telekinetic hold on her marefriend. It was like trying to knock down a brick wall with her head, and was starting to feel like it as well. She had been straining herself against Rainbow so much, that she was starting to build up a headache, even with her new alicorn levels of power. This led her to the thought that Rainbow was part earth pony to be able to fight against that much power.

“Fine! If you don’t want to go, then don’t!” Rainbow let out a sigh of relief, wiping some of the sweat off of her brow.

“But,” This caused her to snap her head around, looking the glaring alicorn in the eyes. “Until you decide which you can tolerate more, you aren’t touching me there ever again. As a matter of fact, you won’t be touching me at all until you get it done!” She stomped into her room and slammed the door in Rainbow’s face. A small click could be heard as the door was locked followed by a light pink shimmer as a ward was placed on the door.

Rainbow sat there, looking as if she would start crying at any second. In truth she felt like she wanted to. She looked down at her hooves, a multitude of chips could be seen in the hard surfaces. She knocked gently on the door, the ward shimmering around where she had touched.

“Twilight?” She called out.

When she received no answer she hung her head, a few tears making their way down her muzzle to drip on the floor. She honestly couldn’t remember why she had this stupid fear of hers, and now it was going to cost her her marefriend.

No! I am not going to let something this… petty come between us!

Rainbow straightened up, a determined look in her eyes as she wiped away the tears that still remained in her eyes.

I’m Rainbow Dash! I can handle anything!

With her mind set, and her determination strong, she turned and made her way out of Twilight’s home. Twilight watched the whole thing happen from behind her door. The spell she had cast on the door was not to keep Rainbow out, but to let Twilight see through it. She didn’t know where Rainbow had gone, but she knew that she’d be back.

She wasn’t truly mad at Rainbow, but when the mare wanted to be stubborn, Twilight had to get like this to get her point across. Climbing up on her bed, she gently sat down, her nether regions still protesting after their escapade last night. Twilight cast a numbing spell on herself, and sighed in relief as she relaxed into her covers. Chipped hooves had no place near such sensitive areas.

A knocking at her door roused Twilight from a sleep she hadn’t even realized she had fallen into. Letting out a yawn, and rubbing her eyes with a fetlock, she opened the door. On the other side sat an apologetic looking Rainbow Dash. In her forearms, she cradled a bouquet of Twilight’s favorite flowers and a box of chocolates.

“You know that’s not-” Twilight froze mid rant.

Her eyes were locked onto Rainbow’s forelegs. The items she was holding wasn’t what caused her to stop, it was the mental reset that had occurred when her brain had fully processed the image in front of her. Her gaze wouldn’t move from the hooves of her marefriend, what she was seeing couldn’t possibly exist.

Where there had once been many chips and sharp edges, now was a smooth surface, polished to a sheen. She glanced up at Rainbow’s face for a moment, to make sure the pony sitting in front of her was indeed Rainbow Dash, before looking back down again. As her brain finally came back online, only one made itself present.

Rainbow Dash gotten a hooficure.

“Um… Twi?” Rainbow asked nervously, her marefriend’s silence was starting to make her uneasy. “I did-”

The rest of her sentence died in her throat as she was unceremoniously tackled by the purple alicorn of friendship. Her lips were currently engaged elsewhere and she didn’t care about what she had been going to say. She only cared that she had her Twilight back, and she wouldn’t let a stupid thing like a hooficure get in between them any more. Even if they did have to sedate her for it.

Next prompt: Candles

Formerly Committed
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Two pairs of eyes stared at Twilight’s home. What was left of it anyway. The fire had been mostly contained by now and the immediate threat of the entire castle burning down was gone. The outside structure of the castle seemed unaffected, save for a few scorch marks here and there. The inside, Twilight didn’t want to think about what inside looked like. Smoke poured out of every orifice, blotching out the moon in the once clear sky.

Fireponies ran this way and that. Inside and out, checking for any remaining hot spots or hidden fires. Ignoring the two mares huddled under a fire blanket, a protective wing wrapped around each other. After insuring that the two were unharmed, and that no one else was inside they quickly began unrolling hoses to combat the fire.

Twilight and Rainbow sat in silence, neither of them daring to speak, not wanting to confirm what had just happened. So they sat, with an unfocused stare, not wanting to see Twilight’s home in ruin, and yet not being able to look away. Completely oblivious to the outside world they didn’t even notice their friends quickly approaching.

“Twilight! Rainbow! Are ya’ll alright?” Applejack called out as the four mares skidded to a halt in front of Twilight and Rainbow.

Neither Rainbow nor Twilight made any indication that they were aware of the other girls’ presence. They simply sat there. The four looked between each other with concern.

“Oh--Oh my...I think they’re in shock. What do you think happened?”

“Oh! Oh! Maybe the Flim Flam brothers came back and saw Twilight’s super awesome castle and got super jealous so they came up with this eeevil plan to try and swindle Twilight out of her castle but Twilight was way too smart for them so they decided if they can’t have it no one can and burned it to the ground!--” Pinkie paused, taking a huge gulp of air ”--that or fire ants.”

Pinkie’s spiel left everyone, who wasn’t her, now in shock. Even some of the fireponies stopped to gawk at the ranting pink pony. Pinkie just smiled unknowing or uncaring about the stares she was now receiving.

“Pinkie…What in tarnation…?”

Rarity had been silent the entire time, save for a few hectic screams when Pinkie Pie first woke her up and she saw the smoke coming from the castle. He mind playing out every possible scenario as to how this could have happened.

“Twilight, dear. This...this wouldn’t have anything to do with those scented candles I loaned you earlier this evening would it?” She had asked innocently, almost as an afterthought.

Rainbow and Twilight blinked. In unison their heads swiveled to look at Rarity, both faces scarlet. The quickly looked away, briefly glancing at each other, and suddenly found the ground extremely fascinating.

No one had anything else to say.

Yay I kept it in the word limit

Prompt: Sacrifice

I'm tempted to do another, but the first one I did made me really want to write the rest of the story the idea came from; but I've already got so many projects I'm working on... Sigh, I'm going to wait a day or two, if no one takes the prompt by then I might just give in...

Group Admin


It's been roughly a day—nearly two—so get on it! :ajsmug:

Long story short: Twilight Sparkle takes Rainbow Dash to a Creed concert. It ends just as you'd expect.
Short story long: Anything by Charles Dickens.

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