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Hello again. Today I bring before you some simple wisdom, literally penned in my new journal as I sit here watching ducks on a park bench. New writers should not shackle themselves to the computer screen. It's folly to sit there and expect inspiration to hit you at that exact moment. Personal experience has taught me that the mood to write often comes when I'm somewhere else, and it leaves before I can get back to my laptop. And no matter what anyone else says, there are places which you wouldn't want to take those electronic devices. Work for instance. That very circumstance has recently been the bane of my existence. My work is quite repetitive, and as I stand there on the line my mind wanders to... you guessed it. Ponies. I can't tell you how many story kernels I've come up with while on the clock. I guess my imagination is just fickle like that. I sit there at lunch break and wish I was at home in front of the computer so I can write this gold down. I suspect that I'm not alone in this sort of plight.

This dependence on computers to satiate our need has become a big obstacle to some new writers, who are still incapable of putting thoughts to writing unless that creative spark is present. We sit at the computer in a dimly lit room and wait for the spark, only for it to leave us as we stare at a blank document, and we eventually give up and switch to playing Galaga (or what have you). We keep getting told that it's so easy to type up words instead of writing them down on paper. After all, who uses a pen in this digital age? We've been sucked into the lie. In reality the computer represents a potential distraction, lying in wait to pounce on the struggling new writer and take us places where the creativity is handed to you on a silver platter (Fimfiction, anyone?)

I'm trying to make writing my hobby for the foreseeable future. I eventually want to gain the ability to sit down and churn out pages of words (not necessarily all pony) whenever I want. I want to be able to forcibly grab my creative spark by its figurative throat and wring its neck. It's a pretty high goal, and one I suspect I share with at least a couple other people in this group. But I'm currently a gawd awful newb writer who can't get more than two chapters into a story without losing steam. What I desperately need is some writing experience, and enough of it that the act of writing becomes habitual. I can't do that if I limit myself to writing on my laptop when I have the time and the inspiration. I think that daily writing would go a long way towards my gaining the experience I seek.

So I bought a journal.

There. That's it. End of lecture. I can't believe I didn't get one before now. It was SO FREAKING SIMPLE! The concept works the same as leaving a paperback novel in the car. It's there in case you find the time to read (write) a few pages. You can take it places expensive electronics would rather not go. The journal will be there when you get that creative spark, and meanwhile you can practice catching the spark and subjugating it for your daily pleasure (uh, perhaps a different wording... nah). Anyway, I've only had my journal for a couple days but it's already proved useful in capturing my spark, and I highly recommend getting one to anybody who is looking for a way to become better at converting thoughts to words. Thanks for listening.

~ BeauZoe


Sounds good. I'll have to try that. Maybe bring a notebook to school and jot stuff down...

I'm liking this idea more and more. Thank you!

Now I just need a way to keep the paper dry in the shower....

I go for walks, and come up with all sorts of weird ideas just walking around. I don't (yet) bring anything but my phone to jot down notes, but I could probably, if I thought of a great sentence or pun.

For me, it's google docs on my phone. Many times at work I've had to take a 'bathroom break' to jot down inspiration that just happened to strike.

Group Admin

1716577 Behold!

Within the worn and tattered pages of this tiny composition notebook that has suffered the torment of being in my back pocket for years lies the secrets to the universe! Secrets like my theory on relativistic space travel, my musings on the wisest words that a man can utter, and a list of the one hundred best places to fart!

1716577 I agree. MANY ideas have come to me at work, and unfortunately, I usually lose the will to write it down when home.

I thank you greatly for the idea, I shall get one right away.:pinkiehappy:

1716577 I already have four journals :eeyup:

I carry my inspiration with me, in my mind (title drop, anyone? :yay:)

The benefit of that being, I can edit my thoughts with ease. Does this premise make sense? If not, go play around with another aspect of the story. Once that premise does begin to make sense, 'save' the edited version.

The downside to this being I can bring around but five decent pieces. Hence, Google Drive on my iPod.

My 'handwriting' is so awful it isn't worth my time to write much down on paper. Plus, you lose that ability to completely change an idea-- one can only erase so many times before a page begins to wear thin.

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