School for New Writers 5,019 members · 9,697 stories
Comments ( 28 )
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Things have been slow around here lately. No new lectures or anything have been happening. It's not fun. Let's do some spring cleaning, shall we? (I don't give a fuck that it's summer.)

If you've been in this group for at least 10 microseconds, you would know us teachers absolutely despise many things. And if you've been in for at least 10 milliseconds, you would know we hate Cupcakes spin-offs, unofficial sequels, and alternate endings; this also applies to My Little Dashie and Fallout: Equestria (At least for me). And Rainbow Factory; can't forget that. This is my 2 bits on why we all hate them. I dunno if this is every other teacher's opinions, but this is why I despise them.

First, spin-offs. Firstly, they are unoriginal as FUCK. You basically take one thing, replace a couple names, a ta-da! You have a stupid spin-off! Secondly, we've seen it before. You might say it's much more special, but we'd say we'd rather be in hell. (You're officially awesome if you get that reference.) There is a very high chance that we've read the original, and we don't need to read it again. If you have a Cupcakes spin-off, there's a high chance we're still emotionally scarred from it. We don't need to read that accursed thing again, got it? Third, we can expect to see what's next. If we read it already, the suspense is gone. If you already read a plot twist in a story, it won't have the same effect on us when we read it again.

Second, unofficial sequels. If you search My Little Dashie in the top-left corner, you'll see that most of the unofficial sequels are trampled by dislikes and/or suck. Why? First, if a story ends on a cliffhanger, make it stay ended on a cliffhanger. That's the point; our little imaginations are supposed to run free because of this. Your imagination does not deserve to be published. PERIOD. We don't want OUR minds be limited because of YOUR mind's desire. Second, as the spongebob meme goes, "Nobody cares". None of us care what your mind thinks of. We have our own mind for a reason!

Third, alternate FUCKING endings (Note that this is only talking about alternate endings to fan fics. Alternate endings of actual episodes I can deal with. As long as it gets its own storyline and not just a different ending.). This is what I personally hate the most of all of these. First, the original ending has its OWN FUCKING ENDING FOR A REASON. Second, nobody gives a fuck that that isn't the way you wanted the story to end! Suck it up, you little bitch! Third, even if you do have an idea for a different ending, it does NOT, I REPEAT, NOT DESERVE TO BE PUBLISHED. (My PMS has ended. You may now leave your hiding spot.)

Another personal reason is that these always seem to end up having poor quality. That's just you sucking at writing, not the shitty story's reason.

This concludes my rant about shit nobody cares about. :facehoof:

Supposedly, Fallout Equestria: Project Horizons (with its hefty nine hundred and eighty thousand and counting words) is about as good as the original, but it is, after all, written by an actual English teacher and is approved by Kkat, author of the original and actually expands the universe. My brother's read it, but I probably never will; it's longer than the Lord of the Rings, the entire book series. Anyway, it's length proves nothing, but it's supposedly an exception to this rule.

And yeah, I don't read spin-off stories unless they're an interesting, different spin on the original.

375825 Yes; I have heard a lot of people say it's a great story, though I don't have enough time to read either of them. It takes me an hour to read 10k words, and it's not fun to read that much at one time. I really want to read Background Pony, but one chapter in there is almost 35k word long. Seriously! That's crazy! It would be impossible for me to read that much in one sitting.

And side stories are a bit special; it is possible to do those right, though many fail to do them correctly.

And 958k words is crazy for a fan fic. Seriously. It's barely under the entire Harry Potter series, which in all 7 books, it's only 1,084,170 words long. That's insane. I would rather shoot myself in the face than type up a story that long. I have no patience to type up a 2k chapter for a story that's not even 20k words long.

And I agree; as long as it's a different take in a spin-off, it's got a chance.

Yeah, I agree with you there. Spin offs and fan-made sequels are pretty crap-tastic. And it's hilarious because 95% of them are absolute Asswhiffle. That's not even my personal thoughts, they are just horrendous reads. And while one or two are acceptable, about 15% of this site is comprised of them. Well, those are my estimates at least. Either way, they seem to be coming in the truckloads, and that's something none of us like.

Welp, better batten down the hatches, the proverbial hurricane Katrina of bad writing's not gonna be passing anytime soon.

Is it wrong to say i kinda feel bad for the people who wright that stuff? Why would anyone sit down and read something amazing, and try to tell there own version of it thinking they came up with a brilliant new take? There's not much I can say that hasn't already been said here, but this question of why just buzzes in my head.

I loved My Little Dashy, it was the second fanfic I ever read, and was direct insperation for the story I posted on this site. (An ORIGINAL work don't worry.) So when I saw a "Sequal" (god i wish i could make thoughs quotation marks bigger.) posted on here I was worried about it to say the least. Nothing in my mind could top that ending, it was to perfect, the whole story was perfect, and low and behold when i read it....let's just say I was crying for a whole new reasone. Why anyone would think that would work just baffles me.

people were actually SCARED of cupcakes?

Jeez. I've seen scarier in my belly button.

as for this? I agree. 100 percent.

375912 It scarred us, not scared us.
There's a difference.

375914 peh. It was a forced scar then. When I read it, I felt it was forced.

That's the same with Dashie: Forced emotions. I was to be actually given a reason, instead of "It was her number coming up" or whatever the thing was.

It was a story to me with no rhyme or reason. It just had this setup.

"Rainbow stuck in chair. She tortured. Dies."

There was nothing else to it. Boring.

And Dashie? I felt nothing. I didn't feel sorry for him, in fact, he was an asshole for not saying anything.

375922 I agree; nothing happens for a particular reason. The only reason you continue reading is because you feel sick or you are just like "What the fuck?" the whole time. The only redeeming qualities are the extreme grimdark level, which set a level for other dark stories to follow, and the part that there were only, what, 2 typos in the whole story? The only reason why it's so remembered is 1. The shitload of animations for it, most famous being MisterDavie's one, and 2. The extreme gore and grimdark that was uncommon when it first came out. It was also from 4chan, where everything that enters there exits a meme.

375930 I suppose, still, only reason it's that popular was because of people screaming over dash.

hm...dash is part of both, and she is dealt a bad card... coincidence?

375934 Don't forget SHED.MOV, where she gets chainsaw'd in half by Fluttershai.

375930 I would say not even the extreme level of grimdark is a redeeming quality. It is possible to get very dark without even a droplet of blood marring the plot, and therein lies the skill. Anyone can throw in a load of Hostel deleted scenes and that's enough to make most people feel sick. But it's an easy, simple, lazy way of dragging the reader in. Gore should never be the only reason that we are scared/appalled. We should be sympathetic to the characters and their plight, not nauseated by needless carnage, which to me comes across as hollow, lacklustre and manipulative.

375939 Seems like we're always finding ways to kill rainbow. XD


376629 Rainbow's Blood.


That's why people shouldn't be writing spin-offs, alternative endings, and pretty much unofficial sequels.

Oh, and I haven't introduced myself, hi.



Seems legit.

Seeing that horrific Rainbow Dash Murder fic not too long ago...

And by horrific I mean total shit....In all accounts. (Except killing Dash, I always like killing Dash.:scootangel:)

Anyways, the only way you can even make something remotely like a spin-off or alternate ending work is if you make your fic with ungodly amounts of Meta. Or of you chose, your fic is basically a satire of EVERYTHING bad on this site, rolled into one crack induced, OC powered, shenanigan of bullshit that might actually succeed because imaginative (or on crack...take your pick) people might look past its intentional stupidity and actually call it "clever."

What about crossovers with other fanfics? Are those okay?


595259 What? How would that even... :rainbowhuh:

598200 About my idea: My original plan was to write a Past Sins/Discord Did It cross, which would be called The Children of Harmony and take place after all the foals were a little older, and I'm planning on doing a couple slice of life stories set before that to establish the crossover, but then I got the idea to do a Past Sins/Immortal Game cross, which would basically be both plots heaped on top of each other, but now I'm not sure which to pick. Help?

1. Don't necrobump
2. The thing is, fan fictions are okay because they're protected under federal US law. However, I have heard that when producing and distributing a fan work, you must abide by the licenses the original content is based off of (i.e. if what it's based on is free, your content has to be free) and then add your own modifiers without changing existing ones. For example:

Company creates Computre Program
Program is open-source and free
Guy makes something out of Program
When Guy releases it, he cannot make it cost money or be closed-source, but he can change who it is distributed to

Ideally, you'd ask the author's permission if they haven't covered it.
besides it's POLITE to ASK

602681 Well, yes, but that doesn't really help me, as I'm not sure what to pick.:applejackunsure:

You were a little vague in your definition of okay, as I'm not sure what you meant.
It's basically like writing a normal fan fiction but of course you still ask the author of which your fic is based off of.
Past Sins is an awful, awful, story, though.

What I'm asking is which story idea I should do.

And there's no need to downvote my comment, I was just asking for help.

3. Learn to reply
4. Again, Past Sins is an awful, awful story. Doing a crossover with it better be DAMN good if crossed with other fan fiction.

What?! I can reply just fine. If you don't understand what I was doing, I said I had two separate story ideas and wanted help choosing between them.

And Past Sins is awesome.

Yeah, it's not exactly convenient for me to check the group threads periodically to see an unmarked reply. It's basically like when you're sending e-mails back and forth with someone, but they keep on making new mail messages instead of replies.

Well, I'm officially awesome! :twilightsmile:
I wasn't planning to do any of these things, and I definitely won't after reading this.

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