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While lazing around on the train, Ice thought about his works, and why he hasn't been posting anything new.

He knew the answers, of course. They were simply not good enough.

Much in thought sat the blue mare, whose eyes wandered to the nonchalant ponies around him.

"What makes a good story?"

He thought about 'Regret', his latest work, and compared to the scraps he wrote but deleted them.

And then it hit him.

"To write a good scene... there's got to be a good character. How to write him? o.o... Well there's got to be an action... so like...

She kicks the ball.

Simple, but boring. It does nothing but tell us. It's supposed to show the readers... hmm...

Try 5W 1H? Okay... hmm...

Who? A mare.
What? She kicking a ball.
When?... Uh... hmmm... When he's aiming the net for the goal. During the last second!
Why? Hmmm... to score the goal... FOR A TIE BREAKER! Ahh....
Where? The other goalpost I guess.
How? With gusto I guess.

So... "With gusto, the mare kicks the ball towards the goal post, hoping to score tie breaker goal."

... Still not nice."

Ice Cube thought even harder, and he settled on FRCRC, an acronym for another theory.

F, for How does the character FEEL for the action involved? "She's... nervous. It's an important goal."

R, for How does the pony in question REACT? "She calms herself down to stop her nervousness. She hopes it goes in so she can be happy."

C, for Does it CHANGE the CHARACTER in action? "If she scores, she will be loved. If not, she will cry in tears."

R, for Does it affect any RELATIONSHIPS for the action? "If she scores, her team mates will be proud of her. If she doesn't, they will hate her for missing."

C, for Does it CHANGE anything or anyone else when the action happens? "The fans might gasp, or go silent, or cheer feverntly. Her friends might cower in fear, or watch anticipately. Even the goalkeeper may ready his stance to catch the ball."

So after all... hmmm...

"The crowd went wild as the pony wearing the number '9' shirt blitzed down the field. There was ten seconds left on the clock, and her team needed one goal from the 2-2 tiebreaker to advance to the finals.

With gusto... wait no. With sweat in her brows and butterflies in her stomach, she readied herself for the goal of a lifetime. She had a clear shot, she told herself, and she wasn't one to fail her tired teammates and supportive fans.

She watched as the time on the scoreboard counted down from 3 to 2. She had one chance. "Please don't let me miss..."

With a force enough to shake mountains, she kicked the ball, sending the ball flying towards the goal post.

"Please go in, please go in!" she mummured to herself anxiously.

Her eyes widened, first in horror then in amazement, as she watched the ball graze against the goalkeeper's hooves, then into the net.

The fans erupt in cheers. Her teammates screamed in joy. And the opponents wailed loudly. But Twilight stood stunned, for she did not believe she scored the tiebreaker goal.

"I... I d-did it! I actually scored a goal! Take that, Rainbow.Dash!" Twilight yelled in joy."

Satisfied with the mini-paragraph, Ice Cube share his knowledge with the world.

As soon as he finds a way.

The secret is nothing...of course it all makes sense now

There is no secret ingredient...

I am the meta fiction master.

Hm. This is a good explanation. :twilightsmile:
Maybe a bit redundant, but it gets well known things viewed under different angle and thus shows how they can be used differently.

Thanks for this mini-lecture.

Try 5W 1H? Okay... hmm...
Who? A mare.
What? She kicking a ball.
When?... Uh... hmmm... When he's aiming the net for the goal. During the last second!
Why? Hmmm... to score the goal... FOR A TIE BREAKER! Ahh....
Which? The other goalpost I guess.
How? With gusto I guess

Isn't it 'where' not 'which'? Oh well, whatever. I'm going to copy and paste this for later reference. Looks like a great format to follow when I inevitably get stuck somewhere. Thank you.

1297314 oops. fixing that now. No wonder i felt something amiss.

1295406 1297314 No problem :) I may not be the best, but im working on it xD

Well other than the fact that that's a very boring climax to the match, not a bad lecture ^.^

Somewhat unrelated. Have you ever experienced the "Think Skulled" syndrome?

I have had it for over three years now. I have been unable to craft anything of note in my mind.

Everything feels so dull. So boring. So... Uninteresting. So to speak, my mind is mush. (And my barking keyboard is missing every tenth keystroke so as to impede typing speed. Damn you Clevo.)

I feel like there is a physical blockage in my brain in the temple region. Like a pressure there that won't subside. My eyes feel dry sometimes.

My descriptions feel dull. As in cardboard health food dull. Uninspired. Unable to create the desired effect and description to describe my mind's eye.

I feel voodoo zombieish for some reason.

Maybe I need to hole punch my brain. Excess old brain juice maybe?

Blargh... :applejackconfused:

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