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Hello again my little twat-guzzling ̶f̶a̶i̶l̶u̶r̶e̶s̶ ̶a̶t̶ l̶i̶t̶e̶r̶a̶t̶u̶r̶e̶ up and coming authors! It is I! Your friendly, wholesome, caring, psychotic-chainsaw-baseball-bat-weilding-urine-fear-inducing-man-who-will-rip-out-your-scrotum-with-epidiimis-still-attached-if-you-do-another-HiE-self-insert.

Mr. Ignorable! And today's topic will be about the recent trend of WAR fics.

Let me just start out by saying Equestria is, by all means, a Utopia in it's hay-day. There is no social divide between the upper and lower classes. There is no lack of food or over taxation OF food. There is no political unrest and there isn't any reason for political unrest. And thee is no devaluation of the Equestrian Bit pointing out that their economic bubble has yet to be burst (it will eventually, all economies tank in time). So tell me:

Why in the name of Queen Elizabeth II's turgid and disgusting love tunnel are there so many of them? And many of them feature Celestia being a cruel dictator, or (some) of them have Queen Chrysalis swoop back in and take over Canterlot, somehow pulling out of her ass, the resources, planning, and strategies to pull it all off. (That ain't the only thing coming out of her ass by the way.)

And granted, you might have someone pointing a gun at your head, screaming at you to write an Equestrian War fic (if that's the case than the SWAT team should be breaking down the door any minute now).

Instead of going into a whole spiel of what to do during a war, I'm going to post this here, and go from there.

Wanna know what's awesome about that story right there? It's completely believable. The Gryphon Empire invading Equestria as a retaliatory strike against the country's voracious colonization of their lands? Check, a breakdown in communication between the Equestrian Kingdom and the Gryphon empire on the eve of that war causing mounting tensions which eventually snap? Check. Instant invasion by the Gryphon army when the Equestrian Army isn't even technically there? Check.

Guerilla warfare? Check. Enigmatic leadership and eventual cementing of legend? Check.

This story, is the literal pinnacle of Equestrian Warfics. I'm not so sure how many stories I'll say this about: But it's flawless. I didn't even need to worry about grammar or spelling (they were never really my forte anyway). What I do is storytelling, and if you're doing it right. That's my area of expertise.

And this story floored me. Combining masterful relationship building and giving the reader a tangible view of what true WAR would be like in Equestria coupled with situationally appropriate drama and sadness? Check.

See, this is what needs to be featured. I am dead serious I have no criticism for this story at all.

And if you want to see what I'm on about, check it out. And if you're asking yourself "WHAT IS THIS MADNESS?! MR. IGNORABLE ACTUALLY ENAMORED WITH A STORY?! IS THIS THE APOCALYPSE?!" Then shut-up you goddam Jehovah's Witness and Git offa mah lawn 'fore I get the Twelve Gauge.

Anyway yeah. Oh, and before I forget, sweet dreams.

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Bandy #2 · Jul 12th, 2012 · · 1 ·

Why is there war in Equestria?

Because stupid people write stupid stories, that's why.

350431 Hope sequels don't count, because if so, I've gotten my second threat of grievous bodily harm from writing those. Heh. Anyway, I find myself agreeing with this post. Oh indeed, Equestria is a utopia, nothin' goin' wrong except for the annual usurp attempt and the weekly monster. Peace will reign until that changes, and it's going to take a little more than an out-of-character Celestia or another changeling invasion to do that. Well, maybe not, but still, Celestia should be in-character anyway and the primary cast will use plot armor to stop the invasion from succeeding. Or love will blast them off like Team Rocket again. Whatever.


I'm sorry but I disagree.

If its believable, well thought out, and pretty much every point that Ignorable just said......

Why not?

Though I agree with this, having a poorly planed pseudo tyrant Celestia sort of enigma based story (If that even makes sense.....), will earn my boot so far up your ass you will WISH it was an Angry Marine doing it.

Why is it always having to do with Tyrant Celestia? Why not some greedy ass rich pony who's monopoly in (Insert bussiness here), builds up a private army and does shit to towns and stuff. Maybe privateering? Would it be believable for a whole bunch of sky-privateers raiding pony towns?

350694 Who would they be privateering for? Hmmm, that's an interesting idea.

"Let me just start out by saying Equestria is, by all means, a Utopia in it's hay-day. There is no social divide between the upper and lower classes. "

Wrong. I'm pretty sure that was the whole thing going on in "Sweet and Elite". No it's not like the caste system in India, but there is at least a perceived social division of somesort.

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