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You may not know the term, but you definitely know what they are.

Interrobangs, or interbangs, are a combination of a question mark and exclamation point generally to show questions that are asked in shock or anger. They can often be used well in a sentence because they can draw out a lot of emotion when asking a question or in an interrogation.


Where the hell did my last piece of cake go?!

They're used a lot to add tone to a character that is in a state of surprise, anger, and other exclamatory emotions, but used in the form of a question. They should only be used as a question if the character is genuinely exclamatory.

Using multiple interrobangs is unnecessary, and makes you look like a dumbass.


Why are you doing this to me?!?!?!?! WHY?!?!?!?!

Doesn't that just look dumb? You only have to use them as "?!" or "!?," and only use one at a time in a sentence. I hope this little speech helps you the next time you inject them into your writing, have a good rest of your day.

One more lecture that I had no idea would be needed.
Do they teach common speech/text sense in school nowadays? :rainbowhuh:



Generally it looks like this:
Character fell to his knees, tears streaming down on cold stone floor. Banging his head on the floor character cried the words "why are you doing this to me?!" which were followed by slight pause to sniffle and character continued in whiny tone barely focusing gaze on offender "Why~y?!".

Or at least how I pictured this from that short line.

Note 2:
I saw a few fanfics where writer had such "compressed" type of explanations. Usually it helps to ask a few questions to unzip short lines in a few nice descriptions.
And I had same problem. :facehoof:
Expanding vocabulary helps. :twilightsmile:

Never used more than one '?!' in writing. I didn't find it nice, either. But I thought the question mark is before the exclamation mark... hmm, okay. A new thing learned, not like I made any mistakes by using that...

Thanks anyways!

There's a huge debate among the know it all's regarding correct ways of doing an interrobang. Is it ?! or !? well we just don't know.

Most editors will agree that it can be either or, depending on context. If the phrase is more of an exclamation, then put that first !? If it's more of a question than an exclamation ?!

However, I personally don't suggest the use of interrobangs in writing. Most of the time, their use is unnecessary, and makes the work look unprofessional. There are a number of different ways to achieve the same effect, without having to resort to it. Just my 2 bits.

1101533 I know that it looks kinda strange, yes. I'm not using it very often... actually, I can't even remember when I used it? When I'm writing a part, where the character is shouting, then put exclamation marks after each sentence, except the questioning sentences. The readers will get what I mean... or more like: They can imagine that he is shouting, while asking. :rainbowwild:


However, I personally don't suggest the use of interrobangs in writing. Most of the time, their use is unnecessary, and makes the work look unprofessional. There are a number of different ways to achieve the same effect, without having to resort to it. Just my 2 bits.

And yet you used them a few times in your story...

Anyway, I think it is okay to use interrobangs, as long as they are not used too often. According to Wikipedia (not the best of the sources, I know) either "!?" or "?!" could be used—and of course there is a specific interrobang character too (‽), but I have never seen anyone use that. I think it is more of a personal preference which one to use, and for me it doesn't matter anyway, as I read them the same way in any case.

Yeah, I wrote that just KNOWING someone would point that out. I stand before you a hypocrite. Still, I know that should I make attempts to remove them, my story would be better for it. It's a case of "Do what I say, not what I do."

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