School for New Writers 5,019 members · 9,697 stories
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Have you always wondered how you can get more views on your story?

Well, I have the answer! :pinkiehappy:

Since I`m sick and tired of seeing stories with: :twilightangry2:
- Ridiculously long descriptions. Exhibit A
- Cliche or dull titles:Exhibit B
- No coverart. Exhibit C
- A Combination of all those things: OH THE HORROR!:pinkiecrazy:

So I decided to write about it.

It starts before anyone has even clicked on the link to your story. It starts with the front page.

When posting a story you have to keep in mind the following things:
- Does your story have coverart?
- Does your story have a catch title?
- Is your description brief but informative?
- Have you used the right tags?

If you have coverart it is more likely that someone will take notice of your story. The same with the title, if the title captures the reader's attention they`ll want to read the description. If the description is brief and draws the reader in, your more likely to get them to read it.

You see, it all starts with the presentation of the story, and that's is the most important part. If you story is presented well, then your likely to get views.

So there you have it. That's one of the many ways to get views.

- Crystal Secret

Just to add to the list:

WAY #2)
Post it to group folders. You may feel like your spamming the world by placing it in every relevant folder, but that's just advertizing. People who have otherwise never heard of you or your story will then know it exists.

WAY #3)
Regular updates. The number one thing all bloggers, tumblers, and twitter-ers know is that if you post regularly, viewers will come. People appreciate knowing approximately when the next chapter will be here. This is hard to do, since most people will want chapters which have some heft (over 2000 words) but it's rewarding none the less, and increases your chances of hitting the feature box (I think) if you do it daily.

WAY #4)
Get it on EqD. But seriously, everyone knows that already.

I challenge people to add to this list. Admin challenge is a go.

Mourning Zephyr
Group Contributor


WAY #5)
Actually have a good story. Stories with a bad like-dislike ratio are most likely going to be skipped over simply because of it. (I know I do it.) So have your story be good so you get all the likes!

1096183 Oh, forgot about that one.

WAY #6)
Update on weekends. More people are on Fimfiction during that time, and so more people will see it on the front page.

WAY #7)

WAY #8)
Make it clop. :facehoof:

WAY #9)
Make it bad clop. Double :facehoof::facehoof:

WAY #10)
Have some followers. Seriously, they're, like, following you, therefore views. (see here for relevant ways to get some)

Group Admin

1095561 Mayhaps I should do a lecture on advertising and the best times to upload stories, etc.

Is there a way to get cover art without having to commission it? Like are there people who are willing to do it for free? Or even just let others borrow relevant art?

Doesn't necessarily work. Depends how 'original' you're being. If you're 'too original', people won't be interested. I've got a particularly egarious concept example if you're interested.

Screencaps. Crop'n'go. In theory you could always make it yourself, but that is also a buttload of work, even if you do it mainly by photo-editing screencaps and other people's free-to-use stuff.

If applicable you could also take your own photograph. I've got a half-complete LEGO model of Canterlot lying around for exactly that purpose.

1130543 I've had plenty of people say that being too original is bad whenever I tell people that originality is good. I'm not talking about taking some idea that's so out of the ordinary it's stupid, I'm talking about just not recycling the EXACT SAME FUCKING IDEA. My Little Dashie with some other pony, barely any difference in plot. Rainbow Factory from another perspective but still the same plot. That's just stupid. But trying the go out of the ordinary without making yourself look stupid.

For many families, they have their own version of a food they love. Adding some spice to it or so. They're taking something that's already good and making it different. It's not really original if you add or take out one or two things, but changing it a bit does. And changing it too much either makes it something else or makes it taste horrible, and that's the same for fanfiction. This is what I mean when I say to be original.

Also, I'm a bit curious about your concept example. What is it?

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