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This kind of relates to the whole "Favorite Pony" discussion, but with good reason.

When you write a story, especially if it excludes an OC, you want to pick characters you can easily relate to. Characters that you can do this with usually serve as good material to work with as you write a story.

Now, there are way, way, way too many fucking people who'd say that they connect with Rainbow Dash, which is understandable. Rainbow is a tomboy, she's reluctant and acts on her own free whim. She was at first reluctant to several things and then adjusted to them; similar to how several others (Including myself) became bronies. She's more boy-like, and that's why people like that.

But hold the freaking phone.

That's just it; many might think that the other characters are too feminine, and that RD is more like a boy and that's why they like her. That's why there's so, many, fucking Rainbow Dash stories. Maybe that might be why you flub. You want to work with a character (Of course, one that has developed) and that's how they become a favorite. When you write a story like that, that's whom you may write best about. Of course, many can rework that barrier, and, since I don't usually build with characters like that (Keep in mind that I write mostly crossovers), it's not an issue.

In my own case, I feel that I can relate to Twilight Sparkle. I'm a very intelligent person (Not trying to get too full of myself), but I can still act a bit neurotic and I have a reputation as a scatterbrain and a klutz. I can easily find myself enveloped in literature and the arts rather than other activities. I can get worried over very minor things and maybe get a little too ahead of myself. While, of course, not something like a tardy.

Do you see what I'm saying?

Now, what character in the Friendship is Magic universe do you think you relate to?

The beautiful thing with "Friendship is Magic" is that we have six characters, each of which we've all probably behaved like at some point in our lives, being a pushover like Fluttershy, stubborn like Applejack, panicky like Twilight, obsessed over someone like Pinkie Pie, dramatic like Rarity, or prideful like Rainbow Dash.

As for who I relate to most? Trixie, more specifically that she reminds me of a younger self. More talented than most others in my field of interest, but letting that talent go to my head to the point of damaging relationships with others.

Heh, hate to seem like a copy-cat, but TS for me as well. While none of the mane six have to much of my personality (thankfully) I do love reading, and spreading knowledge. I'm also literally afraid of being late, though definitely not near as much as Twilight, and don't really socialize much outside of my friends unless forced to. But I don't _think_ I'm unpleasant to be around... or I try not to be, at least.

I never got the whole relating with a character to get to understand it.
I feel for everyone because I'm part of the human race.:trollestia:

However, I have to admit that I have trouble to connect with Twilight and this just ruins my understanding of her character.

I'm like Twilight in so many ways that it's actually scary haha.

A mixture of Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle. About 60% Pinkie, 40% Twilight.

I'm a mix of Pinkie and Fluttershy with a tiny bit of Rainbow dash, though I was a Twilight sparkle plus Fluttershy when I was little..:pinkiehappy: I can also relate] allot to Sweetiebelle. :pinkiesmile:

I actually have friends who will often call me Pinkie Pie however I more often write as Twilight. Pinkie is a little too erratic of a narrator and it makes it difficult to capture her in we Pinkie. Plus I've been told I do a darn good job of writing Twilight in character.

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