Twilight Sparkle 4,773 members · 12,378 stories
Comments ( 99 )
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656143 Ok, then I'll have a much easier time reading it. I'll try to do that tonight.

420494 420496
Story: Spark
Category: Romance
Author: AVeryStrange
Status: Complete
Word Count: 38,188
Description: Twilight Sparkle is called away to tend to Luna when she falls ill. As Luna grows sicker and Twilight more determined to help the younger princess, she begins to uncover dark secrets about the elements, the alicorns, and her own past.

Notes: This was one of the first stories I read on this site, and I feel that it is one of the best TwiLuna fics out there :pinkiehappy:.

755316 It's got my vote and I'm sure the others will agree. Jekyll and I and the rest of my editors have discussed this story at great lengths before. It's going in the folder.

755370 That's great :pinkiehappy:. I'm glad you guys like it as much as I do. I'm surprised no one submitted it before.

Story: Sunset
Category: Sad, Dark
Author: Ciroton
Status: Complete
Word Count: 37,836
Description: Some things in this world happen by chance. Others do not. Twilight Sparkle is about to learn a disturbing truth that will turn her world upside down.

Notes: This was the very first fanfic I've ever read, and it's still one of the best stories I've ever read.

Story: For Want of a Dawn
Category: Dark, Adventure, Alternate Universe
Author: Ciroton
Status: Complete
Word Count: 225, 592
Description: Welcome to the new Equestria, Twilight Sparkle. See your friends at each other's throats? You have to choose between them now, to stop the heartache of war with decisive victory. For the nation lies bleeding, its harmony shattered into a million pieces. Black and white and right and wrong have blurred together.
You must choose wisely, or all shall die.

Notes: This was the second fanfic I ever read, and it inspired me to start writing fanfics. Again, I consider this one of the best stories on this site.

903861 903865 These are part of the same series, right? I think I remember reading Sunset at some point. I'll hafta reread it, though. FWoAD was on my TD list, but i never got around to it. I'll check em out, though.

904831b They are indeed. FWoaD is the sequel to Sunset. Thanks for taking a look at them. :twilightsmile:

If these have been proposed for solid gold, forgive me, but they're two of the best (by pretty much every matrix) HiE fics on the site:

Arrow 18 Mission Logs by AdmiralTigerclaw and

Quantum Castaways by DustTraveller

949570 I should ignore them because you didn't follow the rules, but I'll read a few chapters. Chances are, they'll not get my vote as I can't vote for any HiE save for one.

Darth Wedgius
Group Contributor

420494 420496 420561

I know this seems like shameless self-promotion, but in my defense, it is Tuesday.

All right, that may not be much of a defense...

Name: Twilight's Final
Author: Darth Wedgius (bares a suspicious resemblance to me, but if the story doesn't pass then I'll deny everything)
Completion Status: Complete
Word Count: 27,411

It's [Dark] and [Alternate Universe], and deals with "Celestia's Dark Secret" (dun dun dunnnn) but I work really hard to keep her and Twilight in character. It explores the relationship between the two, and how far they'll go for each other. No, not that way. There's no clop and no romance (no gore either, but there is a little dust, though).

1207113 I'll give it a looksie. Can't guarantee anything.

Darth Wedgius
Group Contributor

A looksie is all I was asking for, thanks. :eeyup:

Name: Twilight Watches a Porno
Author: Alex Nuage
Status: Complete
Story Length: 2,930 words

Twilight Watches a Porno

Note: This is not clop, it is just a short comedy.

1342594 The story has been permanently removed from the group and is therefor no longer eligible for SG/EOS submission.

1342709 yeah, I'd like to know why my story was permanently removed. I read your guidelines and I added my story to all three categories I was required to.

1342722 Please refer to the message as this is not the thread for the discussion of any topic outside of submission to the named folders.

Comment posted by Auryx Saturnius deleted Jul 27th, 2013


by: myself, Master Zero
Status: incomplete and ongoing
Length: 61'000 words+
Short Description: "A royal family secret and an alien stranger threaten the peace of Equestria with one question: Who are the real precursors?"

1373509 I will read the prologue and one chapter out of this story. I will let you pick the chapter. If I do not like it, I will reject it.

I'm taking a shot. It's a long one, but I'd like to see if Twenty-One Reasons Why can qualify. :twilightsmile: If not, there's always next time.

2105155 Please pay attention to the initial comments where we specifically ask that you reply to us so that we may take notice of it. As far as the story goes, I'll read it. I've read some of the original, so I'm sure it'll be similar.

2106008 Okay. I'll recommend both in greater detail so that I follow the rules. :twilightsmile: Here's the original story.

Story: Spiders and Magic: Rise of Spider-Mane
Category: Romance, Sad, Comedy, Crossover, Adventure, and Human
Author: Maximus_Reborn
Status: Incomplete
Word Count: 229,016
Description: Trouble is brewing, and Spider-Man is summoned to save the day! However, he takes the form of a pony upon his arrival and slowly starts to lose his powers. Now as Peter Pony Parker, he must become Equestria's new hero as the Amazing Spider-Mane, but with past failures haunting his mind, will somepony be able to give him the happiness he deserves?


Two years ago, I started writing this, and I'm still doing so, getting ready to work on chapter forty-five. It's my most popular story by far, and I was hoping it'd qualify.

Now for my one-shot that is based on the original story.


Story: Spiders and Magic: Rise of Spider-Mane
Category: Romance, Comedy, Crossover, Slice of Life, and Human
Author: Maximus_Reborn
Status: Complete
Word Count: 3,166
Description: Twilight Sparkle and Peter Parker are so similar yet so different from each other. These are a list of reasons why they remain perfectly cohesive as a couple despite their differences. Contains some spoilers of the original story.


I'm not expecting much, but it'd be great to know what you guys think. Besides, it'll give me a reason to hone my craft. :twilightsmile:

Title: A New Spark
Author: Myself
Status: Completed
Word Count: 9,452

Tags: Alternate Universe, Human

A boy diagnosed with cancer faces the fact that he will die and tries to cope with the short life he has left. Finding some comfort in a children's show eases his worries as he approaches his last day on Earth. But the show did more than ease his passing, it created something within him that will lead him to a new life. One, he did not expect.

2555441 I will read the first little bit of it, but I'm likely going to reject it. It's the same typical HiE: Person dies, gets transported to Equestria. You also didn't reply to the original posts, nor has it been submitted properly.

2556578 My apologies on not replying to the original posts, but I am wondering what did I do wrong on the submission. I may be misunderstand (if I am I apologize) but I don't believe I have actually submitted my story into the folders, only mentioned it here on this thread. Was there something I missed? Again, I apologize if it was something very blatantly obvious and I missed it.

I will read the first little bit of it, but I'm likely going to reject it.

That's okay. Thank you for being honest.

2556662 Read the message I sent you. That's all the help you'll get.

2556662 And I will have to reject the submission. It's just another 'brony dies and goes to Equestria'. From the bit I've read, nothing stands out. The grammar isn't spectacular, nor is the premise.


Story name: Teeny Tiny Twilight
Author's name: Dark Entrophy
Word count: 3094
Status: Completed one-shot
Story link:

2602686 Soon as I read it I'll give you my response. It looks/sounds adorable. Not sure if Jekyll will reply, but I'll hold on Gwen's response toward it for a couple days.

Sounds like a plan! Looking forward to your review ^_^

2604211 Gave it a read and I enjoyed it. I do have a question though: Were you going for more SoL or Comedy, 'cuz the comedy kinda fell flat and seemed rather forced.

Comedy and SoL tend to go hand-in-hand with me, but the jokes were secondary to the d'awws. It seems like most of the readers thought they worked though, judging by the comments section, but hey, can't please everyone.

And I'm glad you enjoyed it ^_^. Does that mean it has your thumbs up for being added into the solid gold folder, then?

2609624 I'm not really sure, honestly. It was cute, in a way, but that alone wouldn't make it really stand out from some of the other accidental-baby fics I've read. I was kind of counting on the comedy to bring it all together, but the only real giggles that got me were the scene transitions mid-sentence. I'll see what Gwen has to say and if he gives it an up, I'll approve it.

Group Contributor


The problem with short baby fics is it is hard to avoid the majority of events for boiling down to a "baby gag check list". About the only way to avoid this is to take focus off the baby and onto other characters as there is not much to be done with babies if they are being portrayed in a some what realistic manner.

So no, I feel it is to generic. Sorry. :fluttercry:


I hath posted.

2612393 2609702 And that shall be our decision. Was cute and had some funny, but didn't make the cut.

While I'm on the topic, gwen, have you checked out any of the other things? I've still got all of them to read since uhhh.... Immortal game I think. :twilightblush:

Group Contributor


I will go through them this weekend; I forgot which ones still need looking at.

2612645 Everything from this post by you on: 656085




I'll hop on it this weekend too, I guess.

That's strange, I distinctly remember several scenes with a focus on Cadence and Shining and their interactions as husband and wife. Are we reading the same story?

But if that is what you took from the story, then c'est la vie.

Group Contributor


There are, but they did not stand out as much to me.

Also, they are not Twilight. Since that is the character the group is about, her parts need to be good to justify promoting it above other. Not that the parts with other characters do not need to be good, but her parts are particularly important.

Hmm, fair enough. Still, you said,

About the only way to avoid this is to take focus off the baby and onto other characters as there is not much to be done with babies if they are being portrayed in a some what realistic manner.

which sounds like you're telling me to take the focus off of Twilight even more.

Might I ask what you thought of the ending?


I'd like to nominate this story as Solid Gold
Story: Genesis
Author: JumpingShinyFrogs (that's not me, nope I have no idea who that is)
Status: Incomplete
Tags: Slice of Life, Alternate Universe
Synopsis: Twilight has grown bored of Equestria, and decides to test her magic by creating her own world.

Group Contributor


I would kind of prefer waiting for it to be complete or at least a significant amount of text written to judge it by.

2756955 Ok, now there's like 7,000 words, so I'd like to nominate it again.

2812580 I'm going to be reading it in Peppy's absence. I suggest for your sake that it has had a significant dive into the overall plot before submission, because rejection is typically permanent. We do have other stuff to do than read your story every time it updates a chapter or two for re-approval.

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