Bike's Personal Contests 112 members · 55 stories
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Group Admin

source: storfulsten

so, like

ever since i wrote Home i've just become more and more obsessed with the Applejack x Pinkie ship and how perfect they are together? to the point where i look at the picture above and i just cry literal tears of happiness???

King Sombra is defeated, and the Crystal War is finally over. But Pinkie has only one place left to go.
Bicyclette · 2.1k words  ·  74  6 · 1.3k views

yes that's right i am plugging my own fic in the contest post but argh i just think about how perfect Applejack and Pinkie are for each other, like two earth mares who grew up on farms with such different personalities that complement each other perfectly while sharing core values about family and hard work and so of course all i can think about now is how their story continues after my fic ends growing older over the years and finding happiness in each other and their growing family along with a bittersweetness that their siblings never got to meet their children (who are totally named after them, also what will it feel like when their own children are the same age as Big Mac and Maud when they died, like auaugh :pinkiewhy: :pinkiewhy: :pinkiewhy: :pinkiewhy: :pinkiewhy: :pinkiewhy:) or see an Equestria once more at peace and how the perfect drawing above is even more perfect because it can be canon to my story with Pinkie being paraplegic after her war injuries and in their eyes i swear you can see the relief after a life of exhausting trauma and loss and

clearly, i should never be trusted with a job that pays me enough to spend all this time and money on pony story contests. but i am somehow, so here we go!

and i can say "we" on the judges now because i will be joined in the judging by fellow ApplePie enthusiast applejackofalltrades! very exciting!


  • the stories should center around the Applejack x Pinkie Pie ship, and can be of any genre or mood. no porn, though. not for the contest!
  • the contest ends on 2022 May 1922 8PM ET. entries should be complete and placed in the contest folder before then. if you're running close, make sure to PM me the final text of your story before the deadline in case anything happens with the queue. no exceptions!
  • the winner is guaranteed at least $40. more money and prizes may be given, depending on turnout.

you can write as many entries as you want and they can be as long as you want! but you should probably write for one of these contests too if you have so much time:

actually never mind that

you should just write as much ApplePie as you possibly can all of the time, because it is the best ship.

ApplePie my beloved!!!!!!


I was gonna ask you what kind of job you have that allows you to do all these contests with your own money as well. XD, it sounds like it pays well!

As always, I would like to invite you to repost the contest in the Hall of Contests group.

Thank you very much and hope it will be another successful contest.

Damn, I don't know how to write shipping stories.

Group Admin

didn't you write two for the Sci-Fi Contest? i really liked them!

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed them. But I don't really write shipping stories, and based on dislikes I get for them, I think it's for the best.

oh man, applepie my beloved!! i gotta join this 👀

Group Admin

vibrating with excitement

Just posted my entry to the contest 😃

Group Admin

super happy to see it! :)

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