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Supersedure by Zontan

I am not like other changelings.
Zontan · 4.8k words  ·  229  4 · 2.9k views

I have spent my whole life in the hive, learning to be an infiltrator. But now Chrysalis has fled, and everything has changed. I don't know what I'm going to do next.

Let me tell you how I got here.

Opening remarks

Supersedure by Zontan (Zon) is a firsthand account slice of life fic about the life of a Changeling both before and after Chrysalis’s rule. The premise definitely seems interesting and I have greatly enjoyed Zon’s previous work, so I’ll be interested to see what’s in store.

Note: As it is a minor spoiler, the main character shall simply be known as “the Changeling” going forward. 


The story is written in first person and dictated as if the main character was giving a first hand account of their experience to another. It creates a very intimate feel with the reader being privy to the Changeling’s inner thoughts and feelings. It works really well to sell the character’s growth from the beginning of the story to the end. 

Otherwise, no technical errors were found and no stylistic issues present. Full marks. 



The main character is the Changeling with a small supporting cast of extras and Chrysalis. The Changeling is very solid character wise. It feels off putting to start as they are a massive departure from their present canon personality, however, as the story continues, it begins to bridge the gaps and create a very fulfilling story arc that elevates the Changeling’s show counterpart. It is truly fascinating watching the character grow over the course of the story and find their own values.   

On the other hand, Chrysalis, though she only shows up a few times within the text, is a powerful force felt throughout the story. She permeates the thought processes and culture of the hive to such an extent that her mere presence is almost a different character onto its own. She is feared and it really shows in how the characters act over the course of the story.

That juxtaposition between the Changeling and Chrysalis, both their similarities and eventual differences, highlights the growth of the Changeling and really emphasizes the themes of the story being told. 

All that is to say, the character work in this fic is banger. Full marks.



Supersedure’s opening lines are fantastic, they really nail the tone of the story and the speaking voice of the Changeling. It really draws the reader into the plot and immerses them in the account being told. 

Additionally, the execution of the core themes through the growth of the main character is done wonderfully and really hammers in the values the Changeling decides for themselves by the end of the fic. 

On top of all that, the culture building in the hive is fantastic. How their society works is intriguing and fascinating to hear about through the small tidbits that the main character chooses to tell. 

Absolutely stellar concept and execution. Full marks.



Right from the start, the story has excellent pacing and tone. It's just the right pace for the Changeling to experience personality growth without feeling unearned or rushed and the tone is consistent, establishing a solid personality through the words written in the text. The entire character arc is just incredibly powerful throughout and really makes this story out to be special.

There is a solid build up that shapes the Changeling’s world view both informed and later changed with their own values. In conjunction with the world building, of which just enough is given to compliment the plot without distracting from it, it creates a tightly woven story that does exactly what it sets out to do.

Within the context of the story, it primarily sets out to bridge the gap of the Changeling’s personality between Chrysalis’s reign and Thorax’s. It does this phenomenally to such a degree that it adds a massive amount of depth to the Changeling in canon and elevates their history.

Additionally, a running theme is the juxtapositioning of Chrysalis against the protagonist is sublime. Her presence is felt throughout the fic despite her minimal appearance and acts as an off screen driving force for the main character to change their ideals.

Overall, just an absolutely wonderful story. Full marks.


Closing Thoughts

Supersedure by Zon is a beautifully told slice of life fic with a fantastic core story arc centered around its main protagonist. It lives up to the moniker of its genre in an intriguing way and really immerses the reader in the main character’s journey. I give this story my full otter recommendation and consider it one of my favourites.


Personal Score

Adored this story, definitely a favourite. Really does what a slice of life should do, which is leaving the reader thinking about the character’s life. Wonderful fic and I give this my wholehearted recommendation.


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