LGBT 1,081 members · 200 stories
Comments ( 143 )
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Lady Froey
Group Contributor

(Please keep this thread to introductions only, extended discussions can go to the General Discussion Thread.)

Hello everyone! I am Lady Froey, one of the Admins of LGBT and am looking to help everyone here feel welcome!

I am in my mid 20's and at the moment am a full-time college student looking to get into business. During my spare time I read and write pony fiction, play PC games, collect and listen to music, enjoy coffee, and love ponies. I am also a transgender woman (full-time for more than two years, woo!) and bisexual.

Introduce yourselves!

Hello there. My name is Jumbled Thought. I have been on the site for only a little over a year and I write ALL THE WORDS! At least, for someone who only started really writing stories about the same time he got into fanfiction. I ship ponies, I mate anthorpomorphic ponies, and also put them through hell. Yeah, trying to live up to the name I suppose. I am not a member of the LGBT, but am a big supporter of supporting people, though I must sometimes remind myself of that. This means I do not judge and always would like to talk and make more friends.

As for what I am up to, I am a fulltime college student who also works part time at Walmart, though that is subject to change if I ever decide to do so. My major is in accounting, though at the time of posting I am in my first year. I write a lot of ponies, varying between oneshots and longshots, though heavier on oneshots, and also from teen, mature, dark, comedic, sad, and sexy. During the few times I am not writing or taking care of work and school, I play video games and consider myself quite decent. Hope you all have a nice day.

Brasta Septim
Group Admin

Hello! I'm Brasta Septim, one of the other, newer Admins of LGBT. I'm twenty years old, grew up in the Southeast of England and currently live in the US, and am a college student preparing to go into the Anglican priesthood. I read, write, draw, love ponies, and especially love gothic architecture, theology, medieval and renaissance music, and liturgical studies. I am also bisexual, and a Tunbridge Wells FC fan.

Madeline L-Equine
Group Contributor

Hi there! I'm Cormac McCloppy, avid reader, passionate but infrequent writer, admin for a few groups including this one, smoker, joker, and midnight toker.

Also, I'm Froey's boyfriend, which seems to be how several people know me.

I'm in my mid-twenties, go to school, go to work, work on cars, and poni ponies. I love media of all kinds, but MLP has a special place in my heart as something positive that I like unironically.

4101249 Hello! I am Dramacolt. 22-years-young and a soon to be college graduate, I've been involved on this site for a good two-in-a-half years now. I was a member of the original LGBT group and am also a Gender Nonconforming straight ally. Always looking for people to interact and socialize with!

I'm TheVClaw, a 24 year old college graduate (Bachelors in Journalism with a minor in Theater) who likes to write pony stuff in his free time. My most popular story is Brushed Away, but I also like writing other random/funny things like crack ships and whatever weird thoughts come to my mind.

Also, I'm gay (and single), but Zecority is my OTP.

Greetings, I am (you can see who posted this comment).

I've been on this site for about a year now, I enjoy writing horse-words on my free time. I am a bit overly addicted to coffee, pan-sexual, probably genderfluid and I am about to turn seventeen in about one had a half month.

And I know next to nothing about English grammar.

Edit: Well, a few months have passed now, but not too long after posting this comment, perhaps a month, I came to realize that I am indeed transgender. And a while after that, demisexual. Edit made 14 weeks and three days after comment was posted ^_^

Let me describe myself. I'm Ultron. Cutter of Strings and Wrecker of Shit. Only talks in memes, don't know why ask my doctor. Got in ponies into the 60's. I like Spiderman memes specifically.

I got bored with being bored so I stumbled upon this site. But yeah that's it....oh wait one more thing...

Divine Path
Group Admin

Perfectly Immoral Moral Person
I'm the eccentric aunt of FiMFiction forming friendships and challenging ignorance. Transgender and striving to bring light and warmth to those in need of it~

I'm Lunyx Force, but ya'll can call me Nyx or Nyxie. I'm a bisexual cismale, been out for a year and a half. I am a member of many fandoms, so if I make a reference that seems out of place, go ahead and smack me. I'm a very amateur writer, but I'm hoping to work my way to a presentable style of writing worthy of you all. I'm the legal age to drive in the US, internally fabulous, and not afraid to go down with my ships. NEVER GIVE UP THE SHIP!!! I may also have a coffee addiction. *sips brew*

I'm Slip Kid, and that's about all there is to say.

Hi, I am Keam. I'm a 15 year old Swedish pegasister/brony from the half the year frozen wasteland of Sweden. Currently, I'm trying to survive the last term of 9th grade and dreaming of when I start High School in the fall.
In this fandom and on this site, I write horse words, draw, ship and talk. I love talking. PM me if you ever want to talk about anything at all.

Other than that, I'm pretty sure I'm bisexual, but the journey to self discovery is probably far from over.


Introduce yourselves!

No! I'm certainly not an old-as-fuck (if immature) lesbian and a huge nerd belonging to the PC Master Race! I certainly don't love reading, or write ponyfic, most of which is certainly not dark, and I'm certainly not in a transitional phase with my writing or unsure what to do next! :flutterrage:


Comment posted by CodeG deleted Feb 22nd, 2016

Turai here, been part of the site since the end of season 2.

I'm bisexual, gender questioning and possibly a tiny bit insane.

I'm also hailing from the best city in Sweden, Gothenburg.


Hi, I'm Chiami and I'm a lesbian transgender woman (Full time for almost 6 months) from Australia. :twilightsmile: I love playing video games (PC), watching multicolour equines, drawing, writing and reading.

I was a part of the old lgbt group but I'm a pretty quite person. :twilightblush:

Alright since everyone is introducing themselves, I will too! :rainbowdetermined2:

Sup I am a 15 year old straight transgender dude! I am currently pre-t :rainbowdetermined2: I like to draw, write clop, play videogames, and make people laugh. :trixieshiftleft: And I love to meet new people and make friends. That is all I shall say for now for securtiy reasons. :trollestia:

Hey there! I'm Cotton :twilightsmile:

I'm a 27 year old girl that likes to keep an open mind. I've figured out that I'm Bisexual not long ago. If anyone asks, "I'm as straight as a board, but I've been left out in the rain a couple time--so I'm a little warped." I like to keep things positive and I'm sorry if my jokes come out offensive at times. I have a bachelors in Natural Resources and decided to go back to school to be a certified Veterinary Technician. Busy, busy! :applejackconfused:

I write stories and poetry. My latest work has been non-pony related ever since an artist friend of mine read my story Solo Noel. He's a water-color painter that wants to collaborate with me every time I write for him. He's kinda like an adoptive father at this point... So keep in mind :rainbowdetermined2: things you do here on can get you noticed and make the right connections!

I'm Cy. I admin the Transgender Bronies, SweetieBot (founding admin in fact), and FIW: Friendship is Witchcraft groups. Also, I maintain lists of trans pony stories off of fimfiction as well as on (my lists have fallen a bit behind) on both my userpage and Transgender Bronies >> List of Transpony Stories On And Off Fimfiction. Lists have kind of fallen behind since I have been really busy and not been around much over the last year, for which I apologize.

I am a lesbian-ish genderqueer transwoman (she/her ponouns) who started transition two years ago and have to thank this community and the fandom in general for helping me get to where I needed mentally to be able to do it (I joined the original LGBT+ group in 2012). I'm poly but mono-compatible and am currently in a mono relationship with a fellow transgirl very dear to me. I'm also a multi-boot cyborg, running more than one OS.

I have a love for transpony, motherhood, sweetiebot, and polyamory stories. My head is full of pony permanently now, for better or for worse. Haven't been able to participate in this fandom as much as I would like in recent times, but such is life when you are trying to finish grad school, having to re-explore my identity and who I am after so many things changed from a mental breakdown last spring (gender identity, sexual orientation, how foods taste, the flavor (visual, audio, words, etc.) of my thoughts, etc. all changed). I am a computer nerd and love cute things.

Hi, I'm 010101000110100101101101011001010010000001110000011000010111001001100001011001000110111101111000

I'm a programmer from South Africa.
I am pansexual and have joined this group to support people's awesomely diverse sexualities and sexual identities.


Scootareader reporting in!

Currently a partially successful NOC Technician (I love my job), got five roommates in a two-bed apartment (I guess people like living with me or something), and perpetually happy. :rainbowkiss:

I'm not very well-versed in the LGBT community, but decided, eh, I can join a group about it. I don't know the lingo and all, so maybe someone can help me out. I'm physically male, but mentally agender. I only know the term "agender" because someone was talking about it and I looked it up and realized it sounded exactly like me. Also only attracted to women, so I guess you'd call me physically straight, but mentally, I got no idea what to call my attraction.

Here's to the beginning of my journey of self-discovery in this group! :eeyup:

Hey y'all. I'm Flutterknight. I'm a 30 year old lesbian trans woman, comic fan, pony artist, 3D modeller, working on amateur game developer, and general PC game player. ^_^ I'm not the most active on FimFiction, but I do chime in from time to time.

Hello~ I'm an android, and my only functions are drawing, writing, and reading. I'm 24 years old. I'm a trans man who is very comfortable with his feminine side, although my gender expression is decidedly masculine. I also ID as a panromantic (gay-leaning) asexual, but supposedly sexuality gets thrown in the blender once one starts HRT, so I'm not especially attached to those labels.

If anyone ever wants to talk gender theory, psychology, or science fiction, I'm your guy. :pinkiesmile:

Well I'm at the moment of posting Drayco Meowfoy, I'm polygender and am male female genderqueer and agender. Confusing huh. The biggest part however is my female part. As for sexuality, I have no clue, though somewhere in the grey.

Some interesting stuff about me is sometimes I have a seemingly random urge to meow, I wrestled for three years, and am in two of the nerdiest clubs in my school.

Also I named parts of my personality. First is Drayco Meowfoy, agender, and knowledge seeking. Second Kaylem FarView, female, and kind. Third, Kethai Quilstream, queer in the old and new defintion. And lastly Dark Tendencies, male, and cruel.


I am a parasprite
I'm flying through the forest
Give me lots of sweet apples and cake so I can make some friends
I am so hungry please give me some munchies
cause my tummy needs some yum yummies
It's growling loudly for some bon bons
Please give it some nom noms
because well I
All I want to do is eat
and that's what I shall do
and if you're very nice to me
I'll share your lunch with you maybe

I never introduced myself in the old group because I am a shy and reclusive pony-pooter, but it's a new group and a fresh start now, so heck, why not?

I'm Esle Ynopemos. It's just 'Somepony Else' spelled backwards, if it looks like a mouthful to you. I'm 28, have recently finished a bachelor's degree in anthropology, and am learning - quite to my dismay - that there are very few jobs out there for people with bachelors in anthropology.

I have been in a bizarre state of gender-limbo for the last couple years as I cannot seem to decide what I think about my gender. Fortunately, I have a wonderful pan-sexual spouse who loves me no matter what I am.


I am Alchemy student! I am an lover of relationships on both sides, a guy who likes to listen to others problems, and help people whenever they are in need. I believe that all people are equal and I love a good joke. The brony community helped me out in more ways than one and I am proud to be here with good friends who are willing to lend a hand. I have been in a ton of fandoms, but this is one of the best and friendliest in my eyes. I am straight, but I believe that you don't need to be LGBT to help support others.



With maybe the exception of the guy who always downvotes my stories one time

I'm Elric. I'm opinionated, I'm sometimes snarky, I have low tolerance for poor technical writing skills, and I'm on the right side of the brony age bell curve.

I'm also het cis-scum, doin' my best to be an ally.

I used to be in the Rainbow Alliance (Lol Ironically the name of this LGBT support group came before Ponies) during my highschool days. I had a good number of friends there. My philosophy has and always been live and let live. Human happiness is an inalienable right. There is enough hate in the world.

I'm attracted to personalities and people's character regardless of whatever else.


I'm Satan.

I'm a straight cis, but hey, no one's perfect, right?

If I start to ramble, then it probably means that I'm drunk.

I'm a trans girl person who has been 2+ months on hormones.

Yep. c:

I'm a bitch.

I am the Unparched. I will add your genetic and cultural something or other to look it's been forever since I've seen anything with the Borg so fuck it.

Some of you know me. I'm just a loser in Arkansas who calls himself gay because it's Close Enough. Kinda shy and quiet, friendly, an atheist, very liberal, very affectionate, and not currently writing a personal ad even though this sentence may look like one.

Hey new group! I'm Bad Seed, 23, cisfemale, and hella, hella gay. :rainbowwild:

I write, read, and edit horsewords. I also lurk this and other groups when I'm bored at work. :pinkiehappy: Feel free to hit me up for anything ever!

Comment posted by Black Ultron deleted Feb 22nd, 2015

Hey what's up I'm ready to rock, the name's Kragor I've been on here since early 2012 whoa!!!!
I don't really care about gender or sex or anything because we're all skeletons on the inside but i'll try my best to respect who you identify as!!!!!!
I like video games and anime and cyberpunkish stuff if you want to play games and/or chat with me you can add me on steam and/or skype!!!1
I used to write horse words and be more active on this website but whatever man B^)

my skype is: live:kragor123
and here's a link to my steam B^)

Comment posted by Aryame deleted Feb 22nd, 2015
Comment posted by Officer Hotpants deleted Apr 23rd, 2022

I am TheWraithWriter, as my name-tag suggests. I write horse words. I read horse words. I fucking love horse words.

Or just words in general, but now I'm rambling.

As someone who is not only a male but a heterosexual one at that, it may be curious to find me here. While not a club member, I certainly am a supporter of the LGBT community. You are who you are and that is okay with me.:twilightsmile:

Edit: Just realized what my avatar is...

Hi! I'm hellvic notion, and I'm a gay teen from Northern California.

4101249 Heyo, I'm Dustin. I'm 22 and I work full time as a manager for a restaurant. I like writing FanFiction about Spike, playing obscure Japanese RPGs and wearing extremely tight pants.

I've been on this site for almost 2 years and I've come to find a love for writing about Spike and the various adventures in romance he could theoretically come across. When I'm not doing this, I'm probably rocking my restaurant, jamming to some metalcore or doing kind-of legal drugs.

See you around!

Hello, I'm Arwhale. I'm a 19 year old straight white male who's studying to eventually become an audiologist. I've been on the site for about a year and a half, and I tend to write about serious topics with the occasional crack fic thrown into the mix.

I also have to thank a lot of members of the LGBT community over the years for helping me to escape the stereotypical "fundamentalist Baptist" mentality I grew up with while I was living in Tennessee that condemned anyone who was LGBT. It was a long, sometimes exasperating process, but it's safe to say that I'm not the person I was when I was younger. And I have friendly, patient people like you all to thank for showing me the light.

Live and let live, love and let love.

EDIT: I also forgot to mention that I'm an atheist, now. Just if people are interested!

Hi. Bi cis male old* atheist British brony** here.

That's the short version, and is therefore something of a collector's item as I almost never say anything that concisely. I write, and indeed read, horsewords. I also do other things, some of which have nothing to do with ponies at all. At least, that's what I like to claim, but I guess I can drop that pretence around here. Favourite shipfics (LGBT or otherwise) are the sweeter, cuter ones; basically, if it needs a [Mature] tag it's going to have to be really special for me to enjoy it.

* Late 30s. I was old enough to drink before some of you who are now old enough to drink were born. If your drinking age is 18, anyway.
** Who is coming to self-identify using that term more as time goes on. As with so many other things, I'm not doing this fandom right. :derpytongue2:

Hi, I'm Tati and I'm a bisexual transgirl, or at least I think so...not sure about the last part.
This is an alt of another account on this site, to safely experiment while staying safely in the closet (although I'm openly bisexual).

Other than that, I do like video games a lot and I'm a big Pokemon fan.

Revenant Wings
Group Admin

Online, I go by Revenant Wings. I'm a male in community college but about to transfer to a 4-year university for a bachelor's and hopefully a master's degree in Psychology with a minor in Statistics. I've had a few odd experiences and my writing seems to have a definite slant in a particular direction, so while I can't say I'm gay or even turned on by human males, I can't exactly say I'm straight either and at this point prefer to define myself as "heteroflexible". As it stands, my main philosophy is I don't care what you do in the bedroom so long as you don't flirt with me if you're a guy.

As an aside, while I won't talk about it much, I'm a Christian, but I also have something of a struggle with others concerning my beliefs; most notably I argue that if Jesus died for all sins then certainly that includes the "sin" of differing orientation, and the question of if God created everything then why would he create something that he'd reject. However, I'm also keenly interested in the sciences and wish to know about the reasons behind differing sexualities... others and my own, hopefully gaining further insight, understanding, and hopefully increasing tolerance.

...and, with that, I apologize if I've offended anyone immediately off the bat.

I'm arcum42, and some of you probably know me for being an admin in a number of groups, founder of Twilight's Library, and things like that. I also have been writing Cubic Zirconia, as well as a few other stories, vector and color characters from screenshots and art, listen to music, and various other things.

I am, in fact, straight and male, so I'm in this group as an ally. I believe people should be free to be whoever they are and not what society expects of them.


Comment posted by Aryame deleted Feb 24th, 2015

Straight, but supportive of the lgbt community.
I play video games, watch cartoons, and shitpost on forums

Huelow guys, my internet name is pretty obvious.
I'm male and straight, but I'm an ally of LGBT. I enjoy video games and the last person you want to collab with since I tend to procrastinate a lot. Esp. on my own stories.

I joined three days ago, but I just realised I've never said anything. Well then...

I'm Derpator, though some refer to me as Derp. I'm twenty, male, English, straight, and studying Biology & Forensic science at university. Out of that, I do nothing but engage in horsewords and horseword activity, where I try to convince myself I'm funnier than I actually am. I tend to hang around on skype a lot, especially when I procrastinate.

When it comes to LGBT, there are friends I know in real life, as well as online, who are in any of these categories. Since I'm straight myself, I'm more of an ally here than an active participant. I hold nothing against those who are LGBT, so you all get my support.

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