Cadence's Library 1,379 members · 10,578 stories
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Mayhem Darkshadow
Group Contributor

Here is what all the folders mean.

Bed Time Stories for Twilight: For Slice of Life Stories (No Mature stories)
Can I Sleep with You Tonight?: For Dark Stories
I've Got the Giggles: For Comedy Stories
It's Over Already?: For One-Shots
Let's Go on a Quest: For Adventure Stories
Oh My: For Mature stories
Some Day I'll Meet My Prince Charming: For Romance Stories (No Clop)
Something Seems Different: For Alternate Universe Stories
This Made Me Cry: For Sad and Tragedy Stories
Welcome to Equestria: For Crossover Stories
What Did I Just Read?: For Random Stories
Why are We Walking on Two Legs?: For Anthro Stories and Humanized Ponies Stories
Why Does it Walk on Two Legs?: For Human in Equestria and Ponies on Earth Stories

Just be sure to submit to the appropriate folders please :twilightsmile:

Where should just humanized stories go?

Mayhem Darkshadow
Group Contributor


Throw them into the Anthro folder

2534048 " appropriate folders "
as in every folder I/you feel it should fit within,
as opposed to the single folder it is most close to?

I was wondering what folder Shadows of My Past should go in. I know Cadence hasn't been introduced in the story yet, but she will be in the next chapter. it's my head cannon on hers and Sombra's origins.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Probably "Can I Sleep With You Tonight?" and "This Made Me Cry"...

--Sweetie Belle

5271310 Okey dokey, there really should be an Origins folder though. Thanks for the reply :twilightsmile:

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

No problem!

And also, you'll notice that the head admin of this group left fimfiction more than a year ago. When this group was created, a bunch of Twilight's Library admins created a dozen or so "<blank>'s Library" groups, and generally any Twilight's Library admins that joined got admin rights. The ones that required sorting fanfics of those are generally dead, but ones like this one are still sort of alive.

I happen to know a bunch of the other admins listed for this group that are still on the site aren't very active any more, and I admin a lot of sites anyways, so figured I'd take the initiative on that one.

Wonder if I should see if I can fix up the banner? Not sure what font the text is in, tho'.

--Sweetie Belle

5271380 The font looks like a cross between Heaven Gate and Blanc Chateau.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Thanks! It isn't either of those, but they are right along that style, and Heaven's Gate is close.

I was thinking I could take the current picture, wipe out the text, then redo it, so that it's close, at least. It mainly bugs me that part of it's covered by the icon. I know why, of course. That icon used to be half the size before one of knighty's updates...

Got a start on it, anyways.

Still needs work, and I might just redo the left side if I can't get it looking natural...

--Sweetie Belle


Thanks! It isn't either of those

No problem.

I knew it wasn't either of them, but they were the closest I could find in a quick search. :unsuresweetie:

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


I'm not really that great with identifying fonts anyways, and that gives me a good starting spot, so I appreciate it.

It's not really as important that the font matches as long as it looks similar and is the same style, really. I'm good with banners themselves, but figuring out fonts isn't my strong suit, and this was probably made by either Mayhem or Elric. I'm thinking Mayhem, who is totally gone. If it's Elric, I can get hold of him, but I doubt he remembers what font it is either...

--Sweetie Belle

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Thanks! That's pretty neat!

The capital C and L are actually pretty close to Miss Fajardose, though some of the lowercase letters are different. Being able to see a bunch of fonts with whatever text you type, and filtered by categories like "elegant" is actually really really useful.

--Sweetie Belle

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Yay! Getting a clean background just got a lot easier!


--Sweetie Belle

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

That text is still kinda going to be tricky, but I think I'm close.

The spacing looks weird, but the icon box'll probably make it look less so.

--Sweetie Belle

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I'm going with this for the moment, though I might fiddle with it more.

--Sweetie Belle

Hey, any plans to make folders for Slice of Life?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

That's actually supposed to be the "Bed Time Stories for Twilight" folder as long as it's SFW, though I suppose that isn't the most intuitive name...

--Sweetie Belle


No, it is not. I thought it was more of a simple, general stories

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I'm mostly going by what Mayhem had written a few years ago for what all the folders are supposed to be, other than the ones I added myself later.

Mayhem left the site back in 2015, though, so I end up basically running things in this group as sort of the de facto main admin (there are a few others listed, but I think I'm the only one that's done anything adminny here in a long time). I could probably change it or split it, but I'd need an appropriately themed name, though, and if I split off into a new folder, trying to figure out what goes there and what stays would be a pain.

--Sweetie Belle


sounds about right

Is anyone still alive here?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Mostly me, though.

--Sweetie Belle

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