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Tthe ability to create shields is extremely underrated in its many possible applications.
What can you think of. :pinkiehappy:

Ramming into stuff with it would be pretty useful. Maybe as some sort of ''defense breaker'' or something.

5306758 Grabbing things or enemies lifting them and then letting go to let them fall

The ability to teleport small objects. What's to say they can't put a pebble in your skull while you try to fight them, or dirt in your lungs.

These are for Shields.

Air tight orb: suffocation.

Horizontal shield: slice a body part of by using it as a sword.

Use it as a wall: crush into another wall/floor.

Orb around someone's head: squeeze.

Shield inside someone: expand and blow them up.

Orb around limbs: arms and legs can be pulled off.

5306758 An opponent who made of or uses fire can be suffocated out by an airtight shield.

wlam #7 · Jun 19th, 2016 · · ·

Complete physical control over blankets. Any blanket.

5306769 but at the same time, the fire mage can increase the heat in the shield, so the outward pressure tears the shield apart.

Assuming direct control of all cereal in the universe.

Let the fools choke on their flavorless cornflakes as they ask, "Why did I pour the milk before the cereal?!"

5306775 true but that would eat a lot of air within the shield. In which case it would be a matter of who had the stronger will in the end.

5306758 Also enhanced cognition. Being able to think and react faster. Not enhanced intelligence but better processesing power.

This a person who can, from their perspective, slow time and take in a room, form a plan an implement it with deadly precision.


"You like burning?!? How about the burning inside your lungs as they choke for air?!? LIKE THAT?!?!"

Turning no more than one cubic inch of metal into one cubic inch of... I dunno, bubblegum or something.

You can destroy or severely weaken any structure or machine that relies heavily on metal for its construction, instantly wreck an enemy's weapon if you can touch it (even better if the power doesn't require physical contact), create and expose vital spots in any armor, if the power works fast enough you could even considerably lessen the deadliness of enemy bullets.
Heck, if you're in an airship of sorts or a submarine, you might even be able to play around with the laws of physics to shed weight on the fly! Dropping ballast is always useful.

You know, any minor transmutation power like that could potentially destroy the world.

Create a shock-wave that liquefies an enemies internal organs. That or using microscopic lasers with the eye as a natural lens to destroy individual neurons, instant lobotomy.

There are some things which you cannot do. Trying to get a good night's sleep while an angry, animated blanket is actively trying to cram itself into your lungs is one of them. :trollestia:

5306833 OR they pass out and the shield is disengaged so they can be apprehended

5306758 Dark Magic? I dunno.

I like that one. As for some of the more horrifying insects, Asian giant hornets come to mind as a first mention.

I get the feeling that aerokinesis, and hydrokinesis are still underrated overlooked powers, despite Avatar the Last Airbender cartoon showing us some very good examples of how dangerous they can be.

5306885 the Japanese hornet wasp has venom potent enough to liquefy flesh. one well placed sting and people die. doesn't help that one can fill the palm of your hand.

5306775 considering you're not inside the shield....

5306758 The ability to refill stuff

5306765 I imagine it would be hard to do in such a congested space and to a moving target. :moustache:

5306885 Wouldn't wearing a protective suit almost completely negate this power, though? :twilightoops:

Sydney funnel web spiders can allegedly chomp straight through leather boots. Unless the protective suit is literally armor, that won't help you against everything.

Plus, the sheer mass of all the bugs in just a single backyard would probably be enough to suffocate someone.


well that's the thing. Even if you miss, it can still end up as a deterrent. Also, it means you can transport small things out of you opponent's body: a lung, heart, eye, jaw, etc...

Thats where the fire comes in handy!

Group Admin

Weave blankets of titanium alloy mesh, become invincible.

5307126 The magical immune system does not like magical shenanigans! :raritydespair:

5307131 Sounds very hot. :(

The Japanese giant hornet—if that's the one you're talking about—is a 'slightly' smaller subspecies of the Asian giant hornet. The venom of the stings of both those hornets isn't necessarily enough to kill with just one sting, but the part about dissolving flesh is certainly quite true: Victims of either hornet usually have small 'holes' burned through their flesh.

Not necessarily fatal, if treated promptly. But it would undoubtedly be very painful. The victims who die are typically the ones who get stung many, many times: Swarmed, essentially. It doesn't help that they can fly faster than anyone could hope to run over an extended period—they can fly 50 miles in a single day, in search of food.

...Yeah, I cast my vote to the 'Insect Command' power. Command the hornets, command the Africanized bees, command the South American army ants, command the Argentine ants: Command the armies of all the social insects.


Are we talking about pony magic, or any bullshit our minds can come up with?

Group Admin

5307159 I thought titanium was actually pretty light, though.

Group Admin

Yeah, but that relative to other metals.

A blanket made of the stuff would still weigh a lot.

Japanese hornets are the leading cause of animal-related deaths in Japan - substantially more so than hornets, bees or wasps are in other parts of the world. They genuinely are pretty dangerous, and especially to the young or the old, even one sting is a serious medical emergency.

Bugs be scary like dayum.

Relatively speaking. It's just lighter than steel at similar relative strengths.

Titanium is also flammable.

Scary and overpowered, yes?

Yup. There's a reason there's some estimated 500 quintillion insects in the world and only 8 billion humans tops.

Assuming I haven't mucked up my attempts at math—with a calculator, no less—doesn't that mean a ratio of... 1:62,500,000,000?

As in, for each one person, there are sixty-two billion, twenty-five million insects?

Edit: Whoops, didn't mean to add an extra digit to that. Fixed that: Comma spacing is helpful.

You shifted the comma one step too far to the right, it's actually just 62 billion. Otherwise, though, that's essentially correct. That was a lowball estimate, by the way, gained from the average number of insects present in an acre of temperate grassland, multiplied by the dry surface area of the Earth. The actual number is probably much higher, maybe by multiple orders of magnitude.

For every human, there is probably at least a hundred billion insects. Minimum. This is their world, not ours. We just live here.

Yeah, I fixed that with the edit.

The ability to change colors.

Simply change the colors of your clothes fast enough and in a wide enough spectrum and everyone who sees it gets a seizure.

The ability to absorb and discharge energy.

When you think energy people think electricity but there is also heat and kinetic energy.

So essentially you absorb heat, kinetic(Physical strikes), electricity, magic etc. energy and then convert them and discharge them.

Ex: Celestia fires a pure magic beam at you. You absorb it and convert the energy into kinetic and give her a punch that sends her to the sun.

Yes its exaggerated but you get the idea.

And a bit more for the masterminds.
The ability to instantaneously do paperwork while retaining all the information.

You will essentially be so good at it that everyone will give you their taxes and legal documentation and so on once you've proven yourself. From there its just earning trust and waiting until you can make them sign on anything. After that they are broke and you are rich enough to buy a country.(Depending on how many people you screwed )

Oh and best part its legal.

Armor, exosuit, transportation (wheeled, legged, winged, Etc.), mech, hammer, sword, needles, spikes, chainsaw...
...A continuously morphing weapon to suit every strike, block, and parry needed during a duel...

Nope, I have no idea how a shield could be used during combat. :scootangel:


People really seem to have a problem with the "appearing tame" part of the whole thing. Chainsaws? Swords? Exo-suits? How on Earth would that look tame to anyone even at the most cursory of glances?

Pretty sure the original poster for the bug idea might have gotten it from Worm, which had a bug controlling superhuman as the main character. As for underrated powers, I'd go with radiokinesis, the ability to manipulate radio waves (anything from VLF to microwaves).

Sufficiently solid illusion to conceal a trap.

The ability to create a shield. As in, one single kite shield, optionally with heraldry on it, wherever you want.

5306758 forming a shield so only the head can move but the body cannot. Then you leave and let them starve or dehydrate to death.

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