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Hah listen I am sick of this argument and I feels like I'm doing your history teachers job for them.

Here we go. I am saying they should have done it GRADUALLY like how the UK did. They FIRST illegalized the direct purchase of slaves from Africa in 1807 but with constant pressure by the government a few decades later in 1834 they finally abolished slavery WITH NO WARS when the slavery abolition act of 1833 finally took force. After that they use some kind of "apprentice" system so that they could "prepare" the slaves for living as citizens rather than slaves but that is just slavery under a different name because their living conditions didn't change at all it was supposed to last 6 years but after public pressure because again hearts and mind which is something you all failed to try and get consistently the apprenticeship had ended early in 1838

Maybe you leftards can take a note from. The Brits text book and try to do the same here. We already allow the purchase of alcoholic drinks and pork by non Muslims.

Sometimes subtle pressure can do a lot of good rather than forcing your ideologies down someone's throat.

Use your god given brain for once will ya?

Maybe if you decided to talk first rather than going straight for the gun your country won't have so much police brutality and school shootings.

Please just don't reply. I thank I can say for the both of us this shit is getting old

> Human supremacist
> Practices incrementalism
You really suck at preaching the superiority of Humanity if you believe in prioritizing civility over change and justice. How do you read those fics where a HiE fights slavery in Equestria and not go

"Um actually, causing wars to end slavery leads to too much needless suffering, so what he should do is peacefully protest and push for reforms of the system".

John Brown would have your ass. Slavery is inherently evil, and those that practice it should be wiped out.

Sometimes subtle pressure can do a lot of good rather than forcing your ideologies down someone's throat.

First of all, that was the civil rights movement. Second of all, that's what the gays have been doing in the US for decades up to this point. They wouldn't have ever been accepted at all if they hadn't done those things.

I wonder if that racist furry is still here or if y'all still harboring him despite a) being a furry, and b) explicitly claims African people are inferior. Either of which blatantly goes against the spirit of HFY.

Well why can't y'all do it again? Here's why because the people who did it. Had done their jobs and replaced by retards like you.

Well here's a news for you my guy since again I have to do your history teachers job for you AGAIN.

If everyone who practiced slavery needed to be destroyed...





You don't read my reply at all did ya? If you did I literally explained how Britain freed the slaves war free.

Or did you just purposely ignore every good arguments I have? Because it really seems like it

HIE is just a silly power fantasy and here's the things about power fantasies..


Plus those are not humans. It's called human rights for a reason

Comment posted by Golden boi deleted Aug 30th, 2023
Comment posted by Golden boi deleted Aug 30th, 2023

I see that you have confused justice with vengeance.

You will strive for your own justice. And then people like me will strive for ours that go against yours. We both are just ordinary people, who have been driven to find vengeance in the name of justice and if people starts to call vengeance justice such "justice" will only breed more vengeance, and thus happens a cruel cycle of hatred.

Right now we live in said cycle, I study the past so we can predict the future because our future is our history

Bruh, Are you actually trying to defend slavery? It sounds like you're trying to justify slavery by saying "everyone did it", that doesn't make it okay. It was fucking atrocious in the United States, to say that they should've done the liberal thing and phased it out slowly is an insult to the African American population of America.
I'm talking about fics where Humans are enslaved by Equestrians you fucking liberal. You would have it so that the main character tried to peacefully end it and prolong his people's suffering.

What kind of baggage you got in Malaysia? Watch me downplay it

Bro are you actually retarded?

Because it sounds like you are actually retarded.

Bro I'm just telling you the facts my guy. I have guessed that you are a US citizen because only in the US that the people can be so fucking self centered while not realizing it. Bro I was just telling you the facts man. The fact of the matter is everyone is the slave and the enslavers literally NO ONE is innocent and your idea of killing everyone who ever enslaved others will not work because everyone had done it before. Everyone will fucking.

I guess you never heard of white galley slaves, or christian women concubines that were enslaved by the north African warlords. You call yourself woke but you don't even know fucking basic history!

And how are you gonna downplay our history? When you don't even know your fucking own?
We are literally doing just fucking fine.

I see your only argument is gaslighting.

Oh yes because talking ponies enslaving humans had happen in human history huh?

I'm not downplaying anything my brother in humanity. The fact of the matter is that your tiny raisin brain could not comprehend politics, history and geopolitics

My brother in Allah, where the fuck are you getting the idea that everyone owned slaves, ergo I want to kill everybody? The thing about owning people is that shits fucking expensive, the only people that actually owned slaves were wealthy land owning elites. Fucking billy bob who owns a small farm by himself could not ever afford his own person.

So no Libtard, I don't want to punish "everyone", just the rich for exploiting other Human beings

Oh boo fucking hoo, the white man is coming to take away your slaves. Cry about it.

Oh so you wanna kill Amazon? Fucking apple? Microsoft? And literally every big company ever?

My brother in humanity. Listen almost everyone had slaves. Because slaves ARE LABOUR. my brother, my ignorant brother. Literally ANYONE who had land had slaves. Owning slaves back then is like owning cars today! The rich only had the most but literally anyone who needed some kind of labour wether it's hard labour or just wanted someone to take care of the house.

Almost everyman in ancient Sparta had slaves!

Not all land owners are elites my guy. Some are gifted to people for great deeds they had done!

I am just astonished on how little you know about human history while also claiming to fucking support it

This is why children don't sleep in history class

Don't you my brother in Allah me. We are not innocent either. You know that white galley slaves i mention? That was us!

You are just a retard aren't you? You have no argument so you went to trolling? As a part of a massive troll group myself.

You are pathetic.


Oh so you wanna kill Amazon? Fucking apple? Microsoft? And literally every big company ever?

Again, where the hell are you getting the idea that "everyone owned slaves". It doesn't matter because they're dead now, and thus can't be fucked.

Almost everyman in ancient Sparta had slaves!

And the Spartans were a joke for most of their history

I'm Hispanic, and I didn't do shit. It's kinda too late for reparations at this point because the CSA and the people they brutalized are long dead.


As a part of a massive troll group myself.

Then why are you the one crying.

I'm an extreme Right Wing Anti-Pony Rights, Pro-Human Extremist

Humanity Fuck Yeah fans when they see an African American person.

Yes like you can live without those services. Tell me TRUTHFULLY can you live without the convenience of Amazon or similar services? Type all that while probably on a Mac or an iphone or an android or a PC the fact that you even replying to this prove again that you are a massive hypocrite. Like the rest of the leftards.

My point is everyone one is guilty my guy. There is no innocent race when it comes in slavery. Every race is slavers and the enslaved so your idea of "justice" is fucking retarded.

You know there is literally a movie made about the spartans right? There are also games made about them? In fact the Spartans had quite a big influence in modern entertainment.

Oh so NOW it's doenst matter huh? What about all that argument that all slavers need to die? Is it because I historically proven that everyone is a slaver at one point in humanitys history? What a shocker that you don't even have a spine to stick with your argument.

I'm not crying I am just sick with seeing ignorant fucks like you spewing bullshit everywhere. Fun is fun but certain topics needed a deep discussion.


Yes like you can live without those services. Tell me TRUTHFULLY can you live without the convenience of Amazon or similar services? Type all that while probably on a Mac or an iphone or an android or a PC the fact that you even replying to this prove again that you are a massive hypocrite

Can't even conceive of an alternative to corporate capitalism, spoken like a true libtard. I just want the trade unions to have more of a say in running industry.

You know there is literally a movie made about the spartans right? There are also games made about them? In fact the Spartans had quite a big influence in modern entertainment.

Which isn't actually very reflective historical reality. In short, the Spartans were over hyped and later lost way too many battles.

Is it because I historically proven that everyone is a slaver at one point in humanitys history?

You didn't prove shit. You're making it sound like every single Human being was either a slave or a slaver. Which means even the poorest pauper had his own Human being, all to try to convince me that I want to kill everyone because you're a liberal.

Hey can you publish my story? Who reviews this stuff?

65% of slave owners at the height of Slavery in the 1800s were Jewish Semites
Not White people.

I'm new here.
I'm just trolling

Ah yes because there is so little logistics company in the world huh? Again showing your close mindedness upon the rest of the world showing again your are self centered. Where I came from we don't have Amazon we use what's called J&XExpress. Which is our version of Amazon when everything is regional you can understand why I can't name them all.

You do realize that Sparta is a pretty fucking small right? Coupled with their "warrior code" they tend to fight till the last man. In fact the real battle in the 300 (otherwise known as the battle of Thermopylae) there were originally a coalition of Greek states? Nations? I don't know what they are called, of around 7000 soldiers but after seeing the Persian forces many of the Greeks ran except for the locrians, Thebans, phocians, thespians (best Greek race) and obviously the Spartans, I dunno about the locrians can't find anything about them probably a side character, the phocians were tasked with guarding the flanking path the ones that Persians used because the phocians is kinda dumb and ran towards a hill to make a last stand, so the Persians ignored these dumb motherfuckers because they practically let the Persians through. The Thebans surrendered like a bunch of pussies and then the thespians the real chads fight till the last man alongside the Spartans. Just because they didn't win doesn't mean that they didn't fight or were they weak. In fact the spartans never lost a battle until the battle of Leuctra in 371 BC against the Thebans the ones that surrendered up until that point Spartans were the most dominant military power in all of greece

I mean the red army lost most of their battles against the wermacht but they were still remembered as a pretty good army.

I'm not saying every human I'm saying every single RACE of humans. Wether it's africans or americans, Asians or europians, and I'm not a liberal I just know my shit. Unlike you.

Im not even talking about white people shut up.

Bet you think that they should have a cut of the profits and you know what that means right? Fucking communism.

Honestly I'm hooked no lets see how long we can get this comment thread.

There must be a record somewhere.

Don't worry, you'll grow up someday

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