Luna Is The Best Pony 7,287 members · 4,653 stories
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Weeping Angel
Group Contributor

Hello fellow Luna lovers!
As promised, I bring to you the March contest!
Now, I know that Ocean Heart's contest isn't over yet, but in a couple of days it'll be done. So here we have it, the first official Luna contest!

You can choose from any of the following prompts. Be sure to say which one you are doing in the story.

1. What was Luna doing during the attack on Canterlot?
2. Make it festive. What is Luna going to do for St. Patrick's Day (or any pony equivalent)?
3. What did Luna do on the moon during the time she was banished?

The admins will not be the only ones judging. We will post a poll for which one you choose, and it will be online. Vote there for which story you like the best!

Deadline Info:
The deadline will be April 1st, 2014. You have until then to turn in your story.

How to turn in your contest entry:
There is a folder labeled "Contest Submissions". It will be unlocked and you can post in there for the story.

Additional Rules:
1. Story must be below 5000 words.
2. No clop.
3. No mature rated stories, please.
4. No more than one submission.

1rst Prize:
HUGE feature on the front page and you will be added to the special folders for winnings. Also, if you'd like, you can be bumped up to contributor.

2nd Prize:
Medium feature on the front page and you will be added to the special folders.

3rd Prize:
Small feature on front page.

ADMINS: Did I miss anything? Tell me and I'll update this thread. Please don't make additional threads because it just gets confusing.

Good luck to you all and may Luna be with you!
~Weeping Angel

Group Contributor


March is my birthday month :heart::heart::heart:

Weeping Angel
Group Contributor

Really? Well happy belated birthday!

Group Contributor

YES!! Now I have a reason to write something I've been wanting to write, just never did! (Seriously, I've had this idea since September 2012!) This will be the most work I've ever put into a story. Mostly because I just write for fun... :pinkiehappy:*squee*

1. Looking into the threat. She visited all surrounding countries to check moods.
2. Tavern dancing! With lots of hard cider!
3. She was possessed and wasn't aware. NMM built a moon fortress.

Feel free to use these as ideas if you like...

Ocean Heart
Group Admin


1. What was Luna doing during the attack on Canterlot?

Sweet,I got a great idea thats sure to get attention!

2. No clop.

Yes, ma'am...

Weeping Angel
Group Contributor

Glad you're happy!!

Weeping Angel
Group Contributor

Oh gosh...I can only imagine what you were thinking.

What? LunaXChangeling?


Ocean Heart
Group Admin

2975210 Oh nothing like that! Just a short story of the princesses favorite things to do when nopony is looking.

Sh*t, now I'm paranoid we have the same idea, and it is scaring me...
Please tell me the jist of it in a pm or something... if you want to, that is...
I think people are hacking into my brain and stealing my good ideas…

Interesting. I actually have two potential fic ideas on the last topic. Perhaps I should explore one of them?

Group Admin

Aww... that Sweetie Belle picture!

Ocean Heart
Group Admin

2975259 Dont think it needs a pm, just a funny little thing that would exploit Luna's crazy side when shes alone and bothered.


Group Contributor

I am SO entering this. I've wanted an excuse to do a little "on the moon" piece for ages.


I've started my piece. Maybe you should do prizes for each category?

2975092 A contest? Sure I'll-!

The deadline will be April 1st, 2014.


Anyway, count me in, darling!:raritywink:


Early April's mine.

Weeping Angel
Group Contributor

No, it'll just be a general one. It will be less complicated that way.


you know, I'd love to join, but no, no more contests for me just this moment. Pity, though. This competition sounds really great. :pinkiesad2:

Cool. I'll enter. This will be my first contest and one of the prompts is perfect for a short story I've been wanting to write. :twilightsheepish: Too bad there is no Luna emoticon.

Weeping Angel
Group Contributor


Group Contributor

:D My story is done. (Well, the rough draft is.) Now I just have to hunt down some editors.

Perhaps if inspiration strikes, then I'll get something together. :twilightsmile: No promises, though. :unsuresweetie:

By the way, does it really have to be St, Patricks day? Coz I have trouble trying to see how the ponies might have an equivalent for that. Could any other festival do? Like Hearths warming eve, heart and hooves day, Winter Wrap up... You know?

I think im gonna enter in this. :pinkiehappy: sounds like fun and I really need something to get me back into writing again! Perfect! :yay: so to recap: I'm in!

Weeping Angel
Group Contributor

We'd rather it to be St Patricks Day because its more festive. However we'll allow Hearts and Hooves Day since its close to it anyway.

Problem is that us bronies in marelaysia do not celebrate st patricks day, so I don't know what happens except it involves shamrock and green. Do ponies even have saints? Why don't you show us your equivalent of that day? .perhaps we can come up with something.

Weeping Angel
Group Contributor

Hm. That's true.
Like I said, you can choose any other prompt from the list, as well as do Hearts and Hooves Day if you so wish. But for that I may have to think about it.


I'm currently writing a Twlight/Luna fic. I'm about 54k into it, and it's getting a little frustrating that I'm not finished with it yet. I think I need a break from it, a smaller project like this may be just the thing for me. I don't normally find myself interested in shorter stories, but it's good to step out of one's comfort-zone every once in a while, and a bit of friendly competition may help motivate me to do just that.

The idea I have in my head overlaps themes from my longer work-in-progress. I don't want to get too repetitive in my work, but at the same time, focusing on this issue in particular, would be perfect for a one-shot.

This wasn't mentioned anywhere in the rules, but I have to ask, is there any problem with this being a romance-themed fic? I really don't write anything else, and my brain is stuck on 'TwiLuna.'

No-clop isn't a problem for me,considering that I can't stand it. I almost exclusively write and read romance, but when I get detailed descriptions of ponies exploring the inside of each other's mouths, then I'm more than a little put-off.

That still begs the question as to what counts as 'M'. I'm more likely to delve into t-rated material, but what one considers to be t-rated, and another considers to be m-rated, is rather subjective. If I'm going to do a pony-equivalent of Saint Patty's day, then there's most certainly going to be drinking involved.

I've also thought about playing with the idea of Luna and Twilight already being in the early stages of a relationship, but neither knowing how to approach the subject of sex. Most of what I like about the pairing comes from dealing with the age difference. If Twilight is a virgin . . . and I would find it hard to believe otherwise, then she may be a little apprehensive about it, and I find it hard to believe that Luna would whole-sale take advantage of her.

So, if the subject of sex is brought up, but ponies aren't getting all 'hot and heavy', would that still be considered a mature theme? I ask, because multiple people will have multiple answers for that. If it goes against the spirit of the competition, then that's perfectly fine. I'm merely in the brainstorming stage right now, and while I was thinking of incorporating this, because it doesn't fit with the chronology of my other fic, I can just as easily do without it.

Weeping Angel
Group Contributor

No, romance isn't against the rules. TwiLuna is fine:twilightsmile:

If there is light sex, then it should go under the "Teen" "Sex" category. The Mature rating is for very heavy sex, like clop. I have read many stories that they "do it" per se but since it isn't very heavy, it's teen rating.

3057099 Then I'll be booted from this contest because the fic I was working on just in case of a contest, won't work here because, it has nothing to do with the Royal wedding attack, I'm not done with the chapter that talks about her stay on the moon, and the only festive thing that happens is near the end when she's celebrating her engagement.:fluttercry: Sorry, but I don't know if that is allowed. It sounds like fun though.:pinkiesad2:

Weeping Angel
Group Contributor

Chapters? For this contest, we're looking for below 5000 words. I'm not sure how long you're planning to make chapters, but for this particular contest it might be better to just do a one-shot.

3074819 Again, another reason why, it won't work because not only is it in chapters, but each chapter is 1000 to 5000 words.

Weeping Angel
Group Contributor

That's okay, they'll be other contests. Maybe next we will do a long-run contest.

3074900 Ok, again I apologize, love.:twilightsmile:

Weeping Angel
Group Contributor

No problem. This contest is only for funzies:pinkiecrazy:

3074919 :rainbowlaugh: Nice.:twilightsmile:

Even if I was making a fic for this contest's exception I don't think I'd get it done right away do to personal problems at home.

Weeping Angel
Group Contributor

Sorry to hear that...:pinkiesad2:
But that's okay, really. Contests are voluntary, only if you have time to do them then do them.

Weeping Angel
Group Contributor

:rainbowlaugh: That's really funny! Are you going to write about that?

3078203 maybe a short one-shot, but I thought I would still just show you that xD...

There is one where Luna wrote 'Celestia can go buck herself' or something similair, now that one was good.

Weeping Angel
Group Contributor

Oh yeah, I saw that one!:rainbowlaugh:

"Fun fact: originally Luna's sentence was only ten years."

Comment posted by Wolfsalvo deleted Mar 15th, 2014
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