//------------------------------// // Tea with Condoms // Story: I'm Afraid of Changeling (and other short stories) // by Cold in Gardez //------------------------------// Applejack took a long, slow sip from her mug of coffee. It was dark, bitter, and so hot it stung her tongue into numbness. Perfect. She smiled and set the cup down on the wood table. “Thanks for coming out, Rarity. We don’t get together much like this, I guess.” “We don’t, don’t we?” The fashionista took a dainty sip from the teacup floating before her muzzle. Around them, ponies filled the chic sidewalk cafe’s seats, enjoying the lingering warmth of early autumn. “Sometimes it feels like I only have these little soirees with Twilight or Fluttershy.” “Well, this ain’t really Rainbow Dash’s thing.” Applejack tapped her mug with the edge of her hoof. “So, how’s Sweetie Belle?” “Good, good. Excited to be back in school. More excited to be turning 16, I think.” She sighed. “Amazing how time flies.” “You ain’t old, Rarity.” “Oh, let me be dramatic, Applejack. It keeps things interesting.” Applejack chuckled. “Fair enough. Anyway, had something I wanted to talk with you about.” “Hm? You mean this get-together wasn’t just for the pleasure of my company?” Rarity batted her eyes and took another sip from her tea. “‘Fraid not. Wanted to show you something.” With this Applejack stuck her muzzle into her saddlebags, pulled out the item she’d ‘borrowed’ from Apple Bloom, and tossed it onto the table between them. Rarity stared down at it, confusion plain on her face. Then her eyes took in the square, flat shape, the foil wrapping, and the faint raised ring in the center. She coughed politely. “Applejack.” “Mhm?” “Applejack, that’s…” She glanced around and lowered her voice. “That’s a condom, Applejack.” “Yup.” Rarity pinched the bridge of her muzzle between her hooves. “Why are you showing me a condom?” “Found it in Apple Bloom’s room. Had a nice, long talk with her, too.” “Well, you know, she is about that age. But why are you showing me this?” Applejack took a long, slow swallow from her coffee. It had cooled to the point of merely burning. Blissful. She closed her eyes to savor it. “She said she got it from Sweetie Belle.” A silence followed. Applejack opened her eyes to see Rarity staring at the offending object with a little frown. Finally, “She said that?” Applejack nodded. “You don’t suppose she was… No, of course she was telling the truth.” Rarity sighed and seemed to slump in her seat. “Well, I suppose I should schedule a little chat with my sister as well.” Her horn glowed, and the condom did as well. Just as it lifted into the air to float its way toward Rarity, Applejack stopped it with a hoof. She slid it across the table, dropped it back in her saddlebag, and closed the latch. “Sorry, sugar. Promised Apple Bloom I’d give it back.” Rarity raised an eyebrow. “You don’t mind her having it?” “Would you prefer she didn’t?” Rarity opened her mouth to respond, and then paused. After a moment she closed her jaws with a clack. “No, you’re right. That would be stupid.” She set her chin on her hoof and gazed out at the ponies trundling by in the street. “When did life get so complicated, Applejack?” “Right about when we grew up, I guess. Or when we got little sisters.” “Ha, little sisters. You know, I still remember the day mom and dad brought her home from the hospital, a little squirming ball of shrieks and screams. I swear they named her as a joke.” “Would you be offended if I said there was a strong family resemblance?” “Ha ha, laugh it up.” Rarity let out a long, slow breath. “But even then, she was the most precious thing in the world to me, so sweet and innocent. And now…” She trailed off, her eyes fixing on Applejack’s saddlebags. “This gonna be a problem?” Rarity took her time before answering, and shook her head. “No, no. She’s being smart and responsible, and I should be proud of her for that. Apple Bloom too – we both should.” Applejack smiled behind her coffee mug. “Already am. Any idea who the colts might be?” “Hm, I have a few guesses. Since we’re being adults about it, we should probably just ask.” “Sensible.” “It is.” Rarity set her teacup down with a thud. “Odd, I always thought Scootaloo would be the first. Rainbow Dash will be disappointed.” Applejack shrugged. “She’ll get over it. Wanna invite her for coffee next week?” “Sounds delightful, darling.”