//------------------------------// // Chasing a Dream: Oversized // Story: Imbalanced: New Age // by Nameless Narrator //------------------------------// [Blazing's Entry] There are two halves of reality we call our planet Equus. The one where I am in and the mirror world. Why that is the case I have not found out during my adventures despite visiting our reality's twin. The mirror title is a little misleading. Up is not down and left is not right there. Until Scream's meddling with Sombra, both worlds ran parallel to each other. Well, that's not exactly true. They were extremely similar until Celestia stole the good Elements of Harmony from there and deposited the 'evil' ones there. The original split of the eleven Elements was three good and two evil in one world, and two good and three evil in the other. The Element of Unity, Magic, Friendship was made to manifest itself whenever good or evil was too powerful in one world. Shocking, I know, harmony and balance, the principles, are not just sunshine and rainbows. Light must cast shadow, and darkness must prove the existence of light. So yeah, Celestia mucked that up, gradually turning this part of the twin world into a paradise for ponies while the mirror world became rather more 'practical' about things. Nevertheless, it didn't turn into eighth circle of Tartarus or anything, its history just took a different path over centuries. The mirror world was united into one great empire under Sombra and his best archmage Purplight Smartle. Mirror Twilight wasn't evil, just tempered in blood and fire. She had to kill Luna after her return because the 'evil' Elements didn't work properly without Magic which manifested in our world. She had to live through her brother and his wife being killed by Sombra. But she waited for an opportunity. When I, with Twilight's help, defeated the shadow king, Twilight took over the reigns of power and led the world in a slightly different direction. She couldn't change everything, but a more benevolent supreme ruler must have been a blessing. With my knowledge, both worlds built a portal near the Tree of Harmony connecting them, and a semi-secret trading of knowledge started. You are correct in assuming mirror Twilight wasn't too happy with me saving Scream who, as mentioned before, was behind Sombra's rise to power. His mentor, to be exact. The shadow king was just her tool to enact revenge on Celestia. I wonder what happened after my death... Mirror Twilight wasn't an alicorn, but she was a vastly more powerful magician than our version. Still, she might have died either of natural causes or through violent means, and the new ruler might have decided to close the portal. Or possibly the observers from the mirror world decided to destroy the gateway in fear of corruption spreading into their world as well. Our world was sort of a shield for the mirror one, because the gods don't have reflections, they are three ultimate beings above the twin worlds. When my efforts focused their attention on me, the mirror world didn't have to deal with Harmony's insanity. Oh well, maybe I'll check the portal site out on the way if I can still find it. There used to be a small fortified encampment around it during my time. Obviously, it must be gone now, but some traces might still remain. Who knows? It doesn't really matter at this point. [End Entry] What have we got here? For the past hour, I've been forced to make a detour to avoid a solitary Corrupted whose presence has been whispering in my mind. If he or she is alone and powerful enough to 'touch' me from such distance, it should be a Protector whom I'm not willing to annoy. Granted, any Corrupted aside from a Drone is beyond my capabilities right now, and since there is not supposed to be any organized hive inside the forest, there won't be Drones around. Discouting the annoying influence of taint sending my thoughts into a hot, sweaty, and loud gutter whenever I let my mind drift, the ability to sense Corrupted proved invaluable. Thanks to the patrol Mana Burn secretly sent to track me, I was soon able to use my new skill to estimate not just direction, but also the distance of Corrupted threats. Granted, they must know about me as well, but that would have been the case no matter what. Sadly, knowing about the possible obstacles is making my trip through Everfree vastly longer than I expected. I broke camp at the edge of Nightshade's territory yesterday evening, and I've been on my hooves since early morning, but even now late at night I'm barely halfway through. It doesn't help that there is no real road, and landmarks are even rarer. Thakfully, I have a decent sense of direction so I've avoided walking in circles for now. With my eyes closed because it's pitch dark anyway, I navigate the black and white world of my tracing spell yet again. Aside from the Corrupted I'm trying to avoid, and Mana Burn's patrol far behind me, it's been quiet until now. So, one more time... what have we got here? My tracing spell shows big ponies hiding behind trees in the distance. No tentacles, no wings, no horns, no whispering voices inside my head, but they must be as big as Celestia. To be honest, I'm not sure what to think. Hmm... the trees far behind me either grew some really nice hips, or there's another of the big ponies hiding there, which means they are spreading into a circle around me. They know about me, and they aren't bothered by the Corrupted I'm avoiding. "Ow!" I bump into something hard and soft at the same time, fall on my plot, and rub my muzzle. I was so focused on the giant tailing me that I completely ignored any other section of the magically traced area like, let's say, straight ahead. I open my eyes to see a dark silhouette towering above me. I close my eyes and return to my alternate vision. A huge mare is silently staring down at me, holding a spear in her foreleg propped against her shoulder. She doesn't seem to be a Corrupted, but that's about as much information as I can get. Some sort of light would be nice, too bad I've never been able to use any real magic. On the bright side, if she somehow casts a fireball spell at me I'll be able to both illuminate and roast her at the same time. She swings her hoof. I lean backwards to dodge a punch that never comes. Something splatters on my nose, however. I instinctively lick it and immediately curse myself. My legs go shaky and limp in a moment. As I keel over, she catches me in her massive foreleg and tosses me like a rag over her broad back. How stupid must a pony be to lick a paralytic poison without thinking? I would shrug to myself if I could. Being on the back of a mare twice my size has the advantage of not feeling as if her spine was sawing me in half, but rather one of lying on a small but comfortable bed. Since my captor doesn't seem intent on talking, I close my eyes, ignore my dangling limbs, and fall asleep. Always the practical pony, me. Surprisingly gentle shaking wakes me up. I groan and the enormous leg retracts. "Who are you, tiny one?" asks a deep, but definitely mare's voice. Oh right, alicorn-sized earthpony mares all around. I guess Mana Burn's patrol was supposed only to protect me from Corrupted. That, or I got too far out of their area of influence. Blinking away the dim gloom of what must be early morning light, I sit up on grass... ...no, chiseled stone floor covered with grass. I'm inside a wide hall resembling Canterlot castle throne room, although grey and derelict rather than white and pristine. The roof is filled with holes barely covered by severed tree branches, the masonry has crumbled in places, providing only shelter from the wind rather than a warm, secluded place, and there are torn dark blue and silver tapestries covering the floor in places. In the middle of this place there is a fire pit keeping the spring night chill away. Fiiiine, I'm getting to the titanic mares around. They are huge ponies, simply put, muscular and extremely broadly-built. There's not much more to say. Out of the twelve my three-sixty tracing spell reveals, four are sitting around me, one light brown with dark brown mane, one grey with black mane, one dark red with green mane, and one midnight blue with blonde mane. Whoever they are, only the dark red one's coat is threaded with black signs of taint. I blink as the reality of this place creeps up on me. The faded tapestry covering a hole in the wall swaying in the draft is a dead giveaway. Dark blue background of billowing clouds and silvery moon, the old decorations of princess Luna. I got caught in the Everfree, and unless I slept for multiple days then this must be the ruins of the old Castle of Two Sisters which was rebuilt after Luna's return as a reuniting gift from Celestia. Now it's just a pile of broken masonry again. Inside the ancient throne room, there are about a dozen primitive huts made of wines and planks with the mares walking in and out in irregular intervals. Strange, I have yet to spot a stallion. Okay, the four mares surrounding me are definitely patient, because while I was examining my situation, they all waited without even frowning. "You're really big..." I mumble, looking at the giantess in front of me. Good job, head! In a possibly fatal situation, you decide to act like a fourteen-year old. Me and mares, always the same old failure. "Thank you. I am Bloodrage. You display traits of the curse, and yet you can speak." "Curse?" I lean away as her huge hoof softly traces the trails of taint on my face. "This." "You mean corruption? I was attacked few days ago, but I got really lucky." "Where do you hail from?" "Ponyville." I hear hushed whispers from all around. Guess big mares have big vocal chords. "Old books speak of the place. Of our ancestors." "Ancestors? Ponyville is standing... wait..." I'm getting the idea what's going on. I don't know how it is possible, but could these guys be some sort of descendants of survivors of the first wave of corruption? "How long have you been here?" "My grandmother and others protected this sanctuary from the curse." It's difficult to guess her age due to astonishing physical shape, but I'd go with somewhere around fifty. Corrupted rolled over central Equestria some hundred and fourty years ago or so. Canterlot held due to ancient protective spells, perhaps this place held longer? They aren't far from Ponyville, but before Nightshade's rise even sneaking halfway through Everfree was considered impossible for ponies. Wait, they said 'ancestors'. Ponies survived here long enough to give birth to next two generations, and such big ones? The castle must have hosted a lot of ponies, but something doesn't sound right. "How did they survive, if you don't mind me asking too much? Most of ponies were wiped out." "I remember little. My mother's words were confused. She was taken by the curse at young age. Our ancestors offered themselves to the cursed. Zebra brew stopped the insanity after they sated the cursed lust." "Brew.. like a potion? A potion that cures corruption? Is that why only one of you is tainted?" That sounds way too good to be true. "Protects the body from change. If mind is strong during mating, brew stops insanity. Only curse remains." They are the third generation. "You mate with Corrupted?" "Some are chosen to sate lust of those who come close. Those who restrain themselves return with strong foals. You are an ancient, even if tiny. You will bring strong daughter." That took a weird turn rather quickly. Still, I could have guessed that those messing with Corrupted will go for the breeding stuff at some point. An ancient... does she mean alicorn? Oh hey, fantasy books were right! Lost tribes of amazons looking for stallions to serve their needs. Huh, and here was I thinking that all those were written by horny, lonely ponies. My pelvis hurts just at the thought. "Death by snu-snu?" "I do not understand. We do not wish harm upon you." I've always found strong and big mares attractive beyond reason, but as much as my body is telling me you gotta hump 'em all, I still stay in control. I've been fighting corruption inside my head and I doubt giving in to a mass orgy now would be helpful. That, or the release would help me focus for few more days. It's a fifty-fifty. "I'd like to avoid turning into a Corrupted completely, so no thanks, I guess?" I stand up and back off until the back of my neck hits something. I realize I've walked cleanly under the belly of the standing amazon behind me. "Ancient blood will give us strength to fight the curse," she steps forwards. "I'm really, really sure I'd be a pretty crappy father-" The legs of the red one I'm under slide closer together, crushing and imprisoning me. "You will bring many daughters." One the other hoof, I've given birth to a hive of changelings before. A dozen amazons can't be much worse, right? "Look, I don't have any alicorn powers anymore, and there's a whole city of ponies just over a day's walk away from here. You can take your pick of ponies, there are even smart Corrupted who won't attack you." I'd like to lie to myself that what I'm doing is preventing myself from giving in to lust, but I just don't have the self-confidence and balls to take Bloodrage up on her offer. "We are not alone?" the chocolate-coloured amazon leader asks, eyes widening. "I'd love to tell you what happened outside since the Castle of Two Sisters fell, but I don't know. All I know is that there are places where Corrupted are not so bad, and where ponies live alongside them. Ponyville, as one of them, is just outside the western edge of the forest." "Razor, Crush," she nods to the red one still squishing me betwen all four thighs and to the dark blue one, "Take two more sisters and go see for yourself." They nod, and my firm, squishy prison is gone as Razor simply raises her leg and steps over me. Damn that's some serious flank. I wipe my brow. Phew, that's one thing taken care of. "You, little one, shall still serve me." "Wait, what?" "If your words are true, then we can find mates free of curse. I, as the chief, will take your ancient seed for myself." "That's a reeeeeally bad idea, miss. I gotta go to Pine Hills, and if my daughter there is in such shape as I was told, you really don't want something of that sort to happen to your foal," I speak faster than my brain can coherently process. She gasps, her kind but hungry expression turning into worry. "Pine Hills is a forbidden place." "So I was told, yeah. I still must go." "Then you deserve pleasure before your quest!" she decides, sweeping me towards her with one foreleg. Pushed tightly against a barrel the size of my whole body, I struggle fruitlessly as she carries me, easily walking on three legs, off onto the raised dias where the old throne still sits. "EEP!" The few whistles and cheers from the other amazons don't help. She shoves a big wooden bowl filed with blue liquid to my mouth. It tastes bitter and is sticky, but she's not impatient and I don't choke despite being on my back with her plate-sized hoof on my chest. The zebra potion? A circle of huge, dripping mares gathers under the dias, all filling my nostrils with distinct spicy scent of heat. Bloodrage isn't subtle, soft, sensual, or intricate. She is wild, insatiable, boiling hot, heavy, rough, and sweaty. She takes me in front of all of them, ignoring anything I can stutter out. However, deep down she's caring and kind. In the end, everything hurts, I'm completely spent, just lying on my back, tongue out and drooling while staring at what must be the noon sun shining through one of the holes in the roof. I hear the wet squelching of other amazons still getting off to Bloodrage having just put me through a wringer. I don't even have the strength to smile as the mare takes me as her much, much smaller spoon. Bloodrage looks satisfied, which is strange to me due to our comparative size. Perhaps size isn't that important. Griffon females make do with a talon in a pinch, from what I've heard. But hey, at least I know that either the zebra 'brew' works, or my willpower is enough to stave off the crazy part of corruption. "...the cursed and the little ones like us were patrolling the area. One pony working on a farm told us that the ancient rulers are still in place," Razor finishes her report to Bloodrage as I lie there, still barely breathing, "Do we take this ancient for ourselves?" I wish I could move, but I just flop over to my side and stare defiantly at Razor's shins. "I keep my word, he is free. We will contact these Ponyville ponies and see," says Bloodrage, and I smile to myself at the disappointed grumbling of most of the amazons, "He is a weak and soft mate." Well, there's that. Both my smile and ego just jumped out of the window. I sigh. "He does have strange ideas about pleasuring mares," Bloodrage's tone turns thoughtful, "A worthwhile experience, I admit." Yeah, from my experience, Corrupted don't really get the idea of foreplay. They just are there and you go crazy with lust. "Just one round each, Bloodrage!" some amazon calls out, clearly crestfallen. My old heart wouldn't take that much. I'm at least five times your age, mares. "Enough!" the leader raises her voice, "We will bring ponies to seed new foals later. Now we celebrate!" she waves her forelegs to the happy yells of the others, "Whisper, bring wine!" A grey and black zebra, as big as the other amazons but with booty Celestia would be jealous of, walks off through a hole in the throne room wall leading into some hallway. There must still be cellars down under the castle, and they are apparently still stocked. Nice to know Luna enjoys wine as much as I do apparently. Speaking of which, memories and minds shouldn't deteriorate so much in just over a century. My best guess is that being forced to eat corrupted flora and fauna clouded the amazons' intellect somewhat. Lost words, forgotten past turned to mere legends. Poor mares. Maybe some contact with Ponyville will help in the long run. I partake only a little in what's offered to me. The wine is good, but tainted leaves, wines, grass, and most importantly Corrupted meat are something I avoid. Wait, how do they get Corrupted meat? As far as I know the dead ones melt instantly. My curiosity is sated when Bloodrage explains their weird blue potion protecting from taint keeps Corrupted bodies from losing shape. Sadly, she refuses to tell me more about the zebra secret recipe. In the afternoon, the amazons are in a roused mood for an expedition, and half of them leave for Ponyville while the rest accompanies me towards Pine Hills. The whispering inside my head gets louder. My tactical vision -hey, a new cool name- shows Corrupted closing in on us. "Four Corrupted Hunters sneaking from the left." The six amazons are as big as Protectors, but I don't have too much faith in their spears and strength. They simply exchange glances, then one mare uncorks a small water bag made from Corrupted skin and pours the liquid over her neck and backside. Immediately, my nostrils flare, heart starts beating, and my cheeks turn red. Some kind of aphrodisiac for Corrupted and tainted ponies? That seems like overkill. "I will return with a new daughter inside me, sisters," she takes a swig of the blue potion and runs off in the direction of the Hunters. Several seconds later my headache is gone along with the Corrupted leaving us be and blindly following the baiting amazon. An hour or so later, Bloodrage stops me and the group. "The forbidden town is close. We will not venture deeper," she picks me up by my armpits and gives me an appraising look, "Your mating lacked power and fire. You are tiny and fragile. But you possess courage beyond any of us." Yeah, courage... that's totally what it is. "I-gblblgr!" I choke as her lips press against mine and her tongue claims my mouth despite all my shocked resistance. "Farewell," she puts me down. "Thanks for-bblrhghrl!" and another amazon that didn't even introduce herself is giving me free dental check-up. "Hey!" Bloodrage protests, and I'm released. "What? I deserve a taste as well," the amazon smacks her lips, "Fresh apples. Delicious. Small and supple. Like kissing a younger sister." I'm not sure how to feel about that. "Uhh, thanks?" I'm finally allowed to finish a sentence. "No, I thank you," Bloodrage gives a little bow, "We were alone for far too long, and we are different from our ancestors both in body and mind. Finding a place with you tiny ones will be a new challenge." "I have no doubt they will greet you kindly, and will enjoy your company. Plus, there are tons of ponies whom you'd consider more stallion-like than me." "We shall see." They all turn and leave at the wave of Bloodrage's hoof. I watch their massive plots disappear in the wall of trees, enjoying what might be my last nice memory. Unfortunately, being hypnotized by enormous toned flanks is not going to get me further. Checking my compass one more time for the direction east, I grit my teeth and walk through what might have been a road once, but is now just an overgrown alley. The forest slowly grows thinner, and strange trees sticking from the ground in weird angles greet me. Pine Hills used to be surrounded by a wooden palisade. Guess it's been long enough for the remains of the wooden walls to return to their natural state. Behind the shifty growth, I can see piles of stones and shattered structures. Guiding Light is somewhere in this place, and if Mana Burn and the amazons were right, she's been killing every intruder that set hoof inside here for the past century.