//------------------------------// // Ch. 23; A Big Step // Story: Star Wars: A Second Chance // by Dorath //------------------------------// “Twilight, would you stop pacing already!” Spike looked up from the comic in his claws to glare grumpily at his mother/big sister figure, “Revan will be here in twenty minutes, just like she’s supposed to be, and if you mess up that dress Rarity made you, she’s going to be very annoyed with you.” “But what if something goes wrong?” Twilight asked anxiously as she turned to face the young dragon, “We’re already violating the guidelines listed in the books I studied by having Revan pick me up when I asked her out! What if I do something to mess everything up? What if I say the wrong thing and Revan winds up hating me? What if --” “Stop and breathe, Twilight, you’re hyperventilating again,” Spike got up from his couch to walk over to the unicorn and give her a reassuring pat on the shoulder as she began her breathing exercises, “You’re having your very first date, and it’s with an alien, I kind of doubt those books will be of much use anyway. And Revan hating you? Not going to happen.” Having regained her composure, for the moment, Twilight affectionately rubbed the dragon’s frill, “Thanks, Spike, it’s just … I want everything to be perfect.” “Not working yourself into a freak-out would be a good start,” Spike gave her shoulder another pat, and then ambled back to his comics while Twilight settled anxiously onto a couch. ‘What could be keeping Revan?’ the librarian wondered as she watched her clock tick by with glacial slowness, her nervousness mounting again until a knock at the door sent her starting to her hooves with a startled “Meep!” Trotting over to the door, Twilight opened it to find the twi’lek, looking rather nervous in her own dress, waiting on the stoop, “Hey, Twi’, I know I’m a bit early, I hope that’s …” Revan trailed off as she stared at the unicorn for a moment, “Wow. I know I see you naked all the time, but who knew what a difference some clothes could make.” “Well, fashion is Rarity’s thing,” Even though she knew from her books that the compliment was almost obligatory, Twilight still felt her cheeks warm as the Jedi continued to openly ogle her, and she couldn’t resist inquiring, “Do, do I really look all right?” “You look amazing.” “Thank you, you look very nice yourself,” the librarian replied with a shy smile, “Actually, that dress suits you.” Revan blushed slightly as she returned Twilight’s compliment with her usual crooked smile, “How does Rarity know what works on a biped anyway?” “She has her ways,” Twilight answered with a bemused shrug, before she turned her attention back to her date, “Wait, where is your lightsaber?” It was now Revan’s turn to shrug, albeit with forced nonchalance, “My saber and my virbodagger are both locked up aboard the ‘Wraith.” “I thought not being under arms made you uncomfortable?” the librarian observed, with a slight frown. The Jedi’s smile became a bit more strained, “It does, but tonight is about being with you, it’s about doing things right. If that means that I’m a bit on edge, then I’ll just have to deal with it,” Revan gave a shake of her head as her smile brightened again, “Besides, can you imagine what Rarity would do to me if she saw me slapping my weapons belt on over one of her dresses?” Twilight giggled as she imagined their friend’s reaction to such a ‘crime against fashion’, complete with hoof-to-forehead swooning and grandiose exclamations of sartorial anguish, “Well, I guess we should be off. Bye, Spike, have a good night reading!” The two started out the library’s door, only to be brought up short by a firm voice from inside, “Just one moment there, young ladies.” Looking back, the pair found Spike walking towards them with his claws clasped behind his back and an almost comically serious expression on his face as he turned towards Revan, “What time will you have Twilight back by?” “Spike!” Twilight protested, ‘Can you actually die from blushing?’ “I’m not a little filly! Besides I asked Revan out!” “And Revan is the more experienced of you two,” the dragon replied sternly, before turning back to the Jedi, “I want her back home no later than ten, and if you break Twilight’s heart, I’ll set you on fire.” “Spike!” the unicorn gasped in embarrassment, aghast at the words coming out of her Number One Assistant’s mouth. Revan, however, merely smiled at the little dragon as she dropped into a crouch and put her hand on his shoulder, “I’ll be the best gentleman that I know how, and treat her like the lady she is, I promise.” Spike looked the two of them over, and then gave a reluctant nod, “I’ll be holding you to that,” stepping forward, he gave the unicorn a quick hug, “Have a good time, Twilight.” “I’ll try, Spike,” Twilight smiled back at the dragon, as she turned around to join her date. ________________________________________ “I’m really sorry about what Spike said, Revan,” Twilight apologized, still a bit flustered by the dragon’s unusually belligerent behavior, “I don’t know what came over him.” “It’s alright, Twi’,” the twi’lek casually waved off the unicorn’s mortified apology with a grin, “He’s just trying to look out for you, besides, threatening the date like that is pretty much traditional, honestly, I was a bit impressed.” Seeing that Twilight still looked uncertain, she teasingly scratched the mare’s ear, “Don’t worry, you’ll understand when Spike starts dating, or once you have younglings of your own.” Revan smiled at Twilight as she leaned over to give the unicorn a gentle hip bump, “So what mischief is Spike going to be up to while we’re out?” “No mischief tonight,” Twilight replied as she gratefully returned the Jedi’s smile and leaned slightly into her fingers, “Spike and Princess Luna just exchanged a stack of comic books, so he’s going to be curled up with his new comics and a few gems all night.” The pair shared a laugh in the gathering spring evening, and then Revan turned to the unicorn, “So, my lady, what do you have planned for us tonight?” Twilight bit her lip as she nervously smoothed her mane with a hoof, “I understand that it’s a bit of a cliché, but I made us reservations for dinner, and then the Ponytones are putting on a performance in the town square tonight … Revan, are you okay?” “So adorable …” Revan blinked as she returned her attention to Twilight’s words, “That sounds lovely, Twi’, shall we be on our way?” ________________________________________ “Buona Fortuna, Twi’? You really went straight for the high class right out of the gate, didn’t you,” Revan glanced over at the unicorn as they waited to be seated, “You do realize that Rarity has been trying to get a reservation here for weeks? She’s going to be jealous,” the twi’lek added in a singsong voice as she grinned impishly at her date. Twilight’s response was interrupted by the maître d’s return, “Yes, signorina, may I help you?” “Good evening,” the unicorn smiled at the earth pony stallion, “I have a reservation for two under Twilight Sparkle.” “One moment … ah here we are, Baroness Twilight and her … personal escort,” the stallion’s eyebrow rose slightly as he glanced over at the Jedi, “Your table is right this way.” As they made their way through the restaurant, Twilight flushed slightly under the twi’lek’s amused smirk, “I didn’t mention my title, really I didn’t!” “I believe you, Twi’,” Revan laughingly assured the unicorn, “Actually, it’s nice to see you girls finally getting some recognition.” After the maître d led the pair to their table, the waitress lit the candle in its glass chimney, took their drink order and then discreetly withdrew, leaving them with a measure of privacy. “Did I go overboard with the restaurant?” Twilight couldn’t stop herself from asking as her nerves returned, “I know it’s much fancier than any place we’ve ever gone to with the other fillies, but all my books, and Rarity and Cadance, emphasized how I should strive to make a good impression for our first date ….” “It’s fine, Twi’, really,” Revan gave a light laugh as she laid a hand on the unicorn’s hoof, “Besides,” she added as her cheeks darkened slightly, “I like dressing up and looking good for you.” “You always look good,” Twilight earnestly assured the twi’lek, “It’s just you usually have more of a ‘roguish charm’ appeal, while tonight you’ve got a Rarity-style classy look.” Revan grinned playfully at the librarian as she ran her fingers down her scarred lek, “Why, Twilight Sparkle, are you flirting with me?” “That is what you’re supposed to do on a date,” Twilight gave Revan a timid smile, “Am I doing it properly?” “Well, it’s definitely working on me,” Revan purred back at her, “But maybe we should practice your technique some more ….” “Eherm,” the waitress cleared her throat as she placed the drinks on the table, “Are you ladies ready to order, or did you need some more time?” “Oh, I’m sorry!” Twilight flushed slightly at being caught exchanging even such relatively innocent intimacies, “I’ll have the lemon pepper pasta and the lily salad, please.” “The grilled pasta and garlic bread for me, please,” Revan passed the menus back to the waitress, “Thank you,” as the pony withdrew, Revan turned back to beam at her date, “Now, where were we?” “Well,” Twilight mused, “All my reference materials say that the first date is important for a potential couple to learn about each other ….” “I think we’ve already handle that part over the last, oh, eighteen months, don’t you?” the Jedi replied as a slight look of disappointment flashed briefly across her features, “But I guess we could catch-up on what’s happened lately.” “Yes, about that,” the unicorn looked away in embarrassment, “I may have gotten too wrapped up in an assignment from Celestia and given Spike my blessing to spend the rest of his life in service to Applejack when I wasn’t fully paying attention ….” “What?” Revan blinked at Twilight, then her lips curled in an amused smirk, “Oh this should be a good story.” ________________________________________ “… and then the giant timberwolf choked and collapsed.” “Are you shi—messing with me? The little guy took down a mega-sized timberwolf with a thrown pebble?” Revan burst into laughter, “So, are things good between AJ and Spike now?” “Oh, yes,” Twilight took a sip from her glass as she smiled at her friend across their empty plates, “With them having saved each other’s lives, the life debts were canceled out, so they both agreed to go back to the Apple code of ‘that’s what friends do’.” “So … dragon code of honor, huh?” Revan ran a heel of garlic bread over her plate, then offered it to the unicorn who took it with a small smile, “Anything else in this ‘dragon code’ I should be on the lookout for?” Twilight giggled as she shook her head, “Nothing particularly comes to mind, mostly it’s just guidelines Spike uses to be a good dragon,” she looked at the Jedi curiously, “Are life debts a concern out in the Republic?” “Not really, the wookies are pretty well known for their life debts, but they’re the only race I’ve heard of that practices it,” Revan gave a slight shrug, “It’s a big galaxy, though, so I’d give good odds that somewhere out there is another culture or race that does it as well.” “True,” Twilight agreed, her eyes going distant as her thoughts turned momentarily to the unknown wonders that waited for ponykind out in space, “It does seem probable,” she glanced over at the clock and gave a slight gasp, “Oh my, is that the time already? We need to get going or we’ll be late for the concert!” ________________________________________ Twilight and Revan waved to Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie as they left the town square and began the trip back to Golden Oaks, “‘Shy was really into the music tonight,” the twi’lek observed with a chuckle, “I didn’t realize she was such a fan.” “Mhmm.” Noticing Twilight’s distracted response, Revan turned to look at her date with concern as they continued along, “Is something wrong, Twi’? You’ve got that look again.” “Look?” the unicorn dissembled, “What look?” “Your ‘something is troubling me, but I don’t know if I should bring it up look’,” Revan gave the librarian an encouraging smile as she reached over to take Twilight’s hoof in her hand, “Tell me.” Twilight shifted uneasily, “It’s silly,” she protested, “And it’s not really my business ….” “So ask me anyway,” Revan gave the mare’s hoof a small squeeze, “I won’t get mad if it comes out wrong, and if something is bothering you, I want to deal with it.” “Alright,” Twilight took a deep breath, and then rushed her words out before her nervousness could stop them in her throat, “I know that you and Cloud Kicker have a relationship, and I was anxious about what that means for you and me.” “Ah,” the Jedi smiled at Twilight as she continued to hold the unicorn’s hoof, “Actually, you have every right to wonder about what me and Cloudy being bang buddies might mean for us,” Revan gave the hoof in her hand another squeeze, “We’re still good friends, but that’s all we are now.” “Really?” Twilight blinked as she felt a knot she hadn’t even known was there loosen in her chest, “Why? Oh, that sounded so rude, I meant you and Cloud seemed very happy with your companionship, and I don’t want to disrupt an already existing relationship ….” “What me and Cloudy had together was great, but she understands I’m with you now,” Revan’s smile turned bashful as she stared into the mare’s eyes, “Wherever this goes, I’m in it with you, Twi’, and no one else.” The Jedi’s grin resumed its usual cocky tilt as she continued, “I may enjoy the view, but that’s all I’ll be doing unless I have your permission … and your active participation.” “Revan!” Twilight’s cheeks burst into flames as she chided her date, ‘I really may die from blushing!’ “I’m serious,” Revan assured her, “Cloudy has already extended a standing invitation to the two of us.” “W-what?!” the unicorn stammered as she began to hyperventilate, “Why would she -- when did -- meep!” “Easy, Twi,” Revan reached up to stroke the librarian’s back as she tried to calm her date down, “Yeah, I warned Cloudy that ship might be awhile, if ever, in making dock.” Twilight shook her head, “I-I don’t think I’m ready for something like that, I’m not sure I’ll ever be ready for … that.” “I’m sorry, Twilight,” Revan sighed as her face fell, “I didn’t mean to upset you or ruin our night ….” “It’s alright,” Twilight assured the Jedi as she raised her hoof to gently bop Revan’s nose, giggling as the twi’lek’s eyes crossed, “I asked, after all.” “But only after I pushed you,” Revan argued, “I wanted to help, but instead I just freaked you out and made everything all awkward.” Twilight sighed, and then smiled wryly at her friend, “Fine, the both of us were at fault,” she giggled again as she nuzzled the twi’lek, “And you did help, truly, it made me very happy when you said that you were mine, is that selfish of me?” Revan smiled happily at Twilight, “Maybe a little, but I think you’re allowed to be a little selfish,” leaning down she whispered into the unicorn’s twitching ear, “You want to know a secret? Saying that I was yours made me very happy, too.” The two continued to smile somewhat foolishly at each other as they made their way to the library, ‘Poor Spike,’ Twilight thought in amusement as she took in the dark windows, ‘I guess he just couldn’t stay up until I came home.’ “This was really nice,” she said, blushing yet again as her voice broke into a squeak, “I mean, it was completely awkward at times, but still … I enjoyed it, did-did you?” “I had a lovely evening, Twi’, thank you,” Revan replied as she smiled gently at the librarian, and then leaned closer with her lips pursed. ‘Oh my gosh, she’s going to kiss me, really kiss me!’ the thought sang happily through Twilight’s head as she closed her eyes and slowly leaned forward to meet Revan’s lips. After a long moment, Twilight slowly, reluctantly, broke the kiss, “I really do need to get to bed, I’m afraid.” “Yeah, I should grab some sack time as well,” Revan admitted as she smiled at the unicorn, “Would you like to go out again next Saturday? Hopefully have a little less awkward?” “I’d like that.” The twi’lek reached out a hand to run her fingers down the mare’s cheek, “Sleep well, Twi’.” “Good night, Revan, pleasant dreams.”