//------------------------------// // 4. Answering Questions, and A New Place To Call Home // Story: Spider in Equestria // by DarkSpider //------------------------------// We were all walking down the halls to the dining room. Twilight in front leading the way, Rainbow behind me, no doubt to keep an eye on me, and Fluttershy a few feet behind, most likely because she was still afraid of me. Not that I blame her. She might be able to stand up to a dragon and a cockatrice when her friends were in danger, but 95% of the time, she's probably the most timid thing there is. Now, some may be wondering how the heck I know about these girls if this is my first time meeting them. If you are, it's obvious. I'm a brony. I've seen just about every episode and all the EqG movies. I even downloaded a few videos of bronies like Silver Quill on my laptop in case I'm away from internet. Come to think of it, I still need to get my stuff back from them. No doubt they'll be hesitant on giving me back my sword, but I should at least get my bag back. We soon made it to the dining room and saw the whole table filled to the brim with sweets from cookies to cakes. Pinkie was jumping around, humming some song to herself. We all sat down and picked up some sweets. I quickly grabbed a bunch of chocolate chip cookies, and looked at all of them. “Okay. No doubt you all got a bunch of questions for me, and I have a few myself. But just know this: just because I'm willing to answer some things, doesn't mean I have to answer all of them.” “Why not?” Rainbow asked, annoyed. “Hey, I don't have to tell you anything, but I will. And If you want to find out more, you'll have to gain my trust, because there's no way I'm letting you know everything about me just because you ask,” I said, before lifting my mask up to just below my nose and ate a cookie. “Okay,” Twilight said, with her hand on Dash’s shoulder. “First off what exactly are you? You said you had spider DNA, so are you part spider?” I finished the cookie, then said, “To answer the second question, I'm not actually part spider, just have trace bits of spider DNA in me that gives me powers, like the whole web shooting thing.” “What else can you do?” I thought about that for a second. I didn't want them to know about my spider-sense, at least not yet. Not a good idea telling someone who doesn't trust you, and is either faster than you, or can lift you up and smash you to a wall, that you have something that not only acts as a way of detecting danger, but can be used to know where just about everything in a general area is. Everything else though, seemed okay. “Well first off, I'm much stronger, faster, can jump higher, and have faster reflexes than the average person, and I could stick to just about any surface easily. You'll be more likely to blow up the moon than pull me out of something I'm stuck to.” “Okay, and how strong are your webs?” “Strong enough to hold up falling debris, and with enough, able to stop a speeding train.” “Hmm. No wonder you were able to hold your own against a pack of timberwolves. Though, I've never heard of anypony with any of those abilities.” “Of course not. I'm not a pony. I'm a human.” That made them all stop. Well, except Pinkie, who just kept chowing down on her cake. “A human? That's not possible. Humans don't exist in Equestria.” “Well I do, so I guess you're wrong.” “But how? Any human who comes to Equestria turns into a pony. And you couldn't have came through the portal because I believe I'd notice something.” “Like I said earlier, I don't know how I got here. I was in a convention, got knocked out, and woke up in that forest.” Rainbow narrowed her eyes. “If you're a human, prove it.” That actually surprised me. “How? You all look similar to humans, so how can you tell the difference?” Pinkie immediately raised her hand. “Ooo! You can take off your mask. If what Twilight said is true, humans don't have fur, so if you don't, that might prove it.” I thought about it and figured why not? Not like I'll be able to blend in with a crowd anyway, so who cares? “Okay then.” I just took off my mask and showed them my face. “Believe me now?” I asked, before eating another cookie. God, these things can rival my mom’s. Twilight seemed to be at a lost for words, while Rainbow looked shocked. Pinkie was, well, still eating and Fluttershy just stayed quiet. Then, Rainbow leaned closer to Twilight and asked, “So is he a human, Twi?” Twilight just nodded her head, still trying to figure out what to say. I decided to hurry things along and said, “So, any more questions?” Fluttershy was actually the one who asked the next one, “Um, what do humans eat? If you don't mind me asking.” “Simple. Humans are omnivores, meaning we eat both plants and meats, though I don't usually eat meat. I mostly stick to other things. Though we can't eat flowers or hay.” Rainbow then looked at me with a frown. “You eat meat?” “Just because I eat meat, doesn't mean I'll eat a pony. I already told you, I don't eat ponies, or anything that can actually think for itself. And I'm not going to kill animals just for a snack. I rather not kill anything that's innocent.” “So you WOULD kill something?” I hesitated on that for a second, then, lowering my head, I said, “If I have to.” That definitely darkened the mood. I just put back on my mask, leaving my mouth free, grabbed a few more cookies, and ate them quietly for a few minutes. Then, I decided to ask a few questions of my own. “Okay, my turn. First, where did you put my stuff? Second, can I please get them back? Third, what's the most recent event worth mentioning? And finally, where the hell did you learn to make these cookies?” I said that last one looking at the party pony. Pinkie just giggled and said, “Mrs. Cake taught me a few recipes. I'm glad you like them.” “Understatement,” I said under my breath. Twilight then chose now to finally fix herself after finding out I was a human. I mean, sure it'll be surprising, but why would it take this long to come to an understanding? Not like I'm the weirdest thing she's ever seen, what with being friends with Discord and Pinkie. Anyway, after she composed herself, she said, “ Your items are safe in my room. Though whether or not you can get them back is yet to be seen. As for your third question, what do you mean?” Knew they wouldn’t give me back my stuff just like that. “I mean, what is the latest thing that's worth mentioning, like, say, you became an aunt, or you traveled through time, or were frame for a crime you didn't commit, or you opened up a shop somewhere important.” Wow, Tito. Very subtle. Come to think of it, I wonder if I show up in Manehatten, that Jameson pony would see me as a menace. Well, that's something I should check out one day. Once again, it was Pinkie that answered. “Oh, me and Rarity went to Manehatten the other day to see my sister Maud and for Rarity to find a shop to have there.” Huh, so A Gift For Maud Pie is the most recent episode? Interesting. I wonder if the other episodes will happen in the future. Well, gotta wait to see if that's the case. I believe On Your Marks was the one after it. So that means- “You know,” Rainbow said, “that's weirdly specific what you said.” Aw crap “What do you mean?” I asked, thankful I had a mask covering my eyes. “I mean, what you said happened to me and my friends one point or another. It's like you knew about it.” Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. I can't let them know they're part of a show back home. That'll raise WAY too many questions that I don't want to answer “Well, it seems like a proper set of events that could happen to some people.” Rainbow just frowned at me, clearly not believing me whatsoever. Sheesh. Wonder how long it'll take for her to at least trust me. Probably a while. Pinkie luckily rose her hand again, changing the subject. “What's your favorite flavor of cake and ice cream?” Now, if anyone else, pony or otherwise, that I just met asked me that, I'd stare at them wondering why they'd care about such a random question. But since this is Pinkie Pie, I'd decided to answer her truthfully. “Vanilla cake and cookies and cream ice cream. Gotta love. Oh,” I picked up another cookie, “and chocolate chip cookies. Can never have too many of those. Though, why do you ask?” I said, then started eating the cookie. Pinkie smiled and said, “Why, for your ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ party of course.” I immediately started choking on my cookie and grabbed a cup of milk and drain it down to help. Then I turned to Pinkie. “My what?” “Your ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ party, silly. I throw one for everypony who comes here to Ponyville.” I just shook my head. “I don't think that'll be necessary Pinkie.” Pinkie actually frowned when I said that. “But why? Everypony loves my parties.” It made me sad seeing her like that. I put my mask back down and said, “Well it's not like I have a place to stay. Heck, I was just going to find a high enough tree and sleep on it.” “Well,” Twilight said, “you can stay here with me and the others. It'll be nice to have one more person here, and that way you have a place to stay.” Rainbow stared in shock at Twilight, I stared at her for a moment, knowing there was something up. “What's the catch?” “Huh?” “Not that I don't trust you, somewhat, but I doubt you'll let some random guy, who you just met, and has the ability to harm you, stay in your large castle, where there are no guards, with you and a few of your friends just cause. So tell me. What's the catch?” Rainbow looked like she wanted to throttle me then and there, but Twilight sighed. “Fine. If you want to know, it's so I can keep an eye on you. You're right, with your abilities, you can harm anypony, but you promised to not do that. Also, you said that if we gain your trust, you'll tell us more. Not only that, but you're in need of help, and what better way to do all that than to be your friend and let you stay here?” Friend? She actually wants- I shook that thought away. “Why tell me this? You could've just pretend it was nothing, lie, or just not say anything. Why tell me any of that?” Twilight just smiled and said, “Friends don't keep secrets from each other. So, will you stay?” That statement left me shocked. After a minute of thinking, I decided to just give in. “Okay. I guess I'll stay here.” Twilight smiled at that, while Rainbow just stared at the two of us in shock. Before anything else happened though, I heard something. “Twilight. Spike and I just got back with groceries and…” said a female voice that came from the direction of the door. Turning, I noticed 2 more creatures. One was a unicorn mare with a sort of purple-ish pink fur, a curled mane that, along with her tail, was purple, but had a cyan streak on it. Her eyes were purple, and her mark was a 4-pointed star with a strange mist by it. Next to her was a small dragon, about up to her thigh, with purple scales, green underbelly and spines, and green eyes. “Um, Twilight,” Starlight Glimmer said, staring at me, “who's that?” “Spike, Starlight, I like you to meet Dark. He'll be staying with us from now on.”