//------------------------------// // [Bioshock: Equestria] Freewrite // Story: Chapter: 13 // by Chapter 13 //------------------------------// The ground shakes with each step I take. The clanking of metal against metal, squeaking of rubber, and hard thunks with each of my step echo through the hall. A large brass plate lay strapped to my back, bumping against the metal of my suit with each step. I scan the area around me through the small porthole of my helmet. The hallway is the same as all the other’s in the city: old and decrepit. The once lush carpet is now nothing more than a waterlogged mold-colony. The walls share much the same fate, sludge and other buildup coating the once perfect apearence. A good layer of water coats the ground—my suited hooves sloshing and spraying it around with each step. I spot where I am needed. One of the brass walls has a large crack down the center, slowly leaking water. It's a slow leak, but it wouldn't be for much longer. I approach the affected area and remove the large brass panel from my back. I look over the area, then shake my head. It’s too late for a simple weld; the patch was definitely needed. I rear up on my hind hooves, steam hissing from them as the four-prong claws jut out and dig into the ground, steadying me. I shift a little bit, making sure I’m stable, then lift the large plate up and aline it. It takes some fiddling, but I eventually get it in place. A loud metallic hiss erupts from my hoof, followed by the clank of the rotating brass. I rear back my hoof, then slam it down into the plate. Metal screams as a rivet is forced in place, followed shortly by another hiss of steam and another clank. This rhythm continues—scream of metal, hiss of steam, clank of metal—until water stops seeping from the once split metal wall. I run my other hoove over the now bolted sheet of metal. It's hard to discern touch through the thin rubber and metal boot of my suit, but I'm compelled to do so regardless. I nod at my handy work. Leak repaired. I turn and fall onto all four hooves. Filth and grime filled water sprays around me as I land in a puddle, some of it landing on the porthole of my helmet. I'm momentarily blinded. I let out a low grown, not much different than a fog horn. It was the only sound I could make. I fall onto my flank. With my non-tooled hoof, I reach up and wipe the grime from my vision. It take a few attempts, as my booted hoof isn't much cleaner, but my vision once again returns. I let out another low groan, this one more of a sigh. I look down and note my tooled hoof. The attachment was much like an impact hammer. A revolving chamber of rivets ran around the circumference of my hoof, while the hammering mechanism was located further up. I gave the chamber a quick spin. Only three left, I note. I reach into my rubber saddlebag and pull out five more rivets and slowly reload them into the chamber. I let out a groan of satisfaction, then slowly lift myself back into my hooves. The metal parts of my suit shift and clank, the claws on my hind hooves retracting back in place. I briefly look around, making sure there is no residual damage from my repair. In my search, something catches my attention. Something shiny glinting from within a pile of rotten wood. I stomp over to the pile and roughly throw aside the debris. I tilt my head. Underneath the pile was a small locket of tarnished silver. I pick it up with my cumbersome boot. For my size, I was surprisingly dexterous. I try to open the locket, but fail. This time, my suited hooves prevent me from undoing the latch. I let out a low groan of frustration. I reach back and put the locket into my saddlebags. I would try again later. I let out another groan. I’m frustrated, but I cannot ignore anything below a priority three. This was a priority one. I turn on my hooves and proceed to the designated area. My hooves clank and splash against the waterlogged floor. The route to Section 12A takes me out of the inner heart of the tower I was currently in and towards the outside. Strict brass gives way to thick clear glass. Even now, after all these years, I still can’t help but stare. [Describe: Ponified Rapture] I shake my helmeted head, the continue along the glass wall and towards my require position. After twisting and turning down a few more hallways, I make it to my destination. Section 12A was the main area of this sections residential area. On either side of me, four storie of once pristine residential buildings lay ghosts of their former glory. Between this is a small common area, once a home for families and the like to socialize. Now, it was noman’s land, as evident by the few bloated bodies floating in the thin layer of water. There was always so much water. I check around the area, but am surprised to find no sign of a hull breach. If there was one, the entire area would have been flooded by now. I double check the area before stomping towards the closest security station. [Interface with the station.] I shake my head. Some sort of error. I reset the system, hoping that it’ll fix the issue. Something hard bangs against the side of my helmet.