My Faithful Student

by FadFreaky

Chapter 9

--Luna POV--

Canterlot castle is quiet, the hallways are empty aside the rigid guards, and the gardens are empty aside some small statuettes. Everything is perfectly silent, and it is a perfect time for reading, relaxing, and having a lazy day. With Celestia out everything is absolutely-

“Booorrringggg.” I groan out with a flat undertone as I rest on my bed.

“Why does sister get to have fun outside as a punishment of all things while we're still stuck in here slowly fading into total and absolute boredom…” We said to nopony in particular as we pace around our bedroom, following the ball that sister got us.

“Father won't even allow us to help with Celestia’s project! Why won't he allow us to assist at the very least.” She says to her doll with a pout

“We could be helpful too! That's it! We shall go talk to him. Thanks for listening” Hugging my little doll mother got me for my birthday a few years ago, I rush out of the room after placing him on his perch in my bookshelf safe from all prying eyes. I go to my father’s study, where he should be at this moment. Sadly I find it empty aside a maid cleaning it.

“Uh have thou seen my father anywhere servant?” Asking with a smile on my face, knowing how easily we can manipulate a servant.

The servant caves easy, more likely due to the simple question than the cute filly. “Yes, he is in his room right now Princess.” Smiling and turning around I give a small thanks before running off again.

I trot up to the large door and knock waiting for the pony inside to hear me as I fiddle with my mane. I prepare a small pounce and as the door opens it reveals... Mother. Of courseeee. I groan a little bit. It's not that I don't love my mother, it's just that we don't see eye to eye on things very often, namely the great pie debate of 110.

“Hello, sweetie.” Mother smiles warmly and sweetly at me. I can't help but smile in return. She has an aura of love and comfort that nopony else has. I give her a tight hug.

“Hello mother. Is father around?” I ask, as I don't see him in his room. Making a mental note to put a dead fish in that maid’s bed later today.

“No, you just missed him sweetie. He went out to check on some commotion between some of the new nobles.” She picks me up and nuzzles my cheek, hugging me.

“New nobles? Oh okay. We just wanted to ask father if he would allow us to assist our sister…? Possibly?” I ask her, trying to play the adorable card. It doesn't work as she just holds me tight in a hug.

“No, allow your sister to do this Luna. She needs to grow up sooner rather than later. You know your father and I cannot lead this nation forever.” She levitates a brush over and brushes through my mane with it.

“We know but that's still a long time away… Besides, I'm getting a little lonely.” We say sadly, ever since Twilight showed up Celestia has been really busy.  Although that doesn't mean we haven't had the chance to join them once or twice on their outings. Not that mommy or daddy know that.

“Well how about thou spend the day with your parents today and thennnn we can send you with the books Celestia and Twilight requested. And if thou so happened to stay with them and not come back until late at night, well we couldn't do anything about that.” She grins. We love this mare. We hug her tight

“Thank you mommmaaaa!” We say with a squee as she nuzzles me.

“Anything for you my sweetie.” She says with a smile. Mother and I don't usually get along too often, but she still knows how to raise our spirits.

After a small chat, we settle on finding daddy first before we figure out what we’re going to do today. It takes a short search, but we eventually find him in the gardens tending to his favorite flowers no nobles in sight as they have probably left. A nice large patch of the gardens was set aside for him to use for his own flowers. Our little patch is empty and sister has the center of the hedge maze. Lucky her…

My mother’s patch is still a bit destroyed from the results of our last argument… Whoops.

Ignoring that, my mother speaks up. “Eclipse, we think it's high time we spend some quality time with our daughter. It's been a bit too long. Don't you think?”

My mom gives me a quick nuzzle as she talks. My dad continues his gardening for a short moment before standing up. “Sounds lovely. You two can have fun. We have plenty of work to continue at this moment.” My mom proceeds to frown and grab him by the ear.

“Work later dear. Right now we have reservations at a restaurant in town. And we refuse to be late to our daughters first outing outside the walls.”

Whoops I think to myself. I just smile brightly

“Fine. Taxes can wait we suppose.” He says expecting mom to actually react to that ‘Threat’

“We are sure the ponies will be very thankful in that case. Come, let’s go.” The surprised stallion walks next to momma and we leave out. The gates are actually opening for us! We can't help but let out a squeal in happiness as we trot out of the gates. For once there was actually some wind to explain how my mom and dad’s mane do that wavyyyy thing and we finally get to see what the town proper looks like! My saddle bags are hoofed to me by my mom, one side with the books I'll be ‘delivering’  and the other side with a snack and some gold pieces.

‘Finally, a day for just us, no Celestia in sight.’

I hug my mom and dad and we leave to go out into the town for the first time as a family.

Little did I know that it would also be the last.