Chapter: 13

by Chapter 13

[Reconnection] Part: 1-3

Part: 1

The sound of my glass slamming onto the solid oak counter filled the ambient noise of bar. "Barkeep, I need another!!!" I mumbled loudly, trying to get the attention of the bartender.

The bartender, who was cleaning a glass farther down the solid oak bar top, sighed as he put the glass with the others on the large rack behind the bar. His horn ignited, and a large, half empty glass of fine, fine whisky floated up in his telekinetic grip. He trotted over to source of the outburst, me, with the bottle in tow. It only took a second for him to make it over towards me, and quickly filled my glass with the sweet amber liquid.

The bartender was an average sized unicorn buck with a black coat and a light grey mane. The bartender sighed, once again, before speaking, "Neon... Look, don't take this the wrong way, but I think you've had enough…"

I groaned, moving my gaze from the counter to the bartender in front of me. I was was a well built grey-blue unicorn stallion with a dark grey mane. I wore a black, colored dress shirt, with a white tie—my black fedora with a white trim sat on the counter only inches away. "Glass, I know when I've had enough, an' I ain't had it yet," I muttered; more annoyed than angry. Don't tell me what to do...

The bartender, Shot Glass, bit his lip, seeming to take great thought in what he wanted to say. After a moment, the black unicorn spoke. "Listen... Me and you go way back, and you know as well as I do that you're an angry drunk..." The stallion paused, wiping a bead of sweat from his brow with a hoof. "And we both also know that you aren't the most...stable, when angry..."

Glass looked nervously at me, fearing my response. I returned the gaze, only mine was unreadable, even for the well versed bartender. After several tense moments, I sighed, pushing my half finished glass of hooch towards the buck, which made the bartender relax considerably.

"You're probably right," I said, shaking my head, before returning my gaze to the stallion. He looked considerably less nervous than before, but I could still see how tense he was. I leaned forwards slightly, putting a hoof onto his shoulder. The buck tensed more, but didn't move. I frowned. Shit. "Glass, stop that," I began, removing my hoof from the stallion's shoulder. "I'm not gonna whack you, you know that?" I hated it when Joe's shied away from me, usually out of fear.

The stallion sighed, leaning onto the bar top. "Yeah, I dig," he began. "But I also know you, the real you, so you can't knock me for being a little edgy."

I chuckled, knowing all too well where he was coming from. "Yeah, I guess I can't."

The sound of more patrons entering the bar caught Shot Glass's attention. "Well, duty calls," he said, turning towards the few ponies who had just entered. He gave me a nod, before dumping my glass into the the sink behind him, and walking towards to other customers.

I looked my glass in the sink, before shaking my head. I sat up from my barstool, sliding off and onto the hardwood floor beneath. My hooves made a soft "thud" as they made contact. I turned, grabbing my black fedora from the counter, put it on my head, then walking toward the exit...

Shot Glass’s uneasy form returned as he started at the patrons in front of him. There were three of them in total, all being earth-pony bucks, and all wearing red Blazers. The bartender rubbed the back of his head with a hoof as he spoke. "H-hello, gentlemen... Can I get you anything?"

The middle buck who, along with his blazer, wore a red fedora that matched his blazer. He chuckled slightly, the other soon following his example. The middle buck, who seemed to be the leader of the bunch, spoke.

"Hehe, you know what we want, Glass. Just give us your 'rent' you owe us and we'll be on our way."

Glass began to sweat even more, now, but he tried to put on a confident composure. "! I will not continue to pay you for 'rent'! I worked my ass of to buy this bar, and I don't see why I should have to pay you!"

The middle buck was taken back by the bartender's response, but quickly regained his composure. "Very well, then... Boys?" He nodded to the two bucks besides him. "Please, remind this misunderstood stallion why he has to pay us."

Both stallions nodded in response. One walked up to a nearby table, before turning around and bucking the table, sending it flying. The table slammed into the wall, cracking and creating a large hole in the wall where it struck.

Glass shouted, trying to jump over the counter to stop the buck, but was stopped when the leader of the trio pinned him against the counter.

"You ain't going no where. You're gonna watch as my boys wreck you precious ba-" he was cut-off as his muzzle was suddenly slammed into the counter, a loud "crack!" followed by a scream of pain filled the air, which made the other ponies in the blazer's stop their destruction...

I stood over the leader of the group, balanced on my hind hooves with one of my front hooves on the counter of the bar and the other continuing to press the buck's muzzle into the counter. Think you're hot shit now, fink?! I thought as I removed my hoof, letting the buck recoil and fall onto the floor, holding his broken nose as it gushed blood.

The other two bucks stared in shock for a moment, looking at their bleeding leader, who had managed to hold back the pain long enough to scream, "Are you just gonna stand there, or are you gonna get him?!"

The bucks shook themselves out of their shock, and began to charge at me. I jumped down off of the counter, waiting for the first buck to come closer. Come on, come to Daddy Neon...

As he got a few feet from me, the buck lashed out with a hoof, aiming for my muzzle. Before he could make contact, I twisted in one fluid movement on my back hooves, making his hoof fly over my right shoulder. I lifted my front hooves up, wrapping around the buck's outstretched hoof, and pulled forward, flipping the buck over my shoulder, sending him flying into a table farther down the bar.

I instantly turned around as I hear the other buck approaching. He, instead of going for a punch like the other, decided to simply ran into me. I didn't react fast enough as he threw himself forwards, slamming his shoulder into my chest. I slid back, pain flaring from from where the buck had made contact. He continued to slide me back until I slammed me into a wall, causing more pain to flare up. Fuck, that hurt! I thought as the buck reeled a hoof back, intending on striking. He didn't get the chance as I slammed my head into his, momentarily stunning him long enough for me to push off of the wall I was press against, tackling the buck in front of me. He slammed into the ground, my hooves slamming into his chest. His eyes seemed to go wide as my blow knocked the wind out of him. I quickly took the time to slam a hoof into his face, striking true. The force of my punch causing him to black out.

I stood up, grabbing my fedora--which had flown off my head when I head butted the buck--and levitated it onto my head. I turned and looked into the large mirror that ran along the side of the wall opposite the bar, straightened my hat, making sure it had the perfect slant. I had figured out a while ago that something simple as the angle of a hat could cause it to me that much more intimidating.

Satisfied, I turned back towards the bar, stepping over the unconscious buck as I made my way towards the leader of the group, who was still on the ground, holding his broken nose. His eyes went wide as he noticed me approaching.

"B-back off!!" he stammered, using the his back hooves and his one front hoof that wasn't holding his nose to slide himself back, away from me.

I stopped a few feet in front of him, looking into his eyes with my emotionless stare. "I think it'd be in your best interest to leave, and not come back, dig?"

The buck nodded frantically, getting onto his hooves and running out of the exit. The buck I'd thrown had gone and put his unconscious friend on his back, and carried him out of the bar.

I let out a sigh, shaking my head, before trotting over to the counter. Looking behind it, I saw the shaking form of Shot Glass. I jumped over the counter, landing next to my friend. He looked up, and smiled when he noticed it was me. I offered him a hoof, which he accepted, and I helped him to his feet.

The Bartender dusted off his coat, before turning to face me. "Man, I owe you big."

I shrugged. "Nah, you don't owe me anything, Glass. You're my friend, and I like this bar, so leaving it to get trashed didn't seem like a good idea." I usually didn't like getting into confrontations when I wasn't working, but today was an exception. I wasn't gonna just stand back and let those idiots mess with my friend's bar, especially since I was beginning to favor said bar.

Glass looked around, and so did I. The damage from the fight wasn't overly bad. A few tables were broken, and there was a decent sized hole in one of the walls where the table had hit, but other then that, it was mostly intact. He shook his head in a friendly smile. "Because of you, I'm pretty sure those bums won't be coming back and the damaged they caused is far less than if you didn't step in. In short: you saved my a shit ton of bits. The least I can do is give you a free drink every once and a while."

I chuckled, realizing that the buck wasn't going to back down. "Fine."

He smiled in return, giving me a pat on the back. "That'a boy. Now, I don't mean to be rude, but I got some cleaning to do," he said, pushing my toward the door. "Come back tomorrow for your free drink!" He said, pushing me out the door before locking it behind him.

I chuckled at my friend's antics. I hadn't seen him in a long time, tonight being the first time I'd seen him in years, actually. The usual bar I went to got busted by the cops not too long ago, and I hadn't even known that he owned this bar until I'd walked in earlier that day.

I smiled slightly to myself as I walked up the stairs and to the actual front door to the bar. Opening the door with a hoof, I trotted outside. I was greeted by the ever-so-cheery sight of the dark clouds above the grand city of Chicacolt. I wasn't too afraid of rain, as the clouds that covered the cities skyline were almost always there, cloaking the dreary city in a shroud of black. I stepped away from the door to the speakeasy, my hooves making clopping sounds they made contact with the sidewalk.

I looked around. Same old skyscrapers, same old clouds, same old ponies, same old city, I thought to myself. The streets weren't overly crowded with ponies, but there were still quite a few walking about, going through their daily routines. It seemed so simple, so plain, so... boring. I rolled my eyes at my lack of chain of thought, and looked down at my watch. Twelve thirty-five... Well, better get on my way.

I merged with the flow of ponies as they walked along the sidewalk. The occasional chatter of conversation was the only other sound other than she shuffling of hooves and usual background of the city. I could hear sirens off in the distance, and chuckled to myself.

I continued to walk along with the herd until I made it to my destination: Bucky's Tower. Now, everyone knew Bucky, and Bucky knew everyone. He was in charge of the city, but not in the traditional government sense. No, he wasn't a mayor, governor, president, or anything like that. He was a king, the king, and everyone in the city belonged to him, even me.

I pushed through the large revolving door to the tower, entering into the main lobby. The lobby was something to behold. The ceiling was high, easily twenty feet or more off of the ground. White columns lines the walls. The walls were covered in many different painting, ranging from simple depiction of fruit, to masterpieces, hundreds of years old. The carpet was a plush read, and felt so soft under my hooves. On the opposite side of the lobby was a receptionist desk with a lightly blue mare with a bright orange mane. She had a cigaret in her mouth, taking occasional puffs as she typed up something on her typewriter. On either side of the desk were golden elevators, with a set of stairs next to the left one.

I trotted up to the receptionist, tapping my hoof a few times on the desk to get her attention. She turned to me, her face holding an unamused expression. "Do you have an appointment?" She asked in a nasally voice.

I shook my head. "Buck contacted me and said he wanted to meet. My name is Neon Light," I said, matter-of-factly.

The receptionist pushed a few papers around her desk, read one, then motioned towards the right elevator. "Yes, the boss is expecting you."

No shit... I thought as I trotted towards the elevator. I pressed the up arrow, and the doors opened with a soft "ding!". Inside of the elevator was a formally dressed unicorn stallion.

"Which floor, sir?"

"Top, I've been requested by Buck himself."

The unicorn nodded as I trotted in. His horn lit up as the doors closed, and the lift began to rise.

It didn't take long until we arrived at the top floor of the building. I tipped my hat to the operator as I stepped out, before trotting forwards and into the office in front of me. The office was huge, to say the least. The far wall was completely glass, giving an almost panoramic view of the city beyond. The floor was the same plush carpet, and the walls were covered in more expensive art and sculptures. A huge desk sat at the far end of the room, with the pony who I was to meet sitting in the desk's chair.

Buck was a decently tall, light grey earthpony. His mane was light black, almost grey, while his cutie-mark was a moneybag. He wore a black and white striped shirt, with a white and black striped tie. Yes, there was a difference.

The earthpony started out of his huge window, the back of his chair facing me. I took a few steps in, before I was stopped by his voice.

"Glad you could make it, Neon." The buck spoke, his voice firm and commanding.

I nodded, though I figured he couldn't see me. "The pleasure is all mine," I responded, trying to sound as respectful as possible. This guy wasn't just my boss, he was the boss.

The large desk chair swiveled as the stallion turned to face me. "You are no stranger to the services I require of you, as we both know, so I might as well get right to it," he began, sliding out of his chair and walking over to me. He stood before me, somehow towering over me, even by being only an inch taller at most. "I require another pony to be... dealt with, at your discretion, per usual."

I nodded, all too familiar with our usual 'business' transactions.

Buck smiled. "Good, good. Your pay shall be the usually wage; half out front, half when completed," the stallion began again, "and due to the... Importance, of said target, I will raise your usual pay by...10%."

I had to hold stop myself from screaming. A 10% increase?! Holy shit! Then it dawned on me. If it's that much... Celestia, who is the target? I was awoken from my mind by a light tap on my shoulder. I shook my head, before looking back at buck. "Sorry, lost in thought."

Buck chuckled. Not a jolly laugh, but almost an... evil one. "It's okay, my friend, we all find ourselves lost in our mind once in a while. Anyways," Buck pulled a white envelope out of his shirt pocket, before hoofing it over to me, which I took in my magic. "Here is the details of the pony I require being dealt with. As you know, I don't want thing coming back to me directly in any way, lest you'll become a frayed thread that'll require clipping, understood?"

I nodded.

Buck grinned. "Good. Well, I wish of you good luck," he turned and headed back to his chair. "Please, contact me as soon as it is done."

"I shall, sir," I spoke as I walked back towards the elevator door. I pressed the down button, which almost immediately opened, and I stepped inside.

"Lobby," I told the operator, who nodded, horn igniting as the doors closed and the lift began to descend.

I stared at the envelope as I held it in front of me with my magic. It's funny how somepony's life can be determined by something as simple as a note in an envelope. It shouldn't be that easy, but it is. I stared at the envelope in front of me, contemplating opening it now. It was just a job, one that I've done many times before. It payed good, and had decent, flexible hours. Surely, a dream job such as that shouldn't be this complicated. All I had to do was open the envelope, do what I am payed to do, and it'd be all over with. It wasn't a pony's life I held in this envelope, only a job...

The lift suddenly stopped, the doors opening. I trotted out of the elevator and down the lobby, exiting out the large, revolving door of Buck Tower. I stepped out into the dismal city and sighed, putting the envelope Into my shirt pocket, before trotting in the direction of home...

It hasn't taken long to get to my apartment, as it was located in a tower not far from Buck Tower. I unlocked the door, and trotted inside. I flopped down on my couch, pulling the envelope out of my pocket, throwing it into the table in front of me.

I sat there for a few minutes contemplating in my mind. I shook my head and picked up the envelope in my magic. I levitated it in front of me for a moment, running threw the last bit of resistance I had, before opening up the envelope. The note inside was brief, all it had was a name, sketch of the cutie-mark, and any special request my client had in mind. This one didn't have any special requests, though, only having the name and cutie-mark of the pony I was supposed to end.

Sapphire Shores. That was who I was supposed to end. I didn't know the exact reason Buck wanted her dead, and I honestly didn't care—it made the job easier. From what I could tell from her cutie-mark, I could tell she was a singer, and the address on the bottom confirmed that as being one of Chicacolt's main concert halls.

As per every job, I had to watch before I struck. It needed find the perfect time, use the perfect tool, and make it so that it was so perfect, it couldn't be connected to either me, or my client.

I looked around my apartment. It didn't have much, to be honest. It was a two bedroom, two bathroom apartment. I never knew why I decided on this apartment, to be honest, it just felt... right. The only thing that set my apartment different from the rest was my instruments. Yes, my job wasn't a musician, but I loved music too much to not continue playing. After all, I got my cutie-mark from my shining talent in music. My collection included a double bass, a piano, a violin, a saxophone and a trumpet. I smiled, knowing that they could always take me away from the world when it got too much, that feeling of security was always welcoming.

But, playing them would have to wait, as I had a job to do...

Three days of watching, three days of planning, three days of strict focus... And today it would all come together.

Sapphire shores was an extremely talented singer, as he had learned from studying her. Her voice literally sounded like an angel's corus in his ears. More the usual he had to remind himself that she wasn't a pony, only a job...

I sat in the back row of the concert hall, waiting for my job to be complete. The sounds of a beam falling, followed by screams of panic, signified that my job had been complete. Out of the chaos that erupted in the theatre, I calmly walked out of the concert hall, and back to claim my pay.

The golden doors opened, revealing the familiar office of my employer. I trotted forward, my hoofsteps casting a somber tone to the quiet office. Buck sat at his desk, looking over some papers in front of him. He looked up, noticing me, and smiled.

"Good. If you are here... Then I take it your job has been completed?"

I nodded.

He smiled, nodding to himself. "Good, good. I would tell you why I wished this particular mare gone, but I know how you don't care for that kind of information." He straightened the papers on his desk, before placing them neatly on the corner. "As promised, your pay had been transferred to your usual account, and I would like to thank you for a job well done."

I nodded.

He chuckled. "You know, you're not good company. Sure, you get the job done, but you're not much of a talker, aren't you?"

I smiled slightly. "No, sir, I prefer to keep my work and life separate. It makes things... Easier, to deal with."

He nodded in understanding. "That's a concept that I take to heart, my friend." He paused, seeming to think of something. "You know... Here, walk with me." He said, putting a hoof on my back, leading me to the large window. We stopped just behind the glass , looking out onto the city beyond. "Tell me, my friend, what do you see?"

"I see... a city?" I said, uncertain to where he was going with this.

"Yes, my city. And it is not only that, it is a machine. It is my job to make sure that it works properly, each part making sure to do what they are supposed to do, when they are supposed to do it.

"You, my friend, are my... Repair pony, of sorts. You remove those gears that don't work quite right, allowing me to replace them with gears that work better, more efficiently."

Buck sighed, putting a hoof to his temple. "Sadly... I have to ask you to remove something quite... Close, to me."

Another job? So soon?

He chuckled, patting me on the back. "I can already see the gears going inside of your head, my boy!!! Yes, I do have another job for you. This time, however, is different... I want you to remove part of my family, one that I feel... Tarnishes my machine.

"I know you don't like details, but you'll have to excuse me for this one time, because I must disclose. She is scum, deciding to pursue... Someone of her same gender."

A fillyfooler? He wants someone dead because of that?

"I know, it doesn't seem like a big deal. But there is more at stake...more than you could understand. Her name is Octavia, my... daughter." He looked solemnly at the ground. "I want her dead, but I want you to make it quick, and painless. Her lover, on the other hoof, I want you to make her suffer..." He scowled. "Her name is Vinyl Scratch."

He turned to me, a mixture of anger and regret filling his features. "I want this done as soon as possible; I want them dead by tomorrow..."

Part: 2

I paced around my room, a mental tirade filling my skull.

What the hell?! It's just a job... just a job... Damn it!!!

I turn around and smash my hooves into my table, the wooden legs giving way, smashing it to the floor. This wasn't usual for me, it never was. I always did the job, no hesitation, no regret, and no second thought. This one... This one was different. I knew why Buck wanted me to end them... but the reason seemed so... Cruel.

I pulled the splinters out of my hoof from my shattered table, winching slightly with each one. A thin trickle of blood rolled down my hoof, reminding me of what I had done. No!!!

I put my hooves to my head, trying to silence myself. It's just a job!!!

I sprung to my hooves, all thoughts pushed out of my mind, and headed into my room. I trotted past my bed, and opened my closet. I opened it, pushing away my hung-up close, and opened the hidden panel behind it. Various guns and weapons hung behind it, the main one being my tommy gun, on the side of said gun were the words: "Chicacolt Typewriter" etched into it's side.

I picked up the gun, feeling it's weight in my hooves. I looked over my weapon... Tool with extreme care. I always made sure to clean it, oil it, and make sure it was in perfect condition; a broken gun's only gonna get yourself killed, after all.

I picked up the weapon in my magic, and disassembled it. I had it specially made so it could be broken down and fit in an average briefcase. After all, can go walking around with this thing on my hip, especially in my line for work. Once the weapon was properly stowed, I picked up the case in my magic, and closed the compartment before making my way towards the door. Buck had given me the address of my... Targets, and said they should be home around this time of day...

301...304...there, 307! I thought as as I approached the door to apartment 307. I stopped in front of the door, paused for the briefest of moments, then knocked.

The room beyond was suddenly filled with the sounds of shuffling hooves and hushed whispers. After a moment of this, the call of a mare with a proper accent replied, "One moment, please!"

There was more shuffling, more hushed whispers, before the door opened, revealing a charcoal grey mare with a jet black mane. She looked a mess, seeming to have just woken up based on her hastily fixed bedhead. The mare took a moment to catch her breath, before answering, "Yes?"

I gave her a polite smile, giving a brief tip of my fedora towards the mare. "Good evening, ma'am. My name is Neon, and I am an affiliate of your... father. Mind if I come in? I have matters that need discussing."

She bit her lip, briefly looking inside. After a moment of brief contemplation, the mare turned back to face me. "Ummm...yes, I guess. I have a... friend over at the moment... do you wish to speak to me alone?"

I shook my head. Of course they would be together… this should make matters easier. "No need, miss, that will not be a problem."

She nodded. "Very well, then. Please, come in."

I trotted into the apartment as the mare stepped aside, allowing me access to the apartment beyond. The apartment was modest in most areas, only having a small kitchen and seemly one bedroom and bathroom. I would’ve expected… more, I guess? A grumble emitted from the bathroom trotted towards the area I assumed was the living room. I turned to Octavia, motioning with my head in the direction of the bathroom. "Your friend, I assume?"

She nodded. "Yes, she's a mess in the morning."

I let out a soft chuckle. "Yeah, I myself am not a morning person, either." Damn it, stop making friendly conversation. Distance is key. They aren't ponies, only the job.

Octavia lead me towards a decent sized couch, motioning for me to take a seat. I gave her another polite nod, before sitting. The charcoal grey mare made her way to the kitchen. “Would you like tea, Mr. Neon? Or anything to drink?”

I shook my head. “No, Miss, I’m fine.”

“Very well, then,” the mare replied, trotting from the kitchen with a steaming cup of her own tea balanced on her back. She stopped at an armchair that was opposite me, placed her tea on the armrest, then sat down, turning her gaze towards me. “Now, what is these ‘important matters’ that my father wishes for you to discuss with me?”

I sighed, deciding to get right this over with instead of procrastinating. My horn ignited with it’s magical glow, followed by the soft "click" of the front door's lock. The mare across from me cocked her head, looking at me with confusion.

No backing down now… I thought, shaking my head. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry for this.” My horn lit up even brighter, and the mare in front of me was instantly surrounded in my magical aura. She squirmed, immediately trying to scream. She was silenced as I slapped a strip of tape over her muzzle.

In that moment, the bathroom door opened. A white mare with a spiked blue and white mane trotting out. "'Tavi, we need more..." Her voice died as she saw Octavia squirming in my magical grip, eyes wide with fear. The mare stood there for a second, staring at me. Her face changed almost instantly from confusion, to pure rage. She charged at me, her rage fueling her assault.

I easily dodged her charge, countering it by wrapping my hooves around her neck in a chokehold. I twisted, slamming her to the ground and pinning her hind legs with my own. My grip around her neck tightened, her eyes going wide as I squeezed. The mare restrained in my hooves thrashed the best she could, limbs flailing as she tried to escape my hold. Her fight continued until she suddenly stopped, her eyes closing as he limbs went limp. I let go of the mare, rolling her off of me. I stared at the mare on the ground for a second, before turning my gaze to Octavia, who was still suspended in my magical grip.

Tears flowed freely down the mare’s cheeks. Her cries muffled by the tape across her muzzle. She had stopped her protest against my magical grip, seeming to lose all fight. I opened my briefcase I’d walked in with, pulling out a long piece of rope. I levitated a chair from the kitchen table over to us, and lowered the mare in my grasp into the chair before binding her hooves to the chair with the rope.

The mare didn’t put up a fight, instead crying as hard as she could, staring at the mare on the ground. Once I was sure she was secure, I pulled over another chair and picked up the mare on the ground, lifting her up and tying her to the chair much in the same way as the other. Octavia looked puzzled at this, but didn’t stop her crying.

I took a moment to charge my horn, before casting a sound proofing spell around the room. Once I was sure that the room was completely sound proofed, I removed the tape around Octavia’s muzzle with my magic.

“You monster!” she screamed, her eyes still filled with still falling tears. “You killed her!!!”

I sighed before walking over to the white mare. I pressed my ear against her chest, relieved when I heard the soft ‘thumps’ of her beating heart. Thank god…

I turned to Octavia. “I did not kill your friend, only knocking her out.”

Octavia looked perplexed by this, but thankfully stopped crying. “Why, then? Why did you do this… what are you going to do? What is going on?!”

“I suppose I owe you at least an explanation. My name is infact Neon Lights, and I am a hit-pony hired by your father to kill the both of you.”

Octavia’s eyes went wide. “M-My father sent you?! Why?!”

“My job isn’t to know the ‘why’ of it, but your father did give me the brief explanation of it being because of your relationship with the mare next to you,” I said, motioning to the unconscious mare with a hoof. “Weather it be out of prejudice or not, that is the reason he gave me. And again, for what it’s worth, I’m sorry.” I lowered my head slightly, a look of sadness crossing my features for the briefest of moments.

“You… you don’t want to do this, do you?”

I jerked my head up to face the mare, surprised by her response. I took a moment to contemplate answering. “It does not matter if I want to do it or not. I was payed to do this job, and it is my duty of fufill my part of deal. Feeling are irrelevant.”

The mare looked at me, her expression seeming almost… empathetic. “It does matter. If you don’t want to do the job, then don’t!”

I shook my head. “It isn’t that simple…”

“How the hell is it not that simple?!” she screamed at me.

Once again, I was taken aback by the mare’s outbursts. “It just isn’t, okay?! It isn’t about you, or me! It’s only about the job!!!” I screamed at the mare, rage filling my body. “It’s never mattered about me, or you, or anypony!!! I have to do this, whether I like it or not.” I stomped off, pulling my gun out of my briefcase and assembling it as fast as I could, before pointing it at the mare’s head. She began to continue crying as the hardened steel pressed against her skull. I could hear her pleading, telling me not to do this. I blocked it out. I couldn’t hear her. I couldn’t hear anything. The only thing I could see was my gun, and my trigger. There wasn’t a life that was going to end after this, only the completion of my job.

I was suddenly pulled out of my mind as something slammed into my side, my magical grip on my gun imploding, causing it to fall to the ground. I snapped back to reality, noticing immediately that the white mare that I’d knocked out earlier had, in fact, woken up, and managed to free herself. She stood above me, rage filling her features as she began to throw punches at me. My head filled with pain as I felt some of the them connect before I could react. I pressed my back hooves against the mare’s stomach, throwing her off of me with a mighty buck. The white mare flew back from the force of my buck, hitting the far wall.

I sprung to my hooves, readying myself to fight the mare. To my surprise, she was already on her feet herself, my gun clasp in her own magical aura. My eyes went wide as I jumped behind the couch as bullets began to spew from the gun’s barrel. Hot lead tore threw the couch, barely missing my prone form. My mind reeled, trying to think of what to do. The bullets suddenly stopped flying, and I took the opportunity to jump out from behind the couch. To my surprise, the room was empty. I blinked, noticing the chair that held Octavia was empty. It took me a second to notice the open door before I sprung into action. I used my magic to take a knife from the kitchen, clamping it in my teeth before running threw the door. The brief sight of a white blur crossed my vision at the end of the hallway. I ran after the blur, following it down the hallway and down the stairs to the entrance to the building. I jumped threw the open doors of the apartment building, and was greeted to the site of many ponies milling around the streets beyond. I dropped the knife, trying to locate the mares that had just escaped.

It was no use, they were gone...

I don't know how long I sat at the steps to Buck Tower. It could've been hours, maybe even days, I didn't know. I watched as the pony's walked past me, oblivious to my existence. I kept hoping that, by chance, those two that got away would walk past, and I wouldn't have to face my boss empty hoofed. It wasn't that I was afraid of facing him, more of the fact that this was the first time I'd ever failed a job. I let myself get too attached to them...I should've just took the shot and be done with it. But no, I let the canary sing, and ended up with nothing by her song. Speaking of her was bugging me. I kept thinking about what that mare had said, and I couldn't push it out of my head like usual.

I sighed, realizing that I'd procrastinated long enough, and it was time to face the music...face my boss. I got up on my hooves, straightening my shirt and hat before heading inside. I didn't bother to check in with the receptionist, instead just pressing the call button on the elevator. The mare looked like she was about to protest, but shrank away from my death glare.

The door opened, and I mumbled, "Buck's office." Luckily, the elevator operator understood what I said, closing the doors as the elevator started to ascend.

I kept my mind blank throughout the short trip up the elevator. When the doors opened, I stared at the office in front of me, contemplating turning back, but i pushed that thought into the back of my mind as is trotted into the office. The office hadn't changed since my last visit, Buck even being in the same position behind his desk, staring at the city beyond his window.

I get only a few steps into his office before I hear him speak, "My sources tell me that you've failed me..."

I bow my head slightly. "Sorry, boss..."

Buck's large chair swivels so he faces me, his face filled with disappointment. "You have been perfect: never messing up once... Until now. Normally, I wouldn't care as much, either giving you another chance, or sending someone better. But, sadly, you are the best I have... And I can't have this messed up again. Something was different this time, something happened." He leans forwards in his chair, tilting his head slightly. "So, what happened; why did you fail me?"

Shit... What do I tell him? I thought, my mind racing to think of an answer. My thoughts are interrupted, however, when I hear buck let out a loud sigh.

"You're taking your time to answer. You're either trying to think up a lie, or trying to crop the truth. So...I'm gonna give you three seconds to answer me before I get angry," he said, his voice filled with finality.




What do I say?!


"I don't know!" I blurt out, instantly regretting it, but not showing it. "Boss, I don't know what happened. I had them tied up, a gun against their heads... But, one escaped, pulling my own gun on me. I...I just balked. I let them have enough time to react..."

" balked?" I nodded. "Very well... I feared you'd turned, but I can see it in your eyes; you speak the truth." He put his hooves to his temples, massaging them lightly. "You've put me in quite a pickle, my friend. Usually, I'd make an example of you for failing me... But, then again, you have served me well in the past without falter." He removed his hooves from his temples, and then staring at me with a quizzical look. "Is it best to end the life of one dying of sickness, or watch as they slowly descend? You, my friend, have the sickness... I'll give you a day before I end your sickness, for the sake of all that you have done."

No...this can't be happening... "Boss, there has to be another way. I...I could try and again, and not fail!"

He shook his head. "As I told you the other day: this city is a machine. And, sadly, you have become a part of it that needs replacing. Now go, enjoy the today and tomorrow, because after that you'll be considered my enemy, and you are all too familiar about what I do to them..."

I nodded, using all of my willpower to not throw myself at his knees and beg for another chance. But, knowing buck, it would only make things worse. "I... I'm gonna go now..." I said, turning around and heading towards golden elevator.

Before the elevator descended, I heard buck call out, "It's not personal; just business!!!"

I was a dead pony, and like most dead ponies, I decided to mourn my impending death over the sweet embrace of alcohol. I downed another glass, pushing it toward the quickly growing pile on the bar counter in front of me. I'd left buck's tower... Celestia knows how long ago, and made my way immediately towards Shot Glass's bar. The bartender had seen my expression the moment I walked into the bar, and already had a glass of his strongest whiskey poured before I even sat down. I didn't speak to him, only nodding to him every time I needed a refill.

I don't know how long I'd drank out my sorrows, but I couldn't see straight and the floor seemed to be moving, so I figured that it had to be a lot. I wanted to get up and leave, but my body was having a hard time complying. Shot Glass trotted over my drunken form, looking at me the entire time with a saddened expression. With my mind utterly trashed by the large about of alcohol pumping through my veins, I finally managed to make contact with the bartender. I say 'contact' only because the slur of sounds coming out of my mouth could be hard pressed to be considered words, but the bartender seemed to have enough experience with talking to drunk ponies to understand me... For the most part.

"Glass... I... I have a problem," I mumbled, not managing to move my head from the counter. "I... I got fired from my job, and my boss is going to literally going to have me killed the day after tomorrow."

Glass... Well, he did his best to hide his look of fear and pity as he visually shuttered. He took a moment to think, probably contemplating trying to converse with me in my drunken state. He didn't get the chance, however, as I continued my rant. "Yup, I'm a dead pony. And the best part, the ponies that caused this are probably going to die as well... And I absolutely feel like shit about it!!!" I lifted my head, trying to look straight at the bartender. I think I was actually looking at the wall, but I couldn't really tell—everything just kinda blurred together. "Why should I care that the two who ruined my life are going to die? I mean, it doesn’t even make any sense!!!”

Glass looked at me with pity in his eyes while he gently tapped a hoof comfortingly on my shoulder. “It means that you have a heart, my friend. And I think that the fact you realized it was what caused this whole mess.” I gave his a questionable--well, I was going for questionable, but drunk brain doesn’t want to comply--look as I lifted my head to face him. “I mean… I don’t know. You confuse the hell out of me. You go out of your way to save my bar, putting yourself in danger for no reason but because it was the right thing to do. Then you go out and kill ponies for money. Honestly, I think either you’re heart, or brain, is broken.”

"Well, my brain is full of drunk at the minute, so please ask sober brain for an answer..." I mumbled.

Glass rolled his eyes. "Are you just gonna give up? Because that isn't the Neon I know. The Neon I know would go down fighting!" he finished, slamming his hooves onto the table for emphasis.

I groaned. "What's the point?! I mean, I got the most powerful stallion in the city wanting me dead..." I sighed. "I'm screwed..."

"Damn it, Neon!" he screamed, pushing my off my stool. I fell off, landing in a drunken heap. "I'm not gonna stand here and watch you drink yourself away! I'm not giving you another drink until you promise me that you ain't gonna go lying down!"

Celestia, damn it! Doesn't he understand I just wanna forget everything before I die?! Whatever, I'm too drunk to argue with myself. "Fine! I'll put up a fight, if it makes you happy!" I said from the floor.

Glass rolled his eyes. "Prove it, and then I'll give you drinks for free for the rest of your life."

Hmm... I'm listening... "And how would I go about that?"

Shot Glass smirked. He trotted from the back of the bar over to the far wall. He put his hoof to it, before a soft "click" could be heard, and the door opened. Two familiar mare's fell out, landing in a pile on the floor. They quickly got to their hooves, and game me a death glare.

I chuckled. "You think I'm gonna finish the job while this drunk?!" I said, ending in a hiccupy laugh.

"No," the stallion began. "I want you to protect them."

Is stopped laughing. "You want me to what now?!"

Part: 3

"You want me to do what now?!" I said for about the fifth time.

Shot Glass buried his head in his hooves. "I'm the idiot for trying to reason with drunk you..."

The two mares and taken a seat at one of the tables in the bar, trying to melt me with their stares.

I laughed. "You two are pissed at me because I tried to kill you! Well, jokes on me, because now I'm dead!" I laughed harder.

The white one rolled her eyes. "Honestly, this is the best we could find?" She asked shot glass.

He nodded. "Well, anyone else would either run away or turn you in. Considering he is already a dead-pony, I don't think he has anything to lose."

The charcoal grey mare scoffed. "You expect us to trust the stallion who tried to kill us?!"

Mare had a point.

"Do you have another idea?!" He shot back. "Because it's either him, or nopony. And even though he looks like he's useless, he's actually good at what he does."

"Except with you two, because I completely fucked up there!"

"Shut up, Neon!" Shot Glass hissed.

I shrugged. "Or what? I'm already a dead-pony."

I could hear Shot Glass's hoof smack his forehead. "Would you just shut up? I know you're drunk, but you're usually better than this!"

I rolled over from my position on the floor, staring up and the bartender. "Hey, why are you helping these mare's, anyways?" It was a serious question, one I didn't expect my drunk mind to be able to actually come up with... way to go, brain.

He sighed. "I'm not gonna go into details, but I owe these two."

"Whatever," I mumbled.

The white mare stood up, pissed. "You know what? Screw this! You actually expect him to help us?! He tried to kill us, and if I didn't react, he would've succeeded! Before I go putting me and Octavia's lives in somepony's hooves, I want proof that it's worth it."

Octavia, who had stood up besides Vinyl, nodded. "I agree. From what I've seen, he's just rude and a killer."

Shot glass sighed. "I know it's hard to believe, but Neon does, in fact, have a heart. And when he's sobered up, I actually believe that he will help you two. I'll bet my life on it..."

I puked--"Celestia, damn it, Neon!!!"--then passed out.

I awoke... I don't know how much later. My head hurt like hell, and even remotely opening my eyes also hurt like hell. Wherever I was, it wasn't dark. "Turn off the lights!!!" I groaned. Putting my hooves over my face.

"Look, he's awake!" I hear a voice call out.

"I still think this is a horrible idea..." answered another.

"Hush, you! If shot glass trusts him, then we should," the first responded.

"Well, I'm gonna keep an eye on him anyways."

"If you must..."

"Please be quiet!" I screamed, instantly regretting it as my headache only got worse. I went to roll over, when I noticed something tight wrapped around my front and back hooves. Oh, come on! "Seriously? Did you really have to tie me up?" I mumbled, still trying to keep my eyes shut.

"You did try to kill us, so I feel it's a safe precaution."

"And you kinda tied us up so... Yeah."

Well... Yeah, I guess it's fair, I thought. Reluctantly, I opened my eyes. It took me a while to get used to the light, but after I did I noticed that I was laying on a hardwood floor. I couldn't get a good look at the room around me from my current position on the floor. "Um... Where are we?"

A pair of white hooves trotted into my field of view, followed closely by a pair of charcoal grey ones. "Until you can prove that we can trust you, we will not disclose our current location or untie you."

Urg, why do they always have to do this the hard way, I thought as I ignited my horn. I had been tied up a few times before, so untying myself wasn't that much of an issue... Except for my hangover, but that was more annoying than limiting. I quickly got free from my bonds, and stood up. The mare's who were in front of me stared at me, wide eyed. I shrugged. "You really think this was the first time I'd been tied up?"

They looked at each other nervously.

I sighed, taking the time to get a better look at my surroundings. The room that I was in wasn't that large, maybe being about 20 feet by 20 feet. The floor was, in fact, hardwood, and a few boxes and a mattress were all that was in the room. Huh... Probably in some old storage room, I thought.

I turned my attention back to the mare's in front of me. They nervously shuffled in place, their confidence vanishing now that I wasn't either drunk or tied down. I shook my head. "Relax, I have no plans to kill either of you."

Neither of them seemed convinced.

I sighed, again. "I don't blame you for not trusting me, especially after what I almost did to you... but, Shot Glass did have a point: I have no reason to kill you now." Most of last night had become a blur to me, but I did manage to retain most of that conversation. "I don't blame you about what's happening to me... And I'm a dead man anyways, so... Yeah, I'll help you guys."

They looked... Contemplative. They turned, whispering to each other. I plopped down on my haunches, waiting for them to respond. After a few more minutes of hushed whispering between the two, they turned back to me.

Octavia spoke, "Even though this is horribly stupid, you are the only one who can possibly help us..."

"But!" Vinyl added in. "We will be keeping an eye on you."

I raised an eyebrow. "And do what if I step out of line?"

She looked like she was about to answer, before she huffed and looked at the floor.

I nodded. “I thought so,” I began. “Now, can you please tell me where we are?”

Vinyl, the seemingly brave of the two, answered. "We are someplace safe... For now."

I raised an eyebrow. "And where, exactly, is here?"

The white mate growned, obviously irritated with having to deal with me. I don't blame her, honestly. "We are in the storeroom of Glass's bar."

Oh... Well, I probably should've expected that. I nodded.

Octavia, who had stayed extremely close to Vinyl, spoke up. "If we are going to be spending some time with each other, I believe we should at least get to know each other."

I nodded. Considering we were probably gonna be together until we figured out how to get out of our predicament, I figured this would be the best course of action.