//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 // Story: Changing Lanes // by AutoPony //------------------------------// Back in the present, Twilight, Rainbow, Luna and you have been nearly inseparable from day one. While Twilight is ecstatic to have a whole new treasure trove of things to learn about you and everything you own, Rainbow just enjoys the simple desire for speed you possess. Luna, however..... you aren't sure what draws her towards you. Luna was not able to spend as much time in your company as the other two. After all, she was one of the princesses that presided over the kingdom of Equestria, serving at night. During the day was when she slept, so there was only a small window open for her to visit between when she awoke and when she sat on the throne. Quite frankly, you could not imagine dealing with royal matters. The schedule, yes, but not the day to day crap of running a whole country. Perhaps most astonishing to you was when Twilight told you that Luna had been around for centuries. At first, you assumed she was pulling your leg until Luna confirmed it. But as far as her past, she remained mum. You didn't push her to reveal further, even though she seemed to want to let something off her chest. But the past week has been a focus on your car, and not just by you. Luna and Rainbow have been eager to help in any way possible. Twilight, however, has been reveling in the information you give her. Already she had come up with a solution for one problem you had considered right away: fuel for the thirsty beast. She explained the intricacies of the spell she used, but you couldn't make heads or tails of anything she said. Bodywork was something you hated, so you dreaded the idea of tackling the dents, dimples, and creases on the car. Fortunately, Luna's powerful magic made sheet metal seem like putty, easily forming it and smoothing it out. You would have killed for such a tool when you originally restored the car. Even other ponies were willing to help outside your little group. Twilight had invited a few ponies from a local glass-making shop in town to inspect the windshield that was cracked and offered to make a new one free of charge. You have been humbled to say the least, as you look over the finished product, already installed. Rainbow Dash lands near you, breaking your train of thought in the fading light of the evening. Beaming with pride, she holds up a gallon paint can in her hooves. "Is that the paint? I thought you said you wouldn't have it for at least another day," you asked Rainbow, causing her smirk to grow even wider. “Hey, I do everything fast, whether it’s flying or getting work done. Sometimes I’m faster than I can predict though,” she says, posing with her wings outstretched. It hasn't taken long for you to understand Rainbow Dash has a massive ego. It doesn't bother you too much, as you tend to antagonize her more. “I seem to recall you overestimated yourself in our first race. And that was with the Hemi not tuned quite right.” Her smile quickly vanishes. “Hey, I was taking it easy so I didn’t completely embarrass you and the car. And whatever a Hemi is," she replies, a little confounded. “Rainbow, I’ve explained that to you twice now, it has to do with the shape of the combustion chamber in the engine,” you tell her, shaking your head. “Right. I forgot, I normally fall asleep when you go into Twilight mode and ramble.” “I heard that, Rainbow Dash," Twilight says, landing next to the two of you. You point at Rainbow Dash. “Haha, you got in trouble.” Rainbow Dash says nothing, resorting to sticking her tongue out at you in mock frustration. You look over at the horizon, the sun just about to make its drop below the horizon. With all the work you've done today, the time has gone by rapidly. Luna will likely be showing up at some point soon, as well. “We are most impressed with how far work has gone on the Superb Bird today.” You jumped a bit as Luna makes her presence known behind you. She has a knack for showing up without a sound and enjoys doing it. “Well, you scared the hell out of me again, Luna, thanks for the cardiac workout,” you tell her, turning to face the blue alicorn. "And it’s Superbird. Super. Bird.” Her sly grin fades a bit at your correction. “We apologize, it is something we have not quite grasped onto yet," she says. Feeling a bit bad, you wave a hand at her. “It’s not a big deal, I’m nit-picky. So how long till you have your duties to attend to? Rainbow got the paint, with your help we should be able to be finished, aside from the windshield.” Glancing over at the horizon, Luna takes a moment to respond. “We could most likely be here an hour, but that would be really stretching it,” she says, turning back to face you and the rest of your group. “That’s plenty of time," you tell Luna, before turning your attention to Twilight. "Twilight, you said you had an idea on how to get this thing painted without a spray gun?” She perks up at the mention of her idea. “Yes! Well, sort of. You see, the paint you had from Earth is different from what Rainbow brought. Almost everything in Equestria has some sort of latent magic in it, all we need to do is find the correct frequency to agitate and atomize it to-” You interrupt her before she can go on a long-winded explanation. “Twilight, I’m already lost. You may as well show me.” Luna and RD giggle behind you while Twilight lightly blushes. “Alright, alright, let’s see how the paint looks,” Twilight says to Rainbow. Rainbow hands the can over to Twilight, who levitates it with her magic and pops off the lid. A gorgeous metallic purple sheen gleams from the inside of the can. You can't help but grin. “Good work, Dash. It’s a bit closer to Plum Crazy Metallic than In-Violet Metallic, but Dodge and Plymouth didn’t change much when they shared hues, mainly ju-” “Now you’re the one losing everyone else, Anon," Twilight interrupts, smirking. You suppose you deserve that, as Luna and Rainbow giggle again, this time a bit harder. "Let's just get on with it, then," you say. Luna suddenly goes quiet and still, deep in thought. You have seen this before, as apparently being alicorn sisters gave Luna and Celestia the ability to speak telepathically or something. It is still a little creepy to you, but you’ve mostly gotten over it. "It seems our time here tonight is limitless, we have no obligations to be in Canterlot," Luna says, snapping out of her trance. “Why, what’s going on in Canterlot that you’re suddenly free from that royal crap for a night?” you ask her. Luna just shakes her head and laughs at your rather harsh question. “Our sister believes it would be of benefit to stay with her friends for a night. To take a night off, so to speak,” she tells you, earning a smile from the other two ponies. “Awesome. Once Twilight gets done with the car, the three of us were going to go in my house and hang, maybe watch some movies," you announce, receiving a hoof pump from Rainbow Dash. "Or in Sparkle’s case, probably read and play Twenty Questions,” you add, grinning. “You know, I don’t have to make sure this paint job is perfect, it’s not my car,” Twilight says, unamused by your quip. “Okay, I’m done with the wisecracks, let’s see you flaunt your artistic side, Picasso," you tell her. Everyone looks at you, not understanding the reference. "Nevermind, it's not worth explaining the joke." While Twilight readies her spell, you, Luna, and Rainbow give her some space, unsure of how this spell is going to work. It doesn't look promising as her first move is to heave the paint can forward, slinging the paint into the air. "This doesn't exactly look promising," you mumble. Twilight’s horn lights up with a brighter aura, as the flying globs of paint begin to shimmer and get smaller. Soon, it looks as if the paint had been ejected from a professional spray gun, and mists the whole car, spinning and twirling around the ‘Bird, covering every square inch. Once the mist has dissipated, Twilight approaches the three of you, a content grin on her face. “That should about do it, Anon. Now it just needs to dry. Told you I had a plan,” she says, beaming with pride. “Thanks, Twi, I shouldn't have doubted you," you tell her. "You just made me a bit uneasy with the initial toss.” "It's fine, Anon. I know you aren't exactly well-versed in how magic works," Twilight says. You look over the horizon, just above Ponyville. The sun has finally set, and night is beginning to take hold. of the land “Alright you three, why don’t we go in and relax? I already have planned what we’re watching,” you tell your group. “Wait, so why was the car all pissed off? How can it come possessed straight from the factory?” Rainbow Dash's question breaks you away from the TV screen as the end credits begin to roll. “Wow Rainbow, I wasn’t expecting you to actually think while watching the movie. I’m impressed,” you joke, playfully shoving her. Dash lightly pops you in the back of the head with her hoof, while Luna laughs at your exchange. You decided to show them one of your favorite movies, Christine, based off of Stephen King's book. "It just came like that, I guess. The book made a bit more sense on that aspect, but it’s been a while since I read it, so I don't remember for sure,” you tell her. You look over at Twilight, expecting her to cut in. Instead, Twilight is still buried in one of your books. She's already gone through half of your collection in the short amount of time you've been here. “Watcha reading Twily?” you ask. While she normally gets irritated when you call her that, she doesn't respond, immersed in her reading. “Oookay then, while bookworm is in her own fantasy land, you guys want to watch another movie?” Luna speaks up first. “We were actually curious as to why you have such a passion for these ‘cars.’ If you do not mind explaining, of course." “Well Luna, I just sort of grew up around people that worked on cars, so I was around them at an early age” you tell her, reflecting back in your mind some of the cars you've owned over the years. “But what is the significance of your Superbird? I would assume not all of your species is this attached to transportation. Especially something that is almost fifty years old, if I remember what you told me,” Luna asks. You quickly grab one of the books lying in a pile near the couch, a hefty hardcover filled with racing history. "The only reason my car was created was for racing. Automotive companies had to build a certain number of a model in order to make it eligible for racing, so they didn't make many. But the Superbird dominated racing, at least until it was outlawed from competition." Flipping through the pages of your book, you point out a few photographs of some of the winged wonders, before pointing to a portrait photograph. "That man is the reason Plymouth made the Superbird, to get him back into their race cars," you tell your friends. "Who's he?" asks Rainbow, deeply interesting in the old photos. “Richard Petty. He drove one of those in 1970 during his long racing career. Picked up 200 wins, 7 championships, and 7 Daytona 500 victories, which was a crown jewel race,” you tell her. “Holy crap, that makes what Spitfire has accomplished with the Wonderbolts seem like nothing,” says Rainbow, clearly impressed. You figured Dash would be impressed. Racing seemed to be in her blood, a lot like you. “Most impressive. We can see why one would want to have something that helped a person reach such an astounding achievement," Luna tells you, smiling. "It is amazing how one person can have an effect on how others go about their lives.” With Luna's question answered, you see an opportunity to learn more about her. She has been very quiet about any sort of her past, especially considering she has been around for a long time. “On that note Luna, I’ve shared an intimate part of my past, I think it’s only fair you share something, as well,” you say, flashing her a grin. To your surprise, Luna drops her head, avoiding eye contact with you. "I mean, if you want. You don't have to," you softly tell her, unsure of what to do. The room remains quiet for what seems like an eternity, before Twilight breaks the silence, finally tearing herself away from her book. “Come on Luna, everypony else has made peace with what happened in the past, don’t feel ashamed,” she says, rising to her hooves. Rainbow Dash pipes in as well. “We all have things we aren’t proud of, Luna. Like how I secretly talk to my Wonderbolt sculptures sometimes!” You turn your attention to Rainbow, as does Twilight. “Rainbow? I don’t think that’s a secret anymore,” you say, trying not to smile. "I used to I mean. That came out wrong, obviously," Rainbow says as she blushes. You roll your eyes, turning your attention back to Luna. She has continued to hold her head low. “Anyways.... what are you so afraid of, Luna?" you ask her, nudging her shoulder. "I like you for who you are right now. What has happened in the past has made you the way you are, for better or for worse.” She continues to be silent. Part of you expects her to teleport out of the room at any moment. Finally, Luna speaks, still keeping her head low as her horn begins to glow. “We will not tell you what haunts us from our past. We will show you.” The room goes white in a blinding flash before a scene slowly begins to materialize in front of your eyes. As things become clearer, you find yourself in an expansive ballroom, surrounded by a throng of ponies. Before you can focus on any details around you, your attention is drawn to a voice ahead, though you cannot make out any coherent words. But you definitely recognize it, as you suddenly find yourself at the front of the crowd. Princess Celestia stands before you, as does Princess Luna. Both are attired in their royal regalia, standing above the gathered crowd in front of a pair of thrones. While Celestia revels in applause as she finishes speaking, Luna's face is lined with frustration and annoyance. As you stand there, the crowd behind you begins to move. Turning to see where they are headed, you see a set of doors at the opposite end of the room slam shut, echoing through the room. Confused, you turn back around to see Luna's horn aglow, her face twisted into a rather uncomforting grin as she scans the room. “We are not finished here. Since you all seem to have little interest in us, we shall make you stay!” In shock, Celestia turns to Luna, mortified by her sister's outburst. “Sister, this behavior is most unbecoming of a Princess! We ask you immediately silence your tongue!” Celestia says, her voice revealing restrained anger. Luna, however, shows no restraint. “SILENCE! We no longer care what is expected of royalty! We are tired of being ignored, left by the wayside while everypony gathers and kisses your hooves! Nopony cares for us, for our night, only your daylight!” At this point, Celestia seems to be at a loss for words, both confused and perhaps a little frightened. “What are you saying, sister?” she finally manages. The younger alicorn suddenly seems to lose consciousness, before another voice breaks the sudden quiet that has fallen upon the room. “We are no longer your sister." The shadows in the room suddenly begin to twist and stretch, moving toward the princess of the night. Meanwhile, the rest of the room erupts in chaos, as ponies run towards the closed doors. Several stallions try to kick them open as screams and gasps erupt from others. As the shadows converge on the Luna, her once blue coat darkens to onyx. She lifts her head and opens her eyes, revealing strikingly feral turquoise eyes. “We shall be known as Nightmare Moon from this day forth, and night shall be eternal!” The scene vanishes before another develops, also in the same room. This time, the walls, even the roof are in shambles, rather than a glorious ballroom. You see both Celestia and the aptly-named Nightmare Moon fighting, blasting each other with magic as the other parries the incoming attack. In a spare moment between attacks, Celestia removes something from a nearby pedestal, her normal golden magic aura shimmering into all colors of the rainbow. With a powerful blast, the scene instantly disappears in a white flash, before a quiet, pained voice calls out. “I’m so sorry, sister.” As your vision returns, you find yourself back in your own home, facing Luna. Her bright turquoise eyes are locked on you as she speaks, every word betraying the emotional pain she feels. “We were banished in the moon, atoning for our actions for nearly a millennia in solitude. Our return to Equestria is quite recent, only two years ago were we freed, thanks to the actions of these two and their friends,” she says, as she points a hoof to Rainbow and Twilight. They remain quiet as you try to comprehend everything you've witnessed. Meanwhile, Luna drops her head. Reacting, you wrap your arms around her, embracing her as she jumps a bit. “Luna, it’s alright," you tell her, stroking her mane. "We’ve all made mistakes in the past at some point or another. I don’t think any less of you.” You feel Luna's wings slowly embrace your form as she looks up, a small smile making its way onto her face. "We are most thankful for your support and concern. Everypony seems to have forgiven us, but it is still hard to look back upon the past without feeling pain,” she says. “Well, at least all this made sense and had a happy ending, unlike that movie we just watched. Who names an inanimate object, anyway?” The moment interrupted, you turn to Rainbow, who grins sheepishly. "Just saying," she says.