A Gem in Canterlot High

by Golden Flare


Just above Earth, within Outer Space, a giant neon green spaceship shaped like a hand floated, its course not being set yet. Within this ship were Gems. No, not those kind of Gems, Gems that are alive; sentient, even. Some would even call them aliens.

But I'm getting off topic.

Like I said, inside this ship were Gems; two of them were controlling the ship, Jasper and Peridot, and the rest were prisoners.

Including me.

That's right, I'm a prisoner and I'm narrating this story. Somebody's gotta tell it, plus I'm bored from sitting here, doing nothing. Anyway, my name is Black Crystal; I have dark gray skin, black spiky hair, my gemstone, a hexagonal crystal, is embedded within my right inner wrist, and my weapon is a black crystal scythe, I know, kinda iconic, ain't it? I'm wearing black shoes, gray anklets, purple pants, dark purple shirt, a black belt with a yellow diamond mark that has been crossed out by a red "X", indicating my betrayal of Homeworld and Yellow Diamond herself, and a deep purple poncho-like cloak with a gray and black zig-zag pattern along the hem that has a hood which covers my face.

Alright, enough about my appearance, let's get back to the story.

I was just sitting in my cell, minding my own business, and planning my escape, despite the singing I heard next to me, when Peridot and Jasper were walking by, conversing with each other, but it sounded more like arguing.

"We can't leave yet!" Peridot complained, "The whole point of coming here was to check on the Cluster."

Cluster? What Cluster?

I didn't have much time to think about it when Jasper's fist made contact with the wall next to Sapphire's cell, "STOP SINGING!" she loudly ordered, startling Peridot, "Rose Quartz takes priority, get back to the bridge and set a course for Homeworld!"

Ah, Rose Quartz. Now that's a name you hardly ever hear nowadays.

With that, Jasper left, leaving Peridot to her thoughts as she returned to the bridge, "'Go to Earth', they said, 'It'll be easy', they said..."

Shortly after they left, Sapphire went back to singing. Seriously, what does she hope to accomplish with that? Soon enough, I got my answer, in the form of another, yet unfamiliar, voice.

"Hey." he whispered, "I like your song. Are you Sapphire?"

Huh? How did he know who she was?

"You escaped." she whispered back, then I heard a weird sound, "Of course."

"C-C'mon! I-It's s-sa-a-af-fe!" the voice spoke in a distorted tone.

"Thank you, Steven."

"Y-You-ou're welcome!"

Steven? Who's that?

"SAPPHIRE!" a voice in the distance called out.

"Come on!" Sapphire said, and she used her super-speed to take this 'Steven' to wherever the new voice was.

...The coast is clear. Now to escape!

I drew my scythe from my gemstone and started hacking away at the floor and ceiling near the energy door, quickly revealing wires that connect to said door. Without missing a beat, I cut the wires from the top and bottom and deactivated my little roadblock. Once that was done, I rushed out of the room, trying to find my way to the control bridge so I can turn this hunk of metal around and head back to Earth, there, I can make a run for it and they'll never find me.


That was Jasper! I gotta hide!

I ducked down into an empty cell and watched Jasper run past me, guess she must not have noticed that I escaped as well. Well, you know the Earth saying: "Never look a gift horse in the mouth", don't know how they came across a saying like that. Not seeing Jasper anymore, I came out from my hiding place and continued to the area where she came from, maybe the bridge is that way. Then I heard...


No, it's not from Sapphire, but who?

I couldn't think on it long when I heard crashing and banging, the typical sounds of a fight. I had to find the bridge, fast. I went on for what felt like hours, but in reality, it was only a few minutes, and found a dead end. I have to turn around and—


An explosion shook the ship, enough to throw me off balance and onto the floor. What I realized too late, was the "dead end", was actually one of the hidden escape pods. I landed on and activated the pod, feeling myself be trapped inside it. Then I felt like I was being launched when gravity threw me backwards in the pod, I knew right then and there that I was thrown into the farthest reaches of space.

3 Years Later...

In the center of suburban Canterlot sat a home belonging to me, Black Crystal, I exited said home and went on my way to Canterlot High School to continue my education. I walked along the street, greeting some familiar faces in my neighborhood. Before I went to school, I went to Sugarcube Corner, which was my place of work, to grab a muffin for breakfast, when I got there, I saw Mr. Cake sweeping out in front of the store.

Ah, Mr. Cake. The proud father of Pumpkin and Pound Cake, and husband of Mrs. Cake...and one of my employers. Though I'm not fond of people in general, I am fond of the Cakes. They knew my usual, so Mr. Cake saw me and gave me a chocolate chip muffin.

I know Gems don't need to eat, but they don't have to know that.

I continued on my way to school, passing by multiple people trying to get to their destinations. Eventually, I made it to Canterlot High half an hour early, I decided to admire the building before I went in. It was large, "U" shaped, and almost similar to a castle, with the reared up horse statue standing tall and proud in front of the school, it made me appreciate my new, normal life, and wanted nothing more to do with Homeworld or The Crystal Gems or any of that.

Never again.

Soon, the rest of the student body began passing by me to enter the school, I decided not to dawdle any longer and head into the building with my fellow students. I didn't have a posse or a group of friends to call my own, I was all alone, and I was okay with that, like I said, I'm not fond of humans other than the Cakes. People can do whatever they want, as long as it's away from me, and that's not about to change.

But what I didn't realize is that the notorious school bully, Sunset Shimmer, and her lackeys, Snips and Snails, were watching me from afar, the former sneering at her target and the latter two snickering evilly. The troublesome trio trekked past the students as they gave them a wide berth to get to me, completely unaware of my surroundings. Sunset was going to do whatever it took to maintain her hold on the school, even if it meant getting the most reclusive guy in CHS begging for her mercy...