//------------------------------// // Evergreen hearts part 1 // Story: Wolf in Wood // by Lord Despair //------------------------------// A thousands in the past Look at them my son the blissfully ignorant ponies, Celestia's Chosen. They think that the land is their by right fools that what they are for this lands was ours long before they stole it. They believe the peace they enjoy has no price. They have no idea of the war that was waged, and the sacrifices made, to win these things which they take for granted. Alas that is how it must be. For if they ever learned the truth, everything would be undone. Listen well my son, consider it, and then never speak of it for as long as you live. The memory of my fathers' words echoed in my head as I walked alone in the forest depths, The darken ocean of the trees that surrounded me as if in sad greeting, gently swayed in the midnight breeze, I had always truly loved nights like this, the thick branches of the trees above made the wild trail nearly impossible to see despite the brilliant light of the full moon, my wooden paws guide themselves expertly though the darken path without tripping over any obstacles only those that are of the forest could move like this...... light or no light. The vast large silhouettes of bushes and trees surrounded me, their dark shadows calm my rather fired nerves as I walked silently in the night my path slowly became wider and wider. I couldn't be too far from the edge now. I stopped for an moment to truly think about what I was doing........if my actions were to come to pass then everything would be undone. Everything the ancient wolves wrote thousands of moons ago would be meaningless and the truth would be finally reveled. some of the dark trees were starting to look unfamiliar and unwarped by the ancient magics they stood straight not an twist in the wood.....as the path bent around a large tree, I could see an opening in the ''tamed'' trees. An town could be seen up ahead, a few soft lights dotting the area here and there. Most of the town would have been asleep by now. That is good if I was lucky, I could probably enter it without alerting the pony folk and find a place to rest, to my misfortune there were barely any trees between where the town and where I stood at the forest edge. An quick scan showed no sign of the ponies but there was no telling how large the town was, either. If I were to circumscribe said town, I probably wouldn't have enough time to sneak in safety before the sun rose. My glowing eyes studied the town again, most of the lights in the villages were off. Assuming that meant that the ponies were fast asleep in their homes. sneaking in might be as simple as navigating through the darkened paths I fixed my glowing white eyes on the nearest tree and crept towards it as if it was prey. Even if there weren't any ponies around, I didn't want to take the chance of walking out in the open... just not yet anyways. My wooden form moved from tree to tree, getting closer and closer to the village. At the very last tree I nearly let my guard down until I noticed a single figure up ahead. Offering thanks to the Lords of the Forest for my wooden body, I blend in evenly with the said tree, it hadn't noticed me yet, the dim light of the moon was just bright enough for me to take the moment of advantage and study it or rather her as she walked by. The said female happen to be a pony if the scent of spicy feminine undertone was anything to go by...... I had seen this one in the forest many times standing about half of my size which is about three paws high to my five, orange fur, blond mane with a worn old Stetson, freckles....no those are white markings on her muzzle, green as the spring leaves eyes and of course she had one of those pointless marks on her juicy flanks in the shape of a trio of apples I felt my jaws water insatiably at the sight primal instincts threaten to overwhelm me once again my claws rush out from their sheaths equally lusting after the mare's flesh the need to maul and rip her to shears erupts in my being, I quickly and silently shook my head displacing the thoughts that years of living in wild gifted me with. Now is not the time for the wild to take my mind if my plan to succeed then I must forget what the wilds had taught me and show the true colors of an timber-wolf. To my relief the orange mare failed to notice me as her pass by mere inches from discovering me, kept on trotting on her way. My nose greedily drink in her scent...........Apples and sweat..........Ah she's farmer. An wolfish grin crack in the wood that made up my face ''Where's an farmer there an farm, where there an farm lot's of land meaning for me a well hidden place to rest.'' Sticking to the shadows of the darken path I shadow her, silently as the wind I follow her from afar my innate skills and talents as an predator and former inhabitant of the forest blind the mare to the danger that she was foolishly leading to her home if I was different wolf I would of howl with laughter at the situation a pony leading an wolf into her town and bed.....(I let out a silent chuckle).........oh sweet Lords of the Forest she'll never live it down but then again if I was another wolf then she'll be mauled and ripped to shreds. She doesn't know how lucky she truly is in this moment yet since I don't believe in luck she's either a fool or fortunate I decide to go with the latter of the two. As I followed her pass the darken buildings which with each we past the more outlandish the said buildings become, What is wrong with these ponies I mean who in the right mind builds a four-story, life sized gingerbread house of actual gingerbread ugh it going to take days for my nose to clear out that stale smell ever so often my ears pick on my guide mumbling to herself something about an two timing no good piece of shit or something along the lines probably about an now currently former mate. Anyways there I was shadowing the pony as she leads me though the sleeping town soon we pass an marketplace that strangely still filled with various produce....... Fresh produce where in the name of the forest are the shopkeepers! no wolf leaves their stock out where other wolves could steal it.... these ponies are strange indeed. We leave the market quickly before I got another chance to witness more idiotic pony ways as we walked farther away her mumbling grew louder which I wanted to tune out but I also wanted to know why she was mumbling in the first place. ''I don't get it....I-I thought we had something why he left mah for that two-bit horse ain't Ah mare enough for him'' she mumbles I could hear a sniffle An wolfish frown pasted itself on my muzzle ''I guess I called it....but why did he? You seem like an nice female granted that I don't know the guy and I'm shadowing you so I'm not the wolf to ask'' I thought to myself, my glowing eyes glance that the distort mare for the strangest reason I wanted to tell her something like it will be alright she find another guy I ignore that feeling if I even bother trying to talk to her she would scream once she saw me alerting the other ponies to my present which I didn't need that the moment. The rest of 'our' journey was spent in almost total silence minus my 'guides' sniffles my wooden heart goes out to the young mare it truly does soon, we reach an dusty trail that I believe to lead the outskirts of the town I could see a vast orchard of apples trees surrounded by a white fence and an large homestead in the distance an light breeze sweetly crests my guide's mane as her trot slowed enjoying the breeze before it brush up against my wooden form unlike her I'm almost completely unable to feel the such pleasure on the count of being made out of wood sure there were ways for an Timber-wolf to feel pleasure only if you could stand the agony that came with it. Figuring it was time to break off on my guide I headed for the tree line as she stayed on the path up to what I assure was her home there I waited for her to enter the pony household closing the door behind her after a while I moved deeper into the orchard looking for a place to rest before the sun rose kept on I walking until I had lost sight of the house I lean against an old yet strong tree This is deep enough I suppose I thought gently sliding down the the tree till I was comfortable ''You did it Oakfang you finally left them.... your free'' my tired mind echo as sleep claimed me for the night.