//------------------------------// // S1E15: Starting to Settle // Story: Blank // by Carrier of Heartbreak //------------------------------// Bon Bon was tired. Bon Bon was really tired. Bon Bon was tired to the point that she started blacking out while awake. She would be walking along the morning streets of Ponyville one moment, then on a completely different road the next. Her eyelids were waging a losing battle to stay open, and her unsteady gait stood as a testament to instability. There were only a few other ponies on the streets with her, which she was thankful for; she was fairly certain that she would have simply tried to walk through anypony that got in her way. Her spatial awareness was worsening every additional second she fought to stay awake. Behind her, the only other conscious ponies trudged their way along the dirt road. Princess Luna was in second position behind Bon Bon, and remained the only one fully awake. Her eyes slid around, taking in the surrounding area with hawk-like vigilance. On her back, held in place by her large blue wings, Prime slept soundly...or mostly soundly. Every so often, he would let out little whimpers. Whenever he did, Luna would sigh and ignite the magic in her horn, and Prime would subside. From this, the other ponies in the group figured that he was having a constant nightmare. Prime had been the only one who had been allowed to go to sleep; he had been through quite a bit the day before. The ponies knew just how badly he had taken his older brother's imprisonment. Behind Princess Luna came Twilight and her friends. With the exception of Pinkie Pie, none of them could walk a straight line easily. The pink party pony had managed to keep herself going with a seemingly endless supply of sugary confections that she somehow kept stored in her poofy mane. Her friends had tried to replicate her feat, but quickly ran out of steam in the face of diabetic overload. The sugar high that had kept the rest of them awake had quickly heralded the crash that almost knocked them out. Pinkie apparently had no limit to her process sugar, and endlessly feasted on her sweets. Throughout the night, she had bounced circles around her weakening buddies. Twilight had cast a rejuvenation spell on herself multiple times, but the time that it lasted grew progressively shorter. Essentially, it was like espresso, and Twilight’s body had gotten used to it over time. Her eyelids sagged, her vision reduced to a slim arc as her hooves dragged on the path. Behind the young alicorn, Fluttershy and Rarity had resorted to leaning up against one another in order to stay upright and awake. Fluttershy would have usually shied away from such contact with another pony, but her determination to find Ryan had inspired an upwelling of courage. Rarity had focused her magic on a brush that she repeatedly ran through her long, luxurious mane. The comforting motions might have put any other pony to sleep even faster, but Rarity purposely alternated the brush-strokes, messing up her mane as she fixed it. In short, she created work for herself to keep her mind busy. Behind those two mares, Applejack and Rainbow Dash brought up the rear of the pack. Dash had, at some point, gathered a cloud for herself to lay on and connected it to Applejack's tail with rope. Applejack grunted in irritation; for the last few hours, she had been used as a mode of transportation for the lazy pegasus. Rainbow wasn't asleep, but the motion of the cloud she lay on was quickly lulling her in that direction. Finally, Applejack could take it no longer, and she stopped and dislodged the rope from her tail. "Why can't ya just fly, Dash?" she seethed through clenched teeth. Her response from the prismatic pony was a shrug, the movement disturbing the floating cloud. The orange cowpony grunted and rolled her eyes. "We've had ta walk around all night, there's no reason Ah have to be yer lead." In front of them, the ears of the others in the group swiveled to catch the first interesting event in hours. Normally, none of them- except for Rarity- enjoyed drama. However, they were all just wishing for something to listen to in order to keep their mind off their exhaustion. Their potential amusement was ended with a loud snore from the cloud-riding blue mare. The sight of Applejack's bulging veins could probably have been seen from the moon. "DASH!" Applejack shouted, startling her friend into consciousness. Rainbow Dash yelped, muscles surging into motion in an attempt to get her away from the sudden noise.. This effort only resulted in her falling off of her cloud and hitting the dirt road with a loud 'Thump'. "Uggh...." she groaned, wrapping her legs around her belly and massaging it. Her impact with the ground sent up a dusty cloud that floated into the faces of the observing ponies, causing them to cough. "Rainbow Dash, stay awake! Applejack, keep her awake! We still need to find him!" declared Princess Luna, sparing the contending ponies the barest of glances. The two offenders flinched, but nodded in compliance. They had previously tried arguing with the Lunar Princess, but she was decidedly not in a negotiating mood. Her mate was missing and could possibly die at any time. Rainbow Dash hopped back onto her cloud, but let the rope remain where it had landed. The small herd had spent all night searching for poor Ryan. They had searched the entire surrounding area, up and down. Short of entering individual residences, they had pretty much turned the entire town upside down in their efforts. They found nothing. Not one thing that would clue them in. ...Well, that wasn't completely true. They knew that Ryan and Lyra had appeared somewhere in Ponyville. The only reason they knew this was because they had run into a large gathering of Ponyville residents almost as soon as they left the castle. Ponies were running around with OtherWorld merchandise in their mouths, calling out Ryan's name. Apparently, he had exited the teleportation stream with Lyra in his arms, but had run off at an amazing speed once he had become surrounded by fans. That was good. Ryan was okay. Lyra was fine. He was in good enough health to take off running. Bon Bon let out another sigh. She really wanted to find out where they had gone, but where else could they look? They had checked the lake, but nopony was there. The same could be said about the field. Ryan could have possibly run into the Everfree, but Lyra wouldn't have gone in willingly. Had the two separated? Probably not; Ryan had been very huggy right before he teleported. Chances are, he latched onto her for comfort. She wouldn't have been able to get rid of him had she tried. "Princess Luna, we need some rest...I'm sure Ryan's fine. Didn't he spend a lot of his time alone in the woods?" asked Rarity as she rubbed her aching eyes. Dark bags had gathered under them, a condition she lamented greatly. She was always so careful with how much sleep she got. This search and rescue effort had thrown her whole cycle off. Now, she would have to go the whole day without rest just to make sure her next sleep would be during the normal times. Luna whipped around, giving the rest of the ponies a fierce glare. They shrunk back a bit, but their lack of energy made their fear look half-hearted. They didn't even have the focus to be intimidated. The dark blue alicorn noticed this after a moment. With a sigh and a shake of her head, she relented. "That is...fine...You all can go rest. I, however, will continue looking. Lady Rarity, Ryan didn't spend time in the woods without me. What was presented on the show was merely a time in which I wasn't visible. I never stopped watching over him..." Princess Luna explained to the group behind her. Bon Bon had turned around, her mood brightening slightly when the Princess had accepted their request for sleep. Rarity scuffed her hooves, still a bit ashamed that she was giving up on finding Ryan. Luna walked over to the down-trodden mare and placed her left wing on the other mare's back, having to shift Prime's weight entirely onto her right wing. "Do not feel bad, Rarity. You searched hard. All of you have. You can not be blamed for the physical limitations your bodies suffer that mine does not. Please, go get some sleep, but return once you are all well-rested," Luna asked, an unusually motherly tone evident in her voice. The younger ponies all looked up and smiled in relief, save for Prime. He let out a particularly happy snort as he snuggled into Luna's warm fur. She lifted an eyebrow and shrugged towards the snoozing stallion. "And would somepony find him someplace to drool on that does not include my back?" Twilight had to think for barely a moment before she came up with a solution. With her violet magical aura, she lifted a protesting Rainbow Dash from her cloud and set her on the ground. As soon as had displaced Dash, she cast her familiar cloud-walking spell on Prime and lifted him onto the cloud. The stallion snuggled into the cloud as if was his long-lost mother. All of the ponies except for Dash and Luna let out an 'Awww!' at his unconscious antics. Rainbow Dash just crossed her front legs and pouted, watching with envy as Prime snuggled himself into her cloud-bed. Before anypony else could object, Bon Bon took the other end of the rope in her mouth and walked off with it. She was the closest one to Prime, besides Lyra. Since Lyra was still technically missing, it was up to the candy-colored mare to watch over him. So, with Prime in tow, she made her way to her home. Bon Bon hoped that the repairs were finished... Rainbow Dash followed along behind her, grumbling the whole way. She might have given up her cloud for the moment, but she was most certainly going to claim it once it was vacant. It was her cloud, after all; shaped perfectly for her small pegasus body. Prime was a bit too large for it. His legs dangled freely towards the back of the comfortable cumulus. The group they had left behind let out a nearly-synchronous yawn. Pinkie started to jitter and shake, which the others had come to learn was her way of showing that she was almost running on empty. The pink mare stopped bouncing and pulled yet another tray from inside her mane. This time, however, there were no cupcakes. "W-wha...?" Pinkie gasped, her eyes shooting wide open. She couldn't believe it. The thought of what the empty platter meant shook her to her very core. No, it couldn't be! Anything but that! She was out of sweets! Before any of her friends could blink, she was gone. In her wake, she left a pink-colored cloud that vaguely resembled her shape. The cloud grew narrower in the direction of Sugarcube Corner, hinting that that's where she had taken off to. "...WellllaaaAAAAHHHHhhh..." yawned Rarity, "I agree with Pinkie. I do need to catch up on some things, before I can resume our search. When shall we meet up?" The ponies around her blinked wearily, their brains struggling to do much of anything, much less think. Princess Luna lifted her hoof to her mouth, running over an answer in her head. "Well...I'm going to be around until I can find Ryan, and having more eyes in more locations would be beneficial...how about you all just join back in when you're ready?" she suggested. This was more than acceptable for the sleep-deprived search team. They didn't have a set time to sleep, so they wouldn't feel rushed. Still, the thought of Ryan, lost and alone, would wear on their minds... Finally, after a whole night of searching for their lost friends, the rest of the group disbanded. Twilight trudged along towards her castle, stumbling every few steps. She was jealous of Luna's ability to stay awake for so long...would she inherit that ability at some point? It would have been super-useful recently... The purple princess lowered her head to her hoodie, sniffed, and recoiled. It stank pretty badly... She had forgotten she had been wearing it up until last night. She had snuggled into it whenever she grew discouraged, the feeling of the soft fabric filled her with determination. Ryan was her friend, and needed to be found. No longer was she just a fan; she was his full-fledged friend now. Something she only dreamed about most nights had become reality. The only thing she could ask for now was for some peace...since he had arrived, it had been nothing but tense moments, strange moments, or just general silliness. So much had happened in only three days that Twilight tried nipping herself awake every so often, certain that she must be dreaming. The more time passed, though, the more real everything was seeming. Well, there was another thing she could ask for...but Princess Luna would never allow it. A blush and a small, devious smile grew on Twilight's face as she shuffled her way back home. Any pony that witnessed it would have probably been unnerved by the smile, but it had been hidden by her sagging violet mane. **** On the other side of town, Applejack walked towards Sweet Apple Acres with as much focus as she could muster. Inside, she was seething at herself. During the last few days, because of all the craziness with Ryan, she had been neglecting her duties on the farm. She knew that her family was well-equipped to handle things for awhile without her, but it was still unfair to ask them to. Big Macintosh might possibly overdo it again and hurt himself, and he was irreplaceable. If Big Mac got hurt, everyone else would have to pick up his slack; while it was theoretically possible, and the Apple clan had done it before, it had exacted a brutal toll. Applejack would need to take a quick nap, then get straight back to work so that her big brother didn't hurt himself. As an apology for being so neglectful, maybe she could let Apple Bloom play with Ryan for the day... Ryan. She hadn't found him yet. She didn't want to tell Princess Luna that she couldn't look anymore, so she didn't. It hurt her at her core to be dishonest like that to another pony, but her family took priority. Despite the taste left in her mouth from abandoning a friend, Applejack knew that Ryan regrettably came second. She would look for him when she could, but her responsibilities came first. **** Rarity and Fluttershy went back to the Carousel Boutique together. Fluttershy wanted to remain close by, and as much as she was embarrassed to admit, didn't have the strength to get back to her cottage. She had arranged for one of her other close friends to take care of her animals while she was busy with Ryan, but she still worried. Angel Bunny could handle the feeding for a few days...right? Rarity gladly let her best friend stay over at her house while the search for Ryan continued. Even if she had been opposed to the idea, she doubted she would have had the energy to argue about it. Fluttershy sometimes stayed over after their spa visits, so they already had sleeping arrangements settled. "We'll find him...right?" Rarity heard her quiet friend ask. The white mare looked over to the shy pegasus and sighed sadly. She knew that this whole situation took a lot out of Fluttershy. As soon as she heard her scream back when she thought Ryan had exploded, Rarity knew that she would have take up the role of supporter. While the fashionista pondered a proper response with her cloudy mind, Fluttershy hopped up onto the large couch against the wall and snuggled in for some rest. "I'm sure he's fine, Fluttershy. You know how Ryan is, he's probably off telling jokes to some foals," she assured her friend. At that thought, Fluttershy smiled warmly and cuddled the couch, promising herself that she would give the silly man a hug whenever he showed up again. She couldn't say it to anypony, but she really liked Ryan. Like, really liked Ryan. She always had, in some way or another. But what did it mean? Was it just maternal? Was it...more? She was unsure how to handle that tingly feeling she was experiencing, and asking the others about it was out of the question. So she did the only thing she felt comfortable with. She hid those feelings...even from herself, most of the time. Fluttershy had so far been able to distract herself from her affections by acting as a mother figure towards the tall human. From taking care of his injuries...when she could...to trying to keep him out of trouble, she watched over him in the same way she would one of her animals. That strategy worked better than she hoped. But now that she could stop and think about how kind he had been to all of her friends, and Ponyville in general, the tingle came creeping back up. The surfacing of affections she felt brought a blush to her face that was only barely spotted by Rarity. "Are you...alright?" Rarity asked her friend. Fluttershy, in an attempt to escape conversing about her problem, made a loud snoring sound that she hoped would convince Rarity to leave her alone. The obviously-fake snore hadn't fooled anypony. However, Rarity, being the polite and understanding mare that she was, figured that Fluttershy just wanted to be left alone. She let out a sigh and turned to go to her own room. Sleeping really wasn't best for her right now, given her messed-up sleep schedule, but to Tartarus with it. She was going to sleep, and it was going to be glorious. **** Bon Bon arrived home a little while later with both Prime Warner and Rainbow Dash in tow. At some point, Dash had pushed Prime over just enough so that she could share the increasingly-crowded cloud cushion with him. She almost jumped right off when Prime rolled over and startled cuddling the stuffing out of her. Though, after a few moments, she conceded and let him. He was only sleeping, after all. That didn't stop her from growing a blush, though. The mare in front of them would have smirked at the display, had she not been the one stuck pulling their two lazy flanks around town. Instead, she just huffed and forced herself to not lose it and toss them both off. Prime had done nothing wrong, besides for maybe bringing his brother to town with him. That would probably be his only wrongdoing. Even then, it wasn't as if Bon Bon knew whether or not he had a choice in the matter. Time Warner owned the company, if she wasn't mistaken. Did Prime have to do whatever his older brother said? And, now that Time was being held, what would happen to OW? The sleeping stallion behind her might very well be unemployed if he couldn't find a way to keep everything up and running. Would he be able to handle that? Bon Bon had known Prime pretty well for years now. He didn't really visit, but he did keep in touch through letters. From the impression he gave, the cream-colored mare was uncertain whether or not he had enough experience to run a company on his own. He was more of a free spirit, kept alive through his love of stories and making friends to tell those stories to. He didn’t have a destination per se; he lived for the journey and the experiences he had along the way. Every time they got a letter from him, there was always some sort of lengthy tale added to it, relaying an incident he had been through. The very thought of Prime being locked in an office, filling out paperwork and making important financial decisions, all day, everyday... ...it almost brought a tear to Bon Bon's eye. With the previous irritation she had been feeling towards Prime Warner ebbing away, Bon Bon clicked the door open and moved wearily into her house. The lack of a breeze on her coat let her know that the house had indeed been repaired completely. It was really nice of the Princesses to pay for all of the damage Time had caused the day before. With all of the damage Ponyville suffered on a normal basis, those expenses piled up quickly. It was just lucky for everypony in town that the Royal Re-builders were dirt-cheap. No other town nearby needed its own group of construction workers on call all hours of the day, but Ponyville was special. It also helped that the ponies that lived there also loved to chip in and lend a hoof when it came to fixing things. Bon Bon tugged the two pull-behinds into the house with her, the cloud giving off a puff as it clipped the frame of the door. Rainbow Dash groaned as she realized she would soon have to get up and move her own weight around. Prime just snorted a bit in his sleep. The earth -pony mare dropped the rope from her mouth and sighed in relief, the feeling of being much lighter coursing through her aching jaw muscles. The cloud, now free from its hitch, floated aimlessly around the room. Bon Bon was tired. She needed something warm to drink. Maybe...maybe something warm and sweet. The tea. It was exactly what she needed. To her surprise, the smell of her tea wafted around the room, bathing the homecomers in its comforting aroma. It smelled exactly like Hearth's Warming Eve. Bon Bon smiled and moved her way into the kitchen, her nose guiding her to the lovely scent. Why did the room still smell like her tea? Maybe, when Prime spilled his tea, it has soaked into the surrounding area? No, that couldn't be it; this tea smelled new and warm. Ugh, thinking is not easy to do when tired. Despite her ponderings, she still found the newly-made pot of sweet tea without any problems. It had just been sitting there on the kitchen counter. Bon Bon ran through her foggy memories over and over, trying to recall where she had left the tea that she had made the day before. Oddly enough, the kitchen counter didn't feel familiar. "...Hrm...h-huh? Urgh..." Prime groaned out, the scent of the delectable beverage stirring him from his dreaming. Beside him, Dash was being oddly quiet. Her eyes were locked on something that Bon Bon couldn't see. As far as the weary earth pony was concerned, Rainbow Dash was just staring at nothing again. She had no reason to suspect otherwise, right? With shaky hooves and chattering teeth, Bon Bon poured herself a cup of tea and fixed it the way she liked it. ...well, maybe she added a little more sugar than normal. Don't judge, she was exhausted and deserved some sweetness. Once her tea was perfect, Bon Bon made her way back to where the others were located. Along the way, she accidentally stumbled over a foot that had found itself in her way. "Oops, sorry, Bonnie," came a masculine voice. "No, no, it's fine. Tea's safe, that's all that matters," Bon Bon tried to joke. It came out sounding half-hearted. Regardless of her lack of enthusiasm, the voice responded with an honest chuckle. What an odd, yet familiar sound it was. "Mhmm...what're ya up to?" inquired the voice. As tired as Bon Bon was, she was not about to be rude. It was a simple question, after all. "Oh, just out looking for Ryan and Lyra. They disappeared last night and we've been looking since then," the candy mare explained, her speech followed by a loud yawn. The room went silent for a few moments, the sound of muffled giggling drawing Bon Bon from her yawn. Why was the voice laughing at her? No, wait...that wasn't just one voice. That was two different voices, the other sounding much more bubbly and feminine. How strange. "Soooo...find them yet?" was the next question to be asked. The obvious answer rang inside Bon Bon's head, causing her to look to the ground in exhausted disappointment. She let out a little sigh and scuffed her hoof, still looking away from the voice talking to her. "No...we couldn't find a thing. We know that they reappeared somewhere in Ponyville, but except for that...nothing. It's like they disappeared. I was starting to wonder if Ryan tried to teleport again, but there wasn't any more purple smoke...so I think they're still around, somewhere," said Bonnie dejectedly. The voices stopped laughing, for some reason. This time, the feminine voice spoke to her. It carried a tone of concern and apologetic sweetness. The voice was much more familiar than the masculine one...but why? "Aww, it's okay Bonnie. I'm sure you'll find them soon enough," assured the soft voice. Wait... How did they both know her name? Why did they sound so familiar? What was- Rainbow Dash broke out of her stupor just in time to answer Bon Bon's questions. "RYAN!" she shouted, her wings flapping once and propelling her from the cloud. The cumulus cushion shot backwards, taking poor Prime Warner with it. He let out a yelp, his hooves scrambling to get a hold on the strange material. Being a unicorn, he was still not used to touching raw cloud. While asleep, he assumed it was just a really soft bed. Now that he was awake, however, the true nature of his surroundings came crashing...fluffing down on him. The cloud-based stallion was taken for a ride as his vehicle bounced against every wall of the house like a deranged bumper-car trying to mimic a pinball, the beleaguered unicorn holding on for dear life. While Prime had his cloud adventure, Bon Bon was holding her breath. She didn't want to believe that Rainbow had just yelled that. It couldn't have been...but the facts added up. The masculine voice, the feminine voice, the tea...the fact that she never searched her own house for the missing parties. She had to believe it, but she really didn't want to. The implications of her revelation...she would never, ever live it down if it was true. The sound of Ryan yelped and the chair he was on crunching under his weight confirmed Bon Bon's worst fears. The earth pony turned her gaze slowly to where the sounds of commotion were coming from. Yep. There went another chair. Laying on the ground below her was the one known as Ryan Burbank, who was currently being hug-assaulted by the previously sleeping pegasus mare. Wasn't she supposed to be tired?! Next to the two locked in their scuffle sat her roommate, Lyra Heartstrings. The mint-green unicorn gave her best friend a sheepish smile as she blew on her tea. Her mane was slightly messy, a sure sign that she had just woken up from what Bon Bon suspected was a restful sleep. They had been here the whole time. They had been sleeping soundly while the rest of her friends searched all night for them. Bon Bon had had a short discussion with them without realizing that they were there. They had been giggling at her, waiting for her to get it through her skull what had been happening. They smugly sipped at their tea while the poor cream-colored mare had a battle with her own exhaustion. ...Well, if she didn't feel stupid before, she sure did now. Without another word, she spun her candy-coated butt right around and stomped out of the door, her hooves leaving dents in the floor as a sign of her pure, unadulterated fury. Fury and embarrassment. "FOUND THEM!" she shouted over and over at the top of her lungs, her irritation very apparent to anypony within earshot. In her wake, visible through the open door, she left a house of confused friends. While Ryan tried to pry Dash from his body, Lyra watched Prime curiously. He had obviously been resting, but he still looked...tired. He wasn't in that eyes-wide-open stunned state he had been in the day before, so that was pretty good...right? Then, to Lyra's surprise, Prime did something other than observe. Using his magic, he levitated a notepad out from his wrinkled shirt and flipped it open. After retrieving an OtherWorld-brand pen from the same place, he began furiously scribbling down something. Lyra had been seated at the table, and was too far away to see what he was writing down. "Um...whatcha doin'?" Lyra asked softly. Prime rolled onto his back, still on the cloud, and looked over at her while upside-down. The mare couldn't suppress a small giggle at the utterly ridiculous posture he was in. He didn't smile, but the way he was moving around showed that he still had some mirth left in him. "Writin'," he responded simply, the notepad still being worked on even though he wasn't looking at it. Oh, so it was going to be like that, eh? "Writin' whaaat?" Lyra pressed. The corner of Prime's mouth moved a little, but still he refused to smile. "Writin' about everything that's happened. It's going to make an excellent story, you know," he explained. Well, that wasn't was Lyra was expecting to hear. His brother gets arrested for assault and the main character from his most successful show comes to life, and that's the way he saw it? A good story? The confused look Lyra was giving him tipped him off to her thoughts. "The guys back at HQ are going to flip when they hear about everything...I want to get all my thoughts down while they're fresh and new. Then, maybe once everything gets resolved...it could make a good story." Oh. That sounded a bit more realistic. Grim, but realistic. Lyra was just glad to see that her old long-distance friend was seemingly back to himself once again. The vacant expression he had worn for most of yesterday had tugged at her...Heartstrings. Ugh. Did anybody even like pony puns? Pons? UGH. **** When I woke up, I genuinely felt happy. I had just had the best dream in...months, I guess. The dreams I had back in the hospital had been filled with disturbing images of my family circled around my rotting corpse, most of the time. I had the occasional vision of having my teeth fall out, but that was only up until I lost control of my legs. After that point, my mind conjured up more and more thoughts about me being dead and my family suffering. I had no escape...except for my folks, Emily, and Sarah. The dream I just had, however, was the most pleasant kind; happy memories. Once I had fallen asleep, I had been taken back to when I was thirteen or so, and Emily was around eight. It was the first time I had ever been to Florida, and I couldn't have been more excited. Thanks to a raise that my mom had gotten, she and Dad decided that we would visit Universal Studios. I didn't want to admit it, but I was pretty sure that that had been the best day of my life at that point. I could still remember that initial excitement, followed by months of anticipation. To me, the waiting was the best part. Just imagining all the cool things I would see sent shivers through my spine. It was like a four-month long Christmas Eve. Then, finally, it was time to go. I love flying now, but that first time was pretty nerve-wracking for me. I had no idea what would happen. Would the plane crash? Would I get sucked out of one of the doors and fall to my death? Anything could happen. At first, I internally freaked out. Once we were up in the air, though, I calmed down. Emily had been watching me the whole time, making sure I didn't lose it. Strange, how an eight year old girl had to keep watch over her thirteen year-old brother. She didn't mind; watching me was what she was best at. Mom and Dad must have found great amusement in how nervous the flight had made me, since they wouldn't shut up about it once we had landed in Orlando. While I was apprehensive about the flying, I absolutely loved the airports. They felt like sleek, shiny malls that people just happened to get launched from inside of winged jet-powered tubes. Being young and stupid, I jumped for the airport Chinese food in Orlando. Several hours later, I ended up regretting my enthusiasm. Our resort was awesome. It was something having to do with Hard Rock, and it really did live up to its name. The memories were a little fuzzy, but I could still recall swimming around in a pool that had speakers both above and below the waterline. At that age, I had never experienced listening to music while under the water. I could feel the drumbeat in my belly! I couldn't compare it to any other feeling back then, but now I knew that the closest feeling was being at a live concert. That bass shooting through my body like an earthquake just brought me back to the good ol' days. My dream skipped over to the next most-vivid memory; the Spider-Man ride. I had never been on something like that, so when he jumped down onto the car and I felt the damned thing shake, I very nearly shat myself. The same could be said for when the fire got close to us, and I could feel the heat from it. Emily, being the cutie that she was, put her arm in front of me protectively when anything on the screen got too close. Goddammit, Emily. She never even flinched. Once we had walked out of the ride, Emily wrapped her arms around me and hugged me. I was confused about it back then, but now I know that she was just showing her willingness to watch over me. I was her charge, and she wouldn't let anything ever hurt me. Dreams were truly the best; in my happiness-filled memories, I didn't even recall that that same little girl had to grow up just to watch me die from the inside. At that moment, in the memory, we were still happy and oblivious. Dad was even cracking some jokes with Mom about something that I suspected to be my sister and me. I hugged my sister for all it was worth, damn near squeezing the life out of her with my much stronger form. I was always pretty big in size, but only really grew into it when I was sixteen or so. Shockingly, I still remembered the little squeak Emily made when I crushed her. I think I cracked her back, too. That's when I woke up. Huh...I guess that wasn't Emily's squeak. In my arms, poor Lyra was taking deep breaths, trying to convince her body that it wasn't a pancake. She must have been cuddled into me as we slept, in a way that reminded me of the hugs Emily gave me. My subconscious mind picked her as prime candidate for a love squeeze, and here we were. I was just glad that I didn't actually hurt her, what with my superpowers and all. Wait, I didn't, did I? Crack ...I think that was her back settling back into place. So, not hurt? Yay? "Urgh..." she groaned, rolling herself away from me and letting some cool, fresh air into the space between us. The warmth we had been sharing floated away back into the room, making me shiver a little. It had only been a few seconds and already I missed the contact. ...It was starting to occur to me that I might have a problem with hugs. The evidence was starting to mount that I had an honest-to-shit addiction to cuddling. It was just so good, though! Lyra had gotten up on shaky legs to stretch her body out. I heard a few more cracks before her body decided to shut the hell up. Once she had done that, she walked herself over to the kitchen to do...something. I don't know, I couldn't see her from where I was laying. The floor, I decided, wasn't going to get any more comfortable. I sat myself up and fought against my protesting back. "Shit...Hey, Lyra, your floor is a dick!" I called out to her. The sounds of moving glassware stopped for a second. She probably had to repeat my words over in her head before she could come up with an answer. I noticed that a strong, warm, sweet smell was wafting out from the part of the house she had disappeared to. What was she making in there? It smelled good, whatever it was. "Uhm...why?" she called out in response. I didn't blame her; she had used my body as a mattress for the night. As squishy as I was, she probably felt great...except for me squishing her and all. "Because it hurt my back! Shouldn't have slept on it...ugh," I whined. I still couldn't see Mom, but I could pretty much feel her eyes rolling from where I sat. She apparently chose to ignore my complaints, since the next words she spoke had nothing to do with my poor, aching spine. "I'm making some sweet tea. Want some? And maybe some breakfast?" she inquired, poking her head out of the kitchen so she could hear my response. Her question brought attention to yet another change I had to get used to: I wasn't hungry or thirsty. My bowels and bladder, if I even had them, were vacant. At least, I didn't feel like I had to do anything. I hadn't done anything in the three days since I'd arrived. Sarah's words were starting to sink in, now that I was seeing the meaning in action. "Uh...just some tea, thanks. I'm...not hungry..." I said more to myself than to Lyra. The minty mare tilted her head a bit at my odd mood, but nodded regardless and disappeared once again. The more I thought about everything, the more I realized was changing. I wasn't tired at all. I had slept, and woke up with barely any transitional state. The usually morning routine of fighting my body into getting up was absent. Well, that was a good thing, wasn't it? I had been late to work a couple times after my body had won the fight and dragged me back into dream-land. I wouldn't have to use the bathroom anymore. Sarah said something like 'as often', but that could have meant once every year. Again, maybe another good thing? I wouldn't have to worry about getting those shit-quakes when I really need to go, but can't. I swear, that feeling actually made me want to die at times. No more of that. Yay! The biggest change was last night's whole link/teleporting fiasco. I had almost exploded again. That's bad... Twilight and Sarah stopped me. That's good! They broke the link between Lyra and me in the process, thus making it impossible for me to return to her. That's bad... Or is that good? I didn't know, but the link being broken seemed to make my body way more stable. I had accidentally teleported, a far larger magical exertion than before...and I hadn’t even felt dizzy. Did that mean I was safe to be around? I still wanted a body that couldn't explode and kill all life on the planet, but now I had more time. Probably. I was shaken from another one of my reveries by Lyra waving a hoof in my face. I blinked and watched the mint leg tick side to side like a metronome. She was giving me this concerned stare, like I might have expired between the last time I spoke and now. "Hm?" was all I could get myself to say. She let out a sigh of relief and lifted a glass in front of me with her hoof. Somehow, it was staying connected to her fingerless appendage. I wanted to question it, but in all honesty, I had been through way too many strange things lately. Better to just go with it, and assume that it was natural here. Besides, the steam from the tea she was holding under my nose smelled way too damn good to give a shit about something as silly as physics. "Teeeeaaaa," she said softly, dragging the word out like I she was trying to lure me to her with it. Ew, Mom, stop it. "Danke," I responded, taking the tea into my hands and letting the glass warm my palms. Lyra flinched back at the choice of thanks I had gone with. "Y-you know German?" she stuttered. Her eyes shot over me like I had just become the most interesting thing in the world. Who knows, in this world, I just might be. At least to them. "Nah, just a few words. Character from a video game I played shouted it a lot," I explained calmly. Without another thought, I tipped the cup to my lips and took a careful sip. Scalding my tongue was my least favorite thing to do. Slurp ... "Oh my fucking god," I managed to say. This tea...it was by far the best thing I had ever had slide past my lips in liquid form. Sarah might be jealous about me saying that, but I stood by it. Lyra knew how to make cup of fucking tea. It was sweet, but not overwhelmingly so. It tasted like a mix between peppermint, lemon, and a few other sweet candy-like flavors that I couldn't place. Somehow, they all fit together into a mix of pure awesome. Lyra refused to let me enjoy my first taste of super-tea. "No, no, you know German! You know what it is! I haven't explained any of that on the show! Unless...I have?" Lyra ranted, her hooves rubbing against her head like she was trying to fight back a headache or something. A pang of sympathy ran through me. If the show I was in was focused mainly on me and my family, what would losing every memory of me do to her memory of the show? She probably barely remembered half of it, at this point. That had to be infuriating. I reached out to her and wrapped my free arm around her and pulled her against my chest. Again, the physical contact immediately relaxed her. "Well, yeah. I came from your head, remember?" I asked kindly, stroking her mane a little to get my point across. "I lived in that little world of yours for twenty years. Twenty years of my time, at least. I have no idea how times works compared to here." My words seemed to calm her down even more. I served as a somewhat-decent distraction from her missing memories. Even if I was gone from her head, I was still right there with her. She hadn't lost me completely. Lyra gave me an appreciative smile and returned the hug. After a few moments of cuddly goodness, we broke apart. She trotted over to the kitchen table and nudged one of the oddly-shaped chairs out. I got the hint and clambered up to my full height. Lyra seemed taken aback by my size, but snapped herself out of it quickly. "Sit?" she asked softly, turning to her own chair. I nodded and walked over, sitting myself down as comfortably as I could while she poured herself a cup of tea. I scooted the chair into a position that would allow my legs to fold and settled myself down. I noticed a small pile of papers on the table in front of me that Lyra seemed intent on ignoring. They were flipped face-down so that I couldn't read what was printed on them. "What're those?" I asked, pointing to the papers. Lyra glanced up before flinching. It seemed that whatever those papers were, she didn't want to think about them. "Nothing. How's the tea?" she dodged. Nope, not falling for it. If it was something the she was really, truly embarrassed by, I doubt she would have left it laying around on something so visible. "Good," I responded while I picked the papers up and flipped them over. Lyra's eyes shot open as my eyes ran over the paper. Again, I could see the translation magic at work. I could read what was written, but the letters shimmered over their true forms just noticeably enough to become nauseating if I tried reading too much. "'We'll Miss You...?'" I read out loud. It appeared to be the title to some sort of music sheet. And underneath it were...lyrics? "Uh...what exactly am I looking at, here?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow. Mom looked down at the table, the gears in her mind almost audible as they spun around, trying to form an answer for me. "It's...a song...the town was supposed to sing it together..." she explained quietly. Hmm. Yeah, I remember something about spontaneous singing. One of the episodes I saw in the hospital showed Pinkie singing about how much she likes making her friends smile. The tune was catchy enough and I agreed with the sentiment. It was lovably corny. "Y'mean like that 'Smile' song Pinkie Pie sang with the town?" I asked. Lyra nodded. "I was wondering how something like that just happened. It seemed too rehearsed." Lyra let out a relieved groan. "Ugh, I know! It took ages to get Pinkie Pie to actually sit still through each rehearsal! She kept wandering off to do who knows what. It took weeks to get that song down right. Between you and me, I think Pinkie lacks a patience gland," she rambled. I blinked at that last thing. "Patience gland? Wait...is that a thing, here? Is there actually an organ for controlling patience?" I asked, too stunned to do much else but let my mouth hang out. What the hell was up with these ponies?! Beyond my flabbergasted state, I could pick out Lyra giggling to herself. Oh. That sly bitch. She just played me like a fiddle. Or maybe a harp, if the thing on her butt symbolized anything. I gave her a grin to let her know that I had caught on, prompting her to giggle even louder. "Yeah, yeah, I got it. Really clever, Junior Mints," I fake-pouted, looking back down at the sheets. Reading through some more of it, I started to get the feeling that song was supposed to be...mournful. Lines kept popping up that brought my mood lower and lower, such as 'Can't believe you're gone', and 'You'll be without pain once more.' Holy...holy shit. This song was about me. About my death. They had actually written out a musical number to express how sad they were that I died. I wasn't even upset. That shit was impressive. It had barely been a few days since the apparent episode and already there was a song. "How long have you had this?" I questioned. Lyra flinched again and looked around at anything else in the room besides me. "Since the morning after...they passed it around really early. I was in the hospital when they delivered it," she said. That got my attention, though I knew she was okay now. "Hospital?" "When Twilight, um...ripped you out of me. It knocked me out cold for awhile." Ah. That made sense. Shame on you, Twilight. KO'ing an innocent Pony-Mom for no other reason than being severely emotionally distressed at the loss of...me. "Hmm..." I sighed, trying to force myself through the musical. Eventually, I had to admit defeat; I just couldn't do it. With a grimace, I set the papers back down where they were and went back to my tea. I didn't want to think about how sad I had made so many innocent ponies. Since the show was apparently super-popular, did anybody know about my survival outside of Ponyville? It was terrible to know that there were probably still a lot of ponies out there that were still broken up about me... Wait, why couldn't I just spread the word? Celestia wanted me to go to Canterlot, right? That's, like, a super-populated city, if I remembered correctly. Anything that I did there would probably spread through Equestria like a plague. It was perfect. But there was just one problem; I had no idea how I was supposed to get there. Even if I was more stable now, I didn't want to be my usual impulsive self and push my luck by running or teleporting there. It would be better to hold back with the magic until I knew exactly what I was safe doing. So...what other modes of transportation were there? "Is something wrong?" Lyra asked, her voice full of concern. She had set her tea down onto its coaster so that she could watch me. I must have been spaced again or something. Well, that was one thing that didn't change. Pfft, the one thing I noticed remaining the same and it was an annoyance of mine. Goodie goodie. "I want to go to Canterlot," I stated plainly. Lyra choked on the mouthful of tea she had been trying to swallow, and it all came back up onto the table as she coughed. I got up and moved next to her, patting her back. She quickly got all of the tea from her lungs and looked up at me with a look of confusion. "H-huh? Wha-why?" she asked weakly. I shrugged and rubbing her back a little. "I think there are still a lot of sad ponies out there. If a small town like this came up with a friggin funeral song for me in a few hours, then what about everywhere else? Ponies out there...they've probably been mourning this whole time. I gotta fix that," I told her. She had started developing a smile halfway through my explanation, and by the time I was done, she was beaming. "Hm? Something up?" She just shook her head and looked back down at her beverage. "No, no, nothing wrong...it's just weird. You still seem so familiar to me, but it's like-...I'm getting to know you for first time. I can see why Twilight cared so much about you that she would do what she did...I'm proud of you, is what I'm saying," she said, a blush spreading across her cheeks. I felt my own cheeks grow hot. What could I say? I never handled such nice compliments that well. "Mooom," I groaned, playing with the one white streak in her mane. I hope I hadn’t given her that with how much I had frightened her the day before. Poor Lyra, I would need to have a special Mother's Day thing for her or something. Mom just grinned sheepishly. "So, where's Bon Bon?" she asked me. I tilted my head at her. Why did she think I would know that? Bon Bon was her friend, not mine. She acted like Emily sometimes, but I didn't know her personally yet. "I dunno. Thought you would know," I shrugged. A look of apprehension spread across her features. I could pretty much tell for sure that she was worrying about the whereabouts of her friend, because I was too. What could have happened that she would have been out all night? I expected her to come back home and see us, then probably tell the others and we would have a nice little chat about my new ability. No...they didn't spend all night looking for us, did they? Why wouldn't she look here first? It was the home she shared with Lyra! It should have been the first place she had looked! She had to be doing something else. There was no way- Click Oh, that must be her. The door creaked open to reveal a very exhausted-looking Bon Bon. It was the tag-alongs behind her that caught my immediate attention. Their mode of transportation made me even more confused. Bon Bon was pulling a floating cloud behind her by a rope. On top of that cloud rested two colorful pony friends. Rainbow Dash and Prime were laying against each other, forced to cuddle due to the small size of the cloud. It was the most adorable thing I had seen so far today, and I had been snuggled up against a minty Pony-Mom. Dash was just waking up, but still had a little pouty face that she must have been wearing when she started snoozing. Prime just looked tired and worn out. I felt for the poor guy. Maybe I could do more to help him out with Time when I went to Canterlot. I expected Bon Bon to see us immediately, but she didn't. She just strolled in slowly and let go of the cloud. The bed-thing started floating around freely behind her. The next one to make a sound was Prime, but he just let out a tired groan. His muzzle was moving slightly, tipping me off that he was probably smelling the tea. It was very aromatic, after all. Bon Bon was almost floating towards the sweet smell coming from the kitchen. Oh, and Rainbow was staring at me like I was some sort of lost treasure. It would have been a bit creepy, but her bed-head managed to make it cute. I only noticed Bon Bon returning from the kitchen with her tea when she tripped over my foot and almost ate shit against the floor. At least the tea was okay. "Oops, sorry, Bonnie," I apologized. She had to notice that we were sitting there now; I was fucking talking to her! She had tripped over me! But no, she remained oblivious, her eyes locked on her beverage. "No, no, it's fine. Tea's safe, that's all that matters," Bon Bon chuckled. No. Fucking. Way. She still didn't get it! Oh god, this could be the best thing ever. To all the humor gods, thank you for this blessing. "Mhmm...what're ya up to?" I asked, trying not to burst out laughing. Bon Bon sighed wearily. "Oh, just out looking for Ryan and Lyra. They disappeared last night and we've been looking since then," she told me. How in the hell did it not get through to her, yet? God damn. She let out a giant yawn, which prompted both Lyra and I to start laughing at quietly as we could. "Soooo...find them yet?" I inquired through another stifled giggle. Bon Bon actually looked sad at this question, prompting a brief spike of concern to poke through my mirthful exterior. "No...we couldn't find a thing. We know that they reappeared somewhere in Ponyville, but except for that...nothing. It's like they disappeared. I was starting to wonder if Ryan tried to teleport again, but there wasn't any more purple smoke...so I think they're still around, somewhere," said Bonnie dejectedly. I looked over at Lyra and saw that she was looking just as concerned as I felt. Her friend had been looking for us all night, at the cost of both her time and sanity. "Aww, it's okay Bonnie. I'm sure you'll find them soon enough," assured Lyra to her friend. Well, never fucking mind, then. She was just going to keep playing it like a joke. Bon Bon seemed to finally be using her brain, now. A look of dawning horror started to reach her features. Then Rainbow Dash happened. "RYAN!" she screamed in her raspy voice. I had barely a second to comprehend my situation before Dash's wings sent her flying towards me like a tiny blue missile. I wasn't sure what happened after that. The only thing that I knew was that the chair I had been sitting on splintered into pieces as Rainbow ran me over. I couldn't even yelp; the air I had been holding in my lungs fucked off at the moment of impact. Our bodies flew backwards onto the dickish floor, but I took all of the force when we landed. Rainbow Dash had wrapped herself around me in one of her patented Atomic Hugs. I wanted to be mad at her for attacking me, but the feeling of her soft, warm body rubbing itself against me dulled my ire immediately. I sighed and relented. If she wanted to do that, she was going to have to learn how to do it right. I wrapped my powerful arms around her smaller blue form and squeezed her for all she was worth. "SQUAWK!" she yelped, the air from her lungs joining mine in orbit. I made sure only to hug her as much as was safe for her, which apparently was pretty lightly. From the way her body was straining in my arms, I was pretty sure that a full-power hug would actually kill her. Damn this magical power that threatened my friends with death hugs! I couldn't tell for sure what was happening around me, but I got the distinct feeling that Bon Bon was questioning what decisions in life had led her to the point of conversing with someone without realizing that they were physically there. Without another moment to spare, Bon Bon walked back out of the house while screaming something at the top of her lungs over and over. Okay, then. Lyra was talking to Prime about...-something, but I couldn't focus on what. Dash was busy trying to squeeze me back as hard as I had squeezed her, but with dismal results. Her tiny frame was built for speed and agility, not strength and stability. It was like a kitten trying to wrestle a boulder. I gave her another tight hug that prompted one more bird-like sound from the prismatic pegasus. That seemed to shut her up. After the second crush, she had become content with just giving me relieved hugs. When I looked back up, I noticed that Prime was done talking and was now writing something down in a tiny little notepad. Lyra was cringing in a way that told me she had just thought of a really fucking stupid pun or something like that. All in all...it felt familiar. The hug that I was sharing with Dash brought me right back to that dream I had escaped to. Emily had hugged me protectively just like this cute little mare was doing. By now, I think every one of my pony friends had done the same. It was then that I noticed that it wasn't just Bon Bon who reminded me of my lost sister. Emily was within every single one of my fans. Those who wanted to watch over me and protect me had watched every week, hoping that I made it through everything safely. But that also meant...oh, god. If every single one of my fans felt that way about me, then I had some serious cheering up to do. A small, determined grin grew on my face, confusing the pegasus underneath my chin. I had a lot of work ahead of me if I was to stop all of the sadness that had resulted from my death. Every single fan needed to know that I was okay. What better place to start than Canterlot?