//------------------------------// // Ticket To Titanic // Story: A Night To Remember // by I Am The Night //------------------------------// Okay, before I begin, I must say a few things. This is set after Chapter 3 of Crowley's story, "A Lover's Choice." SPOILERS: In chapter 3, you agree to have sex with Aloe. With lust basically controlling you, you end up saying that you have no regrets with cheating on Lotus, who is watching you. Lotus then tells you that it's over between you and her. She also bans you from the spa permanently, and makes you leave. FOREVER. Now, stupid me, I chose that ending first. After that, I had a fantasy that It was Thunder suffering through this. Then, him and Rookie, Rainbow, Aloe and Lotus go on a ship similar to Titanic, but called S.S. Equestria, then I changed it to Gigantic, then decided to have it called Titanic because if I debate on the name, I'll just get tired and cancel the story. Well, cancel it, no, but I'll end up debating for days. Now, then. Onto the story. Oh, and all of my stories will be in Thunder's P.O.V. and all stories will have Thunder in it. I'm that kinda brony. :] A Night To Remember Chapter I: Ticket To Titanic April 8th, 2012 2:30 p.m. Thunder's Home Thunder's P.O.V. It had been two days since I made that mistake...that stupid, lust-driven mistake. I should've just said no. If I did, we'd still be together. *flashback* I turn desperately to Lotus, watching as her love for me slips away. “I’m sorry,” I choked, “I really am.” “Save it,” she blinks away a fresh wave of her tears, “This will hurt me far more than it’ll hurt you. You‘re not the stallion I‘m looking for…” This can’t be happening! It’s all going so fast, my heart was breaking, and there was nothing I could do to save her love, “Lotus, please, no!” “It’s over between us.” Mournfully, she raises a hoof, pointing at the door. “I don‘t think I have to tell you about your permanent spa ban either. Just… go. And never come back.” And that’s it. My heart lies broken due to my own foolish, lust-driven mistakes. I'd protest, if I knew I wouldn’t break down from trying to talk. With the weight of my guilt, my pain, my fault heavy in my stomach, I took the slow trot of shame out of the door, and out of their lives. Looking back towards them for the last time, one fact stood out like a piercing thorn; I will never see Lotus’ face - or Aloe’s - ever again. *end of flashback* After that, I came home, and sat on my couch, for hours. I didn't even know how long I was sitting there. At some point, I just went back to my room and went to sleep. I don't even know when I ate last. Eventually, I heard the front door open up. I looked and saw that It was the stallion who calls himself Rookie, and his marefriend, and my friend, Rainbow Dash. "Oh. Hey, you two," was all I managed to say. "Thunder? Man, you look awful," he said in shock. "Thank you," I said before chuckling. "What happened?" Rainbow asked. "Somethin' with you and Lotus?" Rookie asked me. "You could say that," I replied. "Like what?" he asked. "Uhh...." I really didn't know what to say. I was afraid to say it at the moment, but they're my friends, so they might understand. So, I stood up and told them. When I finished, they were shocked. "Why would you say that?" Rainbow asked. "It was lust that drove me to say it. Lust can make anypony do stupid things, like it did with me. Clearly, I had many regrets with cheating on her. I don't like her for just her looks, I like her for who she is! She likes things I like, I like things she likes...well...I'm not sure about her liking what I like anymore...All I know is that I screwed it up...big time..." I sat down on the couch again, and sighed. "And I won't be able to fix it ever again." I buried my face into my hooves. After a few moments, I looked back up at them. "Anyway, why're you here?" I asked. "Right," Rookie replied. He then took something out from the satchel he was wearing, and gave it to me. It was a card. No...a ticket. It read on it: FIRST CLASS TICKET ON BOARD THE S.S. TITANIC! LEAVES MANEHATTAN TO PRANCE ON MAIDEN VOYAGE APRIL 10th. THE OWNER OF THIS TICKET WILL GO TO ROOM B-34. DON'T MISS THE TRIP OF A LIFETIME! "Whoa. First class ticket to...Titanic?" I asked. "Yeah. We were given 3 tickets, and decided to give the third to you," Rookie replied. "Uhh...Th-thanks. Wait, what about the others?" "They're busy enough. They won't notice we're gone," Rainbow replied. "I'd hide that ticket if I were you, by the way." I chuckled, knowing what the others did when Twilight got those tickets to the Gala. "Don't worry. I'll keep it hidden." "Alright, we gotta run," Rookie replied. "Seeya." "Later," I replied. The two of them then ran out of the door, and flew into the air. I even heard them giggling as they ran out. I think I know what they'll be doing when they get home. I then grabbed a suitcase, and began to pack only the things I needed, pocketwatch, journal, clothing. I barely see anypony other than Canterlot citizens wear clothes, but since this is a fancy ship, I should at least LOOK fancy. As I was packing, my eyes wandered to a picture frame on a table next to me. The picture showed me and Lotus on our first date. Lotus rested her head on my shoulder, and I looked down at her, smiling. Just looking at this picture nearly brought a tear to my eye. I then placed the picture into my suitcase, and zipped it up. Now that I'm packed, I should get snacked. Maybe Sugarcube Corner will satisfy my needs. I got up, but before I left, I hid my ticket inside my suitcase, and placed the suitcase upstairs near my bed. I then headed out. Time to get a snack. The Spa 2:35 p.m. Lotus sat there at the counter, making sure everything was good in the spa. Once she checked if everything was working properly, she decided to go out for a bit, maybe get a snack. Just as she was about to leave, the door opened, ringing the bell above the door. Happily, she turned to the door. "Hello, welcome to the spa, how may I help you?" she asked. She looked to the door to see Derpy standing there, a letter in her mouth. "Hmph!" she yelled. Derpy then giggled and placed the letter on the counter. "Hi, Lotus. I have mail for you!" "Thank you, Derpy." "Bye!" and in a moment, as quick as she came, she was gone. Lotus then took the letter and opened it. What was inside were two tickets that read: FIRST CLASS TICKET ON BOARD THE S.S. TITANIC! LEAVES MANEHATTAN TO PRANCE ON MAIDEN VOYAGE APRIL 10th. THE OWNER OF THIS TICKET WILL GO TO ROOM B-38. DON'T MISS THE TRIP OF A LIFETIME! "Wow," she said to herself. "What is it?" Aloe asked as she neared her sister. "I just got two tickets for a cruise ship called Titanic." "Ooh, sounds fancy. When does it leave?" "April 10th. That's two days from now. It leaves for Prance." "I've always wanted to go to Prance. I've heard they have a very relaxing spa there. That'll be good." "Yeah...." Lotus then remembered about last night. Aloe knew what she was thinking. "Hey," she said to her twin sister, "You need to stop thinking about him. He's gone, and now you can find a stallion who actually cares about you." After a moment, Lotus sighed. "Yeah, you're right." "C'mon. Let's go pack." A minute later, as the two began to pack, Lotus spotted a picture of her and Thunder on their first date. She examined it for a moment, before picking it up, and placing it into the trash. "Farewell, Thunder." Well, I'm not really proud of this chapter. If anypony has something they would like me to change, let me know. Also, as I said before, this is my version of what happens after Chapter 3 in "A Lover's Choice." With my OC. And Titanic. The Equestrian version. :3 Okay, also, It's Friday, and after today, I only officially have 3 days of School left. Then it's off to High School. Or Summer School. Also, this is total BS right here. I came to school in September (Where I live, school starts in august), and my teacher said she gave me a math textbook. She never fucking did! So, now, she wants me to pay for a textbook I never got. You know what? FUCK YOU, teacher. I ain't payin' for a book you never gave me, and if you don't like it, IDGAF. Anyway, I decided to give you a new story, seeming some are waiting for chapter IV of MoaF (Mother of a Foal). I'll upload it tomorrow. Goodbye for now.