The Nobody's Regret

by Synthetic Soul


The next morning, I gradually awoke in response to the sunlight that shone through the window. I gently opened my eyes, to find myself not in the room I had awoken in the previous morning, but room with white painted walls. I saw a painting of Celestia and Luna, as well as one showing a pair of alicorns I did not recognize. One appeared to be a stallion, while the other looked like a mare. I had a feeling these two were Celestia and Luna’s parents.

There was a full bookshelf next to a desk with a candle on it. I looked down to see the bed I was in. The sheets were golden, with embroidered images of the sun. ‘Am I in Celestia’s bed?’ Just then, memories of the previous night came back to me. How Celestia had confided in me about her friend, and then how we had fallen asleep together. I felt my cheeks warm slightly; though I knew what happened was purely platonic. I quickly put it aside, and got myself out of bed. I got up, and made my way towards a mirror hanging on the wall. I saw that my hair was still styled the way it had been the day before, not messed up from sleep. I guessed that was due to my transformation.

I made my way to the door, opening it, and stepping outside. I saw a guard on the opposite side of the hallway, standing at attention, as expected. As soon as he saw me standing there, he looked up to me and spoke.

“Ah, sir Roxas, are you ready to be escorted to the dining hall?” ‘Sir Roxas, huh?’ I nodded my head, and the guard answered; “Alright then, follow me.” The guard turned, and started walking down the hallway, with me in tow. We made our way toward a set of medium sized double doors. The guard opened the one of the doors, allowing me entrance.

I made my way past the guard, to find myself in an impressive looking dining hall. There was a long table, with a beautiful artistic cover. There were several decorative candles lining the table, as well as a crystal chandelier hanging above it. There were several chairs along the sides of the table. I counted eight of them.

As I made my way into the room, the guard closed the door behind me. I walked over to the table and took a seat at the end of the table. After a few moments, a door on the adjacent wall to the one I entered through opened, to reveal a pony servant, who made her way towards me. As soon as she was within a few feet of me, she spoke.

“Hello sir Roxas, what can I get for you to eat this morning?”

“Um, I’m not sure. Just bring me anything I guess.”

“Oh, um…all right then,” said the pony, before she turned and left me alone.

Breakfast had consisted of a bowl of fruit, and a few doughy pastries, that somewhat resembled pancakes, though not as tasty. After that, I was led through the castle, past the doors to the throne room, eventually leading me to a brown oak door.

“What’s this?” I asked.

“This is Princess Celestia’s office. She requested to see you before the ceremony,” replied the guard. ‘Ceremony?’ I thought. Then I remembered, I was going to be knighted. I looked to the guard, and nodded. I then opened the door, and stepped inside, to see Celestia sitting behind a fancy looking desk. She looked up from what she was writing, to look me in the eye.

“Ah, good morning Roxas,” she said as I stepped in, closing the door behind me. “How did you sleep?”

“Oh, it was fine,” I said rubbing the back of my head, a little embarrassed. “Um, how about you?”

“Very pleasant. When I awoke, I felt very refreshed, physically and emotionally…thank you for your support last night.”

“It was no problem,” I said. Celestia gave me a warm smile, and then gestured to the seat in front of the desk.

“Please have a seat,” she said.

“Sure,” I said as I sat down. “So, why did you want to see me?”

“Well, as I’m sure you know, you’re going to be knighted today, for your aid in stopping Discord.”

“Oh yeah. It’s, it really is an honor!”

“I’m glad. I just had a few things I wished to discuss with you, procedures and things of that nature.”

“Oh, alright.”

“As I’m sure you are aware, most ponies present at the ceremony will be a bit…surprised, to see one such as your self. That is why we wish for you to stay hidden, until we’ve introduced you.”

“Ok. Where should I hide?”

“Well, We will have you wait in your room until the throne room is full. Then, we’ll have you wait on the other side of the doors until we’ve introduced you, and that is when you will enter.”

“Sounds good to me,” I said.

“Very good. We will begin setting things up immediately.”

“Alright, I’ll head back to my room. See you soon,” I said as I stood up from the chair.

“See you soon.” And with that, I left for my room.

The throne room was lined with ponies, some dressed in fancy clothes, while others were not. There was no exclusion in this ceremony. The ponies were grouped on the outer sides of the throne room, while two lines of armored guards were stationed in between the two groups, leaving a open space for me to walk up to the throne. Celestia and Luna stood in front of the steps to their thrones, dressed in their regalia.

Trumpets sounded, and all attention turned to the princesses. And then Celestia spoke.

“My little ponies, today is a day for celebration. Yesterday, after a long and painful struggle, the Spirit of Chaos was defeated!” The ponies gathered in the crowds all cheered and stomped their hooves. After a few moments, Luna held up her hoof, silencing the crowd so she could speak.

“Peace and harmony have now returned to Equestria. But while it is true that my sister and I delivered the final blow, we would not have been able to without the help of a special somebody.” Celestia then took over the conversation.

“It was thanks to this hero that we were able to defeat Discord. And it is because of his heroism, that we have decided to knight this hero.”

“But, we must warn you, he is not a pony. Nor is he any creature the likes of which any of us have ever seen. He is what is known as a human.” Murmurs could be heard as the ponies discussed this new information amongst themselves.

“And now, we would like to introduce you to the newest knight of Equestria! Sir Roxas!” That was my cue. I pushed the doors opened, and strode in. I kept my hood down. Didn’t want to look like an imposing reaper or anything. The pony’s heads all turned to look at me. I looked straight forward, at the princesses, though in my peripherals I could see looks of shock and awe. I was clearly the most interesting thing these ponies had seen all day.

All eyes were on me as I made my way towards the princesses. Once I was a few feet away, I kneeled before them and bowed my head.

“Roxas,” began Celestia as she withdrew a ceremonial sword with her magic. “For exemplifying heroics of the highest order, and aiding in the defeat of one of Equestria’s greatest threats, we as princesses of Equestria wish to bestow upon you our greatest honor.” Celestia lowered the blade onto my left shoulder, and then my right while speaking. “We hereby name you Sir Roxas, knight of Equestria. After she lifted the blade up, she motioned for me to stand.

Celestia sheathed the blade, and handed it to me, which I took in both hands. I then turned to face the ponies that had gathered. I looked into the ponies eyes, not sure of how they would react. I became nervous, worried that they would not accept me. That was, until one pony started clapping. Then a few more started, then more and more, until the whole room was filled with applause. A smile came to my face, as the ponies cheered for me.

That was how my life in Equestria began.