//------------------------------// // Ch. 3; Communications // Story: Star Wars: A Second Chance // by Dorath //------------------------------// “Dear Princess Celestia: I hope this letter finds you well. As I am sure you are aware, a shooting star made landfall in the Everfree Forest earlier tonight. My friend, Rainbow Dash, investigated and found what appears to be a vehicle of some kind, as well as its operator. Unfortunately, both were injured in a detonation before any significant exchanges could take place. Don’t worry! Rainbow is alright, just bruised and a bit shook-up. The vehicle’s operator was more severely wounded, and we moved her (Cloud Kicker is quite certain the entity is a mare) to Sweet Apple Acres for medical care and stabilization. The entity, or ‘alien’, regained consciousness later this evening. While not hostile, the lack of a common language has made interaction difficult, to say the least. The alien has also insisted, quite stubbornly to my mind, on returning to her damaged vehicle, rather than remain with us where she could receive additional medical care. Given the enormity of this situation, I ask for your permission to investigate our visitor, in the hope of establishing meaningful contact with her. Also, could you suggest any research materials for developing a translation spell? While the stacks at Golden Oaks are most impressive for such a small town, I fear that they lack the specialized texts I currently require. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle P.S. Please give my regards and greetings to Princess Luna, and advise her about our visitor. While I do not fully understand her dream-walking abilities, I suspect a surprise encounter with the dreams of an actual alien could be disquieting.” “My faithful student, Twilight Sparkle: While your desire to communicate with our visitor, as well as your concern over her welfare, fills me with pride, I must caution you against taking any unnecessary risks. Even the most goodhearted of ponies can lash out when gripped by pain, fear or confusion, and I am concerned that our alien guest may be experiencing all three. As for your research, I have sent three tomes that I believe will be helpful via the post. They should be arriving within the day, or tomorrow at the latest. I ask that you keep me informed on your progress, and please exercise care in your investigations and initial interactions with the alien. Your mentor, Princess Celestia P.S. Luna asked me to return your salutations, and to thank you for your concern.” ________________________________________ Log Entry 292: The ship looks like chaos, and I’m honestly not sure how much point there is in actually trying to salvage it, given my initial inspection results. Eh, I’ll do an actual damage control accounting once the sun comes up. At least I found a working datapad to make this log entry in. I did meet some of the local populace tonight. They seem all right, patched me up and didn’t try to quarantine or dissect me or anything. Also, they are just so damn adorable! Maybe it’s the cranial trauma and general injuries talking, but I swear I just want to grab them, hug them, and squeal like a youngling! Thank the Force no one is likely to ever hear these recordings, I don’t think my reputation would survive. Log Entry 293: Well, that question is answered, between getting yanked out of hyperspace, the crash, and the fuel cells exploding, this ship will never fly again. The drives are kaput, several of the higher-end electrical systems are dead, and the hull will never be space-worthy again with the repairs I can do here. Oh, and I can’t get the reactor to go above 15% output. It’s not a complete write-off, though, rudimentary computer functions still work, and I have basic sensors within a 100-meter radius, so the local wildlife isn’t likely to get the drop on me. Plumbing and water-recycling are both fine, and life support is working at 70% efficiency. More than enough, seeing as I have a breathable atmosphere outside and don’t have to deal with the temperature extremes of deep space. In addition, the galley actually came through mostly intact, which is just bizarre. Sadly, Medical is another matter, I was only able to salvage three medpacs, everything else is so much scrap. The personnel quarters are in the same state, and it’s going to be a singed blanket on the deckplates and all of two changes of clothes from now on. Just like back in the slave pen. ________________________________________ “Dear Princess Celestia: Thank you for the tomes you sent, they have been very helpful, especially Cunning Tongue’s theories on meta-symbolism and the linguistic transference charms of the zebras. (Although I do wish Cloud Kicker would stop giggling whenever I mention them.) I feel confident that I will be able to engage our alien visitor in an actual conversation soon. Applejack, Cloud Kicker and Rainbow Dash have been taking turns checking in on our currently nameless friend (if I may be so bold as to assume against our hopeful future relationship), and she appears to be doing better. According to my friends’ reports, she is often doing repairs to the hull of her ship, or engaged in what seems to be meditation outside. Thanks to her “pinkie-sense”, Pinkie Pie quickly became aware of our visitor, but, happily, Applejack and I were able to persuade her that a “Welcome to Ponyville/Equestria” party should wait until after we are all able to speak with one another. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle” ________________________________________ Log Entry 294: Something is up, I’ve been here the better part of a week now, but the only folk I’ve seen are those five natives from the first night. Three of the five have shown up at my ship over the last few days, whether to keep an eye on me, or just out of curiosity, I’m not sure. (Well, the blue, winged one with the polychromatic mane may just be looking for a place to grab some sack time, she’s been here three times now, and took a nap each one.) But there has been no sign of Customs and Immigration, Security, or local troops, my “landing” was not subtle by any stretch, so where is the government? A meteor (at least) comes crashing out of the sky, and no one bothers to investigate? I don’t buy it. On the plus side, regular uses of a healing trance have mostly repaired my burns, bruises and lacerations, and my ribs are now merely strained instead of cracked. My arm is still in bad shape, however, (it was really broken), and my eye is beyond salvaging. I’d like to get back to fighting shape as soon as possible, especially given the suspicious lack of interest in my arrival. There is plenty of plant- and animal-life in this forest, I could just … no. I’ve walked that road before, and I know just how easy it is to slip, I won’t start down that path again merely because I’m too impatient to take the time I need to heal. ________________________________________ “Dear Princess Celestia: I did it! The translation spell is ready! I am going to go try it on our alien visitor later today, hopefully I will have plenty to report to you tonight. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle” ________________________________________ Twilight Sparkle, personal student to the Princess of the Sun and Librarian of Ponyville, waved at the distant figure of Big Macintosh as she cut through Sweet Apple Acres on her way to the Everfree Forest. Beside her happily trotted Fluttershy, the handle of a first aid kit gripped in her mouth and a smile on her lips. The shadows of the forest wrapped around the pair as they moved further away from Ponyville. Her friends had assured Twilight that the alien’s crash site wasn’t very far into the forest, a revelation that she had accepted with some relief. While the more dangerous beasts usually stayed to the deeper parts, even the outer edges of the Everfree were unsettling, and could hold hidden dangers. Still, a few minutes’ walk quickly brought the ponies safely to their destination. The spacecraft’s violent arrival had toppled trees, creating a small clearing about the downed vessel, and leaning against the ship’s hull was the alien, for all the world as if she had been expecting the two mares, dressed just as when they had last seen her, except that she had left off the vest this time. “Um, yes, h-hello,” Twilight stammered, the magnitude of what was about to happen, and what it could potentially mean for Equestria, leaving her somewhat tongue-tied. Taking a deep breath to pull herself together, Twilight forged ahead, “We met at Applejack’s a few nights ago, do you remember? Fluttershy and I wanted to make sure you were doing alright.” The alien merely cocked her head to the side and said something in her incomprehensible language. ‘Probably commenting on how she still cannot understand me,’ Twilight berated herself, flushing slightly in embarrassment. Stepping forward, Twilight ignited her horn, then raised a hoof to point from it to the alien’s forehead. She repeated the gesture a few more times, before the alien, whether out of comprehension or simple curiosity, pulled away from the hull and dropped to one knee, bringing her head down to the same level as Twilight’s. A beam of magenta light lashed out, connecting pony and alien for a brief moment, before the alien fell backwards in surprise. “What the frelling chaos was that?!” “I’m sorry! I needed to establish a connection so the translation matrix … do you understand me?” “… Yes?” Twilight began bouncing around the clearing like a little filly, “I did it! I did it! I did it!” The alien turned her mystified gaze to Fluttershy, “Is this … normal?” ________________________________________ The yellow native dropped the box she was carrying, ‘Was that a medical kit?’ and lowered her head to hide behind her long pink mane before replying in a voice not much louder than a whisper, “Twilight can be a little excitable at times. Could, could I check on your injuries? If it’s okay with you, that is…” ‘Wow, this, uh whatever she is, is really shy,’ Revan reflected with amusement, ‘Makes me want to hug her even more,’ after a moment’s consideration, the Jedi shifted backwards so her ship’s hull could support her back as she sat on the ground, “Go ahead. I try not to argue with medics.” The small quadruped leaned forward to examine Revan’s exposed skin, her eyes widening when she saw that most of the injuries had already mended, “Oh my, you heal very quickly, did you use magic?” ‘Magic? Really?’ Revan thought in bemusement, “Trade secret,” she raised her voice to make sure Miss Happy Dance would hear, “So, I’m not sure what the proper, diplomatic way to say this is, but … what are you?” “Oh my!” the purple one stumbled to a halt, her cheeks reddening, “Right, introductions. I’m Twilight Sparkle, and that’s Fluttershy next to you.” ‘It’s an entire race of living cute, I’m so doomed. And of course her name is as cute as she is. What else would it be?’ The native looked up from her examination to give Revan a timid smile, “Hello.” “We’re Ponies,” Twilight continued, sounding like a teacher giving a lecture, “Specifically, I’m a Unicorn and Fluttershy is a Pegasus. There are also Earth Ponies, like Applejack whom you also met when you arrived. Then there are the Thestrals, which are a sub-species of pegasi, and the Crystal Ponies who are a sub-species of all three tribes,” Twilight paused in her discourse to give Revan an expectant look. “My turn, then?” Revan couldn’t help but grin a little at the unicorn’s eagerness, “I’m Revan Vao, a knight of the Jedi Order, and my race are called twi’leks,” she raised her hand to stop Twilight before the unicorn could launch into what she could already tell would be a full-on interrogation, “Look, I know you have questions. Chaos, I have a few of my own, but I’d rather not have to do this three or four dozen times. Is there anyone I should be talking to first? Some authority or governmental representative or something? I’m pretty much stuck here, and I don’t want to start out on the wrong side of the law if it can be avoided.” The unicorn nodded, “Yes, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna rule Equestria, as a representative of a foreign power, you really should meet with them as soon as reasonably possible. I’ll write them a letter as soon as I get home and make the arrangements.” “Alright,” Revan replied. ‘“Make the arrangements?” Does she have direct contact with the ruling monarchs or something? Just who is this girl?’ “Of course, my meeting people depends on my fit-rep,” she turned a half-smile on the little pegasus beside her, “So, what’s the diagnosis, Miss Fluttershy?” “Oh, please just call me Fluttershy, if it’s alright with you…” the bashful mare responded, “Your lesser injuries should be fully healed tomorrow or the day after at worst, and I believe your ribs should be finished mending within a week or so. Your arm … your arm is going to take at least another month to heal, and … a-and there’s nothing that even healing magic can do for your e-eye anymore … I’m so sorry!” the poor pony looked on the verge of tears as she finished. The pegasus gave a startled “eep” as Revan impulsively drew her into a rough, one-armed hug, “Hey, hey, it’s alright, I knew the eye was a lost cause already, and the rest will heal with time. It’s alright.” Twilight step forward to give her friend a comforting nuzzle, while Revan almost immediately pulled away from the ponies and focused rather intently on the forest, her own cheeks darker than they had been just a moment ago. After a few seconds of awkward silence, she pulled herself to her feet with a small groan, “Well, you have a letter to write, and I’m sure ‘Shy here has other patients to see too. And I have more work to do if I want to make this crate livable again. So, we should all be about it, I guess. Let me known when you’ve set things up with these Princesses,” with that, Revan palmed the hatch controls and slipped inside, leaving the two mares outside to stare at the closed portal. Fluttershy turned to Twilight in a mixture of anxiety and confusion, “Was it something we said?"