My Little Sunset: Magical Girl

by madhat886

Chapter 10

Celestia unpacked her things in the room she and Sunset be sharing. While the other new magic users are still living at their homes, she couldn't go back to the a house she shares with her sister Luna. She's struck with Sunset for the next couple of weeks thanks to a magic spell. And just about everything has been tried to separate them. Even putting them in two different cars and tried driving away. All that cause was engine damage as even with the pedal to the metal the cars couldn't move them apart. The limit that they can be apart from each other is three feet. So she and Sunset will be living together till the spell wears out, in one of the house built on the base.

The plan the army brass came up with is for Sunset to train both Celestia, Luna, and Spitfire first. Then the three adults be able to help Sunset train the others. The now magical items that the now magical students process after finding out which item it was that had the element shard in it. Was taken by the army for safe keeping, and Sunset placed a magical spell over the vault it's kept in that would sound an alarm throughout the base.

"Sunset now that we're together we should make the best of things," Celestia said as she undresses to put on her night clothes. Which is just a shirt and shorts over her underwear.

"Best of things?" Sunset ask as she also puts on her night clothes. Which mirrors what Celestia is wearing.

"I know you been avoiding me because of what my counterpart didn't do," Celestia said.

"Just drop it," Sunset said.

"Sunset, I'm not your Celestia," said woman said.

"I know that... but... just looking at you," Sunset said as she face away from Celestia.

"She hurt you badly by neglecting you," Celestia said having seen it happen to more children then she cared to admit.

"She made so many promises to me. Only to break them when, I was no longer useful to her," Sunset said.

Celestia simply embrace her in a warm hug.

"LET GO!" Sunset shouted as she breaks out of the hug and tried to get away by was stop in her track after she reach the 3 foot limit.

"Sunset you can't just keep running away. You need to talk about your past," Celestia said as she sat down on the bed both of them will be sharing together. "We're struck together. So there is no running away from this."

"Fine," Sunset said as she sat down on the bed.

"Just let it out," Celestia said.

"No matter what, I did was never enough for her. All, I ever wanted from her was to be her daughter. She cared for me and did everything that a mother would do, but she didn't see me as her daughter. And now, I learn that she just replaced me with someone who unlike me would just blindly follow her without thinking," Sunset said as she began crying.

"Let it out," Celestia said as she rubs her back.

"She just wanted a puppet who would do as she wanted. And with a family of her own she wouldn't become attach to her like, I did. She only saw me as a tool and nothing more," Sunset said holding herself as she began crying.

Celestia pulled her into her arms as held her. She knows that it be a long time before Sunset be able to deal with what happen to her. And she would be waiting for her, no matter how long it takes. (1)