//------------------------------// // Know Your Girl: Twilight Sparkle // Story: Know your Mare // by overlord-flinx //------------------------------// Know your girl, know your girl, know your girl... The young girl on center stage shared a similar hair color and even skin color to a mare that once stood there many years ago; but the fact she stood on two legs and had glasses, it was clear to be another thing entirely. Twilight Sparkle... ...eats lunch with the lights off... "I don't do that, I'm sure. I mean, if I have the blinds drawn and the sun is out I might just go by natural lighting. But I defiantly don't eat in the dark." Twilight Sparkle... ...paints her legs to look like socks so she doesn't have to actually where them... "That seems like a lot more work than to just put on socks. I hate to be 'that girl' here, but where are you getting these facts exactly?" Twilight Sparkle... ...double dips her bread-sticks in cheese... ...after she bit the end she's dipping... "Well first that's gross to do. Second, I don't really eat bread-sticks and cheese." Twilight Sparkle... ...is apparently a barbarian... "I just prefer rolls over bread-sticks. That doesn't make me a savage or anything." Twilight Sparkle... ...thinks barbarians HAVE to be savages... "It's pretty much implied with their name, isn't it?" Now you know... Twilight Sparkle... "Wait, this was about informing them about--No! No! That's not me! None of that is me! What if someone listening to this was from a scholarship organization?!" Was...? What if they ARE...? Twilight Sparkle gave a sharp pull to her hair, a frantic look coming to her face before bolting out of the room. "I don't eat rolls in the dark!"