My Little Pony: Nakama is Magic

by Hotspot the 626th

Ready? Set. Fight!

Last time one My Little Pony: Nakama is Magic…

"That's Enies Lobby?" asked Twilight calmly.

"Yes, Ms. Sparkle. That is Enies Lobby." Jack stated for clarity. "That is the island that never sees darkness. As you can plainly see."

"Enough talk, girls." Rarity said to her friends looking cautious. "We better get moving. Who knows when these fellows will wake up?"

Luffy gasped. "Twilight? Spike?"

"We're here to join you!" stated Twilight loudly for everyone to hear.

"Sure!" Luffy stated happily.

"CP9!" shouted Spandam to the black-suited group. "Listen up! I give you permission to kill all the Straw Hat pirates, except the bearers of the elements of Harmony! Capture them and bring them to the transport ship!"

"Understood." Lucci said nodding.

"I think I understand now…" Luffy said understanding. "Sogeking."

"Hm?" replied Sogeking/Usopp.

"Shoot the flag."


"Robin!" shouted Luffy taking his turn. "We still haven't heard you say it! Say you want to live!"

"Robin!" shouted Twilight again.


"Let's go!" shouted Luffy as he pulled and pushed everyone off the building. Immediately, they were caught by the sea train Rocket Man as it sailed through the air towards the Tower of Justice. It's time to fight back!

Luffy & Twilight: We're always shining, running, forever
Sharing the best adventures together
And as we follow our dreams however crazy they seem
We won't stop until we reach the end so
Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up heartbeat! We are the one! Go ahead!

My Little Pony
Nakama is Magic

The only rule that we obey is to run free
Mane Six plus Spike (chorus): We are best friends
Don't ever let a compass show you the way to go
Just pick the route that looks the most exciting!

Raise the flag and sail on full speed ahead
Straw Hat 7 (chorus): Go east, go west
It doesn't matter who or what's standing in our way,
We'll make it through them everyday

You won't get anywhere if you're waiting for the sun to rise
All (chorus): I can't wait
So spread your wings and meet it in the sky, leave earth below
Just follow its light and get going, go!

So as we're Shining, Running, Forever!
When all the pieces of our dreams have merged
You'll feel a joy inside that you can't explain
And that's the treasure we must find!

We're always shining, running, forever
Sharing the best adventures together
And as we follow our dreams however crazy they seem
We won't stop until we reach the end so
Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up heartbeat.
We are the one! Go ahead!

"Ready? Set. Fight!"

Everyone held on to the metal hull for dear life as they soared through the air. Even the Pegasi dare not to let go out of fear. Thanks to Kokoro, Rocket Man had once again come to the aid of the Straw Hats. Though the drawbridge had only partially open, it had provided a good ramp for the sea train to launch and catch both the Straw Hats and Franky. Everyone screamed as Rocket Man neared the Tower of Justice. They were going to land, and it wouldn't be a smooth one. Just as the sea train was about to hit the tower, Twilight activated a shield around most of the train. Mostly everyone was completely protected as they crashed through the wall. Immediately, it scared off several CP agents. Rocket Man then crash onto the floor. Because of the shield, the train stayed upright until it Twilight finally dropped it. In which case, it landed and fell over on its side. Luckily, no one was caught underneath it.

Above the crash, Spandam was shocked. The pirates had made it to the other side, and he knew he was in trouble. Immediately, he took Robin, Lucci, and the elephant named Funkfreed with him and headed for the Gates of Justice. The rest of CP9 had been given there tasks; defeat the Straw Hats and capture the bearers. The young chief of CP9 then left as quickly as possible.

Back at the Rocket Man crash site, everyone began recovering.

"Argh, my head." The first to recover was Franky. His tough body, both as a Minotaur and a cyborg, allowed him to withstand the impact. As he looked around, he spotted Kokoro, Chimney, and Gonbe hanging over the side of Rocket Man's window. He immediately gasped. "Ah! Kokoro! Kid! Are you okay?!"

All three civilians immediately recovered, and smiling. They looked completely uninjured, except for their noses. "I got a nosebleed." All three said – Gonbe in his own language – lightheartedly.

"You should have something more severe than just that!" shouted Franky shocked.

"Is everyone okay?" From nearby, Twilight recovered next. She began looking around trying to find her friends.

"Yeah…" spoke Sanji as he and everyone began getting up. "I think so…"

"Thank goodness for Twilight's shield." Fluttershy said relieved.

Suddenly, Nami jumped onto Twilight. She was crying tears of joy and relief. "You are a godsend, Twilight! I thought we were done for."

Twilight smiled bashfully. "It was nothing, really."

"Well, now we're inside." Applejack stated as she placed her hat back on her head. "What's next?"

"We get Robin." Luffy stated determinedly.


Everyone stopped immedaitely hearing the new voice. They all looked up towards the corner of the wall. There, they saw a very round ogre with a zipper mouth and wearing a black suit. He was positioned in the corner high above the group's level.

"What the hay is that?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Chapapapa!" laughed Fukuro. "Look they've broken in! But they won't find Nico Robin. Even if you go to the room you guys saw earlier, they won't be there. Lucci is taking her to the Gates of Justice."

"What?!" gasped the group.

"Ah, and the chief, too."

"Oh, is that right?" Nami said smiling. "Thanks for giving us such valuable information."

"Chapapa… I spilled the beans…" Fukuro said frowning at his own big mouth.

"What a funny guy." Chopper commented slightly surprised.

Nevertheless, Fukuro continued. "Oh, well… They're heading there now, but I won't tell you how to get there. Of course, we of CP9 won't allow to follow either since with have orders to kill and capture you."

"K-Kill?!" gasped Sogeking/Usopp.

"Capture?" said Rarity sounding concerned.

"Unless you guys defeat us, you won't be able to set Nico Robin free." Fukuro stated for the group.

"Yeah. You don't have to tell us that. We're gonna do it anyway." Luffy said determinedly.

"Chapapa… What a high-spirited guy. But let me tell you one more thing."

"What? I don't care."

"Oh, you will." Fukuro said before digging into his suit pocket. He then brought out a key and showed it to the group. "I shall speak frankly. This is a key that may unlock the Seastone hoofcuffs on Nico Robin!"

"Seastone?" asked Rarity.

"It's a type of stone that can cancel out Devil Fruit powers." Twilight answered for her friend. She then looked back at the ogre now looking mad. "That's why Robin couldn't just knock them out with ease."

"Even if you guys can rescue Nico Robin by some chance, since Seastone is as hard as diamonds, the handcuffs can't be cut off and will remain on her forever. It that's okay, keep going to rescue Nico Robin! Chapapapapa!"

"Well, then…" said Rarity smiling as her horn began to glow. Her magic then glowed around the key in Fukuro's hand. It then floated out of his hand and floated to Rarity. Once to her, Rarity smiled towards the CP9 agent. "Thank you for our first key."

"Alright!" shouted Spike, Chopper, and Sogeking/Usopp.

"What?!" shouted Fukuro in shock. He hadn't thought about the number of unicorns in the room that could use telekinesis. He quickly calmed himself as he tried to remain cool. "Whatever. Take it. I never said that it is the right key."

"What?!" shouted the whole group angrily.

"Wait, do you know if it is the real key?" asked Pinkie Pie curiously.

Fukuro remained silent for a few moments. He soon began to sweat nervously. No one else spoke either, but they all realized that the ogre didn't know. Realizing this, Fukuro shot forward in rage. "Gimme that key back!" He shouted enraged.

Everyone quickly moved out of the way. Fukuro then crashed into the ground. While most of the group separated together, Fluttershy and Spike had fallen in with Kokoro, Chimney, and Gonbe. Everyone else rushed over into the next room which was the main room. Here, there were stairways and hallways leading all over the Tower of Justice. As the Straw Hats regrouped, they quickly noticed they were missing some.

"Where's Fluttershy?" asked Chopper worried.

"And Spike!" added Twilight also worried.

"They must be in the other room." Zoro said looking back. He could also see the ogre, in the dust and smoke, getting up. He looked to be facing in their direction. "We don't have time to worry about them though, he's probably gonna go after Rarity."

"Oh my…" said Rarity worried.

"We should..." Zoro said before looking the group over. He suddenly raised his brow as he noticed they were missing some others. "Where's Luffy? And Twilight?"

"Huh?" The group turned around only to find that neither ponies were with them.

"They must have run off ahead of us." Nami said surprised.

"They're probably together too," added Sanji calmly.

"That's probably for the best." Zoro said nodding. "Luffy knows what he needs to do, and Twilight with him means he probably won't do anything too reckless. Meanwhile, we'll take on the rest."

"How do you suggest we do that?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"With you guys joining us, our numbers have increased. Though, our fighting power hasn't changed that much. No offense."

"None taken." Applejack said passively.

"But we should all be prepared to fight… if any of us are able to retrieve the key before defeating the opponent, try to hand it off to someone and head for Robin. Understood?"

"Yeah." The whole group said nodding.

Suddenly, Fukuro dashed into the room. "Gimme that key back!" He shouted again still angry. He was using the Geppo technique to dash forward quickly towards the group.

"Split up!" shouted Zoro before running.

As everyone took off, Franky ran pass Rarity. "I'll take this, Girly." He said before snatching the key out of Rarity's magic. He then continued his run.

"Wha-what?" said Rarity surprised.

"He's doing ya a favor. Come on!" Applejack said as she grabbed Rarity and took off. The Earth pony mare had decided on following Sanji.

"Don't think I didn't see that!" shouted Fukuro angrily. He then gave chase after Franky.

Meanwhile, back in the previous room, Fluttershy and Spike stayed with Kokoro, Chimney, and Gonbe. Both felt it that they would probably be of better use not getting into a fight. Though, as Chimney and Gonbe messed around, they both discovered a secret passage in the floor. Spike had caught sight of this and traveled with assuring both ponies that he would keep an eye on them.

The three of them traveled through the tunnel, they soon came across Spandam, Lucci, and Robin. They all stay hidden as they watched as the group went into a passageway to the Gates of Justice. Neither Spike nor Chimney realized that Lucci had noticed them, but he did nothing to inform Spandam. The group then entered with the doors closing behind them. And though they didn't get the code to open the door, they now knew how to get to the Gates of Justice.

"We gotta tell the others somehow." Spike said before he and his group left. They had to hurry and find someone.

"This is bad…" Franky ran down a hallway as fast as possible. He was in a serious hurry. "Before I fight…" He said when his pompadour suddenly fell in front of his face. This indicated that his cola power was kaput. Franky slicked his hair back as he began looking around. "I must have used up all my cola earlier. Dammit! Where's the kitchen?"

As he ran, Franky ran pass a sign. It had a fork and knife on it. "Hm?! That must be the kitchen!"

Before he could stop, Fukuro suddenly crashed in front of him. This definitely stopped the Minotaur. The round ogre then laughed out loud. "Chapapapapa! I'm 'Silent' Fukuro! I like rumors! Gimme back my key!"

"Dammit!" said Franky frustrated. "I still haven't refilled my cola yet!"

"Chapa…!" mocked Fukuro.

Franky just grinned bravely back at the ogre. He then placed his sunglasses down looking ready to fight.

"Is this a dungeon?" asked Rainbow Dash.

In another hallway, Nami and Rainbow Dash flew through as fast as possible. It was different from other hallways as there were windows with iron bars. As they flew by, there came a clanging sound ahead of them. Both of them stopped as there was something big in their way.

"Yoyoi!" shouted the other ogre, Kumadori, as he began jabbing his staff onto the stone. "You damn pirates! You're doomed now that I've caught you here!"

"Shit!" shouted Nami as she held up her own staff.

Rainbow Dash readied herself as well. Though, she looked far more nervous than Nami did about the ogre in front of them.

"One, two…three!" shouted Sogeking/Usopp as he opened the door quickly.

"Nnope!" said Pinkie Pie cheerfully.

Sogeking/Usopp then quickly closed the door. He then sighed in relief before speaking more seriously. "Better keep checking." He said before moving on.

"Okie dokie!" Pinkie Pie said as she hoped along.

The two of them walked down the hallway. They had traveled several floors up and were currently checking one hallway. There were several doors that both Pinkie Pie and Sogeking/Usopp checked, but found there was no one in them. For that, Sogeking/Usopp was relieved.

"Darn. No keys." Pinkie Pie said disappointed.

"At least there weren't anyone dangerous nearby." Sogeking/Usopp pointed out before turning to the end of the hallway. There were two big doors left to check.

"We haven't checked that room yet." Pinkie Pie stated curiously.

"Don't worry, little mare." Sogeking/Usopp said bravely and heroically. Feeling full of himself, the unicorn bravely opened the doors. "They must've gotten scared of me…" When he had opened the doors, he was greeted with a large room with a Japanese styled garden. And in the middle of the room, one of the CP9 agents, the Earth pony Jabra, was lying on the ground sleeping peacefully. Sogeking/Usopp had immediately spotted him and gasped in shock.


"Hey! There's…" said Pinkie Pie loudly before her Sogeking/Usopp used his magic to shut her mouth.

"Shh! He's sleeping." Sogeking/Usopp whispered quickly.

Despite her mouth being closed, Pinkie Pie spotted something. She began to murmur and pointed to the spot just in front of the sleeping CP9 agent.

Sogeking/Usopp looked to where the mare was pointing. He gasped in shock. "H-He's sleeping with the key right in front of him!" He whispered dumbfounded.

Pinkie Pie was soon released from the unicorn's magic. "I know," she said whispering excitedly, "we're so lucky!"

Unfortunately, that was not how Sogeking/Usopp saw it.

"What about this room?!" shouted Sanji hurriedly.

In another part of the building, Sanji, Applejack, and Rarity had been searching rooms as well. They too were in a hurry to find another key. After Sanji's shout, the three of them entered the room. This room was very different from the rest. It was a pink room, very feminine, with a large bath tube in the middle. As they looking around, they couldn't see anyone.

"There doesn't seem to be anyone here, either." Rarity commented with disappointment.

Suddenly, the door they had opened closed. Kalifa had hidden behind the door when they entered. "Please make yourselves at home." She said to the group smiling. Then, once the door was shut, she locked it. "Shall I… make some tea?"

Applejack and Rarity turned around on guard. "You!" shouted both mares angrily. They both recognized the unicorn mare from before at Galley-La Headquarters. They one that had attacked them.

On the other hand, Sanji remained completely frozen. His heart began beating quickly, but not out of fear. His heart was beating faster because now he was locked in a room with three beautiful mares. So when he finally turned around, he completely lovesick. So much so that it made his otherwise handsome facial feature change to that of a creepy pervert.

"Yes, please." Sanji said amorously.

"Sanji!" shouted both Applejack and Rarity.

Despite his otherwise hopeless sense of direction, Zoro seemed to have some luck. On another floor, the swords-pony had found his opponent; Kaku. The satyr was sitting in another unique room similar of a study room you would find in a mansion. Kaku himself was sitting in a chair with two swords by his side. He looked to have been waiting for Zoro as well.

"You've already drawn your swords?" Kaku asked with an amused smile.

Zoro smirked as his magic held onto two of his other swords. The third was still in its sheath. Zoro then replied to the satyr, "Yeah, since they're crying out for blood."

"This is the room they had Robin in, right?" asked Luffy.

After Fukuro's attack, Luffy had immediately taken off to go after Robin and face Lucci. Having seen her brother take off, Twilight followed after him. Being smart, she had already guessed what was going on. Each member of CP9, six in total recalling that they all had been on the balcony earlier, had a key that could unlock Robin's hoofcuffs. With their numbers, they could acquire each key quickly enough. Now, the only thing that needed to be done was to retrieve Robin. Despite having followed Luffy up to the balcony, she guessed that they would have already moved Robin.

"Yes. It is." Twilight said wryly. "If you listened, I was trying to tell you that they probably moved her."

"Then, we head towards the gate." Luffy stated before turning around. He was about to take off running, but Twilight quickly stopped him.

"Hold on. Let me check something." Twilight said before leaving the room. She ran across to the room on the other side.

Like the previous room, there was a balcony and it was looking out towards the Gates of Justice. This also included the platform known as the Bridge of Hesitation. Twilight looked over the sea between the tower and the bridge. She could see that the waters were beyond just choppy; they were treacherous. By her knowledge, she figured the gates being closed caused the waters between the waterfall and whatever current lied behind it to form dangerous whirlpools. It would to be too dangerous for anyone to cross it by boat.

'They must have an underground passage…' thought Twilight analytically. She then looked back at the bridge. She squinted her eyes as if doing some calculations. She then smiled confidently.

"Luffy! I have a plan!"

"Hmm?" said Luffy.

Twilight quickly dashed over to Luffy still smiling. "It'll take too long for us to find the tunnel and catch up to Robin. So we're going head them off!"

"Neat! How?" asked Luffy.

"With the 'Star Rocket Special'."

Luffy gasped in surprise. Then quickly, his mood changed to excitement. "Alright!"