School of Love

by HauntingSpiritRisingMoon

Getting Packed

Cactus Fruit blinked, trying to process what his parents had just informed him. "You did what?"

Tumble Weed, his father, grinned from his chair as he spoke. "We applied to send you to college! And they accepted!"

Cactus could only stare. That meant he would have to leave home. He loved the little house they called home. Sure, it was hot, but that was because they lived in Marejavneigh Village, a small town in the Marejavneigh Desert. That also meant he would have to leave his family behind.

He would have to leave his sister, Corn Husk. "But what about you guys? And Corn?"

His mother, Sand Storm, gave him an understanding but reassuring smile. "We already discussed it with her. She said she was okay with it." His twin sister, Corn Husk, was the one pony he knew he could count on. She looked strange with her bright green coat and yellow mane and tail, but that never stopped her. She kept their supply of corn, which they farmed, in check. She was laid back, but hard working, And the dark green stallion new that she could keep secrets for life.

After all, she still kept his. "Where is she?"

Tumble pointed to the large array of corn outside their home. "Where do you think? If you want to talk to her, I understand." The brown maned stallion walked in to the fields, listening for the faint noise of corn being husked. As soon as he did, he ran towards it, determined to talk to his sister.

As suspected, she was carefully pulling the corn out of it's green leaves. "Hey, Corn." Corn stopped as she heard his voice.

"Sup brother! What's on your mind?" He could tell from the way she avoided his gaze that she new exactly what he had on his mind.

Cactus got straight to the point. "Why did you agree with Mom and Dad? We're always together." She bit her lip and turned away. "Tell me, Corn. Please."

She seemed to psyche herself up before turning to him. "You should have another chance."

The unicorn's eyes widened. "B-But-"

His sister cut him off. "Stop. You've ignored anything after that, and I hate it. You gave up over one mistake. That isn't like you."

Cactus Fruit frowned. "You really want me to take another chance?"

Corn looked him straight in the eye. "Yes. I truly want you to do this. As for the college part..... You're a unicorn. You deserve proper training for magic."

The solemn stallion sat silent, before answering quietly. "Okay, Corn. I trust you." He walked towards the house, unaware as his sister wiped tears from her eyes.


Cactus slowly packed his bags, carefully choosing what to bring. Most of his items had sentimental value. A picture of him and his sister when they were foals. One of his high school graduation. A few magazines, which were made sure to be buried under some books. No pony was allowed to know he had those. A couple records that he had received from his grandfather, who had passed away. And, finally, a little flag with a rainbow on it.

He put on his stetson, a gift he had received from his cousin, and went to exit his room. When he opened it though, his father stood there, a sympathetic expression on his face. "Son, I know this is hard for you. I don't expect you to be super excited, but we just want you to achieve your full potential." That was the only reason for his parents. They didn't know.

Cactus forced a smile. "It's fine dad. It'll be fun." He was painfully aware that he hadn't closed the suit case, leaving the colorful bag in the open. He tried to maneuver in front of it.

Luckily, Tumble was oblivious. "You all packed?" Cactus nodded, still grinning nervously. His dad seemed to take his nervousness a different way. "Don't worry, you'll be fine. The expenses are paid. All you have to do is show up." His dad left the room, and Cactus sighed in relief.

He closed the suitcase, lifted it in his gray aura, and started heading towards the train station.

On his way he reminisced. He stared longingly at the spot where he had gotten his Cutie Mark, a white rose. The place was just a simple garden. A mare had been trying to sell bouquets but they were under grown. His mother had always taught him to help a pony in need, so when he had heard her gripe about having no customers he had lent a hoof. He had tried just pulling the petals so they looked more in bloom, he had ended up actually making it grow.

He chuckled as he spotted a hole in the ground. He remembered that day. His sister had gotten her head stuck in the hole, and after a long while of laughing, he had pulled her out.

He grew sad as he arrived at the station. He couldn't withhold it anymore. Cactus walked up to the ticket stand.

"What can I get ya?" The mare asked politely.

"One ticket to Trottingham." He replied, and she looked shocked as he said it.

She quickly recovered before she spoke. "I apologize, I just didn't expect a farm pony to go to one of the most sophisticated places in Equestria."

Cactus shrugged as he pulled out bits to give her. "It was a surprise to me too."

She raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

"My parents applied me for college without telling me, and told me to head to the college there." Cactus said. "Tarvus Academy."

She grinned as she handed him the ticket. "I've heard great things about ponies who graduated there. You take care now!"

He nodded, a smile on his face from her compliment. "I will!" He then entered the train.