Lightning Bolt of Rome

by CrackedInkWell

Chapter XXVIII: Of Thunder…

The next day, the Legion of the Gods continued their march into the wilderness. A moving wall of shields flowed around the landscape as Spear Head guided them towards their destination. Meanwhile, Lightning Bolt continued to look over them from above for any signs of danger that would befall the army. Nurse Red Heart was the only one of the three gods to be carried.

“This is probably the weirdest thing I’ve ever done,” she said to herself, looking down at her mode of transportation. Never in her life had she expected to ride on the back of another equine. Even though she already knew that the horses here hadn’t had the same intelligence nor the same capability of speech, she was still riding on one of her own. “I can’t help but think how strange this must be for you, ma’am. Hopefully, I’m not too much trouble for you.”

Her ride said nothing.

“I still don’t understand you gods.” Red Heart turned her head to the rider that had spoken to her -- she remembered from talking with the two guards that he was the general. “The way you talk to horses is rather strange to me, especially when you can take on whatever form that you please.”

“And what’s wrong with that? I myself like being a pony, thank you very much. Besides, I can’t help it when I’m riding somepony like this. It’s pretty odd for the both of us, whether or not she can talk.”

“Pay no mind, Goddess, that mare is as trustworthy to the Roman army as any other. After all, both Jupiter and Mars demanded only the best.”

“But even so…”

“Why were you in that village of barbarians to begin with?” General Cato tried to change the conversation. “They didn’t treat you with disrespect, did they?”

The earth pony mare put a hoof to her chin. “Not really… They certainly lacked any real understanding of how medicine works, but overall, they’re not all bad people I think. In all of my time with them, they never really settled anywhere, just wandering from place to place and picking fights with those that offended them. And of course, whenever one of them was hurt, I had to step in to take care of them.”

“You took care of their warriors, Minerva?”

“I’m still under oath,” she said as she ducked underneath a branch. “I gave my word that I would do my best to heal any who are sick or injured, regardless of their background, and to cause them no harm. For the past several years, that’s exactly what I’ve been doing. It doesn’t matter if it’s these people who get ill or those people, I have to do my best to help heal everyone. That’s my job.”

“I meant no offense.”

The mare sighed. “No, you’re fine. I’m just really looking forward to finally getting back home.”

“So are Jupiter and Mars. If fate is willing, we will find this gateway and the legion shall return home to Rome as heroes. The Emperor will also be pleased to hear that we managed to assist a goddess as well. Out of curiosity, how did those barbarians see you, Mistress?”

“It’s a bit complicated,” Red Heart said, blushing at being called ‘Mistress’. “They thought I was a spirit of the forest since I could talk. Once they started all of these trials and people were hurt, I did what I could to help heal them. After that, they started to respect me as a kind of shamare. Believe me, though, it wasn’t easy. The medicine I usually work with is practically nonexistent here, so I had to fall back on a lot of herbal medicines and experimentation to see what worked.”

“What do you mean by trials?”

“They -- the tribe I was with, anyway -- have a culture,” she explained. “They follow a kind of code of loyalty, honor, and courage. They would build their society on oaths, and if one were to break their word, they would undergo a trial by fire, water, or battle. Of course, whether they were innocent or guilty, they all ended up getting hurt in some way. I can be thankful that I was given some assistance here and there, but on some days it can be stressful.

“Now that I think of it, there is something that I am worried about.”

“What’s that?”

“Perhaps I was a bit too good with my job.” The mare looked behind at the rows of soldiers moving between the trees. “They see me as their doctor who, most of the time, gained a reputation of being the best. Anyone, not just the tribe I was with, would want nothing more than to get me back. They might be following us for all we know.”

“Upon every man’s honor, we will not lose any of you three until you are returned to the skies.”

She nodded. “Yes, I wonder how long we have until then.”

Then from above, the pegasus descended from his hiding place with a smile. The mare saw him fly up to the very front of the legion where the unicorn was. He disappeared behind the heads and shoulders of the humans before they all came to a halt.

Not a moment after the whole army ceased their march, a cry of joy was heard. Red Heart’s confused was rest aside when she heard somepony galloping towards them, the Drill Sergeant revealing himself. “You’re not gonna believe this! The cloud is within sight, and it’s heading right this way!”

“This is good news indeed,” the General told him. “Shall we rest here until the gateway is overhead?”

“If you can make camp here, that would be wise,” Spear added. “My father thinks that judging by the wind, the cloud should be overhead of us by tonight.”

“Then we must prepare for your departure.” The General turned his horse around. “WE SHALL MAKE CAMP HERE!” he yelled out to the legion. “AND TONIGHT, WE SHALL CELEBRATE THE GREATEST VICTORY OF ALL! THE RETURN OF THE GODS!”