The Devil Inside

by Chelis

Neon Pt. 2

The club closed at midnight. So officially, the girls had only four hours to dance, mingle, and got hit on by the many guys in there. When they left in the limo back to Rarity's house to spend the night, they left with more friends than they had came in.

"I think that went well," Rarity said, looking through the many photos in her phone of the events a few hours ago.

The rest of the girls agreed. Sunset continued where she left off on the drive to the club, looking at the streets as they passed her by.

"So Sunset, who was that boy you danced with?" Rarity asked.

Her friends' turned their attention to her, and she couldn't hide the smile she had on her face.

"That guy?" Sunset asked,

"Yep, he sure was a looker " AJ answered.

"You’re right. He was charming and handsome, and his girlfriend thinks so too," she lamented.

The other girls seemed disheartened from Sunset’s answer. For a girl who had bad luck with her boys, it looked like she might have caught a lucky break, only for him to have a girl.

"It’s okay sugarcube, they’re not all winners."

"I know, Applejack. I just don't think I'm ready to be in a relationship right now."

"So what you are saying is that Solar is available?" Rarity asked,

Sunset had to ponder that one. As much as she did like him, as well as how cute he was, there was the bond they had. Still, Rarity had been eyeing him since they’d become friends…

Sunset shrugged her shoulders "Be my guest,"

Rarity smiled with glee. "I always liked them older... And handsome, and with money."

On a cop's salary? Good luck with that.

They turned the corner and found themselves quickly on the wrong side of the city.

"Uh, sir, this isn't the way home." Rarity said over the intercom.

"Sorry, ma'am, I took the wrong turn. We should be getting on the freeway shortly."

The girls continued to chat about the boys they met and the numbers they got. It lasted for a few minutes until the limo came to a screeching halt. The sounds of the door opening and two men yelling came from the front.

"Get out of the car!" The first voice commanded

"Hands up or I'll shoot!" The second added.

"Who’s in the back! How many are there!?" the third one hollered.

No matter how hard my dad tries, there's always a crime.

"What’s going on?" Pinkie asked.

"I think we are being robbed."

The girls gasped, and the fear began to set in. Sunset could only smile. The three wolves didn't know that the sheep herd had a dog in it. A really nasty one to boot.

"Listen up girls. I got a plan." Sunset said. "Is there anything made of glass in here?"

"There's a liquor cabinet, but it's locked." Rainbow pointed out.

Without asking, Sunset took one of Fluttershy's hairpins and went to work. After a few seconds of fighting with the lock, and a bit of magic, the liquor cabinet became unlocked. She grabbed the largest bottle she could find and scuttled to the door.

"When he opens the door, I'm going to hit the guy with it. That should buy us time to run."

As the two bad guys mugged the driver, the third one was coming around to the door. He grabbed the door handle and yanked it open.

Sunset jumped out before the mugger could react and hit him over the head with the bottle. The sound of the glass shattering echoed in the night as the guy immediately went limp.


The six girls bugged out and began to run. Twilight was leading them out but had no idea where she was going. It didn’t help that they still had their heels on.

Sunset stayed behind as two more bottles of liquor were carried with her magic from the cabinet, out of the limo and into her hands. The men tried to hit her with their tire irons but missed, catching straight headfuls of glass. The two were on their knees trying to recover as the third man got up, disoriented, as Sunset ran. It took her a few moments until she caught up to the fleeing girls.

"There's a station a block from here!" Sunset hollered. Her knowledge of her father's many precincts came into good use. Behind them, the men were giving chase and closing in fast.

Twilight turned the alley and found themselves in a dead end. Behind them, the three men, bloody from the shattering glass, blocked their exit.

I got to stop getting bogged down by these cliche situations.

"Alright, the show is over ladies. You all could have gotten away if you gave us your crap and a grope, but now we want more, starting with that ketchup and mustard-haired bitch."

"Girls, stand back," Sunset said.

Sunset began to panic as the men drew closer. She was left with the same options as back when Pedo Pete’s henchmen came for that snatch-and-grab. Either reveal her power or put her friends in danger. It was one or the other, so Sunset decided to call their bluff.

"Oh please, pricks. I can kick all of your asses at the same time! Don't you think that-"

She stopped when she realized they had handguns.

"Yeah, not so tough without a gun, aren't you, bitch? Now, if you don't want us to waste you and your friends right here, I suggest you pull your panties down and lay on the dirt like the bitch you are. There're three holes and three of us."

The fear began to settle. She heard the voices in her head, the voices of her friends. Calling her a 'monster'; a 'freak.' The voice of rarity proclaiming that 'you have never changed Sunset, you were still as evil as before, only you managed to hide it from us.'

She was stuck.

"Tick tock, bitch. You better let us fuck your holes or else it will be your friends instead. We know a nice, safe spot to keep you girls as our personal playthings."

"Aww, look at that boss, she’s crying,"

Sunset realized that they were talking about her. She felt the tears roll down her cheek.

She had no choice.

"Girls, I want to let you all know that I love you all, and I hope you all forgive me." Sunset said in deep breaths, trying to not break down.

She pointed her attention to the perpetrators.

"You no good dog-fucking cocksuckers! I finally had friends and now I'm going to lose them because you all can't learn not to fucking be literal garbage! I wanted them to like me! I wanted to become one of them! Now I will have to lose them… Because of YOU!"

The girls were confused as to what was going on.

Sunset squatted and began to cry. The crying turned into her screaming, and the screaming became more demonic and blood-curdling. Within seconds, she disappeared into an orb. When it dissipated, the five-foot four teenaged girl became the nine-foot She-Demon that had terrorized the many criminals in the streets, including these muggers.

"Fuck! Run!" Their leader cried as he bolted.

Sunset floated, unmoved. It felt like minutes or even hours to her friends. They knew of the form and what it meant and how the first time they saw it, it was the manifest of Sunset’s 'evil' side. They thought she was free of it, but now they realized that she still had it.

"S-Sunset?" Fluttershy asked. The creature turned to face them, the tears it made evaporating into steam the moment it touched her dark red skin.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for any of this to happen." The creature said as she flew off into the night. The girls tried to call her back, but she was long gone by then.


Sunset landed in front of her house and transformed back, lest any of her neighbors found out. Under the cover of night and a spare key, she unlocked the door and went inside to see her parents asleep on the couch. An old black and white monster horror movie was playing on the television. Sunset had to tip her non-existent hat to whatever force was trying to amuse her with the irony of the film and tip-toed up the stairs to her room. She took off her heels and dived into the bed.

She began to cry.

Her sobs were muffled by the pillow, crying in mourning over the loss of her friendships that was sure to come. Scenarios played in her mind of her becoming an outcast and of her father finding out. Her life was ruined because of those three men.

I just want to be normal. Why can't I just belong?

Like a puppy knowing when its master returned home GLADIS booted up. When she did, she detected that the lights were off, and that sounds were coming from the bed. when she ran the mood analyzer it detected someone's mood by the voices and sounds one made. It made a match, and rather than talking to Sunset, it decided to just go back to sleep mode for the night.


"Hello, Hazel. Is Sunset home?" Rarity asked.

Hazel cinnamon was in her sleeping clothes and did not expect Sunset’s friends to be asking for her since she was not planning to see Sunset come home that night.

"I didn't check, I thought she was with you last night?"

"She was, but she went home… Friendship emergencies"

Hazel knew what a 'friendship emergency' was code for back in her day, and she began to become pale. "Is she pregnant?"

"What?! No! She had a bit of an argument that went out of control and we just wanted to patch things with her!"

"Oh, well come on in! Mi casa es tu casa after all!"

They all walked up the stairs to the front of Sunset’s door. Hazel put her ear to the keyhole and smiled. "I can hear her snoring. She’ss in there. So how was the dance?"

"It was great. Sunset danced with a cute boy!"

"Really? Well, your cute or Rainbow Dash's interpretation?" Hazel said with a smug grin.

She opened the door and let the girls in.

"Sunset? Your friends want to talk to you," Hazel said as she opened the door and gave it a few small raps.

Her six best friends entered.

"Everyone leave me alone." Sunset said, her voice muffled from the pillow. She was not about to budge.

"Hazel, can you leave us for a minute?" Rarity asked.

Hazel quietly slipped out, but the sound of her knees hitting the door after it closed was heard.

"Ah think she’s listening," Applejack whispered.

Sunset put a hand behind her head and lifted it as if her hand was a fin behind her head. The girls found themselves in an opal bubble.

"Soundproof bubble." Sunset said as she moved. She flipped herself over to see her friends and sat up, her pillow stained with streaks of black.

"Your mascara... That bad?" Fluttershy asked.

"It's just-"

"Sunset. We are your friends! You can tell us!" Pinkie said. The other girls give small nods and 'yeps' in agreement.

Sunset sighed. "I guess it started when Twilight - Equestria Twilight - found a way to keep that portal open. Equestrian magic manifested here and… Well, I guess since I am from Equestria I can use it. I even learned how to use that She-Demon form from the Fall Formal. I saw my dad cry one night over hearing of a child being murdered that day, and I chose that night to start fighting crime on his behalf… The rest is history."

Applejack spoke up. "So that evil-looking figure helping people in the city is you?"

"Yes. So far you girls are the only ones who know."

"Not even your father?" Fluttershy asked

"There's an arrest warrant out for the She-Demon. If I was found out I would probably end up on someone's dissection table. Now that you all know, I guess you all probably hate me now," Sunset said. She hung her head and began to cry again.

She expected to hear the footsteps of them walking away, the sound of the door slamming after them. She braced for it, and even the smell of a burning bridge began to cross her mind.

She felt a body latch on to her, and a warm pair of hands wrap around her. The one pair turned into three, and then six. When she lifted her head, she found her face mashed in between Twilights tiny breasts, her bra and clothes blocking the 'feel'.

"Hate you? Girl, you are awesome because of it!" Rainbow said.

"You saved our skin back there, darling. It would be ungrateful if we were to leave you for it."

"Considering you were trying to conquer the world the first time, I’d say y’er going down the right trail," Applejack said.

"Thanks, girls." Sunset said. She was still tearing up, but it wasn't out of sadness or of fear.

It was of joy and relief.

"Ah think you should get your mind off things like this. Next week, Ah got a campout with Big Mac and his friends. Y’all gals do love them boys, so y’all can come with me!" Applejack announced.

Rest of the girls seemed excited to join in, except…

"I don't know, my dad usually doesn't let me go out a whole weekend with guys there. Apparently I might fuck all of their brains out just because they have dicks or something."

"Your father? Pfft. Leave that to me, darling." Rarity said as she walked out. The prim and proper lady walked down the carpet steps and into the kitchen, where he saw her target, alone, drinking coffee and reading his newspaper. Rarity sat across from him. Thunder Breeze noticed her and in a sense of panic he straightened up and sucked in his gut.

"Hey Thunder, can I ask you for a big, big favor?" Rarity asked as she batted her long, gorgeous eyebrows.